Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

The difference is the amount of powder and the quality of the powder. The 50 you use is considered a match. But it's loaded at about 650 grams of powder. The reloading charts show anywhere from 650 to 800 grams. The actual BMG is loaded at 900 grams and carries a much heavier bullet and it's not a match grade. You really don't want to be firing the Mah Duece rounds out of your rifle for two reasons. One, weapon fatigue and the other, Not on MY shoulder.

They call it the BMG for advertisement reasons. Since I don't plan on bying one, it has zero affect on me and 100% affect on you.
At the end of the day, yes, it is .50 BMG.
What are you going to tell me when I say I am going to shoot .45 ACP from my S&W?
You missed the point. There are shot guns out there that can hold more than 3 rounds. You ban ARs, people will buy the next available, firearm of choice. You might as well ban all firearms. And that is the gun control that eventually happens in the liberal mind set.

Okay, now that you have fired your shotgun empty, now reload. That is the difference. And the other reason ARs are used is the price. I can walk into any pawn shop and buy a good one for less than 400 bucks and it operates as well as the most expensive. And the rounds and mags are tiny in comparison to the same amount of Shotgun Rounds in a mag fed shotgun. Plus the mags on the AR are pennies in comparison to high capacity shotgun mags. You want to carry 120 shotgun rounds in mags around you you had better be pulling a little red wagon. The cost of what was shown in the vid was thousands, the cost prohibits it's use for mass killings. Let's face it, the only reason some idiot isn't shooting up schools and churches with a M-249 Belt Fed (SAW) is the price. Almost anyone can afford the gun but the registration and storage makes it expensive.

Meanwhile, the cost of the shotgun that has more than 3 to5 rounds is staggering. An AR-12 box fed
Shotgun made in the US will cost you in the excess of 1000 bucks. You might get a Turk made one for right around 500 bucks but you really don't want one of those. You can expect to find a few used US made AR-12s for around 500 to 1000. Another problem is, unless you buy all your accessories from the original manufacturer, they may or many not fit.

The weight of the AR-12 with at least 10 rounds is heavy. Not something you want to be trying to run, drop and shoot with. And the mags are long. I saw a picture of a 28 round version and it made almost a 90 degree circle and would break if you as much as sneezed at it.

The AR-12 is a monster to fire. You lay out 5 fast rounds out of that puppy, you are pretty well done in for awhile. And that is with an experienced shooter, not some pissed off fruitcake. Yah, Yah, I know, you are a friggin Rambo but most of the rest of us are not.

Trying to use a Shotgun to kill 50 or more people means that you are going to be spending quite a bit of the time reloading on MOST shotguns. While the AR-12 may sound like the one to use, it's really not. It's expensive. Meanwhile, the Model 870 costs a fraction of what the AR-12 does and you can easily find one for less than 150 bucks in reasonable shape but the reloading time is still going to be too time consuming.

You Rambos (in you minds) may dream of defending your home against a horde of Commies but that just ain't going to happen. If our Military loses that bad and there are hordes of armed Commies roaming the streets your single shotgun with it's pitiful 5 rounds only tells the horde where you are at and they will be right over. So you got off your 5 rounds fast. This is going to be the last action in your life as the AK is far better at this than your shotgun ever will be. And the AR is better than the AK (some disagree). Shooting up a church of a school is about the same as that horde. Each horde member is capable of killing or maiming a huge number of people fast, reload, and continue to kill. In a firefight, your shotgun will get out 3 to5 and then have to be reloaded. Record seeking Fruitcakes can't afford the 16 round shotguns so they use the under 1000 buck shotgun and get maybe two or three. Meanwhile, the fruitcake that used the AR can get in the upwards of 50 dead and over 400 injured.
At the end of the day, yes, it is .50 BMG.
What are you going to tell me when I say I am going to shoot .45 ACP from my S&W?

I'm just giving you a hard time. But you would NEVER fire your light rounds out of a Mah Duece. It would feed but it wouldn't have the power that a Mah Duece needs.

