Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

The Confederates started the War. Which was a mistake
No, Abe started the war. I am surprised you defend any Republican. Let's recount two tales that are facts.
1. No US Troops were harmed in the Fort called Sumter. Abe douild not claim the Union suffered a lost human life.
2. Abe did not have to invade. Even on the matter of Sumter, many forts were in the hands of the South. This fort was no exception other than a few troops were in it. Frankly the cannons of those days were primitive and short ranged. Modern Cannons have some of them pretty long range like 20 miles. But they lacked the knowledge of rifled weapons and had primitive powers that would be laughed at by our current troops as not effective much.

Abe did not declare the South started the war. He whined he did not then currently own the south states.
States are not the property of the Feds. Not then and not now.
Robert E Lee was a great American and one of the finest generals we ever produced

Ulysses S Grant was a great American and beat the snot out of Lee. Other Generals were afraid of Lee, Grant kept pounding him and pounding him until he quit.
I must live with Democrats and you seem upset I pointed out they hated Republicans in 1861 and to this day in 2023 still hate Republicans.

Of course we alive in a world with Democrats and others. There is no place that is all Democrats. Dante is not upset, as he unlike you has no dog in this fight. It's not personal to Dante. Facts are not all Democrats became supporters of the Confederate cause. Not all Republicans were against the Republican cause. You live in a world of caricatures, and in a self-created information bubble that has warrm-diarrhea-in-a-dixie-cup posing as a Hot Fudge Sundae. ergo: your world of hate

I know you accept this fact on face value.
Huh? What do you assume Dante accepts at face value?

Actually there are citizens living today in Oregon who plan to secede. They laid plans to join Idaho. We have a fairly free state save for Boise Idaho which is run by guess who? It is by the Democrats. Still the bulk of Idaho welcomes with open arms those now citizens of Oregon into the family known as Idaho. We welcome you brothers and sisters. Come in, the water is fine.
Recently, I was living in the southeastern part of Washington state. I recently spent a little over half of a year on a nomadic (no homebase) adventure through the northwestern part of the USA. Stayed a month or weeks at a time in places with people you describe here. We'd recognize you (agenda/personality/views), if we met.

I say to all of you -- good luck. Reminds me of the sovereign citizen folks.
Thanks for joining we Republicans.
Please, stop inferring things you've read, but fail to comprehend.

well, GOP is against it. That's settles it.

What is getting lost on the conversation is it's a memorial that honors the dead, not a statue or sculpture that celebrates or honors the traitors as heroes.
How stupid are you, anyway? How sealed in the rightwing media bubble, devoid of factual information, are you???

All from August-October:

US oil production hits all-time high, conflicting with efforts to cut heat-trapping pollution

Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records

A ‘war on American energy’? So why is oil production near record highs?

U.S. oil production hits all-time high, conflicting with efforts to curb climate change

The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don’t care.

So, again: are you stupid, or ignorant, or just a damned liar? It must be one of the three - there are no other possibilities for you saying that.
But no new oil exploration or expansion of refining capability is going on. It's just existing wells allowed to operate are producing full time.
Says the Current Chair of USMB House Trolls.

Now let's see a Dante post vs any post by WrongAgain/Liability/BackAgain :::::::::::::

Will not?' I know you like to live in the land of hate, but many of us don't. That said -- States have no right to secede. For me, that has been settled. "The Constitution makes no provision for secession."

But, the link below (quoted above), gives a seriously nuanced answer to the question of states having a right to secede.


The American Historical Association (AHA), is a credible and highly respected organization that has been in the news recently. Within the recent controversy(s), I stand with the AHA and it's president James H. Sweet (mostly). Home | AHA

An article showing the AHA was/is being attacked: But the attacks referred to in the article do not make the AHA less credible.

I'm currently taking a closer look at the Independent Institute: Research Fellows: About Us: The Independent Institute

Many of Fukuyama’s critics were simply confused about what he meant by the “end of history.” They assumed he was proposing that history had simply “stopped” and that no more political regimes would emerge that would challenge liberal democracy in the twentieth or twenty-first centuries, regimes such as present-day China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran. As Fukuyama made clear both in 1992 and many times thereafter, that was not what he meant.

