Compassion and human decency


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I once heard that "decency" and "human compassion" should be part of enforcing immigration law, especially for people coming here illegally. Thing is, I have no compassion for people who know the law and wantonly break the law anyway. "But these people are trying to make a better life for themselves here in America!" some say. Sorry, but no. "Think of the children!" Sorry again, but no. It's okay to have compassion. In some legal circumstances its okay to have compassion. But when you try to apply compassion to the enforcement of immigration law, the law itself loses its efficacy. I'm assuming that's what some here want regarding those who want to "better themselves".

What if I told you that there is no decency in disregarding the law for your own betterment? What if I told you that this only teaches children a lack of respect for duly enacted law? What good is a "better life" going to be if this person is already considered a criminal for coming here illegally from step one onward? How does that constitute a better life when they're constantly having to run and hide from immigration officials? What does that teach their children?

What these people are doing is essentially stealing. You want human compassion and decency applied to the law? Why don't you teach them the value and worth of obeying the law as opposed to breaking it?

Sure wish this illegal immigrant, deported five times previously, would have had some compassion and human decency before he murdered Sandra Duran in a drunken stupor behind the wheel of an automobile.

"JoAnnie Duran was stopped at a red light when her sister’s fiance called. She struggled to make out most of his words, but finally two of them stuck: “Sandra’s dead.”

Duran pulled into a gas station parking lot and sobbed, but couldn’t bring herself to say the words out loud. She had Sandra’s 12-year-old son in the car with her. How could she possibly break it to him? And how could it be true? Her sister had called her just 20 minutes earlier to tease her about a video she’d posted on Facebook.

Even now, more than two weeks since her older sister’s death, she cannot accept the way it happened. Officials say a drunk driver ran a red light, smashing into Sandra’s car that Sunday morning — an hour or so after the sisters worshipped together at church.

The driver — who faces murder, vehicular manslaughter and driving while intoxicated charges in connection with the Feb. 19 crash — is an immigrant in the country illegally who has been deported from the United States at least five times, according to police and court records.

Estuardo Alvarado, 45, was fleeing the scene of a traffic accident at a “high rate of speed” when he smashed his vehicle into a car driven by Sandra Duran, according to Det. William Bustos of the LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division.

Duran, 42, suffered serious injuries and later died. The two other people in the car — her 18-year-old son, Christian, and his girlfriend — were treated for minor injuries. Alvarado was arrested after being transported to a hospital, Bustos said.

Man who had been deported to Mexico five times charged in deadly L.A. car crash
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Instead of coming to America, kill your leaders and claim your freedom. It's a long process but if you kill enough of them maybe you'll reach your goal.

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