Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.
That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard

There is nothingness repealing the general welfare clause.

And you clearly are clueless on theb10th.

Go study up.

Enumerated powers................lost on've destroyed it anyway.......and California will implode like all socialist utopias have done.......

Enjoy the ride to hell.....please keep all liberals in your state...........Too many leaving that state already.............rather you keep the Kool Aide there.
No socialist Utopia has imploded. You are talking about communist Utopias, dingbat dupe. One is always democratic, the other never. Get it.

Says who?
Everyone in the world outside the GOP bubble of stupid.

What's next? Are conservatives going to complain about zoning laws that require building code specifications that specify everything from wiring standards (to prevent electrical fires) to insulation standards (to prevent both temperature loss and noise abatement) and the distance of floor joists (to prevent sagging floors)? Keep in mind that all of these standards help to prevent the loss of lives, reduce repair costs, and help to keep home prices from falling due to shoddy workmanship.

And guess what? Even if your home has solar panels, at this point nobody is forcing you to avail yourself of the cost would gain by using them. Feel free to shell out more of your hard earned money on enriching the gas or electric companies!

Oh, do you mean let people choose for themselves? Nah, never work in liberal land. Liberalism's is about control over the people. The more control, the happier the liberal.
What about half the prison population, stuck there by Republicans for pot. Talk about control. They screw everyone but their greedy idiot billionaires. California lawmakers may go overboard but that is up to them. Obama allowed choice and moron Republicans refused all great deals the brainwashed ignoramuses.

Oh yes, DumBama was all about choice. Buy my healthcare plans or I keep your income tax check. Only a commie would call that choice.

Half of our prison population is there because of pot? Wanna bet you don't know WTF you're talking about? Very few people are in prison because of pot alone. The only people in prison over pot are those who committed a crime along with having pot or those selling extremely large quantities of it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.
That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard

There is nothingness repealing the general welfare clause.

And you clearly are clueless on theb10th.

Go study up.

Enumerated powers................lost on've destroyed it anyway.......and California will implode like all socialist utopias have done.......

Enjoy the ride to hell.....please keep all liberals in your state...........Too many leaving that state already.............rather you keep the Kool Aide there.
No socialist Utopia has imploded. You are talking about communist Utopias, dingbat dupe. One is always democratic, the other never. Get it.

Says who?
Everyone in the world outside the GOP bubble of stupid.
Where it appears socialism, communism, and fascism are all the same thing. LOL!

What's next? Are conservatives going to complain about zoning laws that require building code specifications that specify everything from wiring standards (to prevent electrical fires) to insulation standards (to prevent both temperature loss and noise abatement) and the distance of floor joists (to prevent sagging floors)? Keep in mind that all of these standards help to prevent the loss of lives, reduce repair costs, and help to keep home prices from falling due to shoddy workmanship.

And guess what? Even if your home has solar panels, at this point nobody is forcing you to avail yourself of the cost would gain by using them. Feel free to shell out more of your hard earned money on enriching the gas or electric companies!

Oh, do you mean let people choose for themselves? Nah, never work in liberal land. Liberalism's is about control over the people. The more control, the happier the liberal.
What about half the prison population, stuck there by Republicans for pot. Talk about control. They screw everyone but their greedy idiot billionaires. California lawmakers may go overboard but that is up to them. Obama allowed choice and moron Republicans refused all great deals the brainwashed ignoramuses.

Oh yes, DumBama was all about choice. Buy my healthcare plans or I keep your income tax check. Only a commie would call that choice.

Half of our prison population is there because of pot? Wanna bet you don't know WTF you're talking about? Very few people are in prison because of pot alone. The only people in prison over pot are those who committed a crime along with having pot or those selling extremely large quantities of it.
Obama was against the mandate. Congress added that.

What's next? Are conservatives going to complain about zoning laws that require building code specifications that specify everything from wiring standards (to prevent electrical fires) to insulation standards (to prevent both temperature loss and noise abatement) and the distance of floor joists (to prevent sagging floors)? Keep in mind that all of these standards help to prevent the loss of lives, reduce repair costs, and help to keep home prices from falling due to shoddy workmanship.

And guess what? Even if your home has solar panels, at this point nobody is forcing you to avail yourself of the cost would gain by using them. Feel free to shell out more of your hard earned money on enriching the gas or electric companies!

