Comrade DeBlasio Removed N. Y. “Stop and Frisk” Policy – Last Night At Least 13 shot

Yet those "suspicious people" that you want the big government police to stop and frisk are the same minorities that you claim to care so much about.

The big government police are just keeping the minorities safe from themselves, right? It's called POLICING, right?

Fucking moron.

You aren't worth the time to debate, racist ****!
I'll grant you that the "Miranda rights" creation by the left wing is the biggest scam in law-enforcement in the 20th century but the 4th Amendment right of people to be secure in their homes and persons is absolute. If you bend it to make it more convenient for Police to do their jobs you undermine the Constitution.

You do realize that S&F is a convenient way of determining if a suspect does have a gum. The police DO HAVE THE RIGHT to stop you IF THEY BELIEVE you may have a weapon on your person that could be a DANGER TO THE OFFICER, again, it's semantics, but any officer can stop you IF HE BELIEVES his life may be in jeopardy! I believe SCOTUS has upheld that right of an officer, (No one that I know of can READ what that officer supposedly THINKS about a situation) if not, please post a link in disagreement, and I will withdraw!

Police have the right (and the duty) to frisk persons, male or female or anything in between, subsequent to an arrest. They do not have the right to frisk a soccer mom stopped for speeding or a salesman hustling down the street with a briefcase or a acne scarred teenager slouching on a corner.
Blah blah blah, "you're a racist because you don't want black people searched by the cops for no reason." Yeah, moron, liberals are so racist. That's why liberals ended slavery and got black people the right to vote. That's why liberals elected a black man. That's why liberals want cops to no longer stop and search young black men because "you look like someone we're looking for" (which means "we want to see what we can find on you").

This isn't a debate, moron. It's just you being a moron.

Since you don't have a job, watch this:

Watch Full movie V for Vendetta (2005) Online Free |
I'll grant you that the "Miranda rights" creation by the left wing is the biggest scam in law-enforcement in the 20th century but the 4th Amendment right of people to be secure in their homes and persons is absolute. If you bend it to make it more convenient for Police to do their jobs you undermine the Constitution.

You do realize that S&F is a convenient way of determining if a suspect does have a gum. The police DO HAVE THE RIGHT to stop you IF THEY BELIEVE you may have a weapon on your person that could be a DANGER TO THE OFFICER, again, it's semantics, but any officer can stop you IF HE BELIEVES his life may be in jeopardy! I believe SCOTUS has upheld that right of an officer, (No one that I know of can READ what that officer supposedly THINKS about a situation) if not, please post a link in disagreement, and I will withdraw!

Police have the right (and the duty) to frisk persons, male or female or anything in between, subsequent to an arrest. They do not have the right to frisk a soccer mom stopped for speeding or a salesman hustling down the street with a briefcase or a acne scarred teenager slouching on a corner.

Although neither of us like this situation, it appears things are changing....

"If the police stop you in Pennsylvania, they don’t need a warrant to search your car.

And soon, you could be in trouble even if they find nothing.

The state Supreme Court ruled last week that police are allowed to search vehicles without a warrant. The state General Assembly, meanwhile, is moving forward with a bill that would give cops the authority to arrest people caught with “suspicious compartments” in their vehicles, even if there is nothing illegal in those containers.

It adds up to greater authority for police and prosecutors but less privacy for Pennsylvania drivers....

PA cops can search your car without a warrant | Fox News

Police can do what they want to do, it is up to you to bring them to court if you feel abused..... It's a credit to our police that they don't do much more invasive searches than they currently do! That is what a PROFESSIONAL police dept. does!

The next step is to search YOU or ME for any reason. The courts seem to be heading in that direction.
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Blah blah blah, "you're a racist because you don't want black people searched by the cops for no reason." Yeah, moron, liberals are so racist. That's why liberals ended slavery and got black people the right to vote. That's why liberals elected a black man. That's why liberals want cops to no longer stop and search young black men because "you look like someone we're looking for" (which means "we want to see what we can find on you").

This isn't a debate, moron. It's just you being a moron.

Since you don't have a job, watch this:

Watch Full movie V for Vendetta (2005) Online Free |

And to think if only these illiterate thugs could earn a "living" wage there wouldnt be any crime !!! Lol
So do you support police searching whoever for no reason, or not?

What kind of vigilante wants the government to be afraid of the People but the government can search whoever, whenever, without a warrant, just 'cause?
Blah blah blah, "you're a racist because you don't want black people searched by the cops for no reason." Yeah, moron, liberals are so racist. That's why liberals ended slavery and got black people the right to vote. That's why liberals elected a black man. That's why liberals want cops to no longer stop and search young black men because "you look like someone we're looking for" (which means "we want to see what we can find on you").