As for 45 ACPs, I Combat Match shot with a Colt 1911 Accurized Commander and I used anywhere from 185 grains all the way up to about a 248 depending on the range and accuracy. When you are talking about the Mah Duece, you are talking about many types of rounds that you would NEVER use including rounds that blow up, glow in the dark and corrode the target. And 900 grains of powder. You can call your round a BMC but I suggest you NEVER put the full 900 powder charged Mah Duece round in your rifle. Your eyesight and used of your left hand may not like it. They feed your ego with calling it a BMG and it appears to be successful.
Okay, now that you have fired your shotgun empty, now reload. That is the difference. And the other reason ARs are used is the price. I can walk into any pawn shop and buy a good one for less than 400 bucks and it operates as well as the most expensive. And the rounds and mags are tiny in comparison to the same amount of Shotgun Rounds in a mag fed shotgun. Plus the mags on the AR are pennies in comparison to high capacity shotgun mags. You want to carry 120 shotgun rounds in mags around you you had better be pulling a little red wagon. The cost of what was shown in the vid was thousands, the cost prohibits it's use for mass killings. Let's face it, the only reason some idiot isn't shooting up schools and churches with a M-249 Belt Fed (SAW) is the price. Almost anyone can afford the gun but the registration and storage makes it expensive.

Meanwhile, the cost of the shotgun that has more than 3 to5 rounds is staggering. An AR-12 box fed
Shotgun made in the US will cost you in the excess of 1000 bucks. You might get a Turk made one for right around 500 bucks but you really don't want one of those. You can expect to find a few used US made AR-12s for around 500 to 1000. Another problem is, unless you buy all your accessories from the original manufacturer, they may or many not fit.

The weight of the AR-12 with at least 10 rounds is heavy. Not something you want to be trying to run, drop and shoot with. And the mags are long. I saw a picture of a 28 round version and it made almost a 90 degree circle and would break if you as much as sneezed at it.

The AR-12 is a monster to fire. You lay out 5 fast rounds out of that puppy, you are pretty well done in for awhile. And that is with an experienced shooter, not some pissed off fruitcake. Yah, Yah, I know, you are a friggin Rambo but most of the rest of us are not.

Trying to use a Shotgun to kill 50 or more people means that you are going to be spending quite a bit of the time reloading on MOST shotguns. While the AR-12 may sound like the one to use, it's really not. It's expensive. Meanwhile, the Model 870 costs a fraction of what the AR-12 does and you can easily find one for less than 150 bucks in reasonable shape but the reloading time is still going to be too time consuming.

You Rambos (in you minds) may dream of defending your home against a horde of Commies but that just ain't going to happen. If our Military loses that bad and there are hordes of armed Commies roaming the streets your single shotgun with it's pitiful 5 rounds only tells the horde where you are at and they will be right over. So you got off your 5 rounds fast. This is going to be the last action in your life as the AK is far better at this than your shotgun ever will be. And the AR is better than the AK (some disagree). Shooting up a church of a school is about the same as that horde. Each horde member is capable of killing or maiming a huge number of people fast, reload, and continue to kill. In a firefight, your shotgun will get out 3 to5 and then have to be reloaded. Record seeking Fruitcakes can't afford the 16 round shotguns so they use the under 1000 buck shotgun and get maybe two or three. Meanwhile, the fruitcake that used the AR can get in the upwards of 50 dead and over 400 injured.
You can try and point out the stats of an AR and how "evil" it is, while the stats show, most mass shootings use handguns. And who are the ones committing most of those mass shootings? Not owners of ARs. Criminals, gang bangers, and big city thugs.

Politicians and the MSM have created this irony. They lowered the number of victims of a mass shooting to help spur their narrative. By doing so, the data now points the fingers right back at the same liberal party who likes to put those criminals right back on the streets to commit more gun crimes using HANDGUNS. The left continues to try and blame "assault rifles" as the problem, when the problems are gangs, thugs, and chasing this thug lifestyle while chasing that WAP. And don't get me wrong, there is a white criminal underground. But for some reason they seem to be smarter with their crimes.

Here is a good example of the lifestyle these poor kids chase after.

Continue to ignore the real problem.
You can try and point out the stats of an AR and how "evil" it is, while the stats show, most mass shootings use handguns. And who are the ones committing most of those mass shootings? Not owners of ARs. Criminals, gang bangers, and big city thugs.
Politicians and the MSM have created this irony. They lowered the number of victims of a mass shooting to help spur their narrative.

