Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

Why bother? Clearly, you don’t comprehend it, with your tiny smooth brain.
No. I don't understand how you think morality is relative to time when even in this time there are competing moral beliefs. Is abortion moral or immoral? Is homosexuality moral or immoral? Is respecting a child's gender identity moral or immoral? Is capital punishment moral or immoral? Will time ever answer these questions for you?
That doesn't go back in time and stop the events from happening does it? History still happened, correct?
Mr. Goat, let's study the aims of Democrats far into the future. First why did they take control of the Teachers unions nationally? In fact why are Democrats in charge of all of the Trade unions? Why do they constantly, like spiders making webs, create so many laws? Why are Democrats so extremely radical in wanting to be in charge?

Very few Americans see the two parties as part of the same body, such as a pair or arms working with a pair of legs. They see both parties as pretty damned part of wrecking threir lives and they want some person in a different group to take over this country. Recall Ross Perot. Ross was accurate in the wrongs here in America. But all he accomplished was to hand the election to Bill Clinton. Democrats refused to vote for Perot.

About the monuments you loathe. You tell us Republcians want them and you see monuments as evil tokens.

I see monuments as educational. I believe had you not shouted at us, by now you would have learned that. I will say it in dark letters. REPUBLICANS SEE THOSE STATUES AS EDUCATIONAL.
Why bother? Clearly, you don’t comprehend it, with your tiny smooth brain.
Another win for progressives, one by one we are getting rid of all retardican trailer-trash vestiges 😅
Mr. Goat, let's study the aims of Democrats far into the future. First why did they take control of the Teachers unions nationally? In fact why are Democrats in charge of all of the Trade unions? Why do they constantly, like spiders making webs, create so many laws? Why are Democrats so extremely radical in wanting to be in charge?

Very few Americans see the two parties as part of the same body, such as a pair or arms working with a pair of legs. They see both parties as pretty damned part of wrecking threir lives and they want some person in a different group to take over this country. Recall Ross Perot. Ross was accurate in the wrongs here in America. But all he accomplished was to hand the election to Bill Clinton. Democrats refused to vote for Perot.

About the monuments you loathe. You tell us Republcians want them and you see monuments as evil tokens.

I see monuments as educational. I believe had you not shouted at us, by now you would have learned that. I will say it in dark letters. REPUBLICANS SEE THOSE STATUES AS EDUCATIONAL.
How much educational value can a statue provide?
No, it was built on a swamp. Name it New Harrisburg*

*Original name for Houston.
So you would vote to cancel Washington and get rid of the names of him and Jefferson of course, demolish the Jefferson Memorial, since the Washington monument has interior rooms, perhaps rent those out and get rid of that name for probably a Democrats name and so forth. I have been to Washington DC a good many times yet did not hear it was formerly a swamp. But at a point, at any rate. Congress picked that spot to construct the federal Government. Be careful of Harris since i believe both sides had troops with that last name.
No. I don't understand how you think morality is relative to time when even in this time there are competing moral beliefs.
Ok. Don’t understand how you imagine that morality isn’t related to the time in which people live.

Your declaration is baseless and unsupported.