This isn't a debate, moron. It's just you being a moron.

Since you don't have a job, watch this:

Watch Full movie V for Vendetta (2005) Online Free |

Your pictures are even more meaningless than your 'original' thoughts.

What kind of "vigilante" is in favor of complete police/government authority?
So do you support police searching whoever for no reason, or not?

What kind of vigilante wants the government to be afraid of the People but the government can search whoever, whenever, without a warrant, just 'cause?

He's coming for you, you OCD thug!....Watch your back!

You have to balance freedom with security. 9-11 did terrible things to America in more ways than one. Consider the fact that every new bill signed into law takes a little or big piece of freedom away from citizens. When we get the chance to roll back the power of the government to violate the 4th Amendment it's a good thing.
He's coming for you, you OCD thug!....Watch your back!
Yeah, I'm scared. Do you even know what you're arguing for in this discussion? Are you in favor of stop and frisk, or are you in favor of limited government?

You're basically saying, "Police should be able to stop whoever for any reason, unless they come for me."

Do you even have a point to make? I didn't think so.
You have to balance freedom with security. 9-11 did terrible things to America in more ways than one. Consider the fact that every new bill signed into law takes a little or big piece of freedom away from citizens. When we get the chance to roll back the power of the government to violate the 4th Amendment it's a good thing.

A question to you, do you know of any terrorist threat thwarted by the Patriotic act? The reason I ask as we have stats that tell us that S&F really does work, and has taken thousands of guns out of the hands of criminals in NYC, as if the person stopped did have a gun permit, he would be allowed to continue without being arrested and his weapon confiscated.

Seems to me the balance of S&F is in the favor of the people, I'm not so sure about the Patriot act.
So you're in favor of unlimited government searches without a warrant?

That's what the 4th Amendment says. "The right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall be violated whenever because we're looking for someone fitting your description- a black person between the ages of 10 and 90."
So you're in favor of unlimited government searches without a warrant?

That's what the 4th Amendment says. "The right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall be violated whenever because we're looking for someone fitting your description- a black person between the ages of 10 and 90."

Did you read #48....and what are YOU going to do about it, since you rant feverishly about this violation!
Are you saying that gun control prevents shootings?

No idiot, I'm saying a TRAINED POLICE OFFICER knows a suspicious person, from handling the shit of society for years, and has the ability to stop MUCH of the shootings that go on!... Even the THOUGHT of some cop frisking a scumbag, is enough to keep that scumbag off the street with a gun.... you lefties sure are deep thinkers!

That's a lot of words to say "yes".

No that's saying criminal profiling works. Of course you commies have changed the term to racial profiling, which it isn't.
You have to balance freedom with security. 9-11 did terrible things to America in more ways than one. Consider the fact that every new bill signed into law takes a little or big piece of freedom away from citizens. When we get the chance to roll back the power of the government to violate the 4th Amendment it's a good thing.

A question to you, do you know of any terrorist threat thwarted by the Patriotic act? The reason I ask as we have stats that tell us that S&F really does work, and has taken thousands of guns out of the hands of criminals in NYC, as if the person stopped did have a gun permit, he would be allowed to continue without being arrested and his weapon confiscated.

Seems to me the balance of S&F is in the favor of the people, I'm not so sure about the Patriot act.

We trusted President Bush to do the right thing after the mess that Clinton made by preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI prior to 9-11. We authorized the "Patriot Act" and we didn't realize how crooked democrat administrations could and would violate the rights of Americans and still be so negligent that they couldn't find a Russian terrorist in Boston.
You have to balance freedom with security. 9-11 did terrible things to America in more ways than one. Consider the fact that every new bill signed into law takes a little or big piece of freedom away from citizens. When we get the chance to roll back the power of the government to violate the 4th Amendment it's a good thing.

A question to you, do you know of any terrorist threat thwarted by the Patriotic act? The reason I ask as we have stats that tell us that S&F really does work, and has taken thousands of guns out of the hands of criminals in NYC, as if the person stopped did have a gun permit, he would be allowed to continue without being arrested and his weapon confiscated.

Seems to me the balance of S&F is in the favor of the people, I'm not so sure about the Patriot act.

We trusted President Bush to do the right thing after the mess that Clinton made by preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI prior to 9-11. We authorized the "Patriot Act" and we didn't realize how crooked democrat administrations could and would violate the rights of Americans and still be so negligent that they couldn't find a Russian terrorist in Boston.

My friend, THAT is the TRUIST statement put on this board, this month! Who would have thought that the subversives would have used our precisely dictated laws, alter them, and use them against our own! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
You people are retarded, especially Vagilante who loves the police state but wants to limit government intrusiveness.

Fucking morons.

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