Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

Do free markets require strict government regulation to make them fair?

You're right that neither party promotes or supports a market system.
Strict regulation often leads to more cronyism.

Without question and without fail.
We won't have good capitalism until we make it much more difficult to corrupt our politicians. As long as they are easily bought cronyism will rule.

We have deeper (state) problems that ensure no honest government can exist.

The leader of a failed coup walks free to appear on hate night TV with the bush league comics. Yes, a free market would benefit all, but we are not a free nation.

A coup is an illegal takeover.

Discussing the legal methods where Congress and the Vice President could remove a President who may be compromised by a foreign government if proof is found is not that. That's a Constitutional power. Which a LOT of people seem to hate that US Constitution we have.

Not me though. I love this country and our Constitution. But a lot of us wish we had laws more like Russia where there is no such power.

The police discussion the illegal use of a provision dealing with the incapacitance of a president, such as when Kennedy was shot, when the traitors in the police have no legal standing, as a means of overthrowing the government of the United States, as McCabe and Rosenstein did, is the very definition of an attempted coup. It is treason. Barr has said he will charge McCabe. (but oddly not Rosenstein?)
NY just gave up an opportunity to increase jobs and income tax revenue.

The richest corporation in the WORLD was demanding a 3 BILLION dollar tax break to move there despite the pressure they were going to put on the infra structure of NY
And they pay no taxes for federal or state..A waste of infrastructure just to get a business to operate. That is bullshit. I never have gotten a tax break after thirty five years of running a business, but then again I am not a greedy robber baron.

Government was established to serve you and your business. If a tax break yields more jobs, lower unemployment, more individual income, and goodwill to beget more businesses and jobs, that’s not being a greedy robber baron. Further, don’t think that a Government cannot be greedy. Heavy government politicos like Hillary Clinton actually use the word “take” when it comes to business.

If they did, yes, the left would endorse tax cuts for billionaires, but supply side economics don't work. "Trickle down" economics as instituted under Ronald Reagan, and which George H.W. Bush initially campaigned against as "voodoo economics" and then embraced as his VP, is a proven failure. Reagan's job growth wasn't the result of his tax cuts, it was the result of his military spending spree, all of which was on borrowed money.

There is absolutely no evidence that tax cuts create jobs, and much evidence that it actually costs jobs. Supply doesn't create jobs, supply and demand creates jobs. No tax cut has EVER paid for itself. Not once in the history of the nation. Reaganomics has stifled demand for 40 years by stifling the wages of the consumer classes.

What works is "Supply and Demand". Supply side tilts the economic table to the wealthy, and since Reagan's first round of tax cuts, wealth has trickled steadily but inexorably to the top, at the expense of the working poor and the middle class. Supply side economics is enriching the investor class at the expense of the middle class, which is shrinking. More people are now falling back into poverty that are rising to the ranks of the wealthy in the USA.

This impoverishing of the middle class is NOT happening in any other first world nation, because the rest of us have tax codes which favour working citizens and not corporations and the wealthy. The rest of the world is currently doing much better for its citizens than the USA is doing for theirs. Americans are fighting over building walls, when they should be building bridges, schools, and infrastructure. They're fighting expensive wars when they should be fighting opioid addiction, racial discrimination, and poverty.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. Trump is dividing Americans as never before, and Putin is gloating at his success.

Ok, when you overregulate businesses with mandates, tax them to where the are less competitive (“take their profits”), what happens to existing jobs? Are businesses then in a hiring mode?
Strict regulation often leads to more cronyism.

Without question and without fail.
We won't have good capitalism until we make it much more difficult to corrupt our politicians. As long as they are easily bought cronyism will rule.

We have deeper (state) problems that ensure no honest government can exist.