Actually, slavery isn’t a bad example. Congratulations on living in a day and age where people (generally) see it as immoral. But had you lived in ancient Roman times, you’d be laughed out of the Forum for sharing your view as the only “moral” view about slavery.
Is abortion moral or immoral?
I consider it immoral. Others disagree. And the view as to its morality is still in flux. Why do you ask?
Is homosexuality moral or immoral?
I don’t consider it to be either. I know I am a bit repulsed by thinking about gay sex between guys. But does that make it “immoral?” I don’t know. I doubt it.
Is respecting a child's gender identity moral or immoral?
That depends, I guess, on what that alleged “question” even means. Of a little bit believes he’s a girl, he is biologically wrong. If (on that basis) he “demands” to get trans surgery, I consider it immoral for his parents to acquiesce. Speaking of “time,” the poor child hasn’t had enough to properly be able to assess the costs involved.
Is capital punishment moral or immoral?
Again, that’s an example that involves societal views from the time in which that society exists. Nowadays, many folks are appalled at even the existence of a death penalty. But others don’t agree. However, in bygone days, it was considered a perfectly moral consequence for certain criminal behaviors. (If you think your making any point here, you’re every much mistaken.)
Will time ever answer these questions for you?
Some have already been answered by time. Times changed and nowadays most people see slavery as an evil and immoral. But that wasn’t true for much of American history prior to the civil war. It wasn’t true for Great Britain around those times. It wasn’t true in ancient Roman society. It wasn’t true in much of Africa in the time of American slavery. It isn’t true today in some locations.
How much educational value can a statue provide?
That is a valuable question so thank you.
The Statue or monument by itself is too brief to be called a complete educational value. But just take for example of the Arthur Ashe monument still standing on Monument Blvd in Richmond, VA. I saw it with my own eyes. Who talks about him? When one sees his monument, a good many who never heard of him get exposed and can then study the man. They can learn he was black. They can learn he was a fine tennis player. They will eventually learn a deadly virus killed him. They will also learn something about homosexuality. It can be a starting point for those not knowing him to finally learn about his life.

A question for you so please reply. Suppose people went out and the statue of Ashe was ruined and in trash heaps. How would you process such an event?

Take Robert E. Lee. After I graduated from high school, I could not even tell you who or what he was. I do not recall in high school any of the teachers talking about him at all. So I heard of his being a General. Trying to get more information, I purchased books. I took it on myself to study Robert E Lee. My study also caused me to also study Alexander the Great so I bought more books. Both were said to be very gifted Generals.

Lee really was forced to defend VA. It was attacked by Lincoln. Lee was a master in defenses. So he was who had to fight Abe. All due to an interest in Generals and the statues of them.
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔

That darn Constitution got in the way of your ethnic cleanse. :dance:

Ok. Don’t understand how you imagine that morality isn’t related to the time in which people live.
Morality is entirely subjective and made up and time didn't make it up people make it up. You make up your own morality. If you don't think so then which of your moral beliefs have you surrendered to the whims of time?

The Founders believed slavery was okay, not having anything to do with time but because it suited them.
Your declaration is baseless and unsupported.
Go ahead and think so you uneducated Bingo. :dunno:
Actually, slavery isn’t a bad example. Congratulations on living in a day and age where people (generally) see it as immoral.
But not universally. Why is that? Does time go slower in different countries?
But had you lived in ancient Roman times, you’d be laughed out of the Forum for sharing your view as the only “moral” view about slavery.
Is that an appeal to the majority? So what?
I consider it immoral. Others disagree. And the view as to its morality is still in flux. Why do you ask?
To prove that it has nothing to do with time but your own personal beliefs.
I don’t consider it to be either. I know I am a bit repulsed by thinking about gay sex between guys. But does that make it “immoral?” I don’t know. I doubt it.
But you recognize that some people do right? And call for execution of gays? Are they moving slower through time than the rest of us?
That depends, I guess, on what that alleged “question” even means. Of a little bit believes he’s a girl, he is biologically wrong. If (on that basis) he “demands” to get trans surgery, I consider it immoral for his parents to acquiesce. Speaking of “time,” the poor child hasn’t had enough to properly be able to assess the costs involved.
And if most Healthcare professionals disagree with you I guess you differ to their moral judgement?
Again, that’s an example that involves societal views from the time in which that society exists. Nowadays, many folks are appalled at even the existence of a death penalty. But others don’t agree. However, in bygone days, it was considered a perfectly moral consequence for certain criminal behaviors. (If you think your making any point here, you’re every much mistaken.)
I'm making an excellent point. You're too stupid to see it. Even back during the Founders time there were people who opposed slavery apart from the slaves themselves. You don't think the slaves thought it was wrong to have their children taken and sold from them? There were also abolishonists. They were just out numbered and out gunned by the deplorable slaver Founders. Sometimes the bad guys win.
Some have already been answered by time. Times changed and nowadays most people see slavery as an evil and immoral. But that wasn’t true for much of American history prior to the civil war.
Because they were a backward society of deplorable mutants. For the most part.
It wasn’t true for Great Britain around those times. It wasn’t true in ancient Roman society. It wasn’t true in much of Africa in the time of American slavery. It isn’t true today in some locations.
And those slavers were also deplorable pieces of human trash.

