Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

The South seceded over the right to possess other human beings
They foolishly attacked a U.S. base knowingly provoking war.
Lincolns first concern was to preserve the union. When that became impossible, he conducted the war to the maximum extent possible
I dont blame Lincoln for the Civil War

Southern hotheads did that

But the southern states had a right to secede from the Union
The South seceded over the right to possess other human beings
They foolishly attacked a U.S. base knowingly provoking war.
Lincolns first concern was to preserve the union. When that became impossible, he conducted the war to the maximum extent possible

Word salad
I will happily engage you in trying to explain your own history. I assume you are a loyal Democrat.
Well you know what they say about assumptions....

The party itself doesn't matter to me. I care about policy. I voted for the independent Bernie Sanders over every Democrat in the last Presidential primary because I preferred his policy.
As a Republican, but not a hero worshiping republican over Abe Lincoln, I am willing to discuss that man's faults in spades. I am also willing to discuss Democrats faults in spades.
That's great and all but I'm more curious whether you can discuss the faults in your argument, like the insistence that all knowledge is retained via statue.
By your approval of removing your own statues, that you admit were put up by your types, it seems to you they shame you and thus you want them gone.
I'm a Black and Asian first generation American from the West Indies. In what serious way do you think southern white Confederates are my type? Because we belong to the same political party over a hundred years removed from one another? As I said, I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt and attribute this to playful banter rather than serious commentary but I suppose I'll have to of you insist. :dunno:

Again, if avoiding shame were the goal then why would also advocate for teaching American school children about what trash human beings Confederates were?
They do not shame me since I know the history very well of how Abe Lincoln invaded the South and forced them to defend themselves since they wanted little other than the freedom guaranteed to them by the constitution which was to form a government they really wanted to have.
Buddy, if you want to honor Confederates then just say so. Why be such a bitch about it?
I am ashamed of the republicans for forcing on them a government only we republicans wanted them to have. We were in effect showing them our asses and they could just go to hell for wanting freedom. The South did not defend shit over slaves. They defended their own states as soverigns then.
If you're not ashamed then why are making little cute pretend arguments about trash Confederates being my type rather than yours?
Remind us again

What does Bingo mean in the ghetto?

Is it anything like a gigaboo or a darkie?
It means ignorant bigot. I'm proud of my word. Why don't you proudly tell us what those other words mean brave white warrior. 😄
I don't find anything honorable about fighting to own other people as property. That isn't accuracy you dumb Bingo, that's narrative. You're too stupid to understand the difference, aren't you?
Do you see many statues of King George dotting the landscape? How many do you suppose we should have?
You can respect Nazis if you want to, that's a personal choice.
Because I don't care about Satan. Why does the existence of differing opinions confound you Bingos so thoroughly? 😄
Yeah, I'm not the whining little bitch coming here to demand others love and respect the same people I do. That would be you you clueless Bingo. 😄
We did. We advocated for its removal and one. Be bitch about it if it makes you feel better. :dunno:
1. Confederates believed that they had the right to live as they always have. You must be too stupid to understand that.

2. There are British statues that upsets no one even though they were enemies of the US at that time. So if no Republicans get upset about Confederate statues you know why Republicans prefer preserving historic art.

3. You just don't have the intellectual capacity to look at history accurately. Was Robert E. Lee a great general? Did the Union generals suck? How did the north win? What were the key battles and how did they unfold. Removing or politicizing history is intellectually dishonest. I can respect great generals like Rommel and Zhukov and Eisenhower no matter which side they were on.

4. You don't care about Satan, fine. I don't want to see history destroyed or distorted or politicized.

5. LOL. You're the whiny little bitch that can't handle looking at Confederate statues.

6. Remove all the statues you want. Unless you burn all the history books and videos too history is still preserved. They are there every day all day, just waiting for a history buff to read real history and see all the statues that the low-IQ folks removed.
Confederates believed that they had the right to live as they always have. You must be too stupid to understand that.

Confederates believed their right to own other human beings was being threatened. So they created a country to ensure slavery was preserved forever
The South seceded over the right to possess other human beings
They foolishly attacked a U.S. base knowingly provoking war.
Lincolns first concern was to preserve the union. When that became impossible, he conducted the war to the maximum extent possible

Folks, this is Democrats party propaganda. The issue is not the South seceding at all. It is over the issue of Abe Lincoln deliberately and with malice invading Southern sovereign states in order to force them, using cannons, to come back to him who he believed he was their owner of those departed states. Abe treated states as his personal property. They never were the property of the USA. They were with the oitrher states as a voluntary act. And they left the USA voluntarily. Abe in a huge deadly snit attacked them.
Ft. Sumter is a diversion by democrats since the South had recovered all but two forts that the Feds were pleased to give back to them. (Ft. Sumter and Ft. Pickens, on an island off of Florida)

Sumter lost it's right to be part of the North when the South wrote explanation upon explanation as to why they were leaving and had made this issue known even ahead of the election.

Some history about Ft. Pickens including corroborating data I mention.
Below is by the National Parks service.

Reading 1: The Civil War in Pensacola Area​

When Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election of 1860, many white Southerners responded with fear and anger. Although Lincoln had never called for abolishing slavery altogether, stating only that it should not spread to the territories, few white Southerners believed him. They were certain Lincoln did plan to end slavery, and Southern radicals called for the South to secede from the Union. South Carolina announced its secession in December 1860, even before Lincoln took office. Within six weeks Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas voted to leave the Union. These states justified their secession on the basis that because the states had voluntarily joined the Union, they also could leave it whenever they chose.

Abe was well aware prior to taking office that all but two forts were in the hands of the states they actually belonged to.

States believed they had the right to be part of any group they wanted to be part of. They simply did not want to be part of the group that later waged war on them in the South.
Democrats were correct that they were in the right to fight for the sovereign states they were were part of.

