Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

This is a patronizing view of Washington and Jefferson. You can't enslave children and not know the suffering you're causing. You just don't care.
If both Washington and Jefferson freed their slaves, just how to you think the "ignorant" (based on Democrats teaching) slaves would make a living and survive?

Once again, you are viewing their lives through your own perceptual filter.
I'm looking at it through common sense. You sensitive fail whites just don't want to acknowledge that your heroes were monsters.
But that’s not unexpected coming from you.

Today, you and I can blithely agree that slavery is wrong. We can agree that being a slave is an awful thing. We can empathize with the poor slave children of enslaved adults.

But what makes you assume that folks shared this view of such matters back in a day when slavery wasn’t even yet universally seen as “wrong.”
They didn't see it as wrong. If they saw it as wrong they wouldn't of engaged in it. That's what makes them monsters you clown.
The issue has nothing at all to do with my caring. You’re really a very trite little man.
It has to do with you being an idiot.

Once again, you are viewing their lives through your own perceptual filter.

But that’s not unexpected coming from you.

Today, you and I can blithely agree that slavery is wrong. We can agree that being a slave is an awful thing. We can empathize with the poor slave children of enslaved adults.

But what makes you assume that folks shared this view of such matters back in a day when slavery wasn’t even yet universally seen as “wrong.”

The issue has nothing at all to do with my caring. You’re really a very trite little man.
He does not want to discuss monuments and changes the topic to race.
Today with exceptions slavery is the enterprise of blacks enslaving blacks.
Democrats have to bust their balls to wipe out our history as to the remark about taking down 13 presidents statues.
This thread is actually not about slavery, it is about removing monuments. So why not try to keep up.
The Confederate monument will be relocated to a more appropriate venue.

Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition
Though dozens of congressional Republicans protested the move, the Army says it will begin work in coming days

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The U.S. Army intends to remove a Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery next week as part of its ongoing work to rid Defense Department property of divisive rebel imagery, defying dozens of congressional Republicans who have vociferously protested the move.

Why would Republicans object to the removal of Confederate monuments if the Confederates were Democrats??? 🤔
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.

Dimwingers want to erase our history so they can repeat it. They miss their slave days.

What vermin.
I'm looking at it through common sense. You sensitive fail whites just don't want to acknowledge that your heroes were monsters.

They didn't see it as wrong. If they saw it as wrong they wouldn't of engaged in it. That's what makes them monsters you clown.

It has to do with you being an idiot.
No, you did not read what he said. He is not the idiot. He understands this topic really is not about slavery it is about monuments. He understands why the South defended it's borders from Abe and you seem to admire Abe who was breaking laws.

Here is a current way of looking at states leaving the union.
Oregon voters voted to leave Oregon and become part of Idaho.
As you see this, Biden should invade Oregon and wage war to prevent the citizens of Oregon living under a government they want.
The Confederate monument will be relocated to a more appropriate venue.
I'm looking at it through common sense.

No. You’re not. You’re looking at it through a filter of living in a different age and time. Plus of course, you’re basically a racist so you ascribe nefarious things to white people.
You sensitive fail whites just don't want to acknowledge that your heroes were monsters.
I don’t know what a simpleton like you thinks the term “fail whites” even means. I recognize that you’re simply trying to stir the pot. You’re a simpleton. But your words have no actual impact.

And, naturally, you’re also totally wrong. My heroes aren’t monsters. Just because you wish to label Washington as a “monster” doesn’t make it true. It isn’t.
They didn't see it as wrong. If they saw it as wrong they wouldn't have engaged in it. That's what makes them monsters you clown.
Wrong, you trite assclown. They hadn’t yet seen what you and I recognize today. That doesn’t make anybody a monster. Did I mention how trite and simple-minded you are? If not, my bad. You are very trite and tragically simplistic.
It has to do with you being an idiot.
Nah. You’re the idiot and you’re too stupid to even begin to see the errors of your slovenly “thinking.” 👍
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No, you did not read what he said. He is not the idiot. He understands this topic really is not about slavery it is about monuments. He understands why the South defended it's borders from Abe and you seem to admire Abe who was breaking laws.

Here is a current way of looking at states leaving the union.
Oregon voters voted to leave Oregon and become part of Idaho.
As you see this, Biden should invade Oregon and wage war to prevent the citizens of Oregon living under a government they want.
So you hate your country and pine for the slavery South.

Whatta guy
Are those the only options your small imagination can think of?
Black professors stated they studied this issue and say slaves learned valuable trades on the plantations. The Democrats got hysterical and it looked like they would burn down the professors homes to me. So why do Democrats see slaves as ignorant and unable to care for themselves?
Double standards is what you plead!!!!
I am trying to focus all of us on monuments kept or monuments destroyed.

I truly do not actually believe George Washington was smarter than Lee. You know the Generalship of Lee has been taught at Westpoint and other American military schools.

Nobody knew what you claim Washington knew about the Brits.

Lee did not want a fight. Lee happened to be an extraordinary General who is very highly praised among our own schools. Had Washinton been captured, there is no doubt he would have been hung. And the history of this country would be far different.

Abe provoked a fight. And this country to this very day is still suffering because of it. Had Abe stood back and let the South alone, slavery would have faded away and not been the same kind of topic as it is today. I personally don't care about slavery since it happened far to early for it to affect me. In my life, only the slavery from the Mexican border concerns me.
Lee was a brilliant battlefield tactician, Washington was a brilliant General and Statesman.

The South was determined to keep slavery as an institution forever and ever. In perpituity.

"She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."

It is also important to note that Lincoln had no plans to take slavery away from Texas or any of the seceding states.
Biden probably plans to destroy the Jefferson Memorial in DC.
And the obelisk we call the Washington Monument? It’s gotta go.

And the name of our “seat of government?” Washington, D.C. Obviously, that will get renamed “Obamaville.”
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