The leader of a failed coup walks free to appear on hate night TV with the bush league comics. Yes, a free market would benefit all, but we are not a free nation.
Moron doesn’t know what a coup is

Traitor thinks a coup is okay, as long as his party wins.
You still fail to demonstrate any comprehension of what a coup is
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You atill fail to demonstrate any comprehension of what a coup is

Here's the simple version. An ILLEGAL and usually sudden and violent overthrow of a leader/government.

Now, the US has the 25th amendment and other Constitutional clauses that provide the LEGAL framework for removing a leader. So far nothing, not even in the rumors has supported anything but a LEGAL move IF evidence were to substantiate their beliefs.

Sure, in Russia, they don't have those LEGAL avenues, so if you are a Russian that would be a coup in your country. In Iran and North Korea, the same.

Some people I guess would rather we take the pages out of their books than our own Constitution.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?

Socialism and communism produce lots and lots of desperation, misery and hopelessness. They can only confiscate and spend what was created by capitalism.

Without capitalism, we have no renewable source of wealth. Money runs out. People starve. Same ending every fucking time.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?

They've produced a record number of political billionaires; no other system even comes close

Au contraire. The oligarchs of Russia, the elites of Central and South America. Right wing economic policies alway create a wealthy class which lives in gated communities, and a permanent underclass living in slums.

You mean like those "right-wingers" do in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, South Africa, where socialism and communism are failing?

Actually, the Venezuela's problems have nothing to do with "socialism", and everything to do with generations of whip-saw politics going from right wing military dictatorships, to populist leftist authoritarianism. While technically "socialist" because the government owns the oil industry, this is not a country where the people have ever really had a say in their governance.

Venezuela is what you get after years of mismanagement and chaos. Like having the Trump White House running things for 50 years. Although Venezuela has had period of peace and economic stability, which would never happen with 50 years of Trumpian rule.

You have the equivalent grasp on history, as does a five year old. Venezuela was a prosperous country up to and including the presidency of Carlos perez
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?

Socialism and communism produce lots and lots of desperation, misery and hopelessness. They can only confiscate and spend what was created by capitalism.

Without capitalism, we have no renewable source of wealth. Money runs out. People starve. Same ending every fucking time.

Desperation, misery, hopelessness, and bodies.

Lots of dead bodies.
Where has socialism or communism ever been tried with the will of the people? A dictatorship can call it's self anything it wants but that does not make the country what they claim.
Communism is never tried with the will of the people it is a dictatorship by definition. Socialism merely holds a vote to establish tyranny.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.
Making it into orbit is producing something?
Plans mean what?

You've never been very bright

Next stupid answer,

No soup for you
Strict regulation often leads to more cronyism.

Without question and without fail.
We won't have good capitalism until we make it much more difficult to corrupt our politicians. As long as they are easily bought cronyism will rule.

We have deeper (state) problems that ensure no honest government can exist.

The leader of a failed coup walks free to appear on hate night TV with the bush league comics. Yes, a free market would benefit all, but we are not a free nation.

A coup is an illegal takeover.

Discussing the legal methods where Congress and the Vice President could remove a President who may be compromised by a foreign government if proof is found is not that. That's a Constitutional power. Which a LOT of people seem to hate that US Constitution we have.

Not me though. I love this country and our Constitution. But a lot of us wish we had laws more like Russia where there is no such power.

The police discussion the illegal use of a provision dealing with the incapacitance of a president, such as when Kennedy was shot, when the traitors in the police have no legal standing, as a means of overthrowing the government of the United States, as McCabe and Rosenstein did, is the very definition of an attempted coup. It is treason. Barr has said he will charge McCabe. (but oddly not Rosenstein?)
Link to this supposed Barr statement please
Some food for thought...

A "socialist company" is another name for an employee owned company.

These are the largest 100 employee owned companies in the US:

The Employee Ownership 100: America's Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies
That is a communal owned company not a socialist company.

Socialism is applied by force. Those workers are free to leave.

Socialism does not allow for private ownership but capitalism allows for group ownership hence the difference.

Learn what you are talking about as you are very ignorant
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?

Here in America Socialism has created a lot of things.

