COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

I just don't see undeniable proof that Officer Chauvin actually tried to kill the liberal icon. It looked like he was just restraining him, but Mr. Floyd couldn't take the beating he had earned because of his severe heart disease and Chinese Kung Flu ailment which he did NOT advise Chauvin of.

Okay, so if I go into a Hospice and smother a patient with a pillow, do you really think I'm going to get off on a "He was probably going to die in a couple of days of something else" defense?

He wasn't restraining him. He had his knee on his neck for nearly nine minutes while the man screamed "I can't breathe"
I'm going to put in terms even you can understand.
Murdering a helpless man in the middle of the street is wrong... and only a loathsome racist would come on here and try to rationalize it.
Fuck off and Die, I'm done with you.
And likewise I will be as clear as I can be. You are weakling, you know you are helpless, you know you can not fight nor defend yourself, thus to make yourself feel big you assume everyone is as helpless as yourself. You are so weak, that when I stated you could not even put you boot on my neck if you were a cop you ran away from that thread. You can not even talk nor text or post a good fight.

I get it, you a weakling and helpless. But 99% of the men in this world are a lot tougher than you. George Floyd was not you, he was a parole high on methamphetamine, fentnayl, and alcohol. This life long criminal was committing felonies and he was considered very much a violent felon stoned out of his mind on a drug cocktail. He fought the police to stay out of the police car. You can not simply let that man go as you keep repeating.

and again, I get it, you are helpless hence not a criminal.
and you would make a poor cop as you could not even put you knee on my neck let alone floyd
Didn't I just tell you to go fuck yourself? No one is interested in your racist rantings.
I guess you do not have the power to make me fuck myself. Even on these boards, as in real life you can not defend yourself against a person. Here you cry, trying to get me to go away when it is you that is posting bullshit. Well, I guess it would be real nice for you to have me not here pointing out that you do not know your ass from a hole in the ground.

We all see you for who you are. A person that is helpless hence you think George Floyd was helpless. You are not strong enough to fight off one person let alone four hence you claim Floyd was helpless for it is you that is helpless. Never in your life would you be physically able to restrain even a person like me. You can not even explain or articulate that you are tough enough to put a fight hence you project your weakness onto Floyd, claiming he is as helpless as you.

Floyd was a violent criminal convicted and paroled, high on dangerous drugs that people are very willing to kill while using. Floyd was committing multiple crimes just this one afternoon, who knows what other crimes he had been committing since on parole. Floyd fought the police unlike you can imagine because as you have demonstrated you are helpless.
No, but it's probably the only action you get
we get it, you can not defend yourself so you assume floyd was as helpless as you. You can not even articulate how you can be as tough as a cop or a normal man, hence you think you can insult me and I will forget about how you are comparing your helplessness with a man that is not only tough but a criminal high on drugs that are known to make you stronger and certainly violent. It is kind of sad how you can not imagine someone not being as helpless as yourself.

I hope you get it and I am glad to see you have simple submitted to my argument. I beat you. You are helpless responding, helpless physically.
we get it, you can not defend yourself

Guy, we shouldn't have to worry about "defending" ourselves from thug cops who murder people.

This shouldn't happen in a free society.

Now Go Fuck yourself.
Guy, we shouldn't have to worry about "defending" ourselves from thug cops who murder people.
This shouldn't happen in a free society.
Now Go Fuck yourself.
We do understand that you yourself are physically helpless and wish that you would never ever have to defend yourself against anything. But the fact is we need people stronger than you are. Okay, people stronger than you are now all thugs. That is how you see the people who have an ability that you do not have. We get it. The fact of the matter is we need what you call, "thugs", to protect the weakling such as yourself from the people paroled from prison high on methamphetamine who are out robbing people like you. George Floyd would of crushed you brushing you aside as he walked in to rob the store. That is how weak you are and how strong Floyd was.

Yes, the "thug" cops protect the weaklings such as JoeB131.
he kept yelling that he was claustrophobic ....... but he was inside of the car that he rode in with his friend ...... he was resisting .... but the cop should not have knelt on his neck for so long .
I'd like to see the vid of him pointing a piece at a pregnant womans belly and threatning her to get him da drugs or he'd blow her fetus all over the wall.

Nice guy.
I've seen the tape, nothing happened that warranted his death. It appears that the story of George Floyd pointing a gun at a pregnant lady's belly is exaggerated and maybe not even true.

This is Floyds criminal record.

View attachment 370913

"to conclude, from evidence, that includes the robbery report from the police department and the copy of the final judgment in the case, that punished Floyd for 5 years in jail, there is no evidence of him manhandling a pregnant woman."

The reality of George Floyd Maltreating a Pregnant Woman in a Robbery Attempt | XperimentalHamid
the robbery with a deadly weapon is the crime ...
Guy, we shouldn't have to worry about "defending" ourselves from thug cops who murder people.
This shouldn't happen in a free society.
Now Go Fuck yourself.
We do understand that you yourself are physically helpless and wish that you would never ever have to defend yourself against anything. But the fact is we need people stronger than you are. Okay, people stronger than you are now all thugs. That is how you see the people who have an ability that you do not have. We get it. The fact of the matter is we need what you call, "thugs", to protect the weakling such as yourself from the people paroled from prison high on methamphetamine who are out robbing people like you. George Floyd would of crushed you brushing you aside as he walked in to rob the store. That is how weak you are and how strong Floyd was.

