COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

You're a fucking liar, Joe...I can tell because you're still breathing.

You're still an idiot.

8 Minutes- 45 seconds... That's how long Chauvin had his knee on the man's neck.

The NY Slimes...LMFAO!!....The knee was at the base of his c-spine, which is between the shoulders, not directly to his neck.

What the fuck would you do if you couldn't lie out your ass on a daily basis?
It is tragic he died, but to say the cops were over the line or did things wrong is not shown on this tape. Rather it appears that a Floyd was high on something. He resisted the entire time. He refused to get in the squad car and he was acting neuroti

Once again the leftist and black community is holding up a deeply troubled and bad guy as a martyr.
What gets my attention is his disregard for the people who were arresting him for passing counterfeit money.
nope---you are both wrong. Actually ketamine is not a real opiate. One CAN die of a ketamine OD---but floyd-- NOPE-----nor did he die of an amphetamine OD---nor was he choked to death nor did he die
of "ANOXIA" secondary to strangulation. He died of a Myocardial infarction. It is a very touchy situation----if a PHYSICIAN had done what the cops did----the
physician would be in deep trouble-----some vile DA is going to insist that the cops should be proficient in
the practice of medicine and NEVER USE FORCE on a
person resisting arrest
There was enough fentanyl in his system to kill the average person....In concert with the detected morpheme and the meth, the AMI and RA could have been concurring events.

Had Floyd been honest with the cops and not resisted, they could have given him some NARCAN and he may well be alive today.
You're a fucking liar, Joe...I can tell because you're still breathing.

You're still an idiot.

8 Minutes- 45 seconds... That's how long Chauvin had his knee on the man's neck.

That's not near as long as the Democrats have held their boots on President Trump's neck.
nope---you are both wrong. Actually ketamine is not a real opiate. One CAN die of a ketamine OD---but floyd-- NOPE-----nor did he die of an amphetamine OD---nor was he choked to death nor did he die
of "ANOXIA" secondary to strangulation. He died of a Myocardial infarction. It is a very touchy situation----if a PHYSICIAN had done what the cops did----the
physician would be in deep trouble-----some vile DA is going to insist that the cops should be proficient in
the practice of medicine and NEVER USE FORCE on a
person resisting arrest
There was enough fentanyl in his system to kill the average person....In concert with the detected morpheme and the meth, the AMI and RA could have been concurring events.

Had Floyd been honest with the cops and not resisted, they could have given him some NARCAN and he may well be alive today.

nope---not enough fentanyl to KILL HIM----the combo-----drugs, hypertension, obesity and stress
put his system over the hump IMHO. As to narcan----that is no way to reverse an MI It might help in a
fentanyl OD----a little. As far as I know----narcan is not given to AGITATED people-----it is given to people NOT BREATHING-------not people screaming
"I can't breathe" and thrashing about. I nevah heard a patient say "I can't breathe---I need some narcan"---maybe I missed something
nope---you are both wrong. Actually ketamine is not a real opiate. One CAN die of a ketamine OD---but floyd-- NOPE-----nor did he die of an amphetamine OD---nor was he choked to death nor did he die
of "ANOXIA" secondary to strangulation. He died of a Myocardial infarction. It is a very touchy situation----if a PHYSICIAN had done what the cops did----the
physician would be in deep trouble-----some vile DA is going to insist that the cops should be proficient in
the practice of medicine and NEVER USE FORCE on a
person resisting arrest
There was enough fentanyl in his system to kill the average person....In concert with the detected morpheme and the meth, the AMI and RA could have been concurring events.

Had Floyd been honest with the cops and not resisted, they could have given him some NARCAN and he may well be alive today.

nope---not enough fentanyl to KILL HIM----the combo-----drugs, hypertension, obesity and stress
put his system over the hump IMHO. As to narcan----that is no way to reverse an MI It might help in a
fentanyl OD----a little. As far as I know----narcan is not given to AGITATED people-----it is given to people NOT BREATHING-------not people screaming
"I can't breathe" and thrashing about. I nevah heard a patient say "I can't breathe---I need some narcan"---maybe I missed something
11 ng/ml of fentanyl is enough to OD for many...Throw in the morphene and meth (a variation of the speedball), and that's likely a lethal cocktail....Yes, there's also a finding of AMI, though that could follow as a result of RA brought about by opiate OD.....Chicken or the egg.