Arguably the more serious attacks on Fukuyama’s book were those that challenged the very ideas of classical liberal thought that were at the root of liberal democracy. These have generally been from the academic left, where one might expect such assessments to originate. However, more recently they have also emerged from the academic right, which had traditionally defended classical liberalism. Perhaps the most prominent of the latter has been Patrick Deneen’s Why Liberalism Failed (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2018; with new preface, 2019). Deneen’s book was intended to assuage those eager to know why at the “end of history” liberalism no longer was ascendant or even appeared inevitable. To be sure, Why Liberalism Failed highlighted the shortcomings of the progressive varieties of liberalism. But its central theme consisted of a comprehensive indictment of classical liberalism itself, of the internal contradictions and other inadequacies of the classical liberal theoretical and political project. Of particular prominence in Deneen’s charges was the idea of the autonomous, self-governing individual who was, contrary to ancient and traditional Christian understandings of liberty, intended to remain free of social and customary constraints save those imposed by duly enacted laws necessary to the maintenance of the liberal political order. This thin concept of the individual in political society on Deneen’s reading disregarded those social and cultural elements that made up “thick” communities and that were so essential to the functioning of democracy. Liberalism deconstructed and ultimately eviscerated those very institutions and practices that democracy needed to survive. Liberalism had failed in short precisely because it had succeeded so spectacularly at its own theoretical and political enterprise.
Wait, I spent many years devoted to learning history of this country and also other countries histories. You probably got angry when I agreed with a poster who stated as fact that when Abe issued the proclamation, it was after one Union victory that had followed a hell of a lot of Union losses. He stipulated that the Union was almost defeated.
John Horses is slow. It is why it is in his name.
You learned wrong, chum.
No, Abe started the war. I am surprised you defend any Republican. Let's recount two tales that are facts.
1. No US Troops were harmed in the Fort called Sumter. Abe douild not claim the Union suffered a lost human life.
2. Abe did not have to invade. Even on the matter of Sumter, many forts were in the hands of the South. This fort was no exception other than a few troops were in it. Frankly the cannons of those days were primitive and short ranged. Modern Cannons have some of them pretty long range like 20 miles. But they lacked the knowledge of rifled weapons and had primitive powers that would be laughed at by our current troops as not effective much.

Abe did not declare the South started the war. He whined he did not then currently own the south states.
States are not the property of the Feds. Not then and not now.
All of the blather above is simply wrong.
Please, stop inferring things you've read, but fail to comprehend.

well, GOP is against it. That's settles it.

What is getting lost on the conversation is it's a memorial that honors the dead, not a statue or sculpture that celebrates or honors the traitors as heroes.
You said you don't live with hate. I pointed out that the Democrats lived with hate 162 years ago and even today, this very moment, live with hate. They preach hate daily. If you did not join them in their hate, why did you reply?

All it takes to get Democrats to show how much they hate, they want to keep destroying brass or other materials statues.
You want to open more and drive to the profits for big oil?
Yep. More profits for big oil generally mean more affordable energy and fuel for the rest of us. Funny how free market capitalism works that way.

But Biden throws up as many roadblocks as he can for that while focusing on erasing American history as the good little Marxists tell him to do. It's revolting.
But no new oil exploration
You should quit while you are behind.

Yep. More profits for big oil generally mean more affordable energy and fuel for the rest of us.
What these types forget, nay just ignore, is the vast amount of oil wells are operated by small time oil guys.
You said you don't live with hate. I pointed out that the Democrats lived with hate 162 years ago and even today, this very moment, live with hate. They preach hate daily. If you did not join them in their hate, why did you reply?

All it takes to get Democrats to show how much they hate, they want to keep destroying brass or other materials statues.
There you go again. Democrats? All? please
Foxfyre still hasn't explained how she is unaware of Biden turning America into the largest energy producer in the world, outpacing Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Again, is it stupidity, ignorance, or just blatant lying? It must be one of the three.
You should quit while you are behind.

Biden is simply obeying the Courts who kicked his ass.

Still Biden has ruled out many sources of oil to favor electricity.

Aside of the fact that the oil he is bragging about was set into motion by Trump.

A clue to Biden is what about ANWR? How fast did he counter his orders?

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