Communism: The Melody Lingers On

We can’t have free trade, that is too capitalist. Markets? No, we need big gov!
The USSR wasn’t big on trade either, very trump like.

That's because you're a fool.

No one in the history of the presidency has ever lied as much as Hussein Obama.

BTW....did you vote for Hussein????
You hate capitalist markets. We need communism, big gov managed trade right?
We need big gov dictating where companies go too. Let’s throw money at foxcon, heck with those capitalist markets.
The USSR wasn’t big on trade either, very trump like.

That's because you're a fool.

No one in the history of the presidency has ever lied as much as Hussein Obama.

BTW....did you vote for Hussein????
We are talking trump. Stay focused. He is communist. Why does he hate capitalism?

The thread to which you voluntarily subscribed is about communism.

That would be related to the Democrat Party.

Stay focused.
We need big gov dictating where companies go too. Let’s throw money at foxcon, heck with those capitalist markets.

Why are you afraid to admit you voted for the lying Muslim???
The USSR wasn’t big on trade either, very trump like.

That's because you're a fool.

No one in the history of the presidency has ever lied as much as Hussein Obama.

BTW....did you vote for Hussein????
We are talking trump. Stay focused. He is communist. Why does he hate capitalism?

The thread to which you voluntarily subscribed is about communism.

That would be related to the Democrat Party.

Stay focused.
Trump is the communist managing our trade. You have your parties confused,
12. “In the 1930s the Soviet Union recruited almost 40 Cambridge University students as spies during a time when many British and American intellectuals were challenging the politics and economics of the West. Many disillusioned students joined the so-called Communist International, or Comintern, an organization that billed itself as a means to unite Communists of all stripes from around the world but was actually a mechanism to promote a purely Soviet brand of Communism.

Though many of the Cambridge recruitees engaged extensively in espionage for years after they left Cambridge, only Harold "Kim" Philby, Donald Maclean, and Guy Burgess—the so-called "Cambridge Three"—succeeded in securing both British and American secrets at the highest levels of government. They gained access to information about U.S. counterespionage efforts, plans for atomic bomb production, and military strategies during the Korean War and were able to pass this information on to the Soviets.

In 1949 Philby was given a position in Washington, D.C. as the British intelligence liaison to the CIA and FBI, a highly sensitive position in which he would have access to information about most U.S. intelligence operations. Burgess and Maclean also held top positions in the U.S., both of them at the British Embassy.”
NOVA Online | Secrets, Lies, and Atomic Spies | Harold "Kim" Philby and the Cambridge Three

13.The argument could be made that the Depression turned many intellectuals away from capitalism…but whence the desire to betray their country???

And more to the point….how is it that over half a century later, American college grads are infused with the same sort of views???

. ".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
14. Philby went to the place where communists are born, university, in 1928. In America, Hegel was instituted from mid-19th century in academia, and German political philosophy was even stronger in Britain.

“Before leaving Cambridge in 1933, he confessed to Maurice Dobb, the Marxist economist and leader of a Cambridge communist cell, that he wanted to devote his life to the Party.”
Daniel Silva

And another communist devotee…..

15.. . FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. On November 16, 1933, President Roosevelt rushed to embrace....recognize...the USSR. If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational: "Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath"by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

Here is the question: was Roosevelt aware of the homicidal pathology of communism, and if so, shouldn't he have considered same as a reason to put off recognition until he persuaded a change in those policies?

a. He knew.
Eight months earlier, journalist Gareth Jones had exposed Stalin's Terror Famine:
"In the train a Communist denied to me that there was a famine. I flung a crust of bread which I had been eating from my own supply into a spittoon. A peasant fellow-passenger fished it out and ravenously ate it."
Gareth Jones journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. Malcolm Muggeridge "was the first writer to reveal the true nature of Stalin s regime when in 1933 he exposed the terror famine in the Ukraine. " Time and Eternity The Uncollected Writings of Malcolm Muggeridge 9781570759055 Malcolm Muggeridge Nicholas Flynn Books

c. So FDR knew of the Terror Famine...designed and perpetrated by 'Uncle Joe,'...yet he enveloped Joe Stalin in " the cloak of his popularity..." Time Magazine, December 17, 1934. Roosevelt knew the nature of the other side when he offered the partnership....entry into the accepted world community.
There can be no doubt that Roosevelt knew.

A psychological aberration that had Franklin Roosevelt hating successful businessmen…and capitalism.
1.There was a time when being a communist was…. understandable. During the period when FDR extended a recession into America's longest depression, many decided that capitalism was unsustainable, that it failed as a national or global policy.

And, at that time, most folks didn’t know that communism’s homeland, Mother Russia, was engaging in wholesale slaughter as government policy.

OK….doubting capitalism, and ignorance of the homicidal nature of communism….one might be persuaded to try communism.

But as the saying goes, ‘the song is over, but the melody lingers on.’
No excuse today, we've all seen what communism economies and to human beings.

Many still vote for and support communism under its disguises such as Progressivism, socialism, Liberalism, the Democrat Party, Leftism, whatever.

These folks are fools.

2. Today, of course, the excuse for singing the communist tune is forced indoctrination in government school. The course they neglected to teach might have begun with Kim Philby.

Philby was a double-agent, outwardly working for British Intelligence, MI6, their version of our CIA, but actually an ideological communist who worked for Russia. Philby was one of a number of British agents who leaned Left, and served Stalin.

BTW, another college-bred communist, who also worked for British MI6, and actually followed Philby’s model, has roiled American politics for nearly a decade: Christopher Steele.

3. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.

trump is putins' puppet

trump is a traitor

you are a traitor
4. "Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Communism, Marxism, is clearly the enemy of everything America stands for, and the obverse of capitalism and religion.

