Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.
From the linked article.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

“Basically about eight of us had to hold 15 to 20 of them back,” Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”

So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!
From the linked article.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

“Basically about eight of us had to hold 15 to 20 of them back,” Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”

So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!

NO coincidence. The got attacked because of the confederate flag and the demagoguery of the last couple of months.

The pissed off white victims were angry at being attacked for no reason. SO they insulted the assholes that attacked and threatened them.

So they werent attacked for parking across the street and calling them racial slurs. It was the flags? :rofl: I can see you didnt watch the video. Shame

The article states the video is from the end of the encounter.
Bush, the leader of the caravan of trucks, told the AJC that his group is called “Protect the Flag” and is not a hateful one. They “drive around and sell flags,” he said, with all of the proceeds going to veterans or toward purchasing new American flags for those in need.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

This is what you find when you read the links provided.........just sayin.

How many times did they drive by the house? Were the party goers just standing in the yard with rocks in their hands in case someone might drive by with a confederate/KKK flag in the back of their pickup?

7 trucks. They yelled at the early ones, and threw rocks at the last one. THey had time to rile themselves up and to pick up rocks.

But of course these fact will be dismissed.

Do you want to know what other FACTS and lies your liberal main stream media ignores besides these guys? (e.g. the crimes of the White House administration, the justice dept, the IRS, etc.)

Or don't you care because you ignore them too?
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?
So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!
So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!

NO coincidence. The got attacked because of the confederate flag and the demagoguery of the last couple of months.

The pissed off white victims were angry at being attacked for no reason. SO they insulted the assholes that attacked and threatened them.

So they werent attacked for parking across the street and calling them racial slurs. It was the flags? :rofl: I can see you didnt watch the video. Shame

The article states the video is from the end of the encounter.

There are 2 videos numb nuts...but why research what you are defending anyway when you can take the easy way out and make it up
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

No dumbass, hitting the medium caused the flat. I'm guessing you have never owned a truck with big tires. You hit a curb just right and it'll cause the tire to pull apart from the rim.
So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

What I think doesn't matter, only what can be proven.

That's bull.

You know you consider that flying of that flag to be a provocation, you just won't admit it because it lends credibility to the claims of the whites in question.

And you are reflexively on the side of the blacks.

It might be a provocation but that doesnt mean anyone took the bait unless you are again holding blacks to a different standard.

I think them parking across the street yelling the n word had more to do with it....Thats in the video, if you care to look btw

So, now you admit that flag is provocative.

SO, what's with the "no reason" nonsense?

Because them yelling the N word seems to be a little higher on the provacative scale wouldnt you agree?
I hope the cops did their job and verified the blown tire. That would be pretty conclusive.

Also, I hope to eventually get a good count.

If the party crowd outnumbered the truck crowd as they claim, that also supports their claim.

Smaller groups rarely intimidate larger groups.

So why were 7 trucks parked across the street from a kids birthday party yelling racial slurs? By accident?

NOpe. NO accident.

Cause and effect.

You cause an accident by throwing rocks at a truck, then threaten the driver, the trucks end up parked near by.

If there were rocks thrown there would be damage, which would be a crime. Even the police didnt find evidence of a crime so where are you getting this from?
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

No dumbass, hitting the medium caused the flat. I'm guessing you have never owned a truck with big tires. You hit a curb just right and it'll cause the tire to pull apart from the rim.

So the curb caused the flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Logical Fallacy of APpeal to Ridicule.

It is completely reasonable that thrown rock(s) would cause a driver to swerve and hit a median strip.

That you pretend otherwise just shows that you are on the side of the blacks regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
I hope the cops did their job and verified the blown tire. That would be pretty conclusive.

Also, I hope to eventually get a good count.

If the party crowd outnumbered the truck crowd as they claim, that also supports their claim.

Smaller groups rarely intimidate larger groups.

So why were 7 trucks parked across the street from a kids birthday party yelling racial slurs? By accident?

NOpe. NO accident.

Cause and effect.

You cause an accident by throwing rocks at a truck, then threaten the driver, the trucks end up parked near by.

If there were rocks thrown there would be damage, which would be a crime. Even the police didnt find evidence of a crime so where are you getting this from?

Maybe damage was done and they decided it was an old truck with plenty of other dents and they decided it wasn't worth going after the poor black people over it.
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

No dumbass, hitting the medium caused the flat. I'm guessing you have never owned a truck with big tires. You hit a curb just right and it'll cause the tire to pull apart from the rim.

So the curb caused the flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Who said they were scared?
"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!
"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!

NO coincidence. The got attacked because of the confederate flag and the demagoguery of the last couple of months.

The pissed off white victims were angry at being attacked for no reason. SO they insulted the assholes that attacked and threatened them.