Long and the short of it is that the drugs are far more likely to have killed him than any manhandling by the cops.
nope---you are both wrong. Actually ketamine is not a real opiate. One CAN die of a ketamine OD---but floyd-- NOPE-----nor did he die of an amphetamine OD---nor was he choked to death nor did he die
of "ANOXIA" secondary to strangulation. He died of a Myocardial infarction. It is a very touchy situation----if a PHYSICIAN had done what the cops did----the
physician would be in deep trouble-----some vile DA is going to insist that the cops should be proficient in
the practice of medicine and NEVER USE FORCE on a
person resisting arrest
There was enough fentanyl in his system to kill the average person....In concert with the detected morpheme and the meth, the AMI and RA could have been concurring events.

Had Floyd been honest with the cops and not resisted, they could have given him some NARCAN and he may well be alive today.

nope---not enough fentanyl to KILL HIM----the combo-----drugs, hypertension, obesity and stress
put his system over the hump IMHO. As to narcan----that is no way to reverse an MI It might help in a
fentanyl OD----a little. As far as I know----narcan is not given to AGITATED people-----it is given to people NOT BREATHING-------not people screaming
"I can't breathe" and thrashing about. I nevah heard a patient say "I can't breathe---I need some narcan"---maybe I missed something
11 ng/ml of fentanyl is enough to OD for many...Throw in the morphene and meth (a variation of the speedball), and that's likely a lethal cocktail....Yes, there's also a finding of AMI, though that could follow as a result of RA brought about by opiate OD.....Chicken or the egg.

Long and the short of it is that the drugs are far more likely to have killed him than any manhandling by the cops.

yes---I AGREE that for SOME people the drug combo that jerky guy used could be lethal----but not the Ketamine alone and NOT on an otherwise healthy
person----the chronic drug use makes a mess of the heart ------thus MI ---IMHO is like a USUAL mode of exit. Politically the cops are toast----sadly
nope---you are both wrong. Actually ketamine is not a real opiate. One CAN die of a ketamine OD---but floyd-- NOPE-----nor did he die of an amphetamine OD---nor was he choked to death nor did he die
of "ANOXIA" secondary to strangulation. He died of a Myocardial infarction. It is a very touchy situation----if a PHYSICIAN had done what the cops did----the
physician would be in deep trouble-----some vile DA is going to insist that the cops should be proficient in
the practice of medicine and NEVER USE FORCE on a
person resisting arrest
There was enough fentanyl in his system to kill the average person....In concert with the detected morpheme and the meth, the AMI and RA could have been concurring events.

Had Floyd been honest with the cops and not resisted, they could have given him some NARCAN and he may well be alive today.
Floyd kept saying he can’t breathe through the entire incident. He also ASKED to be put on the ground.

I doubt any liberals even watched the video because they hate when facts get in the way of their bullshit narrative.
After watching this I retract my entire position on how Floyd died. Good job Tucker, that took balls and honesty. Fuck mainstream news, fuck your emotions, fuck the narratives too.

I'll wait to see the facts surrounding the case thanks. Wholly shit, imagine if the cop got off to extent, PROG-nation and BLM don't care about facts even if justice is served, the cop is fucked. Even if he edges somewhat or even clearly innocent, the penalty has to be harsh because in the PROG-world, their feelings matter more than due process & human rights. Am I lying? End of the day I have very little doubt the drugs and Floyd himself contributed to Floyd's death.

There's also a video available where the AG says he PURPOSELY withheld video from the public because "I wanted to be sure justice was served"..............WHOLLY FUCK. Since when is failing to disclose facts surrounding a case called justice, and since when is justice served before trial? Please, I really want to understand.

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Here is the video we have all been waiting for.

The ENTIRE George Floyd incident.

floyd should have cooperated and been submissisve. he should have done what he was told by the police.

anyone NOT immediately obeying the orders of conservative christian police DESERVE DEATH! come the cops didn't shoot and kill cliven bundy and all of his followers?

how come you say "he should have complied" when it is a black or a gay or a liberal

but you say "conservatives don't have to follow any law they don't agree with and if any jack booted nazi fascist cop tries to make me follow a law I don't agree with then I shall remind them that I have guns and friends"


is this some kind of white privilege?
conservative privilege?

everyone ELSE must comply.....

but not you.....
nope---you are both wrong. Actually ketamine is not a real opiate. One CAN die of a ketamine OD---but floyd-- NOPE-----nor did he die of an amphetamine OD---nor was he choked to death nor did he die
of "ANOXIA" secondary to strangulation. He died of a Myocardial infarction. It is a very touchy situation----if a PHYSICIAN had done what the cops did----the
physician would be in deep trouble-----some vile DA is going to insist that the cops should be proficient in
the practice of medicine and NEVER USE FORCE on a
person resisting arrest
There was enough fentanyl in his system to kill the average person....In concert with the detected morpheme and the meth, the AMI and RA could have been concurring events.

