COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

Actually, if anything, it's probably a discussion the left didn't want to have right now. Yes, race IS the determining factor because racial profiling is still really a thing

Common senese is really a thing too. I got pulled over years ago when leaving a hospital ER around 2:00am. The hospital was located in a predominately black neighborhood that was low income and known for drug dealing. They asked me why I was there and searched my entire car. Do you know why? Because I was profiled. I had to problem with it because I was able to understand their concern. The only white guys cruising around that neighborhood at night were looking to buy drugs, especially ones in their late teens driving a VW bug with some shiney rims on it, not mini-van. I didn't resist and was fully cooperative. I was also clean-cut. I didn't have long hair, with tatoos down both arms and a wife beater on. You can pretend that none of that should matter, but reality is, it does and always will.

No, they are disproportionately hassled by police.

And dispropotionately resisting arrest. You keep leaving that part out.

Yes, how law enforcement treats people of color is different

They treat people differently mainly based on overall appearance and attitude. You just can't get away from the racial angle. Two things about your video. First, the white guy pretty clean cut and wearing a button down shirt, while the black guy has dreads with his pregnant girlfriend/wife walking behind him. If the white guy would have been wearing wife beater with tats and combat boots with a pregnant girl following him the results may have been very different. Secondly, these are 2 different cops. Maybe the first cop would have treated the black guy the same as the white guy and the second cop would have treated the white guy the same as the black guy. You don't think of this things and don't even like to entertain the idea, but culture is the biggest contributing factor to these profiling cases. I live in a predomantely white area. My kids go to private school. There are a couple of black children in their class whose parent's are both doctors. I can assure you, they are not any more likely to be pulled over in their BMW's due to their race because and are less likely to be pulled over than some white redneck driving a jacked up pick-up truck, who happens not to be doing anything wrong but fits the profile of many that are. Put the same black doctors in a 1980 Cadillac with 22 inch shiney spinning wheels and guess what will likely happen? Culture, not race.

No, they are killed because the cops are fucking racist

Wrong, but I know telling you that is a waste of time. You are way too far gone to listen to reason.
No, they are driven by poverty, drugs, the fact the cops in Chicago are kind of incompetent and no one is afraid of them and of course, that it is way too easy to get a gun in Chicago now that the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun laws overturned in court.

Chicago has had the most restrictive gun laws in the country for many years. You imbeciles still haven't figure out that criminals and thugs won't be turning their guns over and they don't walk into the local sporting good store to buy them, like law abiding citizens. BTW, WV has quite a bit of white poverty and MUCH restrictive gun laws. Why don't they the same or even similar gun homicide rates as Chicago? CULTURE is the issue at play here, but you don't want to hear that.
Common senese is really a thing too. I got pulled over years ago when leaving a hospital ER around 2:00am. The hospital was located in a predominately black neighborhood that was low income and known for drug dealing. They asked me why I was there and searched my entire car. Do you know why? Because I was profiled. I had to problem with it because I was able to understand their concern. The only white guys cruising around that neighborhood at night were looking to buy drugs, especially ones in their late teens driving a VW bug with some shiney rims on it, not mini-van. I didn't resist and was fully cooperative. I was also clean-cut. I didn't have long hair, with tatoos down both arms and a wife beater on. You can pretend that none of that should matter, but reality is, it does and always will.

Point was, they found out you were white and they treated you with dignity.

You are kind of making my point.

They treat people differently mainly based on overall appearance and attitude. You just can't get away from the racial angle. Two things about your video. First, the white guy pretty clean cut and wearing a button down shirt, while the black guy has dreads with his pregnant girlfriend/wife walking behind him.

Good point. Hey how many mass shooters were white guys who couldn't get laid vs. a black guy with a preggers girlfriend. Frankly white guy with an AR-15 should be a massive warning sign...

Secondly, these are 2 different cops. Maybe the first cop would have treated the black guy the same as the white guy and the second cop would have treated the white guy the same as the black guy.

Wow, you are naive, Cleetus...

I live in a predomantely white area.

Again, that you won't identify, because you know darned well that I can dig up stats that show that you live in White Trash Heaven. Look, man, I know you are proud of your double wide, it's the envy of all the other rednecks.

There are a couple of black children in their class whose parent's are both doctors. I can assure you, they are not any more likely to be pulled over in their BMW's due to their race because and are less likely to be pulled over than some white redneck driving a jacked up pick-up truck, who happens not to be doing anything wrong but fits the profile of many that are. Put the same black doctors in a 1980 Cadillac with 22 inch shiney spinning wheels and guess what will likely happen? Culture, not race.