There seem to be no end to agents willing to work for communism such as Kim Philby, or Christopher Steele.

5. If one has any doubts as to the Kremlin’s choice for President, that would be Hillary, Dossier author Christopher Steele worked as a subcontractor for Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report

Steele facilitated a meeting in September 2015 between Deripaska and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, according to The Hill. Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

The dossier was meant to sink Trump’s candidacy, and the path is clear: Putin- Steele-Ohr-Hillary, the CIA, the FBI, etc.- the media.

6. Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

To understand Steele’s hatred of Trump, and, alternatively, his love of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, one need understand who this man is, and his worldview......and it is all about Russia- the country, their aim for world domination, who they bribed and why Trump is an obstacle to this.

Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.
1.There was a time when being a communist was…. understandable. During the period when FDR extended a recession into America's longest depression, many decided that capitalism was unsustainable, that it failed as a national or global policy.

And, at that time, most folks didn’t know that communism’s homeland, Mother Russia, was engaging in wholesale slaughter as government policy.

OK….doubting capitalism, and ignorance of the homicidal nature of communism….one might be persuaded to try communism.

But as the saying goes, ‘the song is over, but the melody lingers on.’
No excuse today, we've all seen what communism economies and to human beings.

Many still vote for and support communism under its disguises such as Progressivism, socialism, Liberalism, the Democrat Party, Leftism, whatever.

These folks are fools.

2. Today, of course, the excuse for singing the communist tune is forced indoctrination in government school. The course they neglected to teach might have begun with Kim Philby.

Philby was a double-agent, outwardly working for British Intelligence, MI6, their version of our CIA, but actually an ideological communist who worked for Russia. Philby was one of a number of British agents who leaned Left, and served Stalin.

BTW, another college-bred communist, who also worked for British MI6, and actually followed Philby’s model, has roiled American politics for nearly a decade: Christopher Steele.

3. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.

trump is putins' puppet

trump is a traitor

you are a traitor

So we can agree that everything in all of my posts is 100% accurate, true, and correct.....

.....and that infuriated you so much, that it addled what brain you have.....

....leaving you with no ability to post naught but the false nonsense above.

No reason for you to respond......take a nap.
16. Generally, these are considered reasons why others do the communist’s bidding: ideology, being compromised, or blackmailed, and money.
We’ve see the latter far too often by Democrats.

a.Bill Clinton sold out American missile technology to Red China for campaign ‘donations.’

b.Hillary sold American uranium assets to Russia for Foundation ‘donations.’

c. Joe Biden obtained lucrative no-show jobs for his son from China and the Ukraine for ‘future considerations.’

d. Perhaps we should add as motivation, Franklin Roosevelt’s desire to ‘get even’ with the successful.

Most of these politicians have no allegiance to America, only to their bank accounts.

Or…haven’t you noticed how politicians go to Washington to do good, and wind up doing well?

17. An oddity is that Kim Philby was investigated by the intelligence services he applied to, despite the fact that he had been an outspoken communist in college, and had worked as a spy for Moscow for six years.

Seems to echo Peter Strzok and other Hillary supporters, and, now, Adam Schiff, a known liar and Trump enemy, leading investigations of President Trump.
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!

I don't believe that the establishment Democrats will allow Warren to be the nominee.....note what happened to Bernie last time and to Howard Dean, earlier.

They might as well run Stalin.

They won't have to. Stalin's reincarnation is in the Oval Office now.
Oh wait, he called the press the "enemy of the people".
Dull-nald calls them fake news. Sorry, my mistake.
Here's one way of bringing communism to the US, bring Bernie back:

Did you see what his heart prob did to the market yesterday, when it suddenly appeared that Leftist Warren would jump into the lead?

You may be right that the market reacted to Warren's apparent ascension to the lead by getting Bernie's supporters, however, the market usually dips in October (except in 2017) for some reason. With Biden on the ropes in the Ukraine and China, and Warren moving up, I'm not sure that the market should have celebrated the apparent Trump re-election?! Here is how the Vegas betting odds sees it:
Donald Trump +120
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +700
Bernie is gone

So the odds went from a 4:1 Trump landslide to a 2:1 closer race. After Biden goes, Warren might even jump into the lead!! Okay, I see why the market is tanking! Warren might actually win?!

I don't believe that the establishment Democrats will allow Warren to be the nominee.....note what happened to Bernie last time and to Howard Dean, earlier.

They might as well run Stalin.

They won't have to. Stalin's reincarnation is in the Oval Office now.
Oh wait, he called the press the "enemy of the people".
Dull-nald calls them fake news. Sorry, my mistake.

Now we hear from yet another fool.....doubly triggered.

One, because he can't find even a single error in any of the posts in the thread.....

...and, two, because none of the lies and slanders his side tried on Trump have worked. And he's still trying to use the first one they tried, the dope.

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, one after another lead balloons.

The boy needs an intervention.

18. “Although he never learned Russian and surrounded himself with British newspapers and books while living in Moscow, Philby remained a committed communist to the end.

In an address Philby made to his KGB comrades in 1977, to mark the 60th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution, he heaped praise on Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret police. He said that although he had worked in western intelligence services before his flight to Moscow, it was only now he felt at home: “There I felt myself surrounded by wolves; here I know that I am with comrades, colleagues and friends.” Documents that Kim Philby passed to USSR on display for first time

19. In the light of Philby’s remaining committed to communism, and the same for Christopher Steele, Bernie Sanders, and the Democrat Party, this is more than dispositive:

Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of communism:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR

The slaughter of tens of millions…
How is commie trump doing with controlling our trade? Guy hates capitalism and free markets.

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