Communist still want nothing less than total global domination and control.!!?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Has anyone read the recent updated version of the Chinese Communist manifesto for the 21st century.? They still want nothing less than total global control, and domination.!!?? They say total Communist control of the entire Earth, weather world nations want them to take control or not.!!?? Is everyone aware of this.? Your thoughts.??!!?? They want Taiwan, reunited back with mainland China, then its on to take control of the entire Earth.!!?? They want North Korea to take control of South Korea, and then its on to Africa, South America, and the rest of the world.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!??
Never mind that !!! :
Since 1919 !!! ...
Wow, the communists are working with the Democrats
Has anyone read the recent updated version of the Chinese Communist manifesto for the 21st century.? They still want nothing less than total global control, and domination.!!?? They say total Communist control of the entire Earth, weather world nations want them to take control or not.!!?? Is everyone aware of this.? Your thoughts.??!!?? They want Taiwan, reunited back with mainland China, then its on to take control of the entire Earth.!!?? They want North Korea to take control of South Korea, and then its on to Africa, South America, and the rest of the world.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!??
"One world without borders" under the absolute control of the statist left is the driving force behind the statist left marxinazis. "P.olitically C.orrect(PC) was the code words for what was in all reality "Power & Control", which was originally coined somewhere back in the mid-late 1960's?
But first they want the Commie leftist Democrats to confiscate all the weapons from American citizens, and then dissolve , and withdraw the United States Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment rights of the U.S. citizens. That's one of the reasons why the Democrats are so hell bent on an assault weapons ban.!!? Totalitarian Commie regimes always prefer unarmed citizens.! And then they want their Global one world Communist political system installed.!!?? With their cashless Bitcoins, and Commie coins, as the new currency.!!?? They don't want the American Dollar to be the worlds reserve currency any more.!!?? Its all part of their Commie, global domination plan.!!??That is why we have the Euro now. And all these Bitcoins, and other coins.!!??All part of a one world government conspiracy.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!
Has anyone read the recent updated version of the Chinese Communist manifesto for the 21st century.? They still want nothing less than total global control, and domination.!!?? They say total Communist control of the entire Earth, weather world nations want them to take control or not.!!?? Is everyone aware of this.? Your thoughts.??!!?? They want Taiwan, reunited back with mainland China, then its on to take control of the entire Earth.!!?? They want North Korea to take control of South Korea, and then its on to Africa, South America, and the rest of the world.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!??

And the US doesn't?
Has anyone read the recent updated version of the Chinese Communist manifesto for the 21st century.? They still want nothing less than total global control, and domination.!!?? They say total Communist control of the entire Earth, weather world nations want them to take control or not.!!?? Is everyone aware of this.? Your thoughts.??!!?? They want Taiwan, reunited back with mainland China, then its on to take control of the entire Earth.!!?? They want North Korea to take control of South Korea, and then its on to Africa, South America, and the rest of the world.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!??
But first they want the Commie leftist Democrats to confiscate all the weapons from American citizens, and then dissolve , and withdraw the United States Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment rights of the U.S. citizens. That's one of the reasons why the Democrats are so hell bent on an assault weapons ban.!!? Totalitarian Commie regimes always prefer unarmed citizens.! And then they want their Global one world Communist political system installed.!!?? With their cashless Bitcoins, and Commie coins, as the new currency.!!?? They don't want the American Dollar to be the worlds reserve currency any more.!!?? Its all part of their Commie, global domination plan.!!??That is why we have the Euro now. And all these Bitcoins, and other coins.!!??All part of a one world government conspiracy.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!
??? Are you feeling ill? That is not true.
MAGA commie fascists want total control.
Yet, it is the BLM founders that proclaimed they are communists.

It is Democrat senators that are communists.

It is Hillary Clinton that wrote her thesis in college praising communists.

It is democrats and rinos giving all our manufacturing to comunist and facsist countries
You use too many punctuation marks. It’s distracting and detracts from your message. I don’t even remember what it was about, but won’t read it again, because it’s too annoying.

Forget about the punctuation marks, read into the message that I'am writing. This is a real and present danger for Democratic American loving nations all over the world. The Maoist Communist want total global control.
Forget about the punctuation marks, read into the message that I'am writing. This is a real and present danger for Democratic American loving nations all over the world. The Maoist Communist want total global control.
Improve your writing skills or no one will ever listen you. Use of more than three of the same punctuation mark in a row is psychotic, IMO.


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