Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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And the batteries need to be replaced. Depending on the battery it can be anywhere between 5 and 15 years. Solar batteries range from $5,000 to $7,000+ and from $400 dollars per kilowatt hour (kWh) to $750/kWh. These prices are only for the battery itself, not for the cost of installation or additional necessary equipment...

Most solar power systems don't use batteries at all. Most are grid-tie systems, where solar power is used to reduce the amount of power a building needs to buy for the utility; and where, if the system should, at any moment produce more power than the building needs, the excess is “sold” to the utility, to be credited against power taken from the utility at other times.

That won't last forever. It wasn't so long ago I was reading an article in the LA Times that discussed California utility companies considering charging solar homes more to connect to the grid. When their profits dip even more, they'll stop paying for that excess electricity...
California will take care of those scumbags. It isn't run by anything for the rich GOP scumbags and silly dupes...

What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.

What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.

What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

At least with the others there are safety concerns involved.


Your missing the point.
So you're trying to compare no indoor plumbing which can lead to diseases for you and your neighbors to solar panels?

No, I'm saying that everything that goes into new construction is required. Why is this any different and why do you care?

Because for the most part, building codes and regulation are there for a purpose. For one, if you hired a company to build your house, and they are building it the wrong way or in a way that presents a danger to you and others, it's perfectly understandable. You also don't want to get ripped off by them installing something that will cost you a fortune to fix down the road. Those regulations also help protect the buyer of your home if you sell it.

Solar panels? Such regulations are not protecting anybody. So why solar panels? Because environment is a leftist obsession, and we shouldn't allow anybody to write laws based on their personal hangups. If you want to spend the money to save the world, go right ahead. But don't write laws to force me to do the same especially if my political view resents the global warming hoax.

This regulation is there for a purpose whether you acknowledge that or not.

This means that going foreward, new housing will not require any large upscaling of centralized power production. Fewer production facilities running for fewer hours a day. Simpler, more localized and efficient transmission infrasructure. Excess will be put back into the grid and used locally in real time. If you can't see the benefit of that going foreward, then you aren't trying to.
Lastly, less dependency on a huge, outdated and inefficient power grid and transmission system is far better for national security.

Why do you care where the power comes from as long as it works when you flip the switch?

I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

And that's fine with me if people buy it on their own without taxpayers footing much of the bill. Also so they aren't forced to buy them.

Government didn't force people to buy cars, citiznes bought them because of it's advantages.
Government didn't force people to buy smart phones, people bought them freely because of their advantages.
Government didn't force anybody to get an MRI. People freely chose to get those for themselves.
Progress costs.
Progressive Cost.........

There fixed it for you.
Of course there are programs that make it free or almost free, and of course this saves people money on their power bills. But Carry on bwith the brainwashed fear mongered Chicken Little super dupe crap LOL...
Poor Smeagle..........Someone always has to pay for it................

Or do the Solar panels grow on trees in your fantasy world.....
Sun is free and solar power is a great deal. Obama had this for the whole country and it worked. Something you will never here on your BS propaganda machine.
Progress costs.
Progressive Cost.........

There fixed it for you.
Of course there are programs that make it free or almost free, and of course this saves people money on their power bills. But Carry on bwith the brainwashed fear mongered Chicken Little super dupe crap LOL...
Poor Smeagle..........Someone always has to pay for it................

Or do the Solar panels grow on trees in your fantasy world.....
Sun is free and solar power is a great deal. Obama had this for the whole country and it worked. Something you will never here on your BS propaganda machine. much does it cost to Harness


What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.

What is situation in Venezuela you're referring too.

Also, other than Medicare and Medicaid how is our system of healthcare considered socialist?

Plus, can you explain Enron and publicly owned energy systems in terms of delivering a low cost product.

What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.
Because you dupes are totally misinformed. Venezuela is nothing like the USA. It is third world Banana Republic based on oil only.
Progress costs.
Progressive Cost.........

