Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms


Armalite Rifle Company.
Yes and everyone that is into this, or similar threads knows that. - So why do people like you keep repeating and repeating and repeating that?

What you don't seem to know is, that the civilian semi-auto AR-15 owns it's existence to the fact of having been specifically developed for the US Army as a fully auto ASSAULT rifle. So its a Military ASSAULT rifle with a semi-auto function for civilian usage. Place a bump stock onto it, or a trigger assist device, and it again becomes a fully auto ASSAULT rifle with a fitting company designation.
Yes and everyone that is into this, or similar threads knows that. - So why do people like you keep repeating and repeating and repeating that?

What you don't seem to know is, that the civilian semi-auto AR-15 owns it's existence to the fact of having been specifically developed for the US Army as a fully auto ASSAULT rifle. So its a Military ASSAULT rifle with a semi-auto function for civilian usage. Place a bump stock onto it, or a trigger assist device, and it again becomes a fully auto ASSAULT rifle with a fitting company designation.
What, exactly, is an ASSAULT rifle?

Do your homework and find the number of people killed by knives. Are you going to screech about an ASSAULT knife ban?
What, exactly, is an ASSAULT rifle?
Since you can't comprehend my posting - Go and read some books (with colored pictures/drawings) or check the internet
Do your homework and find the number of people killed by knives. Are you going to screech about an ASSAULT knife ban?
This thread is about FIREARMS - for your information, a knife is not a firearm. - you people really don't know anything.
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Go and read some books or check the internet

This thread is about FIREARMS - for your information, a knife is not a firearm. - you people really don't know anything.
So what is an ASSAULT rifle? You people want to ban something you can't define.

Where in a gun store will I find the ASSAULT rifle section?
I can, but you need a children's book with colored photos and drawings

I won't tell you - you might get one and a bump stock.
This is the continuing problem with the gunnutters. They screech out "ban ASSAULT <----note the use of capitalizing for added drama, rifles", but when asked to define "what is an ASSAULT rifle", they're left to stutter and mumble with, "that's for me to know and for you to find out"
You go after the one that is the best at it. No other rifle or handgun can compete with the AR-15 in a combat situation. And if you think that a mass shooting isn't a combat situation you have never been in any combat yourself. What is going on is that the AR has become a cult where it's the weapon of choice for school, theater and church shootings because it's capable of a very, very high body count.

So they change to a SW handgun of any kind. The body count is down and some things are beyond our control. But the AR is within our control. And your argument is a mute point.
You're just wrong.

Any semiautomatic will do the same thing.

the VA tech shooting was done with 2 handguns and was the deadliest up until the Pulse shooting and it's still at #3

All we are seeing is that one of not the most popular style of rifles in the country is being used.

Just like the best selling vehicle tops the most stolen list.
I laugh at M14 Shooter
What a joker.
I don't laugh with him.
I laugh at him.
He is ALMOST as bad as Bell Huey "the historian"

May 24, 2022
Remember it!

Have a miserable Sunday you gunnutters.

Vrenn these gunnutters are just plain stupid.
Sounds like you had another Sun night alone with the hand lotion to keep you company.
High body counts are done by the AR. You need to break the cult so that maybe the shooter picks a less damaging weapon like your handgun. And it's all about the cult and the body count.

Like I said before VA tech...handguns

And Las Vegas could be been pulled off with any rifle since it was not the typical shooting and done from an elevated position at a distance

Of all the mass shooting incidents this year only 5 had 10 deaths or more all the rest well under that

So the vast majority of those shootings didn't even require a magazine change

Face it the facts are your enemy
Not into your diversionary facts

Feel free to tell me when the last mass shooting/murder was done in the USA with an AK-47? or if you prefer with a M-16, SG550, a Tar-21, a G-3 or a G-36, etc. etc.
or an M1 Carbine.
I am waiting....waiting....wai....

Diversionary because they don't fit in with your emotional knee jerk "reasoning"

So you ban that one rifle. so another rifle becomes the "rifle of choice" for a mass murderer what do you do then?
Diversionary because they don't fit in with your emotional knee jerk "reasoning"

So you ban that one rifle. so another rifle becomes the "rifle of choice" for a mass murderer what do you do then?
Feel free to tell me when the last mass shooting/murder was done in the USA with an AK-47? or if you prefer with a M-16, SG550, a Tar-21, a G-3 or a G-36, etc. etc.
or an M1 Carbine.
I am waiting....waiting....wai....
This is the continuing problem with the gunnutters. They screech out "ban ASSAULT <----note the use of capitalizing for added drama, rifles", but when asked to define "what is an ASSAULT rifle", they're left to stutter and mumble with, "that's for me to know and for you to find out"
They are continuously telling guys like you, that the AR-15 is a potential Military Assault Rifle - solid reasons have been given - reasons and facts that you simply choose to ignore.
Laws in a democracy can only be passed by a majority - a majority that you obviously do not belong to.
Feel free to tell me when the last mass shooting/murder was done in the USA with an AK-47? or if you prefer with a M-16, SG550, a Tar-21, a G-3 or a G-36, etc. etc.
or an M1 Carbine.
I am waiting....waiting....wai....

Tell you what since I don't have every police report from every mass shooting ever perpetrated in the US why don't you find all that info and post it?

It's not up to me to prove your assertions.
They are continuously telling guys like you, that the AR-15 is a potential Military Assault Rifle - solid reasons have been given - reasons and facts that you simply choose to ignore.
Laws in a democracy can only be passed by a majority - a majority that you obviously do not belong to.
The AR 15 is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle chambered for a .223 or a a 56mm round.

ANY semiautomatic rifle chambered for that round will function EXACTLY the same way.

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