Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

And the belief we call the Washington Monumwnt? It’s gotta go.

And the name of our “seat of government?” Washington, D.C. Obviously, that will get renamed “Obamaville.”
No, it was built on a swamp. Name it New Harrisburg*

*Original name for Houston.
Abe did not free slaves. He rounded up blacks in the South to press them into his military.
My arguments are never dishonest. Even your arguments get you called dishonest. But you come closer to be dishonest than I do.

I wonder a lot why it is just blacks who feel all pissed off. We have native tribes who owned slaves and blacks do not piss on the tribes.

Talk about the South leaving the country, we have hundreds of tribes of natives who run their own nations inside of this country. They retain tribal rights.

So once the blacks of america were freed, why do you suppose they did not do as the Tribes did and simply carve out areas in states and say they are a black government?
Yes, your argument is dishonest.

Look at your last question. You apparently never heard of Special Field Order 15, and Circular 13. Furthermore Native Americans were forcibly removed by the government to those reservations that you call carving out areas. The government took away the land they were providing for tthe freed blacks thanks to Andrew Johnson. You really need to stop because it's apparent that you don't know WTF you're talking about. Take your lost cause mess elsewhere.
No. You’re not. You’re looking at it through a filter of living in a different age and time.
This is a nonsense argument. Morality isnt relative to time. Morality isnt a property of time. Morality is subjective to people. It's subjective to individuals. It is a function of independent thought. My moral beliefs are different than yours. In any given point in time there will be people with different moral beliefs. Even in this time there are many individuals with differing moral beliefs from abortion, to drug use and capital punishment. I'm looking at it through the lense of my own morality and you're looking it through your own lense. You're just hiding behind this ridiculous notion of morality being relative to time.
Plus of course, you’re basically a racist so you ascribe nefarious things to white people.
I ascribe nefarious things to slavers of all colors.
I don’t know what a simpleton like you thinks the term “fail whites” even means.
Its my term for Republicans. They are the whites who are less likely to have any higher education. The less intelligent whites.
I recognize that you’re simply trying to stir the pot. You’re a simpleton. But your words have no actual impact.
If that were true then you wouldn't take the time to comment about them.
And, naturally, you’re also totally wrong. My heroes serenity monsters. Just because you wish to label Washington as a “monster” doesn’t make it true. It isn’t.
It is to me. You get to think a slaver of men, women and children is a decent human being and I get to think you're a deplorable piece of shit from a deplorable culture. Be man enough to take ownership of your own opinions and stop trying to hide behind time or tradition.
Wrong, you trite assclown. They hadn’t yet seen what you and I recognize today.
They were the ones who held the whip. How ignorant do you have to be to think you know better the cost?
That doesn’t make anybody a monster.
This is simply your opinion. You don't think whipping men, women and children to get them to labor through physically demanding work for your own financial gain is monsterous ok, we can agree to disagree.
Did I mention how trite and simple minded you are? If not, my bad. You are very trite and tragically simplistic.
I'm really unmoved by the moral judgments from someone who's also excusing child slavers. :dunno:
Nah. You’re the idiot and you’re too stupid to even begin to see the errors of your slovenly “thinking.” 👍
All you have is name calling. You have no actual arguments defending the rationality of your claims about morality being relative to time. The prophet Mohammad lived way before America's Founders. I guess to be consistent you don't think you can make moral judgments about him and the people who venerate him?
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Temporary housing. We'll destroy all slaver iconography eventually.
History, even bad history, is not yours to destroy. "....moved to the Virginia Museum of the Civil War at New Market Battlefield State Historical Park. The site, about 77 miles from VMI’s campus in Lexington, is where 257 cadets were involved in the battle of New Market in May 1864.

For years, VMI commemorated the battle and the 10 cadets who died there by hosting an annual New Market Day parade. In 2021, it was renamed the Memorial Parade to honor all alumni who died in battle.

The monument was designed by Moses Ezekiel, the first Jewish cadet to attend VMI. He fought with the Confederates at the Battle of New Market before graduating in 1867.
Black professors stated they studied this issue and say slaves learned valuable trades on the plantations. The Democrats got hysterical and it looked like they would burn down the professors homes to me. So why do Democrats see slaves as ignorant and unable to care for themselves?
Which black professors were those?
History, even bad history, is not yours to destroy. "....moved to the Virginia Museum of the Civil War at New Market Battlefield State Historical Park. The site, about 77 miles from VMI’s campus in Lexington, is where 257 cadets were involved in the battle of New Market in May 1864.
I never suggested history was mine to destroy. I'm not even sure how someone can destroy history. I think we can destroy public property through public policy and that only requires getting enough votes.
Then per the current Democrats, the word Washington and his statues should every one of them be removed.

Sure, you go with that, poster Bob.
You be you.

Let us know how your argument fares when presented live to real people.

QAnon lives on USMB.

Sure, you go with that, poster Bob.
You be you.

Let us know how your argument fares when presented live to real people.

QAnon lives on USMB.


Who is QAnon? Another one of your left wing hate groups I guess, MAGA man
Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

View attachment 873988

The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔
Fuck that. My wonderful Uncle's dad enlisted with the Confederates at the age of 15. Like everyone else in war, he felt he was fighting for his country, not slavery. Later he in life he registered republican and was a Cleveland Councilman, well respected. He would not apologize for his effort and remained proud. Why should we forget their sacrifice and the implications? Because Democrats would throw that and more away, only so THEY can do it all over again.

I got a better idea fucktards, by your logic the Democracks must be extinguished, all memory erased, because they were built on slavery, and even largely voted against civil rights, 100 years after.
This is a nonsense argument. Morality isnt relative to time. Morality isnt a property of time. Morality is subjective to people. It's subjective to individuals.
I rarely agree with anything BackAgain ever posts, but in this instance he is correct. Morality is taught. Most white people were taught to accept slavery because the African race was inferior to the White race, and we were doing them a favor by civilizing them. Which of course is absurd by what most people are taught today. Like Voltaire said "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"
Uncle's dad enlisted with the Confederates at the age of 15
Wait, how old are you???
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