Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

:rolleyes: These are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces annualy about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces annualy about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period,

What was your monthly bill before the installation?
What is your monthly bill now?
who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money.

According to YOU, I paid for the rest of my system because government let me keep more of my money and I spent it into growing the economy :rolleyes:

system $25K. You 6K. taxpayers 19K. Simple math, doofus. Your additional take home pay due to the Trump tax cuts was not used to pay the 19K. WE paid it. Now, STFU and say thank you.

Wrong again. I paid for this system up front. Government will then let me pay LESS TAXES over next few years. Bringing effective cost to me to $6000.

It is EXACTLY what any other tax-cuts do, but the moment politico bullshit doesn't line up all the same arguments you used to defend tax-cuts are out the window.

that's not the way it works here. the homeowner pays 20% and the government pays 80% and it all happens in the year the system is installed. The solar gets 100% at the time of installation.

That is false. Government cannot give tax-cut for money not yet earned.

Feds give tax-credit for 30% of system cost when you file your taxes and it obviously gets settled with you, not the solar company.

did you fail bookkeeping in the 8th grade? So you pay the solar company and then the government gives you a tax credit. Who the fuck do you think is paying for that tax credit? Your tax credit is increasing the national debt. Of course the govt can give a tax reduction for money not net earned---what do you think happens when the tax RATE is reduced?

talking to you is like trying to discuss quantum physics with a garden slug. You prove every day that liberals are the dumbest humans on planet earth.
Utility companies are just another form of controlling, monopolistic government. I would love to get rid of all of them. If solar panels, and battery technology actually worked efficiently, we wouldn't need government subsidies, and government forcing people to use them at the barrel of a gun.
If for no other reason we will always need electric power utilities to distribute excess power generated by businesses and homeowners. For businesses and homeowners to rely on just batteries is crazy. We have a huge grid effectively connecting homes and businesses across the country so a homeowner or business generating excess power in one place can sell the power to the grid to supply power to places that aren't producing sufficient power at that instance in time. Existing power plants continue to run but supply power only when needed by the grid. There are lots of costs in having distribute power generation but also lots of advantages.
:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

:rolleyes: These are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces annualy about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces annualy about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period,

What was your monthly bill before the installation?
What is your monthly bill now?

don't expect an answer, he is off worshiping a windmill
The Communists/Democrats are decimating California. It now leads the nation in poverty. And it's only gonna get worse. When folks don't go along with Communists' agendas, they always resort to Government force. I always tell people, don't take the Global Warming nutters lightly. They will work tirelessly to force their Agenda on everyone. It's no joke. They're deadly serious.

If you refuse to go along, you will be subject to fine or imprisonment. And no, that's not just 'crazy paranoia.' It's Totalitarianism. And that's where Communism always ends. Folks better stand up and oppose em. I hope they do it before it's too late. Because the Communists aren't going away.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:
Aka tax payers get the bill. And a 10 kwh a year system isn't shit.

Most would need 1100 kwh per month for a small home

How dumb is it to be a half trillion in debt for a stupid welfare state and then subsidize an industry that can't compete on the free market?

These Liberals are the dumbest assholes on the planet.

Well again, I'm far from a tax expert, but I do hire one every year for my taxes. If it were closer to tax time, I would inquire about solar panel write-offs with her when I do my taxes. But my taxes are done for the year.

I'm simply telling Anton this because if he does his own taxes, he might want to hire somebody for next year. I'd hate to see him follow some bad advice and get screwed by the IRS four or five years down the road.

Not me.

I like seeing dumbass Moon Bat get screwed. Almost as satisfying as seeing them crying their Liberal Tears.
This is what all of California has to look forward to. It'll resemble Venezuela at some point. Very sad.


It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

Unless solar panels are different, you will not be able to write that off in one year. For any major expense I incur on my rental properties (usually over $1,200) I have to write that off over 30 years. I really never see any of that savings, but it offsets my mortgage interest payments which of course get lower every year

Yes, it’s different (state and feds give tax cut for year system was purchased, property tax abatement happens over 4 years) but what material difference does the term of tax-cut make anyway?

Tax cut is a tax cut is a tax cut
The Communists/Democrats are decimating California. It now leads the nation in poverty. And it's only gonna get worse. When folks don't go along with Communists' agendas, they always resort to Government force. I always tell people, don't take the Global Warming nutters lightly. They will work tirelessly to force their Agenda on everyone. It's no joke. They're deadly serious.