There fixed it for you.
Of course there are programs that make it free or almost free, and of course this saves people money on their power bills. But Carry on bwith the brainwashed fear mongered Chicken Little super dupe crap LOL...
Poor Smeagle..........Someone always has to pay for it................

Or do the Solar panels grow on trees in your fantasy world.....
Sun is free and solar power is a great deal. Obama had this for the whole country and it worked. Something you will never here on your BS propaganda machine. much does it cost to Harness

Here in Buffalo we have a giant new solar panel Factory. Solar power and wind power are pure goodness 4 the country. The new BS GOP is the pollution and everything for the rich party, Dupe.
What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.

What is situation in Venezuela you're referring too.

Also, other than Medicare and Medicaid how is our system of healthcare considered socialist?

Plus, can you explain Enron and publicly owned energy systems in terms of delivering a low cost product.
Enron owned the grids................2 out of 3 of the electrical utilities filed Bankruptcy..............

Only a few got criminally charged but screwed over a hell of a lot of people in this country.......That wasn't just those in California.....401k and retirements across the country were LOOTED...............including my Brother's..............who was forced to retire later as a result.

The problem back then is no utility wanted to build in your regulation and high tax state.............So your cities started going dark...........and no one wanted to build there. Which is why just to the east in the Mohave desert Duke energy built gas turbine power plants IN ARIZONA.........just down from there........Needles was going into Blackouts...........but in Arizona a Peaker Coal burning plant was operating at low capacity........because if they increased power on evil coal they would be fined to hell and back by the EPA.............Had they been given permission to increase power without penalties Needles would have had NO MORE BLACKOUTS............

I helped build the Gas Turbines back then on Navaho land.
The issue isn't really about whether you like Solar Power or is about a State forcing people to buy it.

Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others. Don't believe it? Just read the RWNJ posts in this post about California, of all places.


What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.

That's the surest way to drive up the price of energy.

Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others.
You have no right in a Free Nation to force your ideology down other people's throats.....

You have no concept of Freedom..........and that is the main issue here.

What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.

That's the surest way to drive up the price of energy.
To hell with them..........let them implode.............
What's the concern here?

That we stop requiring buildings in earthquake zones to be resistant to them?

That we stop the regulation of building codes which improve safety?

Seems like you want to argue against belts in cars and helmets on motorcyclists.

Look atchu, all totalitarian and shit.
Should Tar and Feather the asshats that are pushing this......................They have no concept of FREEDOM.........To impose their ideologies on everyone else................No matter the matter what people living there think about it. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ..............and someone will challenge it...........plenty of time for that.................

Power Companies should just leave California............leave the dang place in the dark.
Bye bye LOL. After Healthcare, energy corporations need to be socialized more than anyone.
Perhaps liberal wacks will seize them like in Venezuela.................where your heading...............

Someday.......people in this country are gonna have a Serious Disagreement.
Because you dupes are totally misinformed. Venezuela is nothing like the USA. It is third world Banana Republic based on oil only.

That's the RWNJ dream.

Its why they voted for trump.

They just don't know it yet.

Ya know, I rehab raptors and it always ticks me off to see, of all people, RWNJs use the eagle to push their lies.

Your meme is adorable but it works both ways.

Your rights end where my nose begins but that's what all RWNJs are against - the rights of others. Don't believe it? Just read the RWNJ posts in this post about California, of all places.


Really? Who's trying to impose solar panels on everyone? Who wanted government mandated healthcare? Who wants to control what kind of guns we can buy? Who wants to outlaw coal fired power plants?

The list goes on and on.

I think that's great too, as long as nobody forced them into buying solar panels or windmills. It's their pet project, but shouldn't have to be everybody's.

I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.
Well, it's my thread, but it is about what can the gummit compel there be in private contracts to protect us from an environmental danger. Of course you may disagree with the voters in Calif that global warming is a danger, but the want to reduce hydrocarbon use. Catalytic converters. Disposal of tires, batteries and oil.

I didn't offer an opinion either way.

Anything for the general welfare and anything reasonable governing interstate commerce.

It is already settled that the environment is not a state issue.

Pretend libertarians pick the stupidest things to whine about.
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