Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

I rarely agree with anything BackAgain ever posts, but in this instance he is correct. Morality is taught. Most white people were taught to accept slavery because the African race was inferior to the White race, and we were doing them a favor by civilizing them. Which of course is absurd by what most people are taught today. Like Voltaire said "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities"
It's absurd because that is nothing more than silly propaganda taught to white children to excuse all this shit. If you visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture you'll see the tiny chains and cuffs they fashioned for children and read the quotes from people who witnessed mothers wailing as they were whipped and had their children torn from their grasp to bought and sold as fuel for American empire. It's frankly embarrassing that you fail whites still believe these fairy tales. To me it's no different than being an adult and still believing in Santa Claus.
Revoking that construction permit did nothing do decrease US production. Imho he should have used it as a bargaining chip, but c'est la vie.
Big oil knows how expensive drilling in ANWR will be. Compared to drilling in the Gulf and in the Permian Basin it's a no brainer.
When the God of Retribution fails in 2024, the US Oil patch will still be in record production territory.
KeystoneXL was 300,000 pd of North American oil. If we don't produce it where does it come from? Duh.
True, ANWR will need an expensive pipeline, but that is a Mother-lode of oil, and the 1st years are the most productive.
I'm a Nikki Haley supporter, she wins in a walk over Biden, but Trump has the nomination sewn up, so c'est la vie again.
By destroying all relics and vestiges of the past. Kind of like what the conquering Europeans did to the native cultures here in the New World.
That doesn't go back in time and stop the events from happening does it? History still happened, correct?
Fuck that. My wonderful Uncle's dad enlisted with the Confederates at the age of 15. Like everyone else in war, he felt he was fighting for his country, not slavery. Later he in life he registered republican and was a Cleveland Councilman, well respected. He would not apologize for his effort and remained proud. Why should we forget their sacrifice and the implications? Because Democrats would throw that and more away, only so THEY can do it all over again.

I got a better idea fucktards, by your logic the Democracks must be extinguished, all memory erased, because they were built on slavery, and even largely voted against civil rights, 100 years after.
Damned few of the South would start a war to keep slavery alive. The rich had a huge stake in it but the daily small farmer could not afford to purchase even one slave.
So did the South start the war or did Lincoln start a war?
America has far too many instances where some incident could later be called the excuse of a war. All over America battles took place due to this or that. Cattle wars for instance did not provoke any president to draft troops to wage wars.

You know when the South left the union and became a strong and strong willed Government, it wanted to preserve what it created. And to defend it's values, of course when Lincoln invaded in VA, it was forced to be in combat.

Democrats have this strange notion the South fought to keep slaves. Abe told the truth in his days of combat that he did not invade VA due to slavery. So the South defended itself against Abe for invading their new states.

What will we now make over the Tribes wars? That they fought to preserve slavery?
Face it, we formed a nation that was like cannibals in it that they ate their own and were pleased to wage wars.
This is a nonsense argument.

Everything you post is nonsense. Nothing new.
Morality isnt relative to time.

Of course it is, you dimwit. If it weren’t, either slavery would still be deemed perfectly moral OR it never would have been accepted as a societal norm in the first place. It would be very difficult to quantify just how stupid your claims are.

Your post was far too verbose (plus it began so idiotically) that I didn’t bother to read the rest of it.

Go make amends. Learn something in your life. For once.
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That doesn't go back in time and stop the events from happening does it? History still happened, correct?
Why did the Germans remove Nazi monuments? So that they did not have to discuss Nazis at all. They did not want to deal with their own past. Democrats today simply are like the Germans in they do not want to deal with the Democrats own past.

Democrats control our education system. They plan to over time purge all books of discussing their own past. When it hurts them, mop the floor with their past and it vanishes.
Works for me, of course he was never a traitor to the United States.
Washington? Of course not. But many of our idiot lib pals seem to think his name should be stricken from the record because he had slaves back in those days. :cuckoo:
Everything you post is nonsense. Nothing new.