If you refuse to go along, you will be subject to fine or imprisonment. And no, that's not just 'crazy paranoia.' It's Totalitarianism. And that's where Communism always ends. Folks better stand up and oppose em. I hope they do it before it's too late. Because the Communists aren't going away.
Communist countries don't force you make purchases. They limit who you can purchase from. Democratic countries, do the opposite. The people in countries that allow you to purchase only what you want from whoever you like rarely have the money to purchase anything.
The Communists/Democrats are decimating California. It now leads the nation in poverty. And it's only gonna get worse. When folks don't go along with Communists' agendas, they always resort to Government force. I always tell people, don't take the Global Warming nutters lightly. They will work tirelessly to force their Agenda on everyone. It's no joke. They're deadly serious.

If you refuse to go along, you will be subject to fine or imprisonment. And no, that's not just 'crazy paranoia.' It's Totalitarianism. And that's where Communism always ends. Folks better stand up and oppose em. I hope they do it before it's too late. Because the Communists aren't going away.
Communist countries don't force you make purchases. They limit who you can purchase from. Democratic countries, do the opposite. The people in countries that allow you to purchase only what you want from whoever you like rarely have the money to purchase anything.

Communism = Totalitarianism.

If folks don't go along with their Agenda, they will force it on them by way of Government force. People better start paying more attention. The Communist Agenda has been ongoing in this country for almost 100yrs. And once they seized control of the US Democratic Party, they were able to get much of their Agenda accomplished. They're not going away. Americans better stand up to them.
You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

Unless solar panels are different, you will not be able to write that off in one year. For any major expense I incur on my rental properties (usually over $1,200) I have to write that off over 30 years. I really never see any of that savings, but it offsets my mortgage interest payments which of course get lower every year

Yes, it’s different (state and feds give tax cut for year system was purchased, property tax abatement happens over 4 years) but what material difference does the term of tax-cut make anyway?

Tax cut is a tax cut is a tax cut

I only brought it up because you said you would be reimbursed in four years. People who do their taxes and not aware of how the IRS allows you to write things off often screw themselves by writing off large expenses the year they made them, and then get a letter from the IRS for an audit to see what's going on. Like I said, if I spend anything more than $1,200 on an item for my rental property, my preparer makes me write it off in 30 years instead of that tax year.
California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.
California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.
California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.

Well said. It now leads the nation in poverty. The Communists are killing the Middle Class out there. They're leaving in droves. If you're very rich or very poor, you're welcome in California. Middle Class folks are no longer welcome. And that's gonna lead to its demise. Without that massive tax revenue, the state will collapse. It'll be Venezuela. But hey, the folks wanted Communist-rule. It is what it is.
California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.

Well said. It now leads the nation in poverty. The Communists are killing the Middle Class out there. They're leaving in droves. If you're very rich or very poor, you're welcome in California. Middle Class folks are no longer welcome. And that's gonna lead to its demise. Without that massive tax revenue, the state will collapse. It'll be Venezuela. But hey, the folks wanted Communist-rule. It is what it is.

Trump ran on a platform to make America great again.

The Democrats run on a platform to make America like Venezuela.
California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.

Well said. It now leads the nation in poverty. The Communists are killing the Middle Class out there. They're leaving in droves. If you're very rich or very poor, you're welcome in California. Middle Class folks are no longer welcome. And that's gonna lead to its demise. Without that massive tax revenue, the state will collapse. It'll be Venezuela. But hey, the folks wanted Communist-rule. It is what it is.

Trump ran on a platform to make America great again.

The Democrats run on a platform to make America like Venezuela.
Trump is sinking America into the swamp.
Solar does have its place.

Lots of places.

Places where a tie to the grid would be hugely expensive or downright impossible. And then not just solar but also a backup wind machine and enough batteries to get through a week or two with clouds and no wind.

I know because I have installed several such systems.

Here's my ride home arriving.

AP whirling blades.jpg

Solar panels are on the south-facing slope of the roof. Wind machine would be off screen to the left. Would be but since the trip was to find out why it wasn't working - the blades had flown off - there wouldn't be much to see. In the building are 36 batteries of the sort used to start bulldozers.
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