
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

In this 60 Minutes segment about confederate monuments, Mitchell Joseph Landrieu mayor of New Orleans since 2010, helped educate me about our Nation's ever-evolving society, as well as offering info about a population of apparent slow-to-evolve fellow American citizens continuing to embrace hateful, ignorant human beliefs that in my opinion are demeaning to human intellect.

Frankly, I became sad learning Mayor Landrieu was forced to look outside his state to find a crane company willing to remove the "feel good" confederate monuments.

AND, I became ANGRY learning crane company employees removing the monuments, were forced to don bullet resistance clothing after being issued death threats. :disgusting:

Watch 60 Minutes: The history & future of Confederate monuments - Full show on CBS All Access

However, Mayor Landrieu buoyed my spirits simply by demonstrating he is a reasonably intelligent, empathetic fellow American citizen genuinely concerned about improving the Quality of Life for our American friends, neighbors and co-workers.
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of 'The Center for Youth Wellness' joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

"How 'Childhood Trauma' affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.



In this 60 Minutes segment about confederate monuments, Mitchell Joseph Landrieu mayor of New Orleans since 2010, helped educate me about our Nation's ever-evolving society, as well as offering info about a population of apparent slow-to-evolve fellow American citizens continuing to embrace hateful, ignorant human beliefs that in my opinion are demeaning to human intellect.

Frankly, I became sad learning Mayor Landrieu was forced to look outside his state to find a crane company willing to remove the "feel good" confederate monuments.

AND, I became ANGRY learning crane company employees removing the monuments, were forced to don bullet resistance clothing after being issued death threats. :disgusting:

Watch 60 Minutes: The history & future of Confederate monuments - Full show on CBS All Access

However, Mayor Landrieu buoyed my spirits simply by demonstrating he is a reasonably intelligent, empathetic fellow American citizen genuinely concerned about improving the Quality of Life for our American friends, neighbors and co-workers.
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of 'The Center for Youth Wellness' joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

"How 'Childhood Trauma' affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.



How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?
How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

They didn't commit "treason" against their country! Too bad history is LOST on you that America split into TWO countries in 1861 and Lee and others were the leaders of the other side. Their side happened to lose, so the North got to write history in their favor but these people were still heroes to the reclaimed South and to the half of the people who lived there, and those statues were a nod to that segment of our history and a way of making peace with the half of the country that backed that side of the war and lost, and were reclaimed back as part of the whole USA.
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In this 60 Minutes segment about confederate monuments, Mitchell Joseph Landrieu mayor of New Orleans since 2010, helped educate me about our Nation's ever-evolving society, as well as offering info about a population of apparent slow-to-evolve fellow American citizens continuing to embrace hateful, ignorant human beliefs that in my opinion are demeaning to human intellect.

Frankly, I became sad learning Mayor Landrieu was forced to look outside his state to find a crane company willing to remove the "feel good" confederate monuments.

AND, I became ANGRY learning crane company employees removing the monuments, were forced to don bullet resistance clothing after being issued death threats. :disgusting:

Watch 60 Minutes: The history & future of Confederate monuments - Full show on CBS All Access

However, Mayor Landrieu buoyed my spirits simply by demonstrating he is a reasonably intelligent, empathetic fellow American citizen genuinely concerned about improving the Quality of Life for our American friends, neighbors and co-workers.
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of 'The Center for Youth Wellness' joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

"How 'Childhood Trauma' affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.



How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Only in America.

How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

That's as stupid as demanding a civil war museum remove the Confederate flag. Oh wait. That's already happened.


How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

Why hasn't the left protested the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, DC? He was a Confederate general, a founder of the KKK using Scottish Rite freemasonry as it's power structure. Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton? Could it be because they are high degree'd freemasons that belong to the Boule'? Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry.......hmmmmmmm????

How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

Why hasn't the left protested the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, DC? He was a Confederate general, a founder of the KKK using Scottish Rite freemasonry as it's power structure. Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton? Could it be because they are high degree'd freemasons that belong to the Boule'? Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry.......hmmmmmmm????

I think the opposition to he confederacy is well documented.

Tennessee Civil War Museum. Honoring those who served the Confederacy.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Tennessee Civil War Museum. Honoring those who served the Confederacy.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Bullshit. They served and served honorably.

This myth that blacks didn't serve is up there with the fairy tale that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans and that all Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrat overnight sometime in the 60's.

There's a great deal of historical data available. No spin. Just truth. Pfffffffffft that no black men served openly. What a crock. Meet the first black Chaplain.


Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain of the Civil War

When the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment requested a chaplain, there were not enough clergymen to assign to every military unit in the Confederate States Army. Fortunately, there was a man called of God in their midst. Louis Napoleon Nelson was well versed in Scripture and traveled to war as the bodyguard of two Oldham brothers.
Answering the call, Louis Napoleon Nelson conducted a spiritual service for the soldiers. They so thoroughly enjoyed the sermons until the field officers appointed him as the honorary chaplain of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

How could this be? How could Confederate field officers assign an African-American as their regimental chaplain? This was indeed possible because President Jefferson Davis delegated the appointment of chaplains to Confederate States Army field commanders.

Also, Confederate States Army chaplains did not have a formal title. As an example, some chaplains were called Brother, Father or Reverend. During this period in American history either South or North , African-American men were not addressed as “Mr./Mister”. Therefore, the common title for African-American men who were held in high regard was “uncle.” Therefore, the troopers of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment affectionately called Louis Napoleon Nelson, “Uncle Louis.”

After several revival services, word spread throughout the camp. On September 10, 1863, a correspondent for the Religious Herald wrote, “Uncle Louis is heard with respectful attention, and for earnestness, zeal and sincerity, can be surpassed by none.”

Also in September of 1863, Henry McNeal Turner, pastor of Israel AME Church (Washington D.C) became the first Union African-American chaplain of the 1st United States Colored Troops (USTC).

Thus Confederate Chaplain Louis Napoleon Nelson is noted in history as the first black military chaplain with white parishioners during the American Civil War.

Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain Of The Civil War

Tennessee Civil War Museum. Honoring those who served the Confederacy.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Bullshit. They served and served honorably.

This myth that blacks didn't serve is up there with the fairy tale that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans and that all Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrat overnight sometime in the 60's.

There's a great deal of historical data available. No spin. Just truth. Pfffffffffft that no black men served openly. What a crock. Meet the first black Chaplain.


Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain of the Civil War

When the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment requested a chaplain, there were not enough clergymen to assign to every military unit in the Confederate States Army. Fortunately, there was a man called of God in their midst. Louis Napoleon Nelson was well versed in Scripture and traveled to war as the bodyguard of two Oldham brothers.
Answering the call, Louis Napoleon Nelson conducted a spiritual service for the soldiers. They so thoroughly enjoyed the sermons until the field officers appointed him as the honorary chaplain of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

How could this be? How could Confederate field officers assign an African-American as their regimental chaplain? This was indeed possible because President Jefferson Davis delegated the appointment of chaplains to Confederate States Army field commanders.

Also, Confederate States Army chaplains did not have a formal title. As an example, some chaplains were called Brother, Father or Reverend. During this period in American history either South or North , African-American men were not addressed as “Mr./Mister”. Therefore, the common title for African-American men who were held in high regard was “uncle.” Therefore, the troopers of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment affectionately called Louis Napoleon Nelson, “Uncle Louis.”

After several revival services, word spread throughout the camp. On September 10, 1863, a correspondent for the Religious Herald wrote, “Uncle Louis is heard with respectful attention, and for earnestness, zeal and sincerity, can be surpassed by none.”

Also in September of 1863, Henry McNeal Turner, pastor of Israel AME Church (Washington D.C) became the first Union African-American chaplain of the 1st United States Colored Troops (USTC).

Thus Confederate Chaplain Louis Napoleon Nelson is noted in history as the first black military chaplain with white parishioners during the American Civil War.

Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain Of The Civil War

Blah. Not bullshit. You believe fiction.

Tennessee Civil War Museum. Honoring those who served the Confederacy.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Bullshit. They served and served honorably.

This myth that blacks didn't serve is up there with the fairy tale that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans and that all Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrat overnight sometime in the 60's.

There's a great deal of historical data available. No spin. Just truth. Pfffffffffft that no black men served openly. What a crock. Meet the first black Chaplain.


Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain of the Civil War

When the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment requested a chaplain, there were not enough clergymen to assign to every military unit in the Confederate States Army. Fortunately, there was a man called of God in their midst. Louis Napoleon Nelson was well versed in Scripture and traveled to war as the bodyguard of two Oldham brothers.
Answering the call, Louis Napoleon Nelson conducted a spiritual service for the soldiers. They so thoroughly enjoyed the sermons until the field officers appointed him as the honorary chaplain of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

How could this be? How could Confederate field officers assign an African-American as their regimental chaplain? This was indeed possible because President Jefferson Davis delegated the appointment of chaplains to Confederate States Army field commanders.

Also, Confederate States Army chaplains did not have a formal title. As an example, some chaplains were called Brother, Father or Reverend. During this period in American history either South or North , African-American men were not addressed as “Mr./Mister”. Therefore, the common title for African-American men who were held in high regard was “uncle.” Therefore, the troopers of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment affectionately called Louis Napoleon Nelson, “Uncle Louis.”

