Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?

Sure, dont talk about it, be about it and report back
Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Logical Fallacy of APpeal to Ridicule.

It is completely reasonable that thrown rock(s) would cause a driver to swerve and hit a median strip.

That you pretend otherwise just shows that you are on the side of the blacks regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

The flat and how they got it isnt the know that. Also the rock throwing isnt confirmed by anyone but you drink the piss in gulps.

Was anyone arrested for vehicle damage? No? I bet to you that means the cops are in on it too doesnt it?

Sure it is.

The issue is whether the whites just showed up to try to intimidate the larger black crowd, or if the larger black crowd attacked them.

If the first then these guys are assholes.

IF the second then the blacks are the assholes.

One scenario supports the view that the flag is a symbol of hatred.

THe other supports the view that the flag and those that fly is are the victims here.

But your missing the part where the white boys admitted they called them racial slurs and its on video. Why do you pretend that THAT was NOT the cause but the flag alone was?

Because according to the more credible story, that would have occurred AFTER the rock throwing and AFTER the mob threatened the truck driver(s).

You mean according to the white guys. So they had rocks thrown at them and had to pull over across the street?

They made a U turn to park there? Why dont you believe the police who found no criminal actions? Do you believe vehicle damage is being overlooked? Why do you believe that?[/QUOTE]

The white guys story is the more credible one. Because it is credible, not because of skin color.

Your questions are a mix of questions that have been answered and questions we do not have the information on.

So, obviously not serious questions.

Why are you asking questions you don't care about?

You know that you are on the blacks guys side no matter what, right?
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?

Sure, dont talk about it, be about it and report back
Can't do it got to wipe out all racist symbols before we can live in unity. Right?
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?

Sure, dont talk about it, be about it and report back
Can't do it got to wipe out all racist symbols before we can live in unity. Right?

IDK but if you think its a good Idea go for it. It'll be a cool story
No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?

Actually the cops said "nothing physical took place" and "no injuries were reported".

So why dont you believe them? Or are you assuming that throwing rocks is not physical?

And, why would someone pull onto a field to change their tire? Does that make sense to you?
No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?

Actually the cops said "nothing physical took place" and "no injuries were reported".

So why dont you believe them? Or are you assuming that throwing rocks is not physical?

And, why would someone pull onto a field to change their tire? Does that make sense to you?

I have no opinion on the job they did at this time. I don't know enough about it.

I hope they checked to verify a blown tire. I hope they checked to see if there was rock damage and if not to ask why not.

I hoped they got a good count of the people involved.

I don't know the situation with which trucks parked where.

You seem to be asking a lot of unimportant questions.

Have your reverted to your original claim that there was "no reason" for the attack or are you still admitting that flying the confederate flag would be provocative to blacks in 2015 America?
No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?
Actually, the article reads as follows...

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”
No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?

Actually the cops said "nothing physical took place" and "no injuries were reported".

So why dont you believe them? Or are you assuming that throwing rocks is not physical?

And, why would someone pull onto a field to change their tire? Does that make sense to you?

I have no opinion on the job they did at this time. I don't know enough about it.

Thats not stopping you so far. Either you believe the police are lying or the guys inthe trucks have no evidence. It cant be both.

I hope they checked to verify a blown tire. I hope they checked to see if there was rock damage and if not to ask why not.

There was no rock damage and thats why there was no criminal activity according to the police. Again, if you dont believe them, just say why. Also a blown tire doesnt mean the blacks did it lol

I hoped they got a good count of the people involved.

I don't know the situation with which trucks parked where.

The trucks were parked in a field next to the party. Its in the story and on video. Why would someone who has a flat tire drive onto a field directly across from them to change a tire? Have you changed a tire before? Does it say to climb under a wobbly car?

You seem to be asking a lot of unimportant questions.

Its a time line. Either they were in the field yelling the N word first then caught a flat tire which would explain why the blacks were angry OR the more improbable story that they were just minding their business, were attacked by blacks and decided that driving off road was a good place to change a tire. THEN they yelled the N word thats on the video.

Which sounds more plausible? Driving on a flat tire onto a field to change a tire or they were in that field first and on video yelling racial slurs at people?

Have your reverted to your original claim that there was "no reason" for the attack or are you still admitting that flying the confederate flag would be provocative to blacks in 2015 America?

I asked you before if you believed the flag was more responsible for provoking them or was it calling them ni**ers at their kids birthday party?

You never answered
No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?
Actually, the article reads as follows...

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”

Why wouldnt those guys show them the damage to their vehicle?
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?
Why be different than many of your RW fellow travelers?
this is how stupid this man is. and what you who follows him with threads like this has done to HARM us and our country with people now BEING ATTACKED over a flag. and of course he can't HELP HIMSELF when going overseas in RUNNING US DOWN


In Kenya, Obama Condemns ‘Confederate Flag’ As ‘Bad Tradition’, Reveals His Own Ignorance Of History

Via Breitbart:

During his speech in Kenya, President Obama referred to the Confederate Flag in the United States as an example of a “bad tradition” that needed to be changed.

