Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

All that these manufacturers had to do was change a characteristic about them, and they could be legally produced. For example, changing the name of the weapon and make sure it didn't have 2 aesthetic features that made it scary.
During the ban, in CA, I purchased a Russian SKS with a bayonet legally from a federally licensed gun shop. At that time, the bayonet lug had to be drilled out on an SKS. There was also a two week waiting period for any firearm sold in CA. I walked in, picked my weapon, filled out the FFL form and walked out---WITH THE GUN. What was different? The rifle is classed as a "relic." This gun is in better shape than any of my other SKS's and is more accurate than most of them. Moronic legislators need to protect Americans by putting criminals behind bars and stop making laws banning inanimate objects.
of course I do. I am not gun illiterate like half of these gunnutters.
.50 Browning Machine Gun cartridge
I should have been more specific.
I hope they let me keep my Serbu BFG-50.

In order to call the round the 50 BMG, you would first have to be firing it out of a 50 Browning Machine Gun which is something like the M-2 or Mah Duece which is highly regulated. People that don't know Military Ordinance makes the same mistake you do. Otherwise, it's just a 50 cal single shot rifle. And the Mah Duece is not banned but you are going to have to jump through hoops to have a real live operational one in your arsenal.
In order to call the round the 50 BMG, you would first have to be firing it out of a 50 Browning Machine Gun which is something like the M-2 or Mah Duece which is highly regulated. People that don't know Military Ordinance makes the same mistake you do. Otherwise, it's just a 50 cal single shot rifle. And the Mah Duece is not banned but you are going to have to jump through hoops to have a real live operational one in your arsenal.
What does that say on the box?


I wanted to make it very clear that I hope I will be able to keep my .50 BMG.
I have no doubt I will be able to keep my .50 AE
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The ownership of those weapons was NEVER banned. Run your hyperbole past someone that is as ignorant as you are on the subject. Maybe you can blow smoke up their ass.
The BAN can't come fast enough. Joe Biden, if you are reading this, you have my full support to ban these weapons from the hands of these gunnutters forever.
You have my name on the volunteer list. I am ready. "come and take it" Ok, here we come.
so you are telling me I am wrong to call it a .50 BMG?

No, I am not saying your wrong. What I am saying is that the advertising of that round is wrong. It's the same as claiming the Ought 6 should be advertised as the 7.62 BAR because it also saw duty in various machine guns.
No, I am not saying your wrong. What I am saying is that the advertising of that round is wrong. It's the same as claiming the Ought 6 should be advertised as the 7.62 BAR because it also saw duty in various machine guns.

yesterday I was wrong, but not today ? "In order to call the round the 50 BMG, you would first have to be firing it out of a 50 Browning Machine Gun"

If the advertising of that round is wrong, you should tell that to every manufacturer that has that on its box.
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The Second Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The 2nd amendment also does not state that e.g. mentally "challenged" people or e.g. those with a criminal record are excluded form keeping or bearing arms. So someone obviously amended lawfully, the respective gun laws.
There is a national poll/election in the USA that decides upon majorities in the Senate and Congress. - who then dictate the process of amending or introducing new laws.
And there is a supreme court above all.

Whatever political party holds the respective majority can amend national laws or state governments can amend state laws.
In a democracy the majority rules and as such decides.
And not some individual gun crazed nitwit who married his cousin, or some individual leftist/liberal, LGBT tree huger, or some lobby.

That especially in the USA, lawmakers are not able to come up with thought-through laws and as such closing/excluding legal loopholes is another issue.
So is there a political majority in the USA that would be able to ban an e.g. AR-15? if not, then what is this discussion about?
Well, the numbers you posted show a clear distinction between when the ban went into effect and both prior and afterwards. Would reimplementing the ban stop mass shootings? No, and no one has claimed it would. Would it reduce the numbers, it appears it would. But one thing is for damn sure, survivability improves when an assault weapon IS NOT used. Look up the word. "cavitation", because survivability is the main purpose of an assault weapon ban. Would you rather your children or grandchildren be shot by a Glock or an AR-15?

When a mass shooter can just pick another rifle, pistol or shotgun how does banning one type of rifle reduce mass shootings?

You really dont rhink about these issues you simply parrot the democrat talking points
I did prove it you stupid shit. Mass shootings went down immediately after the ban, and shot up like a rocket immediately after it sunset. And you have absolutely ignored the argument about improving survivability. So who is the chickenshit?

No, they didnt show anything....

You know nothing about this and actual government research stated the ban dis nothing

Again.... you ban the AR and they use another rifle, pistol or shotgun....

But you know that.....and when mass shootings continue to happen, you will use the same stupid talking points when you demand the other guns be
banned too
In a democracy the majority rules and as such decides.
So is there a political majority in the USA that would be able to ban an e.g. AR-15? if not, then what is this discussion about?
The enshrinement of constitutional rights - necessarily and intentionally - takes certain policy choices off the table.
Thus, the majority does not necessarily rule, or decide.

The Democrats unnecessarily and ineffectively banned AR15s, et al, in 1994. They paid the political price for it.
Despite their rhetoric, they are clearly unwilling to pay that price again.
You missed the boat once again.

Shotgun, in most states, only allows 3 rounds and plugs to take up the difference. The one used had 5 shots while the monster had 16. No one will be using these as their primary for School and Church shootings as the shotgun (normal) only holds 3 to 5 and it's slow to reload.

The AR reloads a 20 round mag in less than a second. That means it will end up pumping out more destruction than even the shotgun because of it's speed.

You gunnutters lose again.
You missed the point. There are shot guns out there that can hold more than 3 rounds. You ban ARs, people will buy the next available, firearm of choice. You might as well ban all firearms. And that is the gun control that eventually happens in the liberal mind set.
Assault weapons can be banned per Heller, so YOU FUCK OFF needledick.
Why is it you people can't understand that an AR 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that is available to the public?

The AR uses the same round as another rifle chambered for the same caliber.

The AR fires at the exact same rate as any other semiautomatic rifle which is 1 round per trigger pull

The only thing that makes it different are purely cosmetic differences
yesterday I was wrong, but not today ? "In order to call the round the 50 BMG, you would first have to be firing it out of a 50 Browning Machine Gun"

If the advertising of that round is wrong, you should tell that to every manufacturer that has that on its box.

The difference is the amount of powder and the quality of the powder. The 50 you use is considered a match. But it's loaded at about 650 grams of powder. The reloading charts show anywhere from 650 to 800 grams. The actual BMG is loaded at 900 grams and carries a much heavier bullet and it's not a match grade. You really don't want to be firing the Mah Duece rounds out of your rifle for two reasons. One, weapon fatigue and the other, Not on MY shoulder.

They call it the BMG for advertisement reasons. Since I don't plan on bying one, it has zero affect on me and 100% affect on you.

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