After several revival services, word spread throughout the camp. On September 10, 1863, a correspondent for the Religious Herald wrote, “Uncle Louis is heard with respectful attention, and for earnestness, zeal and sincerity, can be surpassed by none.”

Also in September of 1863, Henry McNeal Turner, pastor of Israel AME Church (Washington D.C) became the first Union African-American chaplain of the 1st United States Colored Troops (USTC).

Thus Confederate Chaplain Louis Napoleon Nelson is noted in history as the first black military chaplain with white parishioners during the American Civil War.

Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain Of The Civil War

Blah. Not bullshit. You believe fiction.

How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

Why hasn't the left protested the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, DC? He was a Confederate general, a founder of the KKK using Scottish Rite freemasonry as it's power structure. Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton? Could it be because they are high degree'd freemasons that belong to the Boule'? Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry.......hmmmmmmm????

I think the opposition to he confederacy is well documented.

But alas, the statute of Albert Pike remains prominently displayed in the corporate head quarters of USA.INC which is the city/state of the District of Columbia with nary a peep from civil right activists........why is that?????

Tennessee Civil War Museum. Honoring those who served the Confederacy.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Bullshit. They served and served honorably.

This myth that blacks didn't serve is up there with the fairy tale that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans and that all Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrat overnight sometime in the 60's.

There's a great deal of historical data available. No spin. Just truth. Pfffffffffft that no black men served openly. What a crock. Meet the first black Chaplain.


Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain of the Civil War

When the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment requested a chaplain, there were not enough clergymen to assign to every military unit in the Confederate States Army. Fortunately, there was a man called of God in their midst. Louis Napoleon Nelson was well versed in Scripture and traveled to war as the bodyguard of two Oldham brothers.
Answering the call, Louis Napoleon Nelson conducted a spiritual service for the soldiers. They so thoroughly enjoyed the sermons until the field officers appointed him as the honorary chaplain of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

How could this be? How could Confederate field officers assign an African-American as their regimental chaplain? This was indeed possible because President Jefferson Davis delegated the appointment of chaplains to Confederate States Army field commanders.

Also, Confederate States Army chaplains did not have a formal title. As an example, some chaplains were called Brother, Father or Reverend. During this period in American history either South or North , African-American men were not addressed as “Mr./Mister”. Therefore, the common title for African-American men who were held in high regard was “uncle.” Therefore, the troopers of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment affectionately called Louis Napoleon Nelson, “Uncle Louis.”

After several revival services, word spread throughout the camp. On September 10, 1863, a correspondent for the Religious Herald wrote, “Uncle Louis is heard with respectful attention, and for earnestness, zeal and sincerity, can be surpassed by none.”

Also in September of 1863, Henry McNeal Turner, pastor of Israel AME Church (Washington D.C) became the first Union African-American chaplain of the 1st United States Colored Troops (USTC).

Thus Confederate Chaplain Louis Napoleon Nelson is noted in history as the first black military chaplain with white parishioners during the American Civil War.

Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain Of The Civil War

Blah. Not bullshit. You believe fiction.

How many countries on this planet have monuments to those who committed treason against their country?

Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

Why hasn't the left protested the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, DC? He was a Confederate general, a founder of the KKK using Scottish Rite freemasonry as it's power structure. Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton? Could it be because they are high degree'd freemasons that belong to the Boule'? Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry.......hmmmmmmm????

I think the opposition to he confederacy is well documented.

But alas, the statute of Albert Pike remains prominently displayed in the corporate head quarters of USA.INC which is the city/state of the District of Columbia with nary a peep from civil right activists........why is that?????

Remove the Albert Pike Statue Rally in Washington D.C. (August 18, 2017)

Red Paint Thrown on DC Statue of Confederate General

Someone has thrown red paint on a statue that honors a Confederate general in Washington, D.C.

Protesters gathered about 5 p.m. at the statue for Albert Pike, which stands near D.C. police headquarters at 3rd and D streets NW. Toward the end of the protest, someone threw red paint on the statue.

U.S. Park Police are investigating the vandalism.

The statue was erected by Scottish Rite Free Masons to mark Pike's 32 years of leadership of its southern jurisdiction. One panel at the base of the statue mentions Pike's role as brigadier general of the Confederate Army during the Civil War, WTOP reports.

Demonstrators and some D.C. leaders have said Pike was a racist and supported slavery.

Friday morning, a banner was draped against the statue with the message "#ModernConfederates John Kelly. Gary Cohn. Rex Tillerson."

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton said she plans to meet with the National Park Service to discuss removing the statue.

