Compare this:

The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Why because Comey the Clown will be in town? So what? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Care to address and compare how the two leaders responded to a tragedy?

Who fucking cares. I mean, the dude had two terriorist attacks in like two weeks. Seems like he should focus on his Muslim brothers in his own back yard before he comments on ours.
Brits are too busy telling America how to run our nation.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Why because Comey the Clown will be in town? So what? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Care to address and compare how the two leaders responded to a tragedy?

Who fucking cares. I mean, the dude had two terriorist attacks in like two weeks. Seems like he should focus on his Muslim brothers in his own back yard before he comments on ours.

In his defense, that's from last year.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Why because Comey the Clown will be in town? So what? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Care to address and compare how the two leaders responded to a tragedy?

Who fucking cares. I mean, the dude had two terriorist attacks in like two weeks. Seems like he should focus on his Muslim brothers in his own back yard before he comments on ours.

In his defense, that's from last year.
So? Has he publicly recanted his belief? No. He still thinks the same way.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Why because Comey the Clown will be in town? So what? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Care to address and compare how the two leaders responded to a tragedy?

Who fucking cares. I mean, the dude had two terriorist attacks in like two weeks. Seems like he should focus on his Muslim brothers in his own back yard before he comments on ours.
Youre one of THOSE that Tramp talked about would support him if he shot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave inNY.
You know I'm right.
Using "I toldya so" rhetoric in response to the aftermath of an attack with casualties seems a go-to response for a narcissistic, douche bag asshole troll with the mentality of a six-year-old, not a Commander in Chief. This is the dickhead who is your president.

As far as 'killing the bastards', more like killing more innocent civilians then the 'bastards'. Not every person of Islam is a terrorist, idiot.
Hysterical how you leftards fall for words rather than action.

I'm not a liberal, idiot. I'm simply a critical thinking person who votes independent. All you far right blowjobs as well as your weak president have no cogent answers. He won't solve shit. He doesn't possess the mettle. Stop flapping your gums.
You're a mindless Muslim ass kisser who thinks pretty words are more important than action.

Maybe, but you're an impotent turd who laps up the pretty little lies his narcissist-in-chief shats (tweets) out of his nether regions because you were indoctrinated to think there's something wrong with other people that do not think and look like you. Not a good look, poncho. I'll stick with sanity, thanks. BTW: I believe Christians are just as loopy as Muslims.
View attachment 131448

You have the ability to post inane snarky pictures, wow. You're a real superstar. Maybe you'll get a seat in Orange is the New Hack's cabinet. You seem born for it. Apply today, halfwit!
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Why because Comey the Clown will be in town? So what? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Care to address and compare how the two leaders responded to a tragedy?

Who fucking cares. I mean, the dude had two terriorist attacks in like two weeks. Seems like he should focus on his Muslim brothers in his own back yard before he comments on ours.

In his defense, that's from last year.
Like Trump has gotten smarter or more presidential in a year?
Want about a hundred examples?
*sigh* I'm so bored with this reality show. Hope someone cancels it for good.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Will you be leaving then?
IM pulling up a seat and watching this POS go down. Just like I did with Nixon... another of your heroes.
Let Me guess. Hillary is a walk into the White House......Yeah, you go with that.
*sigh* I'm so bored with this reality show. Hope someone cancels it for good.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Will you be leaving then?
IM pulling up a seat and watching this POS go down. Just like I did with Nixon... another of your heroes.
Let Me guess. Hillary is a walk into the White House......Yeah, you go with that.
Way to run away from my comment. Sprinting away. Ha.

And this is what Trumpies think is presidential,
*sigh* I'm so bored with this reality show. Hope someone cancels it for good.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Will you be leaving then?
IM pulling up a seat and watching this POS go down. Just like I did with Nixon... another of your heroes.
Let Me guess. Hillary is a walk into the White House......Yeah, you go with that.
Way to run away from my comment. Sprinting away. Ha.
Not too bright, are you? That isn't running away, it is called providing you an example of how your past has caught up with you. I'm sure won't understand that either.

Let Me clue you in on something. Comey isn't going to say a damn thing that will indict Trump. I'm sure if you ask an adult, you'll be told why. However, I do think you're going to make a lot of shit up come Thursday so have fun. I won't be reading it as I find you have little of interest to offer the human race.
One year ago, we lost 49 LGBT friends and allies in a horrific mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub.

Compare how Sadiq Khan and Trump each responded:
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Wow, he stands with them. Doesn't seem upset about it, just some meaningless platitude, typical liberals, give someone a hug, it'll be ok, because we don't like jailing or killing dangerous people.
First, you're looking for contrasting , not comparisons.

Second, its easy to say things. That doesn't make you compassionate. Doing things does.

So who is compassionate? The person who says something but neglects his responsibility to do something or the person who tries to actually get something positive done?

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