COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

Banging the drum for a self inflicted drug overdose being law enforcements fault
Libbies can’t currentky come up with a new hoax so they are recycling old ones.
Here is the video we have all been waiting for.

The ENTIRE George Floyd incident.

You know I see there? A boy whose mama didn't whoop him like she should have a time or two.
Throwing a crying fit.

That and an apathetic POS cop or two.
Actually you are watching the effect of the $22 trillion war on poverty that rewarded unwed mothers and Dads that WEREN'T around to give the "TALK" such as what Chris Rock has provided.
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

First shown 01/10/2006...
Stop committing crimes and you won't have to.

If cops were murdering white folks on suspicion of minor offenses, your racist ass would be screaming about it.

Knelt or not.....kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with his death.....the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl did that.....he was dead before the cops showed up......

With the toxicology report and the training methods, these cops, including the guy with his knee on the neck, will walk.....

None of these cops are walking... just ain't gonna happen...
Stop committing crimes and you won't have to.

If cops were murdering white folks on suspicion of minor offenses, your racist ass would be screaming about it.

Knelt or not.....kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with his death.....the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl did that.....he was dead before the cops showed up......

With the toxicology report and the training methods, these cops, including the guy with his knee on the neck, will walk.....

None of these cops are walking... just ain't gonna happen...
If buts beer nuts. If is only meaningful when and if it becomes “is”
For now an astounding 99.97% of police encounters with blacks do not involve death but in feelings land that .03% means Everyone.
Stop committing crimes and you won't have to.

If cops were murdering white folks on suspicion of minor offenses, your racist ass would be screaming about it.

Knelt or not.....kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with his death.....the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl did that.....he was dead before the cops showed up......

With the toxicology report and the training methods, these cops, including the guy with his knee on the neck, will walk.....

None of these cops are walking... just ain't gonna happen...

They didn't murder anyone you dumb ass.......these morons were all resisting arrest and fighting the flyod was dead when the police arrived, and jacob blake is a rapist who had a moron...
They didn't murder anyone you dumb ass.......these morons were all resisting arrest and fighting the flyod was dead when the police arrived, and jacob blake is a rapist who had a moron...

Jacob Blake didn't have a knife in his hands when he was brutally shot in the back seven times.
George Floyd looked alive enough to scream "I CAN'T BREATHE" when that cop had his knee on his neck for 9 minutes.
They didn't murder anyone you dumb ass.......these morons were all resisting arrest and fighting the flyod was dead when the police arrived, and jacob blake is a rapist who had a moron...

Jacob Blake didn't have a knife in his hands when he was brutally shot in the back seven times.
George Floyd looked alive enough to scream "I CAN'T BREATHE" when that cop had his knee on his neck for 9 minutes.

He fought the police, he was a violent rapist, and was reaching into his car after being ordered to stop, tazed, and ordered again to stop......the car had 3 children in it who were at risk because of that criminal asshole.

The toxicology report says he was dead on his feet you moron.........he had 2X the lethal dose of fentynl in his system......

For joe...lethal definition..

capable of causing death

He fought the police, he was a violent rapist, and was reaching into his car after being ordered to stop, tazed, and ordered again to stop......the car had 3 children in it who were at risk because of that criminal asshole.

Violent rapist? He grabbed his girlfriend's pussy. By your standards, Trump is a criminal asshole. (Well, he is, but not for that reason.)

The toxicology report says he was dead on his feet you moron.........he had 2X the lethal dose of fentynl in his system......

Again, I can't go into a Hospice and start smothering the patients because they might die soon anyway.

The fentanyl didn't kill him, the knee to the neck did.
Stop committing crimes and you won't have to.

If cops were murdering white folks on suspicion of minor offenses, your racist ass would be screaming about it.

Knelt or not.....kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with his death.....the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl did that.....he was dead before the cops showed up......

With the toxicology report and the training methods, these cops, including the guy with his knee on the neck, will walk.....

None of these cops are walking... just ain't gonna happen...
I'm not racist, I don't like stupid people, stupid.
Stop committing crimes and you won't have to.

