Comrade is 'poorly informed and impulsive" John McCain

2008: McCain is Hitler! He will kill everyone on the planet! He's the worst human being on the planet!

2017: I sure like McCain, he's a stand up guy.


2008 - John McCain is an American hero, too bad be picked a totally unacceptable running mate. (and W. tanked the economy)

John McCain has always been well liked by most Americans. He's a man of honor (most of the time).
John McCain's Foundation is supported by the Clintons and Soros. He should just walk across that bloody aisle and become the Democrat we've know him to be for forever.

And get the fuck out of conservative faces.

Maybe it's you and your pinhead sheets who should take a hike and form your own party.
Here is our "Senator" from AZ hanging out with the Mossad, and Mossad agent Simon Elliot aka ISIS leader Al Baghdadi....

The Trumps will throw heroes under the bus, sickening.

You people are scum.

Um… when was that?

Oops, you FAIL.
John McCain's Foundation is supported by the Clintons and Soros. He should just walk across that bloody aisle and become the Democrat we've know him to be for forever.

And get the fuck out of conservative faces.

Maybe it's you and your pinhead sheets who should take a hike and form your own party.

The hatred and disgust for McCain is palpable. He sees the whole world as a battlefield and has been instrumental in causing the deaths of thousands and the displacement of hundreds of thousands by engaging in arming jihadists over the past decade.

McCain will not be content to die until he has personally ushered in WWIII. Death cannot come swiftly enough for this evil man.
It's too bad McCain decided to grind a personal axe rather than do what was best for the nation.
Here is our "Senator" from AZ hanging out with the Mossad, and Mossad agent Simon Elliot aka ISIS leader Al Baghdadi....

The Trumps will throw heroes under the bus, sickening.

You people are scum.

Um… when was that?

Oops, you FAIL.
John McCain's Foundation is supported by the Clintons and Soros. He should just walk across that bloody aisle and become the Democrat we've know him to be for forever.

And get the fuck out of conservative faces.

Maybe it's you and your pinhead sheets who should take a hike and form your own party.

For all the hell he unleashed in Syria alone he should be up on war crimes in La Hague. He's an evil son of a fucking bitch.
Wow...................your blind support of Trump is just amazing. If Trump does something stupid or says something dumb, you guys are there to jump to his defense, no matter how bad it is or how true it is.

AB, you call that what it is. They are members of the Comrade's cult.
John McCain's Foundation is supported by the Clintons and Soros. He should just walk across that bloody aisle and become the Democrat we've know him to be for forever.

And get the fuck out of conservative faces.

Everyone knows the Comrade is not a conservative. He is in this to make him and his crime family rich. He is a SLUG.
Everyone knows the Comrade is not a conservative. He is in this to make him and his crime family rich. He is a SLUG.

Now now....I wouldn't know personally but....
It's been said that Soiled panties makes liberal guys VERY uncomfortable and irritable.
They say the damndest stupid things when their panties are soiled and in a wad. It's understandable and we should excuse them.

Just go change and freshen up and then jump right back in the discussion precious. :itsok:

Wow...................your blind support of Trump is just amazing. If Trump does something stupid or says something dumb, you guys are there to jump to his defense, no matter how bad it is or how true it is.
it was the same way with the die hards with bush and obama....
It's clear that Americans didn't trust the "pragmatic problem solving" abilities of the angry maverick back in 08. Why would they trust his opinions now especially if it isn't clear whether it's McCain or one of his liberal staffers intentionally undermining the President of the United States barely eight months into his administration? Brain cancer is a terrible thing.
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