Had Floyd been honest with the cops and not resisted, they could have given him some NARCAN and he may well be alive today.

nope---not enough fentanyl to KILL HIM----the combo-----drugs, hypertension, obesity and stress
put his system over the hump IMHO. As to narcan----that is no way to reverse an MI It might help in a
fentanyl OD----a little. As far as I know----narcan is not given to AGITATED people-----it is given to people NOT BREATHING-------not people screaming
"I can't breathe" and thrashing about. I nevah heard a patient say "I can't breathe---I need some narcan"---maybe I missed something
11 ng/ml of fentanyl is enough to OD for many...Throw in the morphene and meth (a variation of the speedball), and that's likely a lethal cocktail....Yes, there's also a finding of AMI, though that could follow as a result of RA brought about by opiate OD.....Chicken or the egg.

Long and the short of it is that the drugs are far more likely to have killed him than any manhandling by the cops.

yes---I AGREE that for SOME people the drug combo that jerky guy used could be lethal----but not the Ketamine alone and NOT on an otherwise healthy
person----the chronic drug use makes a mess of the heart ------thus MI ---IMHO is like a USUAL mode of exit. Politically the cops are toast----sadly
Cops always seem to get the short end of the stick. :(
Police misconduct? George Floyd was on parole, attempting to pass counterfeit dollars while high on crystal methamphetamine, alcohol, and fentanyl. When the police attempt to arrest him, he violently resists arrest.

And then the cops murdered him. Police Misconduct.
you dont want to live in a world where a man caught raping a 10 year old girl gets killed by the police while attempting to escape?

Considering the guy didn't get due process, no. I don't think anyone should be killed by the police or the state.
That's not near as long as the Democrats have held their boots on President Trump's neck.

NOt really... given Trump has managed to commit plenty of crimes..

Once he's out of office, though.

And then the cops murdered him. Police Misconduct.
No, the conduct of George Floyd proceeded every action the police took. It is proper police conduct to subdue, even kill, paroles that refuse to cooperate with their re-arrest while violating parole.

You do understand the difference between parole and probation? It actually seems like you don't understand either one.
you dont want to live in a world where a man caught raping a 10 year old girl gets killed by the police while attempting to escape?

Considering the guy didn't get due process, no. I don't think anyone should be killed by the police or the state.
Oh, I get it, you have a word comprehension problem. Thank you for clarifying your condition.

That is your position? That no rapist should suffer due process!
After watching this I retract my entire position on how Floyd died. Good job Tucker, that took balls and honesty. Fuck mainstream news, fuck your emotions, fuck the narratives too.

I'll wait to see the facts surrounding the case thanks. Wholly shit, imagine if the cop got off to extent, PROG-nation and BLM don't care about facts even if justice is served, the cop is fucked. Even if he edges somewhat or even clearly innocent, the penalty has to be harsh because in the PROG-world, their feelings matter more than due process & human rights. Am I lying? End of the day I have very little doubt the drugs and Floyd himself contributed to Floyd's death.

There's also a video available where the AG says he PURPOSELY withheld video from the public because "I wanted to be sure justice was served"..............WHOLLY FUCK. Since when is failing to disclose facts surrounding a case called justice, and since when is justice served before trial? Please, I really want to understand.

I think that back then, there was more to it than police wrongdoing since what happened earlier was not being shone. The criminality was using this incident for hurting the police. The Democrats politicization of this tragedy to create chaos should be a good reason to review the law against communism and using against those who prefer Saul Alinsky's
That's not near as long as the Democrats have held their boots on President Trump's neck.

NOt really... given Trump has managed to commit plenty of crimes..

Once he's out of office, though.

View attachment 372310
President Trump's only "crime" is being civil to the DNC flesh eating microbes in the House and Senate who masquerade as humans.

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