If cops were murdering white folks on suspicion of minor offenses, your racist ass would be screaming about it.

Knelt or not.....kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with his death.....the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl did that.....he was dead before the cops showed up......

With the toxicology report and the training methods, these cops, including the guy with his knee on the neck, will walk.....

None of these cops are walking... just ain't gonna happen...
Of the 19 unarmed people killed by the past year...11 were white....8 were black.

We don't need to loot grocery stores, we can afford the food.
They didn't murder anyone you dumb ass.......these morons were all resisting arrest and fighting the flyod was dead when the police arrived, and jacob blake is a rapist who had a moron...

Jacob Blake didn't have a knife in his hands when he was brutally shot in the back seven times.
George Floyd looked alive enough to scream "I CAN'T BREATHE" when that cop had his knee on his neck for 9 minutes.
When you can’t breathe you can’t scream. It’s a criminal ploy like “You’re hurting me”
Of the 19 unarmed people killed by the past year...11 were white....8 were black.


The Post’s data shows police fatally shot 13 unarmed Black men in 2019, five more people than Kirk claimed. Also, police fatally shot an unarmed Black woman, Atatiana Jefferson, 28, on Oct. 12 in Fort Worth Texas. But the Post's database covers only shootings. It does not include deaths caused by beating, tasering or vehicles. George Floyd’s died in police custody after a police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, which would not have been included in the Post’s data set.
I just don't see undeniable proof that Officer Chauvin actually tried to kill the liberal icon. It looked like he was just restraining him, but Mr. Floyd couldn't take the beating he had earned because of his severe heart disease and Chinese Kung Flu ailment which he did NOT advise Chauvin of.

Okay, so if I go into a Hospice and smother a patient with a pillow, do you really think I'm going to get off on a "He was probably going to die in a couple of days of something else" defense?

He wasn't restraining him. He had his knee on his neck for nearly nine minutes while the man screamed "I can't breathe"

He couldn't breathe but he could scream for nine minutes? Joe's dumbass cluelessness can be hilarious at times. We should deport Joe so he can get some serious Social Justic Warrioring done someplace like Indonesia or The Sudan; his concern for violent thugs is lost on the U.S. and needs to go where it can prosper and grow.
If buts beer nuts. If is only meaningful when and if it becomes “is”
For now an astounding 99.97% of police encounters with blacks do not involve death but in feelings land that .03% means Everyone.

Would you fly on an airline that only ended in Fiery Crashes .03% of the time?

Are you scared to ride in a car? How about dying from a bee sting or getting swept away by a tornado? Black people have a much higher chance of dying from any of these than at the hands of a police officer. Couple this with the fact that if black people don't resist arrest, the chances of dying are even lower. All of this outcry is completely overblown....just another way to get the liberal lemmings all fired up before an election.
Are you scared to ride in a car? How about dying from a bee sting or getting swept away by a tornado? Black people have a much higher chance of dying from any of these than at the hands of a police officer. Couple this with the fact that if black people don't resist arrest, the chances of dying are even lower. All of this outcry is completely overblown....just another way to get the liberal lemmings all fired up before an election.

Number of black people killed by police in 2019 - 235

number of people killed in bee stings - 89. That would be people of ALL races, stung by Bees, Wasps and Hornets.

Number of people killed by Tornadoes in 2019. - 42. Again, this would be all people.

Of course, Police aren't random things like Tornadoes or Bees. They are trained, equipped and armed by the government with the express purpose of protecting the public. So, um, yeah, there should be outrage when we see a case like George Floyd, where the people who should have been protecting Mr. Floyd ended up killing him over something as petty as passing a fake $20.
Are you scared to ride in a car? How about dying from a bee sting or getting swept away by a tornado? Black people have a much higher chance of dying from any of these than at the hands of a police officer. Couple this with the fact that if black people don't resist arrest, the chances of dying are even lower. All of this outcry is completely overblown....just another way to get the liberal lemmings all fired up before an election.

