Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard

There is nothingness repealing the general welfare clause.

And you clearly are clueless on theb10th.

Go study up.

Enumerated powers................lost on've destroyed it anyway.......and California will implode like all socialist utopias have done.......

Enjoy the ride to hell.....please keep all liberals in your state...........Too many leaving that state already.............rather you keep the Kool Aide there.
No socialist Utopia has imploded. You are talking about communist Utopias, dingbat dupe. One is always democratic, the other never. Get it.

There isn't a bit of difference between them.
Outside the GOP bubble of ignorance, everyone knows communism is is dictatorship that owns everything, socialism is Fair capitalism with a good safety net.
"We're all socialists now"--finland's prime minister when ObamaCare passed. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, IGNORANT DUPE.

Wonder where the PM is now ?

He's lucky to have a country.

And you can leave.
We're not Jews and you are not Hitler LOL
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.
That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard

There is nothingness repealing the general welfare clause.

And you clearly are clueless on theb10th.

Go study up.

Enumerated powers................lost on've destroyed it anyway.......and California will implode like all socialist utopias have done.......

Enjoy the ride to hell.....please keep all liberals in your state...........Too many leaving that state already.............rather you keep the Kool Aide there.
No socialist Utopia has imploded. You are talking about communist Utopias, dingbat dupe. One is always democratic, the other never. Get it.

There isn't a bit of difference between them.
Outside the GOP bubble of ignorance, everyone knows communism is is dictatorship that owns everything, socialism is Fair capitalism with a good safety net.
"We're all socialists now"--finland's prime minister when ObamaCare passed. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC, IGNORANT DUPE.
"Socialism is capitalism." I litterally roll on the floor laughing every time you post that.
No, I'm saying that everything that goes into new construction is required. Why is this any different and why do you care?

Because for the most part, building codes and regulation are there for a purpose. For one, if you hired a company to build your house, and they are building it the wrong way or in a way that presents a danger to you and others, it's perfectly understandable. You also don't want to get ripped off by them installing something that will cost you a fortune to fix down the road. Those regulations also help protect the buyer of your home if you sell it.

Solar panels? Such regulations are not protecting anybody. So why solar panels? Because environment is a leftist obsession, and we shouldn't allow anybody to write laws based on their personal hangups. If you want to spend the money to save the world, go right ahead. But don't write laws to force me to do the same especially if my political view resents the global warming hoax.

This regulation is there for a purpose whether you acknowledge that or not.

This means that going foreward, new housing will not require any large upscaling of centralized power production. Fewer production facilities running for fewer hours a day. Simpler, more localized and efficient transmission infrasructure. Excess will be put back into the grid and used locally in real time. If you can't see the benefit of that going foreward, then you aren't trying to.
Lastly, less dependency on a huge, outdated and inefficient power grid and transmission system is far better for national security.

Why do you care where the power comes from as long as it works when you flip the switch?

I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

Most homes these days are in a big development built by one or two developers. There are millions of them in California alone.

Those developers will get the materials and solar panels at a discount because they will be buying in bulk. Which will drive the price down faster.

Builders will be getting big discounts for all the materials so it's not going to add much more than 10 grand to a house. Which when you're buying house that's hundreds of thousands of dollars, 10 grand is meaningless.

In time the price will be even lower and just as normal as the cost to properly wire and insulate a house.

I would be curious to know how many of these conservatives who are outraged and complaining about this actually live in California and plan on buying a new house after the year 2020.

For all you who are whining about this but don't live in California, how about stop your whining and stop expecting you can tell people in other states what they can or can't include in their building laws for new houses.
Mexifornia is a liberal lab. Once they do it their they will push to shove it to the rest of the country.

It will get challenged. SCOTUS will decide
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.

most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.
The same should be done for cars, especially the oversized ones. They should be electric and for each such vehicle sold the equivalent solar capacity should be installed to supply that vehicle.

with today's battery technology, that is simply impossible. someday maybe, but not today.

What's next? Are conservatives going to complain about zoning laws that require building code specifications that specify everything from wiring standards (to prevent electrical fires) to insulation standards (to prevent both temperature loss and noise abatement) and the distance of floor joists (to prevent sagging floors)? Keep in mind that all of these standards help to prevent the loss of lives, reduce repair costs, and help to keep home prices from falling due to shoddy workmanship.

And guess what? Even if your home has solar panels, at this point nobody is forcing you to avail yourself of the cost would gain by using them. Feel free to shell out more of your hard earned money on enriching the gas or electric companies!

your last sentence says it all. YES, free people should be FREE to spend their money on whatever THEY choose. If you want to spend yours on solar panels, great, if I want to pay the power company for reliable, consistent electricity, I should be allowed to do that.