Oh, do you mean let people choose for themselves? Nah, never work in liberal land. Liberalism's is about control over the people. The more control, the happier the liberal.
What about half the prison population, stuck there by Republicans for pot. Talk about control. They screw everyone but their greedy idiot billionaires. California lawmakers may go overboard but that is up to them. Obama allowed choice and moron Republicans refused all great deals the brainwashed ignoramuses.

Oh yes, DumBama was all about choice. Buy my healthcare plans or I keep your income tax check. Only a commie would call that choice.

Half of our prison population is there because of pot? Wanna bet you don't know WTF you're talking about? Very few people are in prison because of pot alone. The only people in prison over pot are those who committed a crime along with having pot or those selling extremely large quantities of it.
Okay I went overboard. Pot is 27%, drugs 50.1 percent. I say Legalize It All and treat it like Portugal. Republicans block that and many other freedoms.
So you're trying to compare no indoor plumbing which can lead to diseases for you and your neighbors to solar panels?

No, I'm saying that everything that goes into new construction is required. Why is this any different and why do you care?

Because for the most part, building codes and regulation are there for a purpose. For one, if you hired a company to build your house, and they are building it the wrong way or in a way that presents a danger to you and others, it's perfectly understandable. You also don't want to get ripped off by them installing something that will cost you a fortune to fix down the road. Those regulations also help protect the buyer of your home if you sell it.

Solar panels? Such regulations are not protecting anybody. So why solar panels? Because environment is a leftist obsession, and we shouldn't allow anybody to write laws based on their personal hangups. If you want to spend the money to save the world, go right ahead. But don't write laws to force me to do the same especially if my political view resents the global warming hoax.

This regulation is there for a purpose whether you acknowledge that or not.

This means that going foreward, new housing will not require any large upscaling of centralized power production. Fewer production facilities running for fewer hours a day. Simpler, more localized and efficient transmission infrasructure. Excess will be put back into the grid and used locally in real time. If you can't see the benefit of that going foreward, then you aren't trying to.
Lastly, less dependency on a huge, outdated and inefficient power grid and transmission system is far better for national security.

Why do you care where the power comes from as long as it works when you flip the switch?

I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

Most homes these days are in a big development built by one or two developers. There are millions of them in California alone.

Those developers will get the materials and solar panels at a discount because they will be buying in bulk. Which will drive the price down faster.

Builders will be getting big discounts for all the materials so it's not going to add much more than 10 grand to a house. Which when you're buying house that's hundreds of thousands of dollars, 10 grand is meaningless.

In time the price will be even lower and just as normal as the cost to properly wire and insulate a house.

I would be curious to know how many of these conservatives who are outraged and complaining about this actually live in California and plan on buying a new house after the year 2020.

For all you who are whining about this but don't live in California, how about stop your whining and stop expecting you can tell people in other states what they can or can't include in their building laws for new houses.
What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.

Why do you losers want to change this country to socialism? There are plenty of other socialist, communist and dictatorship countries out there. There is only one USA. MOVE!

Dude . US has been socialists for at least 150 years .

And yet we have socialism for the wealthy and corporations. Remember when the banks got bailed out? Socialism at it's finest while the right squawks endlessly about food stamps for the poor. Hey, how about trump? Goes bankrupt numerous times and no problem, while the little folks are having their social security checks garnised because of student debt. There was a railroad baron who once said " I can hire half the working class to kill the other half'. Thats similar to what we have now with the right wing working stiffs who attack the poor while defending wealthy folks and corporations who wouldn't spit on them.
What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.

Why do you losers want to change this country to socialism? There are plenty of other socialist, communist and dictatorship countries out there. There is only one USA. MOVE!

Dude . US has been socialists for at least 150 years .

America has been socialist since the constitution.

Socialism is written right into that document.

It requires a military which is 100% socialism.

It requires to provide for the general welfare which is roads, an electric grid, EMT, FEMA, libraries, water districts, police and so many other social programs our nation has.

If people like their local utility district they like socialism. If they like water coming out of their tap they like socialism. If they like our military they like socialism.

America is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. Just like every other successful developed nation in this world.

If people like our constitution they like socialism.
No, I'm saying that everything that goes into new construction is required. Why is this any different and why do you care?

Because for the most part, building codes and regulation are there for a purpose. For one, if you hired a company to build your house, and they are building it the wrong way or in a way that presents a danger to you and others, it's perfectly understandable. You also don't want to get ripped off by them installing something that will cost you a fortune to fix down the road. Those regulations also help protect the buyer of your home if you sell it.

Solar panels? Such regulations are not protecting anybody. So why solar panels? Because environment is a leftist obsession, and we shouldn't allow anybody to write laws based on their personal hangups. If you want to spend the money to save the world, go right ahead. But don't write laws to force me to do the same especially if my political view resents the global warming hoax.