Number of black people killed by police in 2019 - 235

number of people killed in bee stings - 89. That would be people of ALL races, stung by Bees, Wasps and Hornets.

Number of people killed by Tornadoes in 2019. - 42. Again, this would be all people.

Of course, Police aren't random things like Tornadoes or Bees. They are trained, equipped and armed by the government with the express purpose of protecting the public. So, um, yeah, there should be outrage when we see a case like George Floyd, where the people who should have been protecting Mr. Floyd ended up killing him over something as petty as passing a fake $20.

You forgot to include the number of people stung by bees and exposed to tornados in the US. You need this bit of information to come up with the stats. You simply stated the numbers of deaths and tried to compare them with bee stings and tornado fatalities. Typical liberal idiocy.

Why do you think Floyd's death was a racist act? What makes you think this, or it it just your programming?
You forgot to include the number of people stung by bees and exposed to tornados in the US. You need this bit of information to come up with the stats. You simply stated the numbers of deaths and tried to compare them with bee stings and tornado fatalities. Typical liberal idiocy.

Um, no, guy, I came up with the stats... You have some bizarre interpretation that somehow, that the police restrained themselves from killing black folks all those times, we should ignore all the times they did.

Why do you think Floyd's death was a racist act? What makes you think this, or it it just your programming?

You mean other than Chauvin's racist history?

But, just as the demands for justice continue around the country, records show that at least two of the officers involved in Floyd's death have had multiple complaints filed against them with the Minneapolis Police Department's Internal Affairs.

Since joining the police force in 2001, Chauvin alone has had 18 complaints filed against him, only two of which were “closed with discipline,” CNN reports. A database that documents instances of police brutality listed seven complaints against Chauvin that have all been “closed” and resulted in “no discipline." Other reports documented his involvement in multiple violent, and deadly cases of police abuse.

According to CNN, in 2006, Chauvin and five other officers shot and killed a man who had stabbed his girlfriend and a friend. Two years later, he was reportedly involved in an altercation with an individual suspected of a domestic dispute. Chauvin shot the man twice, though the man survived.

In 2011, Chauvin was placed on a three-day leave, along with four other officers, for his involvement in the non-fatal shooting of an indigenous man, The Daily Beast reports. The officers were allowed back to work after it was determined they responded “appropriately.” Five more complaints made against Chauvin prior to 2012 have also been closed and resulted in no disciplinary action.
Um, no, guy, I came up with the stats... You have some bizarre interpretation that somehow, that the police restrained themselves from killing black folks all those times, we should ignore all the times they did.

Let me try to help. You stated that 235 black people were killed by police in 2019. You fail to add that only 9-13, depending on who you believe, were unarmed, but I digress. You mention 235 and them compare it with number of bee stings and deaths caused by tornadoes in an idiotic attempt to make it look like it is more prevalent. This is were percentages come into play. For example, using your number 49, the chance of getting killed by a tornado is 2.8% based on the fact that there were about 1500 tornadoes in 2019. In case you are still confused, that is exponentially higher than the percentage of the TOTAL number of black people killed by cops in 2019, given the number of police encounters. Maybe this type of fuzzy math worth on your indoctrinated, brain dead friends, but it won't work on me.

You mean other than Chauvin's racist history?

What in any of these complaints makes him a racist? You could argue it is a hot head and even a bad cop, but why is he a racist?
Let me try to help. You stated that 235 black people were killed by police in 2019. You fail to add that only 9-13, depending on who you believe, were unarmed, but I digress.

Because it isn't important.

That it happens AT ALL is the problem.

For example, using your number 49, the chance of getting killed by a tornado is 2.8% based on the fact that there were about 1500 tornadoes in 2019.

Wow, so your argument is that since cops harrass blacks all the time, they should be grateful they only kill a few hundred? This is your argument, you racist, inbred twat?

What in any of these complaints makes him a racist? You could argue it is a hot head and even a bad cop, but why is he a racist?

Other than most of his misconduct is directed towards people of color?

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