Of course it’s. You dimwit. If it weren’t, either slavery would still be deemed perfectly moral OR it never would have been accepted as a societal norm in the first place. It would be very difficult to quantify just how stupid your claims are.
They way you talk about morality is nonsense. In some places, slavery is still perfectly acceptable. It has nothing to do with time it has to do with slavers being subdued here and elsewhere and not so much in other places.
Your post was far too verbose (plus it began so idiotically) that I didn’t bother to read the rest of it.
My posts are very simple to understand. You still haven't given a good explanation for this morality in relation to time thing.
Go make amends. Learn something in your life. For once.
Give a coherent argument.
They way you talk about morality is nonsense.

Nope. The way you do is childish? Ignorant and retarded. 👍
In some places, slavery is still perfectly acceptable.
I think that’s true. And these days most of us recognize that’s wrong. If you hope to be making a point, as usual, you’re failing miserably.
It has nothing to do with time it has to do with slavers being subdued here and elsewhere and not so much in other places.
Slavery is wrong. But morality doesn’t let people recognize that if they’re living in a time and place where that isn’t recognized. Damn, you’re stupid.
My posts are very simple to understand.

No. They’re just simple-minded and simplistic. But they are mostly wrong.
You still haven't given a good explanation for this morality in relation to time thing.
I don’t owe you any good explanation. Youre just far too stupid to grasp what’s already been pointed out.
Give a coherent argument.
Try to comprehend what you’ve already been told. Open up your tiny shallow mind. 👍
Why did the Germans remove Nazi monuments? So that they did not have to discuss Nazis at all. They did not want to deal with their own past.
Isnt it a crime to deny that the Holocaust happened over there?
Democrats today simply are like the Germans in they do not want to deal with the Democrats own past.
Nonsense. I want to teach all little white children what pieces of human shits slavers are.
Democrats control our education system. They plan to over time purge all books of discussing their own past. When it hurts them, mop the floor with their past and it vanishes.
Come with a real argument you clown.
Well, this thread concerns a monument to traitors.
That’s part of why it concerns.

But it raises other questions.

Choosing to erase names from location markers is part of it. We have already seen people demanding that statues to Lincoln be taken down because they happened to also depict slavery. We hear all the time how many of our liberals are offended by the names of schools or bridges etc that honor guys like Washington or Jefferson because they had slaves.

I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about a monument to Confederate soldiers. But before we blindly accept the demands for removing statues, etc., perhaps we should slow down a step and make sure that we distinguish between the various bases for such actions.
Democrats are perplexed by the most obvious questions. Do it through legislatures, not street violence, Adolf. I mean DUH, MAGA man.

And you question that the slave owners were Democrats? That's just a basic historical fact, fucking retard
Some were Whigs, a few were Republicans.
Nope. The way you do is childish? Ignorant and retarded. 👍

I think that’s true. And these days most of us recognize that’s wrong. If you hope to be making a point, as usual, you’re failing miserably.
My point is that if morality were relative to time then everyone would think it's wrong now. If your theory was correct then everyone would have the same moral beliefs at every point in time. What we actually see are competing moral beliefs in every place in every time.
Slavery is wrong. But morality doesn’t let people recognize that if they’re living in a time and place where that isn’t recognized. Damn, you’re stupid.
Morality doesn't let people....? Morality is a concept invented by man, it doesn't control you, it is a manifestation of your own individual beliefs.
No. They’re just simple-minded and simplistic. But they are mostly wrong.
Your arguments don't even make any rational sense nor do they describe what we actually see in the real world.
I don’t owe you any good explanation. Youre just far too stupid to grasp what’s already been pointed out.
If you're happy with your explanation thus far so am I. :dunno:
Try to comprehend what you’ve already been told. Open up your tiny shallow mind. 👍
Try and make it make even a little sense.
That doesn't go back in time and stop the events from happening does it? History still happened, correct?
That is true, but it can make it unknown. Knowing that most of the Confederate monuments were built as a tribute to the ascension of Jim Crow Laws as well as what Jim Crow represents is important knowledge, imho.
That is true, but it can make it unknown.
Its your job to remember shit and pass it down if you want to preserve it.
Knowing that most of the Confederate monuments were built as a tribute to the ascension of Jim Crow Laws as well as what Jim Crow represents is important knowledge, imho.
It's knowledge that can very well be gleamed from a classroom, a book, the letters of secession, all sorts of preserved historical artifacts retain that history. I don't want to destroy all of them, just those meant to honor slavers.

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