Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others.
You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.

IOW, you agree with me completely.

Read it again.

You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.
Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.

What is situation in Venezuela you're referring too.

Also, other than Medicare and Medicaid how is our system of healthcare considered socialist?

Plus, can you explain Enron and publicly owned energy systems in terms of delivering a low cost product.
Enron owned the grids................2 out of 3 of the electrical utilities filed Bankruptcy..............

Only a few got criminally charged but screwed over a hell of a lot of people in this country.......That wasn't just those in California.....401k and retirements across the country were LOOTED...............including my Brother's..............who was forced to retire later as a result.

The problem back then is no utility wanted to build in your regulation and high tax state.............So your cities started going dark...........and no one wanted to build there. Which is why just to the east in the Mohave desert Duke energy built gas turbine power plants IN ARIZONA.........just down from there........Needles was going into Blackouts...........but in Arizona a Peaker Coal burning plant was operating at low capacity........because if they increased power on evil coal they would be fined to hell and back by the EPA.............Had they been given permission to increase power without penalties Needles would have had NO MORE BLACKOUTS............

I helped build the Gas Turbines back then on Navaho land.

Not a good read on the situation, try again.

Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others. Don't believe it? Just read the RWNJ posts in this post about California, of all places.


Really? Who's trying to impose solar panels on everyone? Who wanted government mandated healthcare? Who wants to control what kind of guns we can buy? Who wants to outlaw coal fired power plants?

The list goes on and on.

Who's forcing petro power on everyone by forcing small businesses out in favor of 1% owned oil?

As for guns, health care, coal and whatever your other whining is about, same thing - YOUR rights end where mine begin.

What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.

That's the surest way to drive up the price of energy.

Is to let the private sector control it like Enron.

Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others.
You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.

IOW, you agree with me completely.

Read it again.

You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.
I'm not the one cheering for people being forced to buy Solar Panels..............the op didn't include Farmers forced to put in windmills and all Apartment buildings with more than 4 units are hereby ordered to install Solar Power by 2024...........the op didn't include that no did he.....................

I think that's great too, as long as nobody forced them into buying solar panels or windmills. It's their pet project, but shouldn't have to be everybody's.

I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.

What is situation in Venezuela you're referring too.

Also, other than Medicare and Medicaid how is our system of healthcare considered socialist?

Plus, can you explain Enron and publicly owned energy systems in terms of delivering a low cost product.
Enron owned the grids................2 out of 3 of the electrical utilities filed Bankruptcy..............

Only a few got criminally charged but screwed over a hell of a lot of people in this country.......That wasn't just those in California.....401k and retirements across the country were LOOTED...............including my Brother's..............who was forced to retire later as a result.

The problem back then is no utility wanted to build in your regulation and high tax state.............So your cities started going dark...........and no one wanted to build there. Which is why just to the east in the Mohave desert Duke energy built gas turbine power plants IN ARIZONA.........just down from there........Needles was going into Blackouts...........but in Arizona a Peaker Coal burning plant was operating at low capacity........because if they increased power on evil coal they would be fined to hell and back by the EPA.............Had they been given permission to increase power without penalties Needles would have had NO MORE BLACKOUTS............

I helped build the Gas Turbines back then on Navaho land.

Not a good read on the situation, try again.
I don't think so.....................and I'm not going back in to that debate from way back in the Abuzz chat room days...............

California is plain Stupid..............and yes 2 filed bankruptcy.................Just as this push is plain stupid.............

ENJOY your demise.............from yourselves.............

Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others.
You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.

IOW, you agree with me completely.

Read it again.

You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.
I'm not the one cheering for people being forced to buy Solar Panels..............the op didn't include Farmers forced to put in windmills and all Apartment buildings with more than 4 units are hereby ordered to install Solar Power by 2024...........the op didn't include that no did he.....................

I think that's great too, as long as nobody forced them into buying solar panels or windmills. It's their pet project, but shouldn't have to be everybody's.

I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.

What is situation in Venezuela you're referring too.

Also, other than Medicare and Medicaid how is our system of healthcare considered socialist?

Plus, can you explain Enron and publicly owned energy systems in terms of delivering a low cost product.
Enron owned the grids................2 out of 3 of the electrical utilities filed Bankruptcy..............

Only a few got criminally charged but screwed over a hell of a lot of people in this country.......That wasn't just those in California.....401k and retirements across the country were LOOTED...............including my Brother's..............who was forced to retire later as a result.

