Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them

Its the same playbook. Yell at blacks about how hard it is to be white and listen to blacks assert their rights, and treat me like a human being blah blah blah and then when tensions rise, as planned they can say "Hey those blacks attacked me!"

And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

Which is more likely in 2015 America?

A group of white racists targeting a black party for verbal abuse and intimidation,

or a crowd of blacks attacking some truck driving by with confederate (and American and veteran) flags on it?

So you think the kids party was attacking the trucks? Was the kids party on wheels or were the trucks just that slow?

From the linked article.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

“Basically about eight of us had to hold 15 to 20 of them back,” Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”

So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

What I think doesn't matter, only what can be proven.
I hope the cops did their job and verified the blown tire. That would be pretty conclusive.

Also, I hope to eventually get a good count.

If the party crowd outnumbered the truck crowd as they claim, that also supports their claim.

Smaller groups rarely intimidate larger groups.
now we have confederate flag nutbags. lets see, they never had a problem with this Flag until LAST MONTH and until UNDER this President. now it's being used to bludgeon people with. are we suppose to take you serious?

You pathetically ignorant thing. That flag has been a problem for millions of people all along. You just never noticed or cared because they were mostly black.
Its the same playbook. Yell at blacks about how hard it is to be white and listen to blacks assert their rights, and treat me like a human being blah blah blah and then when tensions rise, as planned they can say "Hey those blacks attacked me!"

And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

Which is more likely in 2015 America?

A group of white racists targeting a black party for verbal abuse and intimidation,

or a crowd of blacks attacking some truck driving by with confederate (and American and veteran) flags on it?

So you think the kids party was attacking the trucks? Was the kids party on wheels or were the trucks just that slow?

From the linked article.

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said.

Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said.

“Basically about eight of us had to hold 15 to 20 of them back,” Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group.

Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to “see if any criminal activity occurred.”

So you believe they called them a "specific racial slur" only AFTER they were attacked for no good reason?

Like I said before: And since whites are good and honorable and blacks are bad by nature whites dont ask "Why did they attack?" they simply say "Poor white guys, are you ok?"

"No reason"?

Are you claiming that you DO NOT consider the flying of the Confederate Flag to be a provocation?

Also, I believe their use of a "certain racial slur" is what provoked them. Or it was just a coincidence they only used it AFTER they were attacked...with their confederate flags. JUST A COINCIDENCE!
You know fellow Americans fellow Conservatives fellow Christians.
I think it's time we taught stats a lesson about lying. I SUGGEST we boycott ALL Stat threads until the first of next month.
He can learn to tell the truth or go elsewhere.


If that doesn't work, you could always hold your breath and stomp your feet. That might help.
now we have confederate flag nutbags. lets see, they never had a problem with this Flag until LAST MONTH and until UNDER this President. now it's being used to bludgeon people with. are we suppose to take you serious?

You pathetically ignorant thing. That flag has been a problem for millions of people all along. You just never noticed or cared because they were mostly black.

So when are the Democrats paying reperations for that?
I hope the cops did their job and verified the blown tire. That would be pretty conclusive.

Also, I hope to eventually get a good count.

If the party crowd outnumbered the truck crowd as they claim, that also supports their claim.

Smaller groups rarely intimidate larger groups.

So why were 7 trucks parked across the street from a kids birthday party yelling racial slurs? By accident?
You know fellow Americans fellow Conservatives fellow Christians.
I think it's time we taught stats a lesson about lying. I SUGGEST we boycott ALL Stat threads until the first of next month.
He can learn to tell the truth or go elsewhere.
If that doesn't work, you could always hold your breath and stomp your feet. That might help.

I just assume Stat is incorrigible...
Flags and statues represent winners. Confederate battle leaders are losers and their flag and statues represent losers....anyone advocating that it's their "pride and heritage" obviously worships losers and identifies with losers. Too bad it won't sink in to them.

These idiots (OP) are no better than the Westboro Baptist Church nutbags....I bet only conservatives defend any of their actions.
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?

You do know that Southerners were primarily Democrats (as are the members of Westboro Baptist Church), don't you???

As a matter of fact, Fred Phelps ran for office several times on the Democrat ticket!!!!!
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see

According to Stat's own link, they were veterans who had been selling flags in order to donate the money to veterans (and to even purchase American flags for vets)......

So tell me, why do you hate vets?????
"In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air."

Mmm, which seems more believable in 2015...

A group of white racists target a black birthday party, or a crowd of blacks flip out at the sight of a truck with some confederate (and American and military) flags on it?
As opposed to the way blacks acted at a pool party earlier this year.

Considering that the dumb assed cop at the pool apologized for his unprofessional behavior that caused the incident to become national news, I'm not sure I understand any point you might be trying to make.
7 guys in trucks mounted up with Confederate Flags following each other didnt want to be seen. They were just a riding around and decided they needed to rest at the nearest kids birthday party and turrets made them yell the N word.

It was all just a misunderstanding you see
They were apparently on a public street when they were attacked. So tell me, why do you think blacks have a right to physically attack folks that are just going down a public street that the victims are helping pay to maintain???

You do know that Southerners were primarily Democrats (as are the members of Westboro Baptist Church), don't you???

As a matter of fact, Fred Phelps ran for office several times on the Democrat ticket!!!!!

Duh!.....of course I know that, I don't try to deny History. I also know that those southern democrats became Republicans, that's why the south is so Red....I bet you didn't know that, or openly admit it.

And, I seriously doubt that a Baptist Church in Kansas that is anti-gay would ever be Democratic or liberal.....but nice try.

The South became fertile ground for the GOP, which conversely was becoming more conservative as the Democrats were becoming more liberal.

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat

It's funny how every Muslim terrorist act doesn't represent all Muslims, but this story obviously makes the case that anyone associated with a "stars n bars" flag is a racist jackass.

Selective outrage at its finest.

A non- functioning link isn't a source. Nice try, though.
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