Companies Owned by Gov. Scott's Finance Chairman Won Billions in Medicaid Contracts

A guy from Wisconsin gets a couple of contracts in Florida, the outrage is exponentially larger than anything I ever felt about Obama handing out plum contracts to his friends.


I was wrong, I can admit it. Unlike some people.
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lol. Do you read what you link to or do you simply look at the title and make a judgment call?

It was a bidding process; a very structured decision making process.

Complete records kept.

If someone is a governor does that mean all friends and relatives of that governor are forbidden from bidding on government contracts?

Not a bad idea. Judges, for instance, are ethically expected to recuse themselves from cases involving the same. With all the corruption in government you can't expect to be handing out lucrative contracts like this and not expect people to be suspicious.

The fact that my brother becomes governor doesn't require me to do anything. This is supposedly still a free country, numbnuts.
all friends and relatives of that governor [should be] forbidden from bidding on government contracts

Why, do you say that? Because he is a Republican? What do you think of Mrs. Obama's friend getting the healthcare web site no bid contract for many millions and then it was found out she couldn't do the job. I'll bet that one slid right by you.

Only way they should be forbidden is if they were deciding who gets the contracts, like the above mentioned obamacare no bid contract.
First Scott wasn't going to expand Medicaid using Federal funds. Then he was.

Saying that a $1million campaign contribution had nothing to do with Scott taking Federal money and also making that million dollar donor his finance manager is more than naive.

It is brain dead.

Don't Taz was quite correct in his political instincts. A fish rots from the head and Gov. Scott is hugely fishy.

Regards from Rosie

Do you feel stupid for not reading the article?

Didn't think so.




I was talking about this part.

Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration has in place a multi-prong competitive-bid process used when awarding the contracts. That process, agency officials said, ensured that favorites were not played.
“No companies received an award as a result of favoritism,” said Michelle Dahnke, an agency spokeswoman. “The agency followed Florida’s strict procurement laws in … letter and in spirit at all times.”
The procurement process requires that any agency staff scoring a company’s bid sign a conflict-of-interest form, requires a 72-hour blackout period where those bidding can’t contact legislative or executive agency staff concerning the contracts to ensure “no bidder can use political influence to sway the procurement process,” and requires any company involved can formally protest a contract award.

lol. Do you read what you link to or do you simply look at the title and make a judgment call?

It was a bidding process; a very structured decision making process.

Complete records kept.

If someone is a governor does that mean all friends and relatives of that governor are forbidden from bidding on government contracts?

Not a bad idea. Judges, for instance, are ethically expected to recuse themselves from cases involving the same. With all the corruption in government you can't expect to be handing out lucrative contracts like this and not expect people to be suspicious.

No one is saying that one can not be suspicious.

But for someone like you to imply in your post that there IS something there is ridiculous.

There are plenty of legislators on the left in Florida that would love to find something wrong with it. I am sure there will be a full investigation behind the scenes...although if nothing comes up, we will likely never hear about it.

lol. Do you read what you link to or do you simply look at the title and make a judgment call?

It was a bidding process; a very structured decision making process.

Complete records kept.

If someone is a governor does that mean all friends and relatives of that governor are forbidden from bidding on government contracts?

Do you understand the term, Conflict of Interest?


Do you understand "read the article before commenting"?

For if you did, the issue of "conflict of interest" was not only mentioned in the article, but so were the procedures that are in place to avoid said "conflict of interest".

Hopefully, one day you will decide to read before commenting.

Until then, we are stuck with your uninformed and useless responses.
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lol. Do you read what you link to or do you simply look at the title and make a judgment call?

It was a bidding process; a very structured decision making process.

Complete records kept.

If someone is a governor does that mean all friends and relatives of that governor are forbidden from bidding on government contracts?

Not a bad idea. Judges, for instance, are ethically expected to recuse themselves from cases involving the same. With all the corruption in government you can't expect to be handing out lucrative contracts like this and not expect people to be suspicious.

Scott Walker had nothing to do with awarding the contract. The contract was awarded in Florida.

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You are right!

The unemployment rate in 2013 was 6.7% and the difference between 11.4% unemployment in 2009 and 2013 === IS: 4.7% DROP IN UNEMPLOYMENT.
4.7% drop IS a 41% drop....
Source for unemployment rate:

Read what you wrote again.

Unemployment in 11.4% in 2009 in 2013 4.7%
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all friends and relatives of that governor [should be] forbidden from bidding on government contracts

Why, do you say that? Because he is a Republican? What do you think of Mrs. Obama's friend getting the healthcare web site no bid contract for many millions and then it was found out she couldn't do the job. I'll bet that one slid right by you.

Why do you automatically assume we don't have a problem with that too? Do you simply conclude that everyone else must be as partisan as you?

This thread isn't about Michelle O's friend; it's about Scott. There were threads on Michelle O's friend too.
Not a bad idea. Judges, for instance, are ethically expected to recuse themselves from cases involving the same. With all the corruption in government you can't expect to be handing out lucrative contracts like this and not expect people to be suspicious.

Scott Walker had nothing to do with awarding the contract. The contract was awarded in Florida.


He made a mistake and thought Scott Walker when he saw Scott rather than Rick Scott.
Looking at the procedures they have in place to avoid conflicts, I don't see how this is a conflict or how any undue influence has been given. Maybe I'm missing something.
Tell that to the people of florida..
Unemployment in 11.4% in 2009
in 2013 4.7% a 41% drop..

Governor Rick Scott has been the best Florida governor that I can remember. He does what he says he will do, and he has been successful. Unemployment down, new businesses up, state debt down, tourism up. So someone he knows won a fair and open bid. Frankly, I don't give a damn.

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