Again, to be clear and consistent you're also telling me that you can't judge Mohammad right? His people loved him so you have no moral disagreements about the prophet Mohammad?
That’s part of why it concerns.

But it raises other questions.

Choosing to erase names from location markers is part of it. We have already seen people demanding that statues to Lincoln be taken down because they happened to also depict slavery. We hear all the time how many of our liberals are offended by the names of schools or bridges etc that honor guys like Washington or Jefferson because they had slaves.

I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about a monument to Confederate soldiers. But before we blindly accept the demands for removing statues, etc., perhaps we should slow down a step and make sure that we distinguish between the various bases for such actions.
Cool. Slow down when its not CSA propaganda.
So you would vote to cancel Washington and get rid of the names of him and Jefferson of course, demolish the Jefferson Memorial, since the Washington monument has interior rooms, perhaps rent those out and get rid of that name for probably a Democrats name and so forth. I have been to Washington DC a good many times yet did not hear it was formerly a swamp. But at a point, at any rate. Congress picked that spot to construct the federal Government. Be careful of Harris since i believe both sides had troops with that last name.
No. I was making a joke.
Cool. Slow down when its not CSA propaganda.
I guess. Maybe not even slow down.

If it is about erasing the name of a Founder or Framer based on something like the fact that, back in those days, the person had slaves, how about just not doing it at all?

This afternoons lesson:

Whites Knew Slavery was Wrong in 1776

Some people have an excuse that says we cannot hold Americans who lived in the past to today’s standards. I could understand if this standard was applied to all past events, ideas, beliefs, and philosophies, but it seems that this excuse is only used when racial injustices are discussed. For example,we have the political ideology called conservatism, whose members will proudly quote statements from the founders about the role of the American government today. None of the founders are here now. They are people of the past. The right credits them for ideas they had. They can assess today’s standards to their words.

We get told how we need to return to those standards consistently. Yet if you say, “No, I can’t do that because they owned slaves, which means they did not truly believe the words they spoke,” suddenly you can’t hold people from the past responsible, or you cannot place today’s standards on their beliefs. The record shows how the people of that time assessed “today’s” standards on themselves.

“Why keep alive the question of slavery? It is admitted by all to be a great evil.”
-Charles Carroll, Signer of the Declaration

“I am glad to hear that the disposition against keeping negroes grows more general in North America. Several pieces have been lately printed here against the practice, and I hope in time it will be taken into consideration and suppressed by the legislature.”
-Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration, Signer of theConstitution, President of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society

“That men should pray and fight for their own freedom and yet keep others in slavery is certainly acting a very inconsistent, as well as unjust and perhaps impious.”
-John Jay, President of Continental Congress, Original Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court

I hope we shall at last, and if it so please God I hope it maybe during my life time, see this cursed thing [slavery] taken out. . . . For my part, whether in a public station or a private capacity, I shall always be prompt to contribute my assistance towards effecting so desirable an event.” -William Livingston, Signer of the Constitution; Governor of New Jersey

“The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. . . . And with what execration [curse] should the statesman be loaded, who permitting one half the citizens thus to trample on the rights of the other. . . . And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” -Thomas Jefferson
I guess. Maybe not even slow down.

If it is about erasing the name of a Founder or Framer based on something like the fact that, back in those days, the person had slaves, how about just not doing it at all?
Just the CSA.

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