Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

They were all Americans dumbass.
Except they weren't. That's what secession is. They left to start their own country with flags and uniforms and laws and everything. You can look it up.
That's why we call it the Civil War.
You can call things whatever you want but we call it that from the perspective of the winning nation who didn't want to acknowledge the others autonomy. If the Revolutionary War had ended with the Founders losing England would be calling it a Civil War today too. That doesn't change the fact that Confederate soldiers engaged in war against American ones.
Both sides were brothers fighting brothers. If you study the Civil War and the Battle of Gettysburg many of the generals on both sides were friends from West Point.
You just can't handle American History. The history of the Civil War should be respected on both sides.
Your familial relationships don't mean a fucking thing to me. It's you that has to pretend that me not caring about your slaver traitor ancestors is me not understanding history. I do, I just don't care. :dunno:
I find it stunning that in over 25 years of posting, damned few Democrats know what their heritage is and why the old time Democrats did not volunteer to fight Abe Lincoln, Abe forced them to fight him to their deaths. Democrats waged a defensive series of battles.
They are not merely going after the so called Confederates, they intend to destroy history they created and even remove presidents statues who owned slaves. We have had 13 slave owning presidents and they want to erase all of them.
Erase the statues honoring them sure. But we should absolutely teach that they were pieces of human shit so no one ever forgets. Do we really need statues for that though? :dunno:
Do you have any relatives buried at Arlington? I do.
Democrats have to purge their names since they waged war against Abe Lincoln.
They will have to revise all of the history. They will have to cancel out the slavery part because they have all the rights to all of that.
Erase the statues honoring them sure. But we should absolutely teach that they were pieces of human shit so no one ever forgets. Do we really need statues for that though? :dunno:
I never saw statues as honoring. I see them as reminding us of history. This is the aim of Democrats to wipe out history and pretend they were not confederates.

Notice that it is always Democrats doing the purging.
Democrats have to purge their names since they waged war against Abe Lincoln.
They will have to revise all of the history. They will have to cancel out the slavery part because they have all the rights to all of that.
So much stupid.... 😄

Which Democrat is against teaching children that Democrats Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were trash people from a trash culture?
So much stupid.... 😄

Which Democrat is against teaching children that Democrats Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were trash people from a trash culture?
You do not understand that war of conquest by Abe Lincoln at all. Democrats want their war efforts to be obliterated and you even prove this is true.
I never saw statues as honoring. I see them as reminding us of history. This is the aim of Democrats to wipe out history and pretend they were not confederates.

Notice that it is always Democrats doing the purging.
To those of us who can read (I guess that excludes most MAGAs) statues are not history.
The Confederacy was a greater threat to the United States than Nazi Germany. Confederate memorials do not belong on U.S. military sites any more than Nazi German memorials.
If those states were so awful, why the hell did Abe Lincoln want them back?
To those of us who can read (I guess that excludes most MAGAs) statues are not history.
Statues often provoke study by the visitor, and they photo them to look up more about them. Statues are not all over, they are where a phase of history happened. Democrats want history of their part to simply vanish.

Last and not least, Democrats are by nature destructive humans. And they are proving it by engaging in wholesale destruction of monuments that they erected but are part of history they are ashamed of.
I never saw statues as honoring.
Then we will have to agree to disagree though it does beg the question why it was organizing like the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy who put them up and still defend them to this day. Is it your claim that these organizations want to educate people on what trash human beings the Confederates were?
I see them as reminding us of history. This is the aim of Democrats to wipe out history and pretend they were not confederates.
What's the rational underpinning of this argument? That's all knowledge is contained and retained via statue? Do you advocate for Nazi statues in order to preserve that history?
Notice that it is always Democrats doing the purging.
I notice how you have adorable pretend arguments (that's me being generous) and no real serious ones, as yet.
You do not understand that war of conquest by Abe Lincoln at all. Democrats want their war efforts to be obliterated and you even prove this is true.
Try having a coherent argument. 😄 Are Democrats the good guys or the trash human beings? This is what happens when you're trying to make cute arguments rather than real ones.
In a Leftest Banana Republic like the US the rulers will destroy history.
Except they weren't. That's what secession is. They left to start their own country with flags and uniforms and laws and everything. You can look it up.

You can call things whatever you want but we call it that from the perspective of the winning nation who didn't want to acknowledge the others autonomy. If the Revolutionary War had ended with the Founders losing England would be calling it a Civil War today too. That doesn't change the fact that Confederate soldiers engaged in war against American ones.

Your familial relationships don't mean a fucking thing to me. It's you that has to pretend that me not caring about your slaver traitor ancestors is me not understanding history. I do, I just don't care.
1. Lincoln preserved the Union, the Confederacy was about State's Rights. They both fought honorably for what they believed. History should be preserved accurately.

2. So why don't we remove everything that is British if that's who we fought for our independence? In order to understand history you need to look at both sides fairly and not demonize that side unless they were like the Nazis. Historians even look at Nazi generals with respect, like Rommel, "The Desert Fox".

3. So are you against removing statues and idols of Satan that are going up all over? If not, why not?

4. Your familial relationships don't mean a fucking thing to me either, I also don't care if your psychosis about slavers or the Confederacy makes you even more crazy. Its history, deal with it.

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