Compare this:

One year ago, we lost 49 LGBT friends and allies in a horrific mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub.

Compare how Sadiq Khan and Trump each responded:
View attachment 131420 View attachment 131419
Trump is to human decency what a colostomy bag is to - human dignity.

Why do the least decent people seem to want to whine about the decency of others?
Decent people do not say, See, I'm right (while the people still lay dying and the bodies of the dead are still warm).
How Trump is viewed in the world outside the extreme small% in deplorableland. View attachment 131445
Isn't it amazing how the rest of the world thinks they can opine about America and her policies, then get knots in their pretzels when an American tries to tell them something? Snooty little British!

I'm a US-born 2nd gen Briton. Confirmed.:rock:
*sigh* I'm so bored with this reality show. Hope someone cancels it for good.
The beginning of the end starts Thursday.
Better times are ahead..
Leftards love pretty feel good words.

Meanwhile, Trump is killing the bastards while the Mayor of London invites another Islamofascist terrorists into his city.
The mayor exudes leadership and compassion.
Tramp exudes arrogance and self importance.
I knew you didn't have it in you to be objective.
London mayor suggest Trump call off his state visit to Britain. By the time Trump reaches the end of his term in office, he's not going to be welcome anywhere.
Leftards love pretty feel good words.

Meanwhile, Trump is killing the bastards while the Mayor of London invites another hundred thousand Islamofascist terrorists into his city.

Using "I toldya so" rhetoric in response to the aftermath of an attack with casualties seems a go-to response for a narcissistic, douche bag asshole troll with the mentality of a six-year-old, not a Commander in Chief. This is the dickhead who is your president.

As far as 'killing the bastards', more like killing more innocent civilians then the 'bastards'. Not every person of Islam is a terrorist, idiot.
Hysterical how you leftards fall for words rather than action.

I'm not a liberal, idiot. I'm simply a critical thinking person who votes independent. All you far right blowjobs as well as your weak president have no cogent answers. He won't solve shit. He doesn't possess the mettle. Stop flapping your gums.
You're a mindless Muslim ass kisser who thinks pretty words are more important than action.

Maybe, but you're an impotent turd who laps up the pretty little lies his narcissist-in-chief shats (tweets) out of his nether regions because you were indoctrinated to think there's something wrong with other people that do not think and look like you. Not a good look, poncho. I'll stick with sanity, thanks. BTW: I believe Christians are just as loopy as Muslims.
There is definitely something wrong with ewe! Please do compare Christians to Muslims show us the main points and if you could show us your sources for that claim! Pulling it out yer ass is not considered a source!
Leftards love pretty feel good words.

Meanwhile, Trump is killing the bastards while the Mayor of London invites another Islamofascist terrorists into his city.
The mayor exudes leadership and compassion.
Tramp exudes arrogance and self importance.
I knew you didn't have it in you to be objective.

Perhaps we are having the wrong conversation. Perhaps we should be defining what you consider leadership and compassion to mean.
Leftards love pretty feel good words.

Meanwhile, Trump is killing the bastards while the Mayor of London invites another Islamofascist terrorists into his city.
The mayor exudes leadership and compassion.
Tramp exudes arrogance and self importance.
I knew you didn't have it in you to be objective.

Perhaps we are having the wrong conversation. Perhaps we should be defining what you consider leadership and compassion to mean.
They're self explanatory words. Need more help use a dictionary.

How Trump is viewed in the world outside the extreme small% in deplorableland. View attachment 131445
Just the opposite is true. Trump capitalizes on others misery and suffering for his own purposes.
Muslim loving nations make it so easy for Trump.
Trump is quick to blame Muslims for terror attacks. He's slow when Muslims are the victims.
You're right, Trump should have condemned the violent Bernie loving leftist much more. And asked Bernie why he has not condemned the act of one of his supporters.

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