Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

And they thought of themselves as at least above slaves in the social pecking order. They were con-ned by slave owners who basically ran the South into fighting for them.
He's an idiot. Families owned slaves. If a father and his four sons went to fight for the Confederacy then he would count that as 1 slave owner in 5 having owned slaves when all five of them had a financial interest.
And they thought of themselves as at least above slaves in the social pecking order. They were con-ned by slave owners who basically ran the South into fighting for them.

Happened world wide. We were ahead of most, but clearly had a ways to go. But you only hate and blame us. It's political, MAGA man.

And that is one fucking AMAZIING avatar!!!!!!!!!

I love this game where you can't admit your avatar is so great by changing it since I keep calling it out and that would be admitting you were wrong, which Democrats are incapable of because of groupthink, MAGA man.

But that is seriously a great avatar and makes Trump look amazing. I can't believe you picked it, but now you're stuck with it now, LOL
Counting families who owned slaves makes a hell of a lot more sense then calculating children in the percentage of people who didn't own slaves which is how you get the 5%. That would be as silly as calculating children in the percentage of people who don't own a home and then concluding owning a home isn't important to people.

Only 5.67% of white heads of households owned slaves
Wow there is nothing these commies won't go after.

Despite efforts from a group of Republican lawmakers, a Confederate statue in the Arlington National Cemetery will be removed in the coming days.

The Reconciliation Monument, known as the Confederate Statue, is part of the push to remove military installations named after the Confederacy in the wake of the summer 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.

According to a press release from the national cemetery, the statue will be removed from the cemetery by Dec. 22.

The move to remove the statue is in compliance with the Congressional mandate to remove all Confederate memorials by Jan. 1, 2024.
Wrong you gigaboo

It does say that
Jesus christ you cowardly, illiterate fuckwit, you know I'm just going to quote the damn thing, dont you? Why do you force me to embarrass you? If you want to defend deplorable mutants then at least do so proudly you pussy.

Looking just at the slave states then, there were 393,975 slave owners in the slave states out of a population of 12,240,293. So this means that 3.22 percent of the population of the 15 slave states were slave owners. “But we have to remember that only free people owned slaves, and that the total population of the slave states included enslaved people themselves, so we have to adjust our numbers to reflect only free people. Therefore, the 393,975 slave owners were out of a free population of 8,289,782, or 4.75 percent of the free population of the slave states being slave owners,” Mackey wrote.

The confederacy’s 11 states had 316,632 slave owners out of a free population of 5,582,222. This equals 5.67 percent of the free population of the confederacy were slave owners.

“That, however, does not tell us the extent of slave ownership. To better understand the extent of slavery’s impact, we need to realize a slave owner was the one person in a family who legally owned slaves. That person was usually the patriarch. There would be a spouse and sons and daughters who directly benefited from the family’s slave ownership and who stood to inherit enslaved people,” wrote Mackey.

So, according to the Census of 1860, 30.8 percent of the free families in the confederacy owned slaves. That means that every third white person in those states had a direct commitment to slavery.
I'd like the know some explanation on why this is being done, 99% of people think it is because of "political correctness" and if that is the case, say so. More importantly, explain exactly what is objectionable, the depiction of Confederate soldiers?

From the pic. I've seen, there is a slave woman depicted, and I'm pretty sure that is why it is getting the axe.

Only 5.67% of white heads of households owned slaves

Curried Goats goats isn't even black. You can tell every time he's fine with black criminals killing like 11 blacks for every black killed by a white and he only cares about the white. No one who is black would care that little about his own people to get Whitie. Only white leftists are that indifferent to black lives for politics
Curried Goats goats isn't even black. You can tell every time he's fine with black criminals killing like 11 blacks for every black killed by a white and he only cares about the white. No one who is black would care that little about his own people to get Whitie. Only white leftists are that indifferent to black lives for politics
I can't that you all are pussies by how much you have to lie about what it is you're defending.
That, however, does not tell us the extent of slave ownership. To better understand the extent of slavery’s impact, we need to realize a slave owner was the one person in a family who legally owned slaves.
Thats the only one that counts

White babies in a crib dont own slaves
Many countries destroy stuff from the past, Moslems like the Taliban are no different than democrats. The Taliban destroyed statues that were thousands of years old. The taliban learned how to destroy statues by the USA

On orders from Taliban founder Mullah Omar, the statues were destroyed in March 2001,[7] after the Taliban government declared that they were idols.[8] International and local opinion strongly condemned the destruction of the Buddhas.

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