Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

There has actually been 5 firearms from the patent. The AR-15 Model 601, The Model 602(M-16A-1), the Model 603 (M-16A-3) the most recent one the Model 604 (M-16A-4 with the 3 shot selector) and the Model 750 (AR-15 Civilian). The AR-15 Model 601 predates what you know as the M-16 and the AR-15 Civilian. It was sold overseas and then purchased by the USAF who fell in love with the plastic little shit. But it met all the requirements that the USAF was looking for. In 1965, the Army and Marines the M-16 was finally out of testing and got the M designator. But it was the AR-15 Model 601 all along. You keep spewing this crap and tell part of the story to support your BS.
2aguy you miss this one? On purpose? Just "overlooked it"?
Asking for a classroom full of students that want to learn STEM and not be concerned with their safety...
You want to hear a funny one? AR owners put stickers on their windows of their vehicles like this...
Gunnutters at their best. Then they say "no man you are wrong" that is not an "assault rifle" :(
huhh? Assault rifle.. whatch you talkin bout Willis?

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2aguy you miss this one? On purpose? Just "overlooked it"?
Asking for a classroom full of students that want to learn STEM and not be concerned with their safety...

Didn't miss it, he missed my link...the one that gives the details on the AR-15 and the dumb arguments you idiots keep trying to make....

I. The names of different rifles

Let's start with some nomenclature for firearms models. The "AR" in AR-15 stands for "ArmaLite Rifle." It was the 15th model invented by the ArmaLite company. The AR-17 (which never went very far) was a shotgun. The AR-15 was an improved version of the AR-10 of 1956. In 1959, ArmaLite sold the AR-15 patents to Colt's Manufacturing Company.

Colt's then produced two firearms lines from the patents.

The semiautomatic AR-15 rifle was introduced to the civilian market in 1964.

The M16 was an automatic (machine gun) version for military use; it was sold in large quantities to the U.S. military and became a standard infantry weapon during the Vietnam War. The M16 and AR-15 look the same, except that the M16 has a selector switch that allows the user to choose automatic fire. Internally, the M16 has components for automatic fire and the AR-15 does not. Today, the military has adopted an improved version of the M16, namely the M4 carbine. (A carbine is a relatively short rifle.)

Meanwhile, the patents that Colt's had bought from ArmaLite expired in 1977. Today, most rifle manufacturers make a rifle based on the AR platform. However, Colt's still owns the tradename "AR-15." So precisely speaking, none of the firearms from the other manufacturers can be called an "AR-15." This post, except when quoting or summarizing writings that incorrectly use "AR-15" when they mean a broader group of rifles, will simply use the term "AR" for the class of rifles that use the AR platform.

I already busted your myth earlier. The only difference is a selector switch....

No, shitstain.........the ability to fire 3 round burst or fully automatic is the twit.....the AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, just like all the other semi-automatic civilian doofus...
Didn't miss it, he missed my link...the one that gives the details on the AR-15 and the dumb arguments you idiots keep trying to make....

I. The names of different rifles

Let's start with some nomenclature for firearms models. The "AR" in AR-15 stands for "ArmaLite Rifle." It was the 15th model invented by the ArmaLite company. The AR-17 (which never went very far) was a shotgun. The AR-15 was an improved version of the AR-10 of 1956. In 1959, ArmaLite sold the AR-15 patents to Colt's Manufacturing Company.

Colt's then produced two firearms lines from the patents.

The semiautomatic AR-15 rifle was introduced to the civilian market in 1964.

The M16 was an automatic (machine gun) version for military use; it was sold in large quantities to the U.S. military and became a standard infantry weapon during the Vietnam War. The M16 and AR-15 look the same, except that the M16 has a selector switch that allows the user to choose automatic fire. Internally, the M16 has components for automatic fire and the AR-15 does not. Today, the military has adopted an improved version of the M16, namely the M4 carbine. (A carbine is a relatively short rifle.)

Meanwhile, the patents that Colt's had bought from ArmaLite expired in 1977. Today, most rifle manufacturers make a rifle based on the AR platform. However, Colt's still owns the tradename "AR-15." So precisely speaking, none of the firearms from the other manufacturers can be called an "AR-15." This post, except when quoting or summarizing writings that incorrectly use "AR-15" when they mean a broader group of rifles, will simply use the term "AR" for the class of rifles that use the AR platform.

Other than a name change, a selective fire switch and a 16 vs. 20" barrel, this is the same killing machine.
You are not fooling me, you are not fooling any educated gun owner. You know what they are.
Try to pull the wool over some fools eyes. I don't buy it, and you are wasting your oxygen.
Other than a name change, a selective fire switch and a 16 vs. 20" barrel, this is the same killing machine.
You are not fooling me, you are not fooling any educated gun owner. You know what they are.
Try to pull the wool over a fools eyes. I don't buy it and you are wasting your oxygen.
So what?

Lots of things have been used to kill people in fact almost everything you see in your daily life has been used to kill someone somewhere
Other than a name change, a selective fire switch and a 16 vs. 20" barrel, this is the same killing machine.
You are not fooling me, you are not fooling any educated gun owner. You know what they are.
Try to pull the wool over some fools eyes. I don't buy it, and you are wasting your oxygen.

Yeah....I get it, you are a dumb you giggle everytime you post the bullshit?
did I or did I not say selector switch? Yes I did. Again, I busted your MYTH. didn' failed to point out the reason for the switch...which makes the difference between the Civilian AR-15, and the military lying ass clod....
Then you better get rid of any knives, hammers, baseball bats and anything else you own that can be used to kill.

Do it for the children. kill more children than guns......and we let 16 year olds drive them on their own.......with no supervision.
That whole slippery slope argument is all you got isn't it? You can't rationally argue against banning assault weapons so you got to attempt to claim it is a "foot in the door", fear monger people into thinking that other guns will follow the assault rifle and be banned. But the slippery slope argument is STUPID, and easily proven wrong.

The assault rifle was banned for TEN DAMN YEARS. In that ten years, name one, JUST FLIPPIN ONE, other gun that was banned. The gun grabbers had their "foot in the door" for TEN DAMN YEARS, and yet they never even bothered to try and ban another type of gun. So, don't walk that stupid ass argument up in here. That dog ain't going to hunt.
Never stops amazing me how much you traitor filth lie.
I know what a selector switch is. I am not "gun stupid". Do you think I was born yesterday?
Grow Up. I am not here to give lessons. apparently weren't born yesterday, you just haven't learned anything since you came into this world........
Everything I posted is 100% true. Do not deny it.

Now tell us.....are you in Middle school?....cause you appear to be too stupid to be in high school...although, with what the democrats have done to public education, you fit right in...

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