The problem back then is no utility wanted to build in your regulation and high tax state.............So your cities started going dark...........and no one wanted to build there. Which is why just to the east in the Mohave desert Duke energy built gas turbine power plants IN ARIZONA.........just down from there........Needles was going into Blackouts...........but in Arizona a Peaker Coal burning plant was operating at low capacity........because if they increased power on evil coal they would be fined to hell and back by the EPA.............Had they been given permission to increase power without penalties Needles would have had NO MORE BLACKOUTS............

I helped build the Gas Turbines back then on Navaho land.

Not a good read on the situation, try again.
I don't think so.....................and I'm not going back in to that debate from way back in the Abuzz chat room days...............

California is plain Stupid..............and yes 2 filed bankruptcy.................Just as this push is plain stupid.............

ENJOY your demise.............from yourselves.............

Dude, Enron didn't own shit. They bought and sold credits for power.

I think that's great too, as long as nobody forced them into buying solar panels or windmills. It's their pet project, but shouldn't have to be everybody's.

I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.
That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard

There is nothingness repealing the general welfare clause.

And you clearly are clueless on theb10th.

Go study up.
---------------------------------------------------- started back in the early 60s that i remember when motorcycle helmets were required . I didn't realize that it was just the startup of a new and REQUIRED industry but thats what believe it was . I was only 15 - 16 at the time so i still hadn't put 2 and 2 together but its all just business startups . ----------- make money at the expense of peoples Freedom . ------------------ just a comment .
---------------------------------------------------- started back in the early 60s i reckon when motorcycle helmets were required . I didn't realize that it was just the startup of a new and REQUIRED industry but thats what believe it was . I was only 15 - 16 at the time so i still hadn't put 2 and 2 together but its all just business startups . ----------- make money at the expense of peoples Freedom . ------------------ just a comment .

Freedom means getting an accident that you can't pay for because you choose not to wear a helmet?
Grumpy OpinionsConservative News and OpinionsHomes in California must have Solar, Farms have Windmills
What has not been widely discussed in the press – and buried in the details of the bill – is that all new homes and all homes sold must have solar panels as their source of energy. All apartment buildings with more than four units must install solar panels by 2025, and all commercial and office buildings must do the same. As for farms, they must commit 25% of their acreage to windmills[…]

I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.

And they don't get that this concerns them too.It affects their lives every single day.
They don't know that and don't want to know it.
General Welfare is a clear violation of the 10th............which FDR took a leak on.
That is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard

There is nothingness repealing the general welfare clause.

And you clearly are clueless on theb10th.

Go study up.

Enumerated powers................lost on've destroyed it anyway.......and California will implode like all socialist utopias have done.......

Enjoy the ride to hell.....please keep all liberals in your state...........Too many leaving that state already.............rather you keep the Kool Aide there.
I have an experiment I would like for any of these stupid Moon Bats that think solar panels work.

Go buy a cheap electric meter. You can get them for less than $20 on Amazon. By a 12" x 12" glass panel. A couple of dollars.

Set the glass panel out in the yard or on top of the roof or some place out of the way.

On a day when there are no clouds in the sky measure the light meter reading under the plate of glass at a certain time.

Every month or so take the reading at the same time of day and when there are no clouds in the sky.

You will observe two things.

First of all the amount of light will fall off dramatically due to the seasons. Of course we all know that but the solar panel models that claim you will have a short payback only calculates the maximum power at the time of the summer solstice. Buyer beware!

Second is that the glass will become covered with dust and whatnot that rain won't wash off and transmit less light. That accumulation will become significant after about three years. That is what will happen to the surfaces of any solar panel.

That experiment doesn't even take into consideration of the deterioration of the photocells themselves, just the effect of surface contamination.

Only a dumbshit would buy solar cells.

Only a dumbshit government would mandate their use.
People that go solar have reasons other than saving a buck. I think that's great. They use less electric power which means less pollution and less new power plants to build.

I think that's great too, as long as nobody forced them into buying solar panels or windmills. It's their pet project, but shouldn't have to be everybody's.
Well, that's pretty much between the state of California and the voters. California is pretty liberal place. I wouldn't be surprised if the voters favored it.
you don't know who can pay and who can't pay so sounds like you make assumptions OTTO . ------------------------- That aside , all i say is the solar panels are being forced on people who have to PAY for 'solar panels' on new home construction no matter if they want solar panels or don't want solar panels OTTO .
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I just learned that as part of their tightening grip......

They outlawed foie gras and I'm totally 100% cool with that.

Am I a liberal ?????
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