Actually, real world. Cops see a black kid driving a nice car, their assumption is "they stole it!" Check your privilege, buddy.

Chicago has had the most restrictive gun laws in the country for many years.

I'm going to have to stop you right there because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Chicago's gun laws were all thrown out with the McDonald vs. Chicago Case, and five minutes later, you had a sign on every street corner advertising how to get your CCA permit.

Please note that after McDonald, the crime rate went up after decades of declines. .


BTW, WV has quite a bit of white poverty and MUCH restrictive gun laws. Why don't they the same or even similar gun homicide rates as Chicago? CULTURE is the issue at play here, but you don't want to hear that.

Okay, let's look at that, Cleetus. None of these are big cities, but the inbreds seem to commit a lot of crimes.


Meanwhile, in Chicago, the violent crime rate is 10 per 1000 people and the property crime rate is 32 per 1000 people. better than a lot of cities in W. Virginia.
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By your errant logic, the black-on-black murders in Chicago are driven by racism.

No, they are driven by poverty, drugs, the fact the cops in Chicago are kind of incompetent and no one is afraid of them and of course, that it is way too easy to get a gun in Chicago now that the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun laws overturned in court.

You really are a stupid person, aren't you?
I see you're either dishonest of too stupid to learn anything significant about the plight of Chicago.

Your cop hating culture is a result of your local government and the rules of the federal welfare system, both of which created and continue to nurture the punk-ass thug population.
I see you're either dishonest of too stupid to learn anything significant about the plight of Chicago.

Your cop hating culture is a result of your local government and the rules of the federal welfare system, both of which created and continue to nurture the punk-ass thug population.

No, folks in Chicago hate the CPD because they have a long history of racism and corruption...

But our crime problems, there are a lot of cities that are a lot worse off... Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, NOLA.
Point was, they found out you were white and they treated you with dignity.

You are kind of making my point

No, you assume that is why they treated me with dignity because EVERTHING is about race to you. Maybe it was because I was very coopertative and respective. I mean, there is that.
Wow, you are naive, Cleetus

Nope, much more informed than you.
Actually, real world. Cops see a black kid driving a nice car, their assumption is "they stole it!" Check your privilege, buddy

No they don't see that here. Compared to me, you live in a dump with a lot of thugs. It is possible that reaction is more prevalent in those types of areas.
Look, man, I know you are proud of your double wide, it's the envy of all the other rednecks.

You keep calling me Cleetus, which is associated with a redneck white from the South. Would you be more or less likely to want to interview a guy whose name on his resume was Cleetus, likely a white guy from a lower class, "redneck" upbringing, vs Deion, likely a black guy but no real negative conotation with the name? I think you know the answer to this. It is more about culture than race.
Okay, let's look at that, Cleetus. None of these are big cities, but the inbreds seem to commit a lot of crimes

I thought we were talking about gun crimes. Also, you might want to be careful about researching gun crimes because you might not like what you find. Regardless of income, homicides rates(not suicide) are much higher in black communties than white communties of similar economic stature.
No, you assume that is why they treated me with dignity because EVERTHING is about race to you. Maybe it was because I was very coopertative and respective. I mean, there is that.

Naw, it's because you are white, and they'd get into real trouble for mistreating a white person.

No they don't see that here. Compared to me, you live in a dump with a lot of thugs. It is possible that reaction is more prevalent in those types of areas.

Name the town you live in. I promise you, it isn't affluent as the Suburb I live in.

You keep calling me Cleetus, which is associated with a redneck white from the South. Would you be more or less likely to want to interview a guy whose name on his resume was Cleetus, likely a white guy from a lower class, "redneck" upbringing, vs Deion, likely a black guy but no real negative conotation with the name? I think you know the answer to this. It is more about culture than race.

Except they've done studies where Jamal and Keisha get less interviews than Greg and Emily... so there's that, Cleetus.

(I don't know if anyone would name their kid "Cleetus" or "Bubba", I thought those were nicknames.)

I thought we were talking about gun crimes. Also, you might want to be careful about researching gun crimes because you might not like what you find. Regardless of income, homicides rates(not suicide) are much higher in black communties than white communties of similar economic stature.

Keep trying to move the goalposts, Cleetus, but the fact is, the Rednecks in the Trailparks are just as poor and criminal as the brothers in the projects... and we need to fix both. We have the wealth to fix both, we just refuse to do it.
Naw, it's because you are white, and they'd get into real trouble for mistreating a white person.

