Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

No they are not. You obviously don't know what socialism is.

Socialism is the new Trumpism to dupe assfucks like you into a frenzy.

I know exactly what socialism is. It's something this country will never ever be. No way, no how.
So you know & chose to lie.

It's no lie that this will never be a socialist country, no matter how badly you want it to be. Given another term of Trump, the liberal progressive/socialist/communist/ movement will pretty much be extinct.

Good riddance. I can't wait for them to all die off.
Nobody wants socialism. What part of that are you too stupid to get?

Dude, are you so out of touch with your own Democrat Party, that you don't know what they're trying to foist on the American people?

Do try to keep up, mmmm...ok?
Name some.

Lets see just how fucking stupid you really are.
I know exactly what socialism is. It's something this country will never ever be. No way, no how.

It already is dumass. It's all around you in so many ways...and very few would actually want to change that if they actually looked at it

Typical leftist answer: Not a single one of you has mentioned anything socialism and communism has ever produced or manufactured.

All you people have done is try to convince everyone that we already are a socialist country.

Weak sauce, man.
Like I said, you obviously don't know what socialism is.

China makes stuff.

China only makes stuff because their communist government allows capitalism to exist. Before that, the only thing they made was crap.
I know exactly what socialism is. It's something this country will never ever be. No way, no how.
So you know & chose to lie.

It's no lie that this will never be a socialist country, no matter how badly you want it to be. Given another term of Trump, the liberal progressive/socialist/communist/ movement will pretty much be extinct.

Good riddance. I can't wait for them to all die off.
Nobody wants socialism. What part of that are you too stupid to get?

Dude, are you so out of touch with your own Democrat Party, that you don't know what they're trying to foist on the American people?

Do try to keep up, mmmm...ok?
Name some.

Lets see just how fucking stupid you really are.

GFY, hillbilly. You know who the socialists and communists are in your own party. If you don't by now, you're further out of the loop than I thought you were.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.

Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism

Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.

Stalinism isn't communism either. Stalin was an authoritarian dictator as was Hitler. But Hitler was not a socialist and he loathed communism with the same level of hatred that Stalin hated Hilter's right wing brand of politics. Hilter was a socialist the same way that Trump is a Republican. Both co-opted long established parties and kept the name but not the policies.
I know exactly what socialism is. It's something this country will never ever be. No way, no how.

It already is dumass. It's all around you in so many ways...and very few would actually want to change that if they actually looked at it

Typical leftist answer: Not a single one of you has mentioned anything socialism and communism has ever produced or manufactured.

All you people have done is try to convince everyone that we already are a socialist country.

Weak sauce, man.
Like I said, you obviously don't know what socialism is.

China makes stuff.

China only makes stuff because their communist government allows capitalism to exist. Before that, the only thing they made was crap.
You wanted an example, you got one. Now what?
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.

Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism

Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.

Stalinism isn't communism either. Stalin was an authoritarian dictator as was Hitler. But Hitler was not a socialist and he loathed communism with the same level of hatred that Stalin hated Hilter's right wing brand of politics. Hilter was a socialist the same way that Trump is a Republican. Both co-opted long established parties and kept the name but not the policies.


Fucking Blah.

Your claim was proven wrong. Grow the fuck up & deal with it.
Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism

Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.

Stalinism isn't communism either. Stalin was an authoritarian dictator as was Hitler. But Hitler was not a socialist and he loathed communism with the same level of hatred that Stalin hated Hilter's right wing brand of politics. Hilter was a socialist the same way that Trump is a Republican. Both co-opted long established parties and kept the name but not the policies.


Fucking Blah.

Your claim was proven wrong. Grow the fuck up & deal with it.

Sorry I meant this post to go other places.
The NAZI's were facists.

Socialist, Communists, Fascists and all the rest of the Statist Left are all Totalitarians.

Socialists, communists, and fascists can run the whole range of political beliefs from libertarianism to totalitarianism.
But in general, the majority like more socialism and communism, so they tend to be democratic.
While capitalism tends to be what the wealthy elite want, so tends towards authoritarianism.

You are looking at the wrong axis.

The more valid one is Totalitarian control vs. Individual Freedom. Socialism and on the Totalitarian end. Just because some of the slaves say they support the labels, doesn't make them any less Totalitarian.
They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.

Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism

Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.

Stalinism isn't communism either. Stalin was an authoritarian dictator as was Hitler. But Hitler was not a socialist and he loathed communism with the same level of hatred that Stalin hated Hilter's right wing brand of politics. Hilter was a socialist the same way that Trump is a Republican. Both co-opted long established parties and kept the name but not the policies.
Stalinism is in fact communism which is at its core about totalitarian dictatorship.
Hitler was indeed a socialist who simply mixed it with nationalism


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SA is a monarchy. VERY similar to socialism. Same basic concept.

I'm not exactly sure what you meant in that stupid worded post but consider this...

The government (monarchy) controls ALL businesses

And HALF the country is on welfare.

Saudi Arabia certainly sounds like a socialist country..ya think?
It’s a theocratic monarchy.

The oil is socialized and the proceeds distributed to the Royal family. Much of the Saudi economy is market based, though.