The interstate highway system, roads, bridges and dams. Socialism built the whole thing.

The US military. Our military is 100% socialism.

Do you like that electricity that turns on the light when you flip that switch? Socialism built the whole thing.

Do you like that water that comes from the tap when you turn it on? Socialism built that whole system.

Do you like that if your house catches fire someone will come to put it out? Socialism built that.

Do you like that you can pick up the phone to call the police or EMT? Socialism.

Do you like the internet? Socialism built it in the 60s and 70s.

Do you like that you're able to read, write, do math and all that our public schools taught you to have the skills for a successful life? Socialism built that. Socialism taught you and most of the people in our nation.

I know you like that wall that trump has been screaming about since 2015 that Mexico was going to pay for. That is 100% socialism.

That's just a short list of what socialism has built in the US.

So you can say you're not a socialist but you are. So is every person in America. We are also capitalists. All successful first world nations are a hybrid of both capitalism and socialism.

If you had been paying attention in school you would have learned that.
Wrong dumbass.

If you had been paying attention you would know that every random government function you just listed is not socialism

Socialism is always a failure and you have not named any socialist actions.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.
Making it into orbit is producing something?
Plans mean what?

You've never been very bright

Next stupid answer,

No soup for you

You have to “produce” a rocket
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.

Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism
So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
I'd need to know what countries you consider socialist.

Do France, Germany, England, Canada and Australia count as socialist for you? They certainly have more socialist elements than we do.
Ok, when you overregulate businesses with mandates, tax them to where the are less competitive (“take their profits”), what happens to existing jobs? Are businesses then in a hiring mode? now regulation is the test as to whether a system is socialist?

That means that "socialism" is not an evil in itself. True?

If regulation is socialism, then we are admitting that socialism is NOT an evil but rather a necessary adjunct to capitalism.

Demanding that a doctor be licensed is completely reasonable and most would say absolutely necessary. But wait. Regulation is "socialism"

So what we're REALLY arguing about is how MUCH socialism we need to mitigate the flaws in capitalism.

Put that way...the screams of "THAT'S SOCIALISM' sound pretty stupid...don't they
Ok, when you overregulate businesses with mandates, tax them to where the are less competitive (“take their profits”), what happens to existing jobs? Are businesses then in a hiring mode? now regulation is the test as to whether a system is socialist?

That means that "socialism" is not an evil in itself. True?

If regulation is socialism, then we are admitting that socialism is NOT an evil but rather a necessary adjunct to capitalism.

Demanding that a doctor be licensed is completely reasonable and most would say absolutely necessary. But wait. Regulation is "socialism"

So what we're REALLY arguing about is how MUCH socialism we need to mitigate the flaws in capitalism.

Put that way...the screams of "THAT'S SOCIALISM' sound pretty stupid...don't they

You immediately took my post to mean that there should be NO regulation, NO taxes, NO liability. Go back and read. I was saying OVER or EGREGIOUS regulation, taxation, and liability. As for Socialism being evil? No, it's just a failure when it is placed ahead of Capitalism.
You immediately took my post to mean that there should be NO regulation, NO taxes, NO liability. Go back and read. I was saying OVER or EGREGIOUS regulation, taxation, and liability. As for Socialism being evil? No, it's just a failure when it is placed ahead of Capitalism.

Nope. I'm pointing out the fallacy of screaming that "SOCIALISM" is a HORROR!

That's obviously not true.

We're REALLY arguing over how MUCH socialism we need to mitigate the flaws in capitalism
Where has socialism or communism ever been tried with the will of the people? A dictatorship can call it's self anything it wants but that does not make the country what they claim.

Guess what you Dumb Ass Tard.

Unicorns don’t exist either….

It’s a wonder you Tards can wipe your own ass…..
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Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.
Making it into orbit is producing something?
Plans mean what?

You've never been very bright

Next stupid answer,

No soup for you
You think the space program has no benefits?

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