Like I said, you choose to make this assumption because it feeds your need to pacify your white guilt. That is not my problem, but yours.

Name the town you live in. I promise you, it isn't affluent as the Suburb I live in.

LOL...the average household income in my town is 5k higher than in Oak Brook IL, which is one of if not the most affluent suburb of Chicago. I don't doubt there may be more multi-millionaires there, but on average, yeah, my town is more affluent. Like I have said many time before, just imagine how much better our standard of living is with higher salaries and less taxes and real estate costs. That is a red state vs a blue state for you.

Keep trying to move the goalposts, Cleetus, but the fact is, the Rednecks in the Trailparks are just as poor and criminal as the brothers in the projects... and we need to fix both. We have the wealth to fix both, we just refuse to do it.

I am not moving any goal posts. We were talking about gun violence and you shifted to generic criminality. Yes, poor white folks are criminal too, they just don't tend to shoot at each other as much despite generally having more access to guns(and more guns per household) due to the laws in the states/cities where they live.

The answer is not to take from the "we" and give it to the poor. The answer is to give them the opportunity to succeed on their own, which we do in spades, but most don't take advantage of it. It is way past time to kick the adult children out of the basement instead of continuing the coddling and the excuses as to why they can't succeed.
Like I said, you choose to make this assumption because it feeds your need to pacify your white guilt. That is not my problem, but yours.

No, buddy, that you so lack a fucking soul you can watch a man be choked to death and say, "Well, he should have complied." This would have been you at the Crucifixion.


LOL...the average household income in my town is 5k higher than in Oak Brook IL, which is one of if not the most affluent suburb of Chicago. I don't doubt there may be more multi-millionaires there, but on average, yeah, my town is more affluent. Like I have said many time before, just imagine how much better our standard of living is with higher salaries and less taxes and real estate costs. That is a red state vs a blue state for you.

Again, you keep saying, but you won't say the name of the town or EVEN THE STATE IS IT IN. So I'm pretty sure this is what your "mansion" looks like, Cleetus.


The answer is not to take from the "we" and give it to the poor. The answer is to give them the opportunity to succeed on their own, which we do in spades, but most don't take advantage of it. It is way past time to kick the adult children out of the basement instead of continuing the coddling and the excuses as to why they can't succeed.

Okay, real world, buddy, the only reason why we had prosperity and a middle class in this country is people got out in picket lines and formed unions. Mind you, this didn't happen in Jesusland, you guys were all happy living in your trailer parks so long as you were slightly better off than the coloreds.

The reality- the one percenters killed the American Middle class and are now wondering why these formerly middle class kids are thinking socialism is nifty.

Well, because they look at their parents working themselves to death working two jobs to make the bankers richer, and they say, "Meh, fuck this. Bernie is cool."

Now, I'm not a fan of Bernie, but someone like him is probably in your future. And you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
No, buddy, that you so lack a fucking soul you can watch a man be choked to death and say, "Well, he should have complied." This would have been you at the Crucifixion.

Nope, but I don't sympathize with someone that is not complying. Sorry. BTW, bad use of the meme with Jesus on the cross. Certainly based on your hatred for religion, you would have been the one mocking him, not I.

Again, you keep saying, but you won't say the name of the town or EVEN THE STATE IS IT IN. So I'm pretty sure this is what your "mansion" looks like, Cleetus.

Keep saying it. The fact remains, my town in the South has a larger population than Oak Brook and has a higher average yearly household income and a much lower cost of living, not to mention much prettier landscapes. Sorry "buddy" but those are the facts.

Okay, real world, buddy, the only reason why we had prosperity and a middle class in this country is people got out in picket lines and formed unions. Mind you, this didn't happen in Jesusland, you guys were all happy living in your trailer parks so long as you were slightly better off than the coloreds.

The reality- the one percenters killed the American Middle class and are now wondering why these formerly middle class kids are thinking socialism is nifty.

Well, because they look at their parents working themselves to death working two jobs to make the bankers richer, and they say, "Meh, fuck this. Bernie is cool."

Now, I'm not a fan of Bernie, but someone like him is probably in your future. And you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

We don't have unions in our state and are MUCH better off because of it. Red states have a high cost of living due to liberal policies and they use that to justify inordinate wages for union workers who screw nuts on to bolts all day. It isn't a businesses fault that idiot Democrat politicians tax everyone to death and it isn't their responsibility to over-pay their workers so they can pay the ridiculous taxes. Fortunately, companies get this and are moving out of liberal, union states. Unfortunately, many lefties are moving too, they just haven't figured out exactly why and I am not sure they every will...not too bright and too indoctrinated.