This regulation is there for a purpose whether you acknowledge that or not.

This means that going foreward, new housing will not require any large upscaling of centralized power production. Fewer production facilities running for fewer hours a day. Simpler, more localized and efficient transmission infrasructure. Excess will be put back into the grid and used locally in real time. If you can't see the benefit of that going foreward, then you aren't trying to.
Lastly, less dependency on a huge, outdated and inefficient power grid and transmission system is far better for national security.

Why do you care where the power comes from as long as it works when you flip the switch?

I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

Most homes these days are in a big development built by one or two developers. There are millions of them in California alone.

Those developers will get the materials and solar panels at a discount because they will be buying in bulk. Which will drive the price down faster.

Builders will be getting big discounts for all the materials so it's not going to add much more than 10 grand to a house. Which when you're buying house that's hundreds of thousands of dollars, 10 grand is meaningless.

In time the price will be even lower and just as normal as the cost to properly wire and insulate a house.

I would be curious to know how many of these conservatives who are outraged and complaining about this actually live in California and plan on buying a new house after the year 2020.

For all you who are whining about this but don't live in California, how about stop your whining and stop expecting you can tell people in other states what they can or can't include in their building laws for new houses.

Nobody is saying they can or can't. But the very idea is worth a discussion.

I think that's great too, as long as nobody forced them into buying solar panels or windmills. It's their pet project, but shouldn't have to be everybody's.

I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.

FDR is one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

FDR is one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

He was an asshole. All Democrats are assholes and he was no exception.

Even Liberal economist don't think he was so damn great: In fact they think he fucked everything up with his Leftist polices.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

wo UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."
Freedom means getting an accident that you can't pay for because you choose not to wear a helmet?

At my advanced age, I still own a nice Harley. I've had one or another Harley for the past 50 years. Florida does not require a helmet law :badgrin: but does require insurance. I've had one crash on the street. My fault. I've had dozens when I raced dirt bikes. I usually wear a helmet regardless of the law because of the drivers of automobiles. I also frequently will go out, late at night and ride without a helmet. Nope, I don't give a rip if I crash going over 80 mph, on my favorite curving road way out in the country.

Don't worry yourself. I have an executed (no pun intended) will, living will and my funeral is paid for in full.
Okay I went overboard. Pot is 27%, drugs 50.1 percent. I say Legalize It All and treat it like Portugal. Republicans block that and many other freedoms.

Even CommieFact disagrees with you:

The Justice Department estimated that 3.6 percent of state inmates in 2013 had drug possession as their most serious offense. That includes possession charges for all drugs, not just marijuana. To gauge the marijuana-only percentage, we have to go back to data that’s about a decade old.

The Justice Department periodically carries out surveys of inmates in state and federal correctional facilities, the last of which was from 2004. According to this study, only about three-tenths of 1 percent of state prison inmates were there because of marijuana possession alone, without a more serious charge.

Bernie Sanders says people are getting prison sentences for smoking marijuana
I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.

FDR is one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

Luaghing animated .gif
I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.

FDR is one of the greatest presidents this country has had.

It figures liberals love concentration camps ...
A lot of California envy going on…

For many years, more people have been leaving California for other states than have been moving here. According to data from the American Community Survey, from 2007 to 2016, about 5 million people moved to California from other states, while about 6 million left California. On net, the state lost 1 million residents to domestic migration

California Losing Residents Via Domestic Migration [EconTax Blog]
I get offers for work in San Jose all the time. I always turn them down.
Californians rejoice.
Okay I went overboard. Pot is 27%, drugs 50.1 percent. I say Legalize It All and treat it like Portugal. Republicans block that and many other freedoms.

Even CommieFact disagrees with you:

The Justice Department estimated that 3.6 percent of state inmates in 2013 had drug possession as their most serious offense. That includes possession charges for all drugs, not just marijuana. To gauge the marijuana-only percentage, we have to go back to data that’s about a decade old.

The Justice Department periodically carries out surveys of inmates in state and federal correctional facilities, the last of which was from 2004. According to this study, only about three-tenths of 1 percent of state prison inmates were there because of marijuana possession alone, without a more serious charge.

Bernie Sanders says people are getting prison sentences for smoking marijuana
The study covered state and federal penitentiaries. Most people convicted for simple possession of marijuana that are sentenced to jail time are not sent to state or federal penitentiary but rather country jails or other similar facilities.
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