Under the "four people shot, regardless of circumstances" standard...
636 mass shootings in the US, 2022.
660 people killed in mass shootings in the US, 2022.
In all of these mass shootings:
8 - out of 20,000,000 - AR15s were used to kill 54 people.

I'm just giving you a hard time. But you would NEVER fire your light rounds out of a Mah Duece. It would feed but it wouldn't have the power that a Mah Duece needs.

As for 45 ACPs, I Combat Match shot with a Colt 1911 Accurized Commander and I used anywhere from 185 grains all the way up to about a 248 depending on the range and accuracy. When you are talking about the Mah Duece, you are talking about many types of rounds that you would NEVER use including rounds that blow up, glow in the dark and corrode the target. And 900 grains of powder. You can call your round a BMC but I suggest you NEVER put the full 900 powder charged Mah Duece round in your rifle. Your eyesight and used of your left hand may not like it.
They feed your ego with calling it a BMG and it appears to be successful.
My ego. I know... the manufacturers made a mistake :rolleyes:
.45 ACP... for Automatic Colt Pistols only :icon_rolleyes:
I did prove it you stupid shit. Mass shootings went down immediately after the ban, and shot up like a rocket immediately after it sunset. And you have absolutely ignored the argument about improving survivability. So who is the chickenshit?
And what happened right after your "oh so effective ban?" They found another, much deadlier act of terrorism. Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia It ain't the gun moron.
You can try and point out the stats of an AR and how "evil" it is, while the stats show, most mass shootings use handguns. And who are the ones committing most of those mass shootings? Not owners of ARs. Criminals, gang bangers, and big city thugs.

Politicians and the MSM have created this irony. They lowered the number of victims of a mass shooting to help spur their narrative. By doing so, the data now points the fingers right back at the same liberal party who likes to put those criminals right back on the streets to commit more gun crimes using HANDGUNS. The left continues to try and blame "assault rifles" as the problem, when the problems are gangs, thugs, and chasing this thug lifestyle while chasing that WAP. And don't get me wrong, there is a white criminal underground. But for some reason they seem to be smarter with their crimes.

Here is a good example of the lifestyle these poor kids chase after.

Continue to ignore the real problem.

You bs no longer works.
My ego. I know... the manufacturers made a mistake :rolleyes:
.45 ACP... for Automatic Colt Pistols only :icon_rolleyes:
View attachment 776348

Fro one, it's not just Automatic Colt Pistols or even just Colts. It's a widely used caliber by many manufacturers. But hey, well run with that. Since the 45 also fits the thompson, I fixed the box you would buy it in. Here's to your Ego.

In order to call the round the 50 BMG, you would first have to be firing it out of a 50 Browning Machine Gun which is something like the M-2 or Mah Duece which is highly regulated. People that don't know Military Ordinance makes the same mistake you do. Otherwise, it's just a 50 cal single shot rifle. And the Mah Duece is not banned but you are going to have to jump through hoops to have a real live operational one in your arsenal.
Nope, it is a description of the particular round just like the .45 ACP doesn’t have to be fired from a Browning M-1911.
Yah, you never know when a small countries army will invade your kitchen to seize your last dozen eggs.
If it’s good for stopping a country of egg thieves, it’s good for stopping a single thief.
Fro one, it's not just Automatic Colt Pistols or even just Colts. It's a widely used caliber by many manufacturers. But hey, well run with that. Since the 45 also fits the thompson, I fixed the box you would buy it in. Here's to your Ego.

View attachment 776386
It went completely over your head....
I don't shoot any caliber smaller than .50, you can keep that box for yourself.
Mossberg Maverick 88 Security 12 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun 7+1 is 239.99 at Academy

If a person has a choice, that Mossberg is a better buy than an AR.

And it hunts pretty damned good. Some good Eatin'

If sold in many states, you will need at least a 4 shot plug in it to prevent loading more than 3 to 5.
Nope, it is a description of the particular round just like the .45 ACP doesn’t have to be fired from a Browning M-1911.
So if a round is fired in a full auto MG then that's what you call all rounds even those loaded down to prevent taking your shoulder clean off. So I stick with


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