Americans have been deceived by our own teachers. And Democrats plan to keep deceiving us all.
Confederates believed their right to own other human beings was being threatened. So they created a country to ensure slavery was preserved forever
That's what they believed.
I'm not saying that they were right, I know that they were wrong.
But at that time they believed they were right, and they fought honorably for their beliefs.
If I had any ancestors who fought honorably for the south I would respect their statues.
So if no Republicans get upset about Confederate statues you know why Republicans prefer preserving historic art.

Republicans insist on using public land to honor the Confederacy. An institution created to ensure slavery.

They make no effort to honor the slaves who were held captive in that country
I am used to it, now, but still think it pointless and stupid to be tearing down statues that reflect history somebody doesn't like.
Statues are erected to honor something or someone. Traitors, which Confederates were, deserve no honors.

No one is removing the Civil War from from school textbooks. But don't give Meatball Ron any ideas.
kaz is British why the fuck would he know?

Why would Republicans object to removing Confederates if they were democrats?
Because its part of American history and someone's "art".

Maybe you'd prefer one of druggie Hunter's paintings there?
Apologies to kaz. You're the one who couldn't answer it.

All you wingnut dopes sound alike to me.
Folks, this is Democrats party propaganda. The issue is not the South seceding at all. It is over the issue of Abe Lincoln deliberately and with malice invading Southern sovereign states in order to force them, using cannons, to come back to him who he believed he was their owner of those departed states. Abe treated states as his personal property. They never were the property of the USA. They were with the oitrher states as a voluntary act. And they left the USA voluntarily. Abe in a huge deadly snit attacked them.
Ft. Sumter is a diversion by democrats since the South had recovered all but two forts that the Feds were pleased to give back to them. (Ft. Sumter and Ft. Pickens, on an island off of Florida)

Sumter lost it's right to be part of the North when the South wrote explanation upon explanation as to why they were leaving and had made this issue known even ahead of the election.

Some history about Ft. Pickens including corroborating data I mention.
Below is by the National Parks service.

Reading 1: The Civil War in Pensacola Area​

When Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election of 1860, many white Southerners responded with fear and anger. Although Lincoln had never called for abolishing slavery altogether, stating only that it should not spread to the territories, few white Southerners believed him. They were certain Lincoln did plan to end slavery, and Southern radicals called for the South to secede from the Union. South Carolina announced its secession in December 1860, even before Lincoln took office. Within six weeks Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas voted to leave the Union. These states justified their secession on the basis that because the states had voluntarily joined the Union, they also could leave it whenever they chose.

Abe was well aware prior to taking office that all but two forts were in the hands of the states they actually belonged to.

States believed they had the right to be part of any group they wanted to be part of. They simply did not want to be part of the group that later waged war on them in the South.
Democrats were correct that they were in the right to fight for the sovereign states they were were part of.

Americans have been deceived by our own teachers. And Democrats plan to keep deceiving us all.

I thought those Democrats formed the Confederacy?
Why do TODAYS Republicans defend that Confederacy?
1. Confederates believed that they had the right to live as they always have. You must be too stupid to understand that.
Nope. I just don't care.
2. There are British statues that upsets no one even though they were enemies of the US at that time. So if no Republicans get upset about Confederate statues you know why Republicans prefer preserving historic art.
Again, I don't care about what you want to preserve as history or art. Advocate for it to your hearts content. I'm questioning the Bingo argument that knowledge is somehow lost without statues to teach us. It's not a serious argument and I refuse to treat it as such.
3. You just don't have the intellectual capacity to look at history accurately. Was Robert E. Lee a great general? Did the Union generals suck? How did the north win? What were the key battles and how did they unfold. Removing or politicizing history is intellectually dishonest. I can respect great generals like Rommel and Zhukov and Eisenhower no matter which side they were on.
Again, who you want to respect is your personal choice. Are you such a Bingo that you don't understand opposing perspectives? 😄
4. You don't care about Satan, fine. I don't want to see history destroyed.
And if a statue is removed then history is destroyed? Explain how that works? Do we all suddenly forget at the same time or does it ripple outward like a wave affecting those closest to the statue first?
5. LOL. You're the whiny little bitch that can't handle looking at Confederate statues.
More cute arguments rather than real ones. 😄 What does this even really mean? You're the one making this about losing history (OMG! 😱) rather than what it really is which is you just losing a political battle.
6. Remove all the statues you want. Unless you burn all the history books and videos too history is still preserved. They are there every day all day, just waiting for a history buff to read real history and see all the statues that the low-IQ folks removed.
I'm glad people can still read about what trash human beings southern Confederate whites were. :dunno:
The South seceded over the right to possess other human beings
They foolishly attacked a U.S. base knowingly provoking war.
Lincolns first concern was to preserve the union. When that became impossible, he conducted the war to the maximum extent possible
It was an existing right. It was at that time just one of the rights. But they left for their own peace of mind. To not have laws changed that they could not tolerate.

Ft. Sumter had been a Fort erected by the North. But when sovereign states declare they are not part of the USA, trust me, they did not expect to have Ft. Sumter firing on them. Why don't you speak of the many forts that the South recovered even ahead of Lincoln taking office?

There was nothing at all in the Constitution that made States outlaws for departing. They were at all times the property of each state that was then part of the union. Sumter by virtue of location was no longer in the Government of Abe Lincoln and rather in the Government of South Carolina, no longer a state of Abes union.

Lincoln at the time he tried to fool people into thinking it freed the slaves, (a very illegal act at the time) it could change to now a war over slavery. But the beginning of his war he said very loudly, he is not fighting his war over slaves. Slaves to him should be deported.

Should all of Abes statues be removed because he wanted to deport the slaves?

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