Another 40% of GDP comes from the private sector. An estimated 7.5 (2013) million foreigners work legally in Saudi Arabia,[22] playing a crucial role in the Saudi economy, for example, in the oil and service sectors. The government has encouraged private sector growth for many years to lessen the kingdom's dependence on oil, and to increase employment opportunities for the swelling Saudi population. In recent decades the government has begun to permit private sector and foreign investor participation in sectors such as power generation and telecom, and acceded to the WTO. During much of the 2000s, high oil prices[23]enabled the government to post budget surpluses, boost spending on job training and education, infrastructure development, and government salaries.

With its absolute monarchy system of government, large state sector and supply of welfare benefits, the Saudi economy has been described as

a bewildering (at least to outsiders) combination of a feudal fealty system and a more modern political patronage one. At every level in every sphere of activity, Saudis maneuver through life manipulating individual privileges, favors, obligations, and connections. By the same token, the government bureaucracy is a maze of overlapping or conflicting power center under the patronage of various royal princes with their own priorities and agendas to pursue and dependents to satisfy.[24]

Economy of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia

Leach is simply stupid, Mock her as needed, but don't take the drooling retard seriously on any subject.
All you people have done is try to convince everyone that we already are a socialist country.

We are, stupid. We're a socialist/capitalist mixed system.

Anything that isn't free market is socialist and that means huge parts of our system are....yes...socialist.

It's not that socialism is inherently's how much socialism do we require to mitigate the excesses of capitalism
The oil is socialized and the proceeds distributed to the Royal family. Much of the Saudi economy is market based, though.

So the only real money producer is socialized and half the country is on welfare.

Yea...that's not socialism.

Oh and virtually ALL aspects of the economy are effectively controlled by the royal family.
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market

No stupid fuck, they are not.

My god but you're fucking stupid.

The middle class is a uniquely American occurrence, given rise by the Market Revolution. ( How Did the Market Revolution Change America ) I get that you're uneducated and dumb as a lamp post, but the rest of us are not the stupid fucks that you are. Specialization combined with free markets provided the opportunity for private enterprise to produce more than needed for subsistence for the first time in history, allowing farmers and tradesmen to accumulate hard currency, educate their children, and pass inheritance on to subsequent generations.
student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee

The only student loans that are NOT socialism are those that are NOT underwritten or regulated by government in any way

Your lie is really fucking stupid. You should inform your hive master that the normals mock you for your stupidity with these lies.
The NAZI's were facists.

Yes, and Fascism is Mussolini's brand of socialism.

You're far too stupid to grasp it, but consider how Il Duce with his state controlled corporations differed from Feudal baronies? What three differences do you find? You can scurry back to the hive to ask your masters, if you wish.
socialism's greatest victory of the 20th Century was convincing stupid Americans (aka; dimocrap scum) that Hitler wasn't a socialist.


dimocrap scum will, at first, claim this is a photo-shop or that it's fake. Then after we shove the reality up their collective asses, they'll simply start in with another lie.

dimocraps are scum. They really do want to force socialism, preferably a third-way type of socialism like Hitler's, down our throats.

It's the only way they can guarantee that they'll retain the power they so cravenly desire.

Obviously Hitler pretended to be a socialist when he was younger and needed any support he could get.
But anyone who believes Hitler actually was a socialist, is just ignorant.
The Night of the Long Knives in 1931 was when he order all the socialist in the SA to be murdered.
He did not leave any socialist alive and out of prison.

Anyone who would believe this image then would also have to believe that since over Auschwitz claiming that "Work Makes You Free".

Clearly Hitler was appointed by Chancellor by Hindenburg and the fascist oligarchy of wealthy he represented.
Which is the exact opposite of socialism.
Socialism is where he would have won a popular election.

Let me ask Trotsky about the implications of this....
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market

No stupid fuck, they are not.

My god but you're fucking stupid.

The middle class is a uniquely American occurrence, given rise by the Market Revolution. ( How Did the Market Revolution Change America ) I get that you're uneducated and dumb as a lamp post, but the rest of us are not the stupid fucks that you are. Specialization combined with free markets provided the opportunity for private enterprise to produce more than needed for subsistence for the first time in history, allowing farmers and tradesmen to accumulate hard currency, educate their children, and pass inheritance on to subsequent generations.
That has nothing to do with the fact that huge chunks of the infra structure that helped us utilize those inventions...were built by tax dollars THROUGH GOVERNMENT ACTIONS... that's "socialism" my stupid loudmouthed friend.

And that doesn't even touch on Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and the VA and worker safety rules and the 40 hour week and the EPA and the FDA

and on and on...ya dumb bastard
The NAZI's were facists.

Yes, and Fascism is Mussolini's brand of socialism.

You're far too stupid to grasp it, but consider how Il Duce with his state controlled corporations differed from Feudal baronies? What three differences do you find? You can scurry back to the hive to ask your masters, if you wish.
Sure as long as you ignore the FACT that both Mussolini and Hitler jailed and KILLED socialists.

Odd huh?
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?

Not a damn thang.

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