No, we have people like you to blame because you are too naive to see where the Democrats's policies lead.
Nope, but I don't sympathize with someone that is not complying. Sorry. BTW, bad use of the meme with Jesus on the cross. Certainly based on your hatred for religion, you would have been the one mocking him, not I.

Religion sucks. Jesus was probably not a bad guy. As Mark Twain said, "If Jesus were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian."

But the point stands. Jesus was executed for claiming to be the messiah and preaching a different version of religion than the Pharisees preached. And they got the Romans to do their dirty work. (I could go on for days about retconning and scriptural context, but i won't here.)

Jesus broke the law, he deserved to die as much as George Floyd did, according to you.

Keep saying it. The fact remains, my town in the South

Except you won't say what town it is, or even what state it is, or you'd know I'd call bullshit.

We don't have unions in our state and are MUCH better off because of it.

Exactly my point. You make shit wages, you don't mind that your workplaces are hazardous, and that the big corporations are dumping shit into your water table...

It isn't a businesses fault that idiot Democrat politicians tax everyone to death and it isn't their responsibility to over-pay their workers so they can pay the ridiculous taxes. Fortunately, companies get this and are moving out of liberal, union states. Unfortunately, many lefties are moving too, they just haven't figured out exactly why and I am not sure they every will...not too bright and too indoctrinated.

Actually, the Germans and Japanese have stronger unions than we have, and they have a much higher standard of living. If anything, we should want to be MORE like them and LESS like the South.
Jesus broke the law, he deserved to die as much as George Floyd did, according to you.

Floyd wasn't killed for breaking the law and he wasn't killed on purpose. He was being restrained because he was resisting arrest and he died in the process, likely due to the drugs in his system. Don't let the facts get the way of a good racial tantrum.

Except you won't say what town it is, or even what state it is, or you'd know I'd call bullshit.

Google around. You will likely find many southern towns with higher incomes than even your wealthiest suburbs of Chicago.

Exactly my point. You make shit wages, you don't mind that your workplaces are hazardous, and that the big corporations are dumping shit into your water table...

But we don't make "shit" wages based on the taxes and real estate values. In fact, as I pointed out, my town has a higher average yearly income than one of your richest suburbs but don't have to pay the ridiculous taxes, deal with the horrible weather, dodge bullets when going downtown or deal with liberal nut mayors like Lori Lightfoot.

Actually, the Germans and Japanese have stronger unions than we have, and they have a much higher standard of living. If anything, we should want to be MORE like them and LESS like the South.

Floyd wasn't killed for breaking the law and he wasn't killed on purpose. He was being restrained because he was resisting arrest and he died in the process, likely due to the drugs in his system. Don't let the facts get the way of a good racial tantrum.

Um, I'm curious how you ACCIDENTALLY suffocate a man for 9 minutes while a whole crowd is screaming at you to let the man breathe.

But we don't make "shit" wages based on the taxes and real estate values. In fact, as I pointed out, my town has a higher average yearly income than one of your richest suburbs but don't have to pay the ridiculous taxes, deal with the horrible weather, dodge bullets when going downtown or deal with liberal nut mayors like Lori Lightfoot.

Naw, Cleetus, you done got Bobby-sue to be the mayor, when he isn't telling Andy and Barney to get Otis the drunk down to the city jail to lock himself in for the night.
Naw, Cleetus, you done got Bobby-sue to be the mayor, when he isn't telling Andy and Barney to get Otis the drunk down to the city jail to lock himself in for the night.

Thug-life and sewers are for you. Stay where you are.
Thug-life and sewers are for you. Stay where you are.

You mean a place with culture and civilization... um, sure.

Better than living in Jesusland grovelling in front of imaginary sky pixies.
Thug-life and sewers are for you. Stay where you are.

You mean a place with culture and civilization... um, sure.

Better than living in Jesusland grovelling in front of imaginary sky pixies.

If "culture" is what you want to call it...sure. Whatever floats your boat is fine with me, but the point is your "culture" is not something we all want, thus we all get representation via the EC.
If "culture" is what you want to call it...sure. Whatever floats your boat is fine with me, but the point is your "culture" is not something we all want, thus we all get representation via the EC.

Yes, the only reason you have a say is we have this relic from Slave Raping days... but after Trump is gone, and we are looking to absolve ourselves from guilt, watch how fast people get rid of it as the scapegoat for the disaster.

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