“Just because something is a tradition doesn’t make it right,” he explained, telling the story of the recent public debate over the flag in South Carolina.

“This was a symbol for those states who fought against the Union to preserve slavery,” Obama explained to the rapt Kenyan audience, noting although the Confederate flag was an “historical artifact” it shouldn’t be a “symbol of heritage” in public places.

Obama asserted that the Confederate flag was primarily a symbol of racism.

“The fact is it was a flag that flew over an army that fought to maintain a system of slavery and racial subjugation,” he said. “So we should understand our history, but we should also recognize that it sends a bad message to those who were liberated from slavery and oppression.”

He explained that part of the reason the flag was removed from the South Carolina capitol was because “a fan” of the Confederate flag shot several African-Americans at a black church.

As a result of the shooting, Obama explained, “more and more Americans of all races are realizing now that that flag should come down.”

“Every country and every culture has traditions that are unique and help make that country what it is,” he explained. “But just because something is a part of your past doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t mean that it defines your future.”

Obama reveals his lack of understanding of American history.

First, what we refer to as the ‘Confederate Flag’ was not actually used as the flag of the Confederacy. The flag we refer to as the ‘Confederate Flag’ was actually the battle flag of the army of Northern Virginia, it was never a flag adopted by the Confederacy.
So no, it was not ‘a symbol for those states who fought against the Union to preserve slavery’ or ‘flew over an army to maintain a system of slavery and subjugation”, as Obama claims. So “we should understand our history”, starting with our President who seems to have missed that part.

all of it here:
In Kenya Obama Condemns Confederate Flag As Bad Tradition Reveals His Own Ignorance Of History Weasel Zippers

First Confederate flag.

Yep....isn't it interesting that so many who "claim" to be supporting the heritage of a 4 year long loser country don't even know the right flag to fly?
Yes, that is really quite telling.

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No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?
Actually, the article reads as follows...

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”

The article also says:

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].”

But idiots here want to believe that the gun, the racial slurs and threats of violence had nothing to do with it. It it it.....was the confederate flag!!!!!
No, just wondering when the police say no evidence of criminal activity why you dont believe them?

Actually the cops said "nothing physical took place" and "no injuries were reported".

So why dont you believe them? Or are you assuming that throwing rocks is not physical?

And, why would someone pull onto a field to change their tire? Does that make sense to you?

I have no opinion on the job they did at this time. I don't know enough about it.

Thats not stopping you so far. Either you believe the police are lying or the guys inthe trucks have no evidence. It cant be both.

I hope they checked to verify a blown tire. I hope they checked to see if there was rock damage and if not to ask why not.

There was no rock damage and thats why there was no criminal activity according to the police. Again, if you dont believe them, just say why. Also a blown tire doesnt mean the blacks did it lol

I hoped they got a good count of the people involved.

I don't know the situation with which trucks parked where.

The trucks were parked in a field next to the party. Its in the story and on video. Why would someone who has a flat tire drive onto a field directly across from them to change a tire? Have you changed a tire before? Does it say to climb under a wobbly car?

You seem to be asking a lot of unimportant questions.

Its a time line. Either they were in the field yelling the N word first then caught a flat tire which would explain why the blacks were angry OR the more improbable story that they were just minding their business, were attacked by blacks and decided that driving off road was a good place to change a tire. THEN they yelled the N word thats on the video.

Which sounds more plausible? Driving on a flat tire onto a field to change a tire or they were in that field first and on video yelling racial slurs at people?

Have your reverted to your original claim that there was "no reason" for the attack or are you still admitting that flying the confederate flag would be provocative to blacks in 2015 America?

I asked you before if you believed the flag was more responsible for provoking them or was it calling them ni**ers at their kids birthday party?

You never answered

1. What lie do you claim that I am believing the cops told?

2. How do you know that there was no rock damage?

3. The article seemed to indicate that the cops were focused on the lack of "physical" violence, what with the "no injuries" comment. Your assumption that "physical" was a reference to "rock damage" is just that, an assumption.

4. A blown tire would be good circumstantial evidence. NO BLOWN TIRE would disprove their version of events.

5. Like I said, I don't know the situation with the trucks.

6. No matter how you spin it, you know that an attack by the blacks being provoked by the Confederate Flags is the more probable scenario in 2015 America.

7. You must have missed my response. According to the more credible timeline, the blacks seeing the Confederate Flag and being offended would have occurred BEFORE the attack, and thus before the confrontation, and before the angry white responded with racial slurs.

8. Do you think the blacks in this scenario were spouting racial slurs of their own? Cracker perhaps? Or Honkey Mo Fo? Or some more modern version of the above?

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