compairing nancy


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
Compairing nancy to spoiled milk.
You go to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk. It’s spoiled so you put it back in the refrigerator. You go back the next day and get another glass hoping it will be better. That’s nancy as speaker.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Electing Republicans, expecting they will balance the budget. Instead, they ACCELERATE the deficit, just like the last time they had all the power.

Electing Democrats, expecting they will mitigate income disparity. Instead, income disparity INCREASES on their watch, just like the last time.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Electing Republicans, expecting they will balance the budget. Instead, they ACCELERATE the deficit, just like the last time they had all the power.

Electing Democrats, expecting they will mitigate income disparity. Instead, income disparity INCREASES on their watch, just like the last time.
Or making nancy speaker again. Thanks for proving my point.
What idiot expects government to mitigate income disparity?

That's the job of the individual.
Our politicians have made the playing field extremely unlevel through legislation. This greatly contributes to income disparity.

The individual doesn't have a chance.
Income inequality is increasing.

Does this bother you?


The people at the bottom have income that is static. Unchanging. The people at the top are making more and more, largely due to the multiplying effects of technology.

But so what? The huge success of the most successful doesn't harm those at the bottom of the totem pole. The economy is not a Zero-Sum proposition. There is no governing principle that I'm aware that demands that money be taken from those at the top to supplement the incomes of those at the bottom.

If done charitably, fine, but at the point of a gun?

Feel for the Poor all you want, but to fret about "inequality" is illogical and, sorry to say, stupid.
Income inequality is increasing.

Does this bother you?


The people at the bottom have income that is static. Unchanging. The people at the top are making more and more, largely due to the multiplying effects of technology.
A great deal of the redistribution of wealth up the food chain is done by legislation. The middle and lower income Americans are fucked.
What idiot expects government to mitigate income disparity?

That's the job of the individual.
Our politicians have made the playing field extremely unlevel through legislation. This greatly contributes to income disparity.

The individual doesn't have a chance.

And yet, individuals still rise to the top by their own efforts and wise decisions.
Income inequality is increasing.

Does this bother you?


The people at the bottom have income that is static. Unchanging. The people at the top are making more and more, largely due to the multiplying effects of technology.

But so what? The huge success of the most successful doesn't harm those at the bottom of the totem pole. The economy is not a Zero-Sum proposition. There is no governing principle that I'm aware that demands that money be taken from those at the top to supplement the incomes of those at the bottom.

If done charitably, fine, but at the point of a gun?

Feel for the Poor all you want, but to fret about "inequality" is illogical and, sorry to say, stupid.
The people at the bottom are living on government assistance and have a better life (free cell phones, wifi, are able to affore alarge flat screen tv with vidio games). The people that work hard and are successful make our poor the richest poor in the world.

Pelosi is a typical corrupt Democrat Politician.
She became a multi millionaire while in public office whilst telling the dumb Dem Voters that they are being exploited by rich people.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Electing Republicans, expecting they will balance the budget. Instead, they ACCELERATE the deficit, just like the last time they had all the power.

Electing Democrats, expecting they will mitigate income disparity. Instead, income disparity INCREASES on their watch, just like the last time.
Yeah, and San Fran Na\n Speaker again.

Shower yet?
Income inequality is increasing.

Does this bother you?


The people at the bottom have income that is static. Unchanging. The people at the top are making more and more, largely due to the multiplying effects of technology.

But so what? The huge success of the most successful doesn't harm those at the bottom of the totem pole. The economy is not a Zero-Sum proposition. There is no governing principle that I'm aware that demands that money be taken from those at the top to supplement the incomes of those at the bottom.

If done charitably, fine, but at the point of a gun?

Feel for the Poor all you want, but to fret about "inequality" is illogical and, sorry to say, stupid.
I am concerned about the inequality of income of the poor and I do not believe it is illogical or stupid. There but for the grace of god do I, is a saying that makes me care.
Trump and Pelosi are both big spenders. Deficit Donald is the biggest spender in the history of mankind.

I expect he and Nancy will get along famously.

"When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot."
I get a big kick out of the radicals republicans really hate Nancy. They should as they have real reasons to hate her. She is very good at what she does and republicans hate a strong woman that gets things done. Since they cannot hope to compete with her all they have left to do is swift boat her or any democrat that gets things done. Well keep hating. Yesterday must have been really hard on you poor deluded republicans when Nancy flayed the idiot crybaby trump. He really showed how dumb he is. You radicals on the right should be very worried.
I get a big kick out of the radicals republicans really hate Nancy. They should as they have real reasons to hate her. She is very good at what she does and republicans hate a strong woman that gets things done. Since they cannot hope to compete with her all they have left to do is swift boat her or any democrat that gets things done. Well keep hating. Yesterday must have been really hard on you poor deluded republicans when Nancy flayed the idiot crybaby trump. He really showed how dumb he is. You radicals on the right should be very worried.
You mean strong women that can’t seem to keep their thoughts straight and at times babble on like an idiot. I can see why the left loves her. The progressive addenda doesn’t make sense so nancy is the perfect poster chind for them
Compairing nancy to spoiled milk.
You go to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk. It’s spoiled so you put it back in the refrigerator. You go back the next day and get another glass hoping it will be better. That’s nancy as speaker.

After Trump's tantrum the other day, I can see why right wingers fear Nancy Pelosi.
Compairing nancy to spoiled milk.
You go to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk. It’s spoiled so you put it back in the refrigerator. You go back the next day and get another glass hoping it will be better. That’s nancy as speaker.

Nancy =

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