Yes, the "thug" cops protect the weaklings such as JoeB131.
yes you are correct the wimp joeb radiates weakness in prison he would be Pee Wee Hermans bitch . 1596991045929.png
I'd like to see the vid of him pointing a piece at a pregnant womans belly and threatning her to get him da drugs or he'd blow her fetus all over the wall.

Nice guy.
I've seen the tape, nothing happened that warranted his death. It appears that the story of George Floyd pointing a gun at a pregnant lady's belly is exaggerated and maybe not even true.

This is Floyds criminal record.

View attachment 370913

"to conclude, from evidence, that includes the robbery report from the police department and the copy of the final judgment in the case, that punished Floyd for 5 years in jail, there is no evidence of him manhandling a pregnant woman."

The reality of George Floyd Maltreating a Pregnant Woman in a Robbery Attempt | XperimentalHamid
I look at aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon as the first on a rap sheet of a dozen felonies.

Hey genius. This is only Texas. Pull a APB on the rest of the 49 states and all Fed charges.

That poor man did not need to go that way with a knee on his neck. Hopefully a lot of good will come after the ugly disappears. Usually it does.
I'd like to see the vid of him pointing a piece at a pregnant womans belly and threatning her to get him da drugs or he'd blow her fetus all over the wall.

Nice guy.
I've seen the tape, nothing happened that warranted his death. It appears that the story of George Floyd pointing a gun at a pregnant lady's belly is exaggerated and maybe not even true.

This is Floyds criminal record.

View attachment 370913

"to conclude, from evidence, that includes the robbery report from the police department and the copy of the final judgment in the case, that punished Floyd for 5 years in jail, there is no evidence of him manhandling a pregnant woman."

The reality of George Floyd Maltreating a Pregnant Woman in a Robbery Attempt | XperimentalHamid
I look at aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon as the first on a rap sheet of a dozen felonies.

Hey genius. This is only Texas. Pull a APB on the rest of the 49 states and all Fed charges.

That poor man did not need to go that way with a knee on his neck. Hopefully a lot of good will come after the ugly disappears. Usually it does.
True it is sad that george floyd died of a fentanyl overdose
And likewise I will be as clear as I can be. Y

Didn't I just tell you to go fuck yourself? No one is interested in your racist rantings.
You lose. No one is interested in your stupidity either.
We do understand that you yourself are physically helpless and wish that you would never ever have to defend yourself against anything. But the fact is we need people stronger than you are. Okay, people stronger than you are now all thugs. That is how you see the people who have an ability that you do not have. We get it. The fact of the matter is we need what you call, "thugs", to protect the weakling such as yourself from the people paroled from prison high on methamphetamine who are out robbing people like you. George Floyd would of crushed you brushing you aside as he walked in to rob the store. That is how weak you are and how strong Floyd was.

Yes, the "thug" cops protect the weaklings such as JoeB1
Here is the video we have all been waiting for.

The ENTIRE George Floyd incident.

George Floyd would be alive today if he just stayed in the squad car as i said a couple of months ago. But.....

The Lame Stream Media destroyed the life of George Zimmerman, a Democrat Voter who was a community watch citizen who was watching a thug Trayvon Martin. The Lame Stream Media destroyed the life of the Darren Wilson a police officer who was attempting to arrest Michael Brown for robbing a convenient store owned by a Indian American. Now this officer who was trying to do his duty by arresting the drugged up George, resisted arrest over and over, and then as he couldnt breath in the squad car, how could this guy believe him on the ground. Cry wolf, and soon no one believes you...
I believe the Democrats thought they could put an end to the United States if they brought about a civil war, but because all those lies they told got exposed Im pretty certain their defeat will have consequences that are deserved as follows:

1. Those top deciders who initiated fraudulent treason of planning or iniated any false charges against President Trump will admit it and receive 20 year sentences for treason, pay for the Mueller and other fact-finding expenses plus Ten million dollars apiece for premeditated calumny against the American people's elected President.
2. They forfeit their right to vote and hold public office for life.
3. They forfeit their land and property and when their jail terms are done they are banned from setting foot on American soilfor life.
4. Press reporters in the future will either tell the truth, and if caught bearing any more lies to the public will be permanently deported for treason's justice.
5. Schools on American soil will consider Communist studies pornography and will no longer rape the minds of our kids with all that muck. One offense will result in closure of that school.
6. America, clean up those polls by requiring ids. Interlopers in vote cheating will lose their citizenship and be deported.
he kept yelling that he was claustrophobic ....... but he was inside of the car that he rode in with his friend ...... he was resisting .... but the cop should not have knelt on his neck for so long .

Knelt or not.....kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with his death.....the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl did that.....he was dead before the cops showed up......

With the toxicology report and the training methods, these cops, including the guy with his knee on the neck, will walk.....


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