You socialist libtardians want to tell everyone else how they MUST live-------------screw you.
Ok, libs. You say a solar system only costs you around 6K due to subsidies, tax breaks etc. Do you understand that someone is paying the entire bill? Where do you think the government gets the money for subsidies? From taxpayers, you fricken idiots. I do not want to subsidize your science project. There are many more important things that could be done with tax collections.

It never ceases to amaze me that you libs don't understand that the government has only one source of income----------------------------------------------------US.
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.

most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

:rolleyes: These are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces annualy about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.
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most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

Idiot, these are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers from my contract for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money. Your system did NOT cost 6K. I am quite sure it was well over 20K and WE the taxpayers paid the balance. don't you think we, or our representatives, should have some say in what is done with our tax money? Who paid for the fossil fuels used in making those panels? Who paid the subsidies to the panel makers to keep them afloat on this financial loser? this is a stupid libtardian program that is based on some liberal pipe dream of free electricity.
Utility companies are just another form of controlling, monopolistic government. I would love to get rid of all of them. If solar panels, and battery technology actually worked efficiently, we wouldn't need government subsidies, and government forcing people to use them at the barrel of a gun.
:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

Idiot, these are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers from my contract for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money.

Well according to YOU tax-cut zealots, I paid for the rest of my system because government let me keep more of my money and I spent it into growing the economy :rolleyes:
I don't believe that, but if you do, great. Lets see, $20,000 divided by 24 equals $833, so to break even in two years you need to save $833 per month on your electric bill. to do it in 3 years you need to save $555 per month.

you are kidding yourself.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

Idiot, these are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers from my contract for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money.

According to YOU, I paid for the rest of my system because government let me keep more of my money and I spent it into growing the economy :rolleyes:

system $25K. You 6K. taxpayers 19K. Simple math, doofus. Your additional take home pay due to the Trump tax cuts was not used to pay the 19K. WE paid it. Now, STFU and say thank you.
It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

Idiot, these are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers from my contract for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money.

According to YOU, I paid for the rest of my system because government let me keep more of my money and I spent it into growing the economy :rolleyes:

system $25K. You 6K. taxpayers 19K. Simple math, doofus. Your additional take home pay due to the Trump tax cuts was not used to pay the 19K. WE paid it. Now, STFU and say thank you.

Wrong again. I paid for this system up front. Government will then let me pay LESS TAXES over next few years. Bringing effective cost to me to $6000.

It is EXACTLY what any other tax-cuts do, but the moment politico bullshit doesn't line up all the same arguments you used to defend tax-cuts are out the window.
even if that's right, and its not. in order to break even in 2 years you would have to save $250 per month. It simply isn't possible with today's technology. Hopefully some day it will be and at that time there will be no need for government subsidies etc. because the free market and competition will set the price.

Idiot, these are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers from my contract for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money.

According to YOU, I paid for the rest of my system because government let me keep more of my money and I spent it into growing the economy :rolleyes:

system $25K. You 6K. taxpayers 19K. Simple math, doofus. Your additional take home pay due to the Trump tax cuts was not used to pay the 19K. WE paid it. Now, STFU and say thank you.

Wrong again. I paid for this system up front. Government will then let me pay LESS TAXES over next few years. Bringing effective cost to me to $6000.

It is EXACTLY what any other tax-cuts do, but the moment politico bullshit doesn't line up all the same arguments you used to defend tax-cuts are out the window.

that's not the way it works here. the homeowner pays 20% and the government pays 80% and it all happens in the year the system is installed. The solar gets 100% at the time of installation.
Idiot, these are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers from my contract for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

who do you think paid for the rest of your system? Sure, you may have only paid 6K, but the rest of us paid the balance on your science project with our tax money.

According to YOU, I paid for the rest of my system because government let me keep more of my money and I spent it into growing the economy :rolleyes:

system $25K. You 6K. taxpayers 19K. Simple math, doofus. Your additional take home pay due to the Trump tax cuts was not used to pay the 19K. WE paid it. Now, STFU and say thank you.

Wrong again. I paid for this system up front. Government will then let me pay LESS TAXES over next few years. Bringing effective cost to me to $6000.

It is EXACTLY what any other tax-cuts do, but the moment politico bullshit doesn't line up all the same arguments you used to defend tax-cuts are out the window.

that's not the way it works here. the homeowner pays 20% and the government pays 80% and it all happens in the year the system is installed. The solar gets 100% at the time of installation.

That is false. Government cannot give tax-cut for money not yet earned.

Feds give tax-credit for 30% of system cost when you file your taxes and it obviously gets settled with you, not the solar company.
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It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.
Meaning anything similar to the many with little money who pay the most, especially with the lives of their children, for the defense of the rich?
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