Communists, Moochers, Race-Baiters, Globalists Better Straighten Up: The TRUMPINATOR Runs Shit Now!

Oh the times, they are a changin.


Yep. Some New York values headed your way real soon bubba.

You gotta problem with that?

I don't, but I bet there are going to be a lot of people down south and in flyover country that aren't going to cotton to it. LOL.

Who do you think elected him? NY went for Clinton.

Don't bother. They're gonna bitch & moan, burn some shit, and then they're gonna straighten up. There's a new Sheriff in town.
Communists, Moochers, Race-Baiters, Globalists Better Straighten Up:

I don't think they're worried, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and all the rest will be just fine.

Liz Running Mouth Warren is still after them.:lmao:

Yeah, now they're pushing the faux Indian. Desperate times i guess. :)

She can go back to her 8 million dollar teepee and do the entitlement dance. Rich bitch doesn't give a fuck about anything but tearing this country farther apart.
Communists, Moochers, Race-Baiters, Globalists Better Straighten Up:

I don't think they're worried, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and all the rest will be just fine.

Liz Running Mouth Warren is still after them.:lmao:

Yeah, now they're pushing the faux Indian. Desperate times i guess. :)

She can go back to her 8 million dollar teepee and do the entitlement dance. Rich bitch doesn't give a fuck about anything but tearing this country farther apart.

She's just another loser fraud. Trump will gladly take her on next time around. He'll tear the faux Indian to bits.
Communists, Moochers, Race-Baiters, Globalists Better Straighten Up:

I don't think they're worried, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and all the rest will be just fine.

Liz Running Mouth Warren is still after them.:lmao:

Not to worry, the entire system has their backs and we'll be bailing them out again soon enough.

It's a Royal Political Class Elite. And sadly, that won't change much with a Trump Presidency. The System's been in place for far too many years. They're a well-protected above the law class now.

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