So they werent attacked for parking across the street and calling them racial slurs. It was the flags? :rofl: I can see you didnt watch the video. Shame

The article states the video is from the end of the encounter.

There are 2 videos numb nuts...but why research what you are defending anyway when you can take the easy way out and make it up

Link to the video that shows them parking across the street without any rock throwing or yelling or flat tire and then start shouting racial slurs for "no reason".
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Logical Fallacy of APpeal to Ridicule.

It is completely reasonable that thrown rock(s) would cause a driver to swerve and hit a median strip.

That you pretend otherwise just shows that you are on the side of the blacks regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

The flat and how they got it isnt the know that. Also the rock throwing isnt confirmed by anyone but you drink the piss in gulps.

Was anyone arrested for vehicle damage? No? I bet to you that means the cops are in on it too doesnt it?
I hope the cops did their job and verified the blown tire. That would be pretty conclusive.

Also, I hope to eventually get a good count.

If the party crowd outnumbered the truck crowd as they claim, that also supports their claim.

Smaller groups rarely intimidate larger groups.

So why were 7 trucks parked across the street from a kids birthday party yelling racial slurs? By accident?

NOpe. NO accident.

Cause and effect.

You cause an accident by throwing rocks at a truck, then threaten the driver, the trucks end up parked near by.

If there were rocks thrown there would be damage, which would be a crime. Even the police didnt find evidence of a crime so where are you getting this from?

THere MIGHT be damage.

Buy why are you pretending to care?

You know you are on the side of the blacks regardless.
So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

No dumbass, hitting the medium caused the flat. I'm guessing you have never owned a truck with big tires. You hit a curb just right and it'll cause the tire to pull apart from the rim.

So the curb caused the flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Who said they were scared?

They werent fixing a tire over there. So what were they doing in that area yelling the N word?
I hope the cops did their job and verified the blown tire. That would be pretty conclusive.

Also, I hope to eventually get a good count.

If the party crowd outnumbered the truck crowd as they claim, that also supports their claim.

Smaller groups rarely intimidate larger groups.

So why were 7 trucks parked across the street from a kids birthday party yelling racial slurs? By accident?

NOpe. NO accident.

Cause and effect.

You cause an accident by throwing rocks at a truck, then threaten the driver, the trucks end up parked near by.

If there were rocks thrown there would be damage, which would be a crime. Even the police didnt find evidence of a crime so where are you getting this from?

THere MIGHT be damage.

Buy why are you pretending to care?

You know you are on the side of the blacks regardless.

Yeah and there might be life on another planet but there is no proof. Do you think the cops lied to protect the blacks?
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Logical Fallacy of APpeal to Ridicule.

It is completely reasonable that thrown rock(s) would cause a driver to swerve and hit a median strip.

That you pretend otherwise just shows that you are on the side of the blacks regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

The flat and how they got it isnt the know that. Also the rock throwing isnt confirmed by anyone but you drink the piss in gulps.

Was anyone arrested for vehicle damage? No? I bet to you that means the cops are in on it too doesnt it?

Maybe they did file a report on the rock throwing. You can't say it didn't happen. Lack of evidence isn't evidence.
That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

No dumbass, hitting the medium caused the flat. I'm guessing you have never owned a truck with big tires. You hit a curb just right and it'll cause the tire to pull apart from the rim.

So the curb caused the flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Who said they were scared?

They werent fixing a tire over there. So what were they doing in that area yelling the N word?

And you can see every truck and every tire in the video? Maybe the video started after the tire was changed.
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

So they were "attacked" then decided to chill out right across the street? Or were they chilling across the street knitting scarfs when some mean old black people made them yell the N word from there?

That was covered in the excerpt I pasted for you.

The one truck was caused to have an accident, by the rock throwing.

He certainly made a mistake not driving on the blowout tire, but he might not have realized the danger he was in at that time.

Right, so rock throwing made them get a flat. Then they were so scared they parked across the street from the scary bunch and were so afraid they yelled racial slurs?

Logical Fallacy of APpeal to Ridicule.

It is completely reasonable that thrown rock(s) would cause a driver to swerve and hit a median strip.

That you pretend otherwise just shows that you are on the side of the blacks regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

The flat and how they got it isnt the know that. Also the rock throwing isnt confirmed by anyone but you drink the piss in gulps.

Was anyone arrested for vehicle damage? No? I bet to you that means the cops are in on it too doesnt it?

Sure it is.

The issue is whether the whites just showed up to try to intimidate the larger black crowd, or if the larger black crowd attacked them.

If the first then these guys are assholes.

IF the second then the blacks are the assholes.

One scenario supports the view that the flag is a symbol of hatred.

THe other supports the view that the flag and those that fly is are the victims here.

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