Red Paint Thrown on DC Statue of Confederate General

Scottish Rite NMJ to Fund Removal of Albert Pike Memorial

Lexington, MA—A spokesman from the Education Committee of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction announced today their commitment to a progressive society, one without the oppression and constant reminders of the Civil War. In a statement from Mike Blaterhorn, “The NMJ has for years strived to rid the Scottish Rite of the stigma and hard to understand rhetoric of Albert Pike. His old antiquated ideas and exaggerated, brainy commentary on degrees are boring and with the current situation in the country, the time has come to strike.”

Scottish Rite NMJ to Fund Removal of Albert Pike Memorial ~ The Past Bastard

I think the opposition to the confederacy is well documented.

Tennessee Civil War Museum. Honoring those who served the Confederacy.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Bullshit. They served and served honorably.

This myth that blacks didn't serve is up there with the fairy tale that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans and that all Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrat overnight sometime in the 60's.

There's a great deal of historical data available. No spin. Just truth. Pfffffffffft that no black men served openly. What a crock. Meet the first black Chaplain.


Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain of the Civil War

When the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment requested a chaplain, there were not enough clergymen to assign to every military unit in the Confederate States Army. Fortunately, there was a man called of God in their midst. Louis Napoleon Nelson was well versed in Scripture and traveled to war as the bodyguard of two Oldham brothers.
Answering the call, Louis Napoleon Nelson conducted a spiritual service for the soldiers. They so thoroughly enjoyed the sermons until the field officers appointed him as the honorary chaplain of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

How could this be? How could Confederate field officers assign an African-American as their regimental chaplain? This was indeed possible because President Jefferson Davis delegated the appointment of chaplains to Confederate States Army field commanders.

Also, Confederate States Army chaplains did not have a formal title. As an example, some chaplains were called Brother, Father or Reverend. During this period in American history either South or North , African-American men were not addressed as “Mr./Mister”. Therefore, the common title for African-American men who were held in high regard was “uncle.” Therefore, the troopers of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment affectionately called Louis Napoleon Nelson, “Uncle Louis.”

After several revival services, word spread throughout the camp. On September 10, 1863, a correspondent for the Religious Herald wrote, “Uncle Louis is heard with respectful attention, and for earnestness, zeal and sincerity, can be surpassed by none.”

Also in September of 1863, Henry McNeal Turner, pastor of Israel AME Church (Washington D.C) became the first Union African-American chaplain of the 1st United States Colored Troops (USTC).

Thus Confederate Chaplain Louis Napoleon Nelson is noted in history as the first black military chaplain with white parishioners during the American Civil War.

Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain Of The Civil War

Blah. Not bullshit. You believe fiction.
Who gives a flying fuck what other countries do?

If your opinion is based on what other countries do...you are a weak minded fool.

Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

Why hasn't the left protested the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, DC? He was a Confederate general, a founder of the KKK using Scottish Rite freemasonry as it's power structure. Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton? Could it be because they are high degree'd freemasons that belong to the Boule'? Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry.......hmmmmmmm????

I think the opposition to he confederacy is well documented.

But alas, the statute of Albert Pike remains prominently displayed in the corporate head quarters of USA.INC which is the city/state of the District of Columbia with nary a peep from civil right activists........why is that?????

Remove the Albert Pike Statue Rally in Washington D.C. (August 18, 2017)

Red Paint Thrown on DC Statue of Confederate General

Someone has thrown red paint on a statue that honors a Confederate general in Washington, D.C.

Protesters gathered about 5 p.m. at the statue for Albert Pike, which stands near D.C. police headquarters at 3rd and D streets NW. Toward the end of the protest, someone threw red paint on the statue.

U.S. Park Police are investigating the vandalism.

The statue was erected by Scottish Rite Free Masons to mark Pike's 32 years of leadership of its southern jurisdiction. One panel at the base of the statue mentions Pike's role as brigadier general of the Confederate Army during the Civil War, WTOP reports.

Demonstrators and some D.C. leaders have said Pike was a racist and supported slavery.

Friday morning, a banner was draped against the statue with the message "#ModernConfederates John Kelly. Gary Cohn. Rex Tillerson."

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton said she plans to meet with the National Park Service to discuss removing the statue.

Red Paint Thrown on DC Statue of Confederate General

Scottish Rite NMJ to Fund Removal of Albert Pike Memorial

Lexington, MA—A spokesman from the Education Committee of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction announced today their commitment to a progressive society, one without the oppression and constant reminders of the Civil War. In a statement from Mike Blaterhorn, “The NMJ has for years strived to rid the Scottish Rite of the stigma and hard to understand rhetoric of Albert Pike. His old antiquated ideas and exaggerated, brainy commentary on degrees are boring and with the current situation in the country, the time has come to strike.”

Scottish Rite NMJ to Fund Removal of Albert Pike Memorial ~ The Past Bastard

I think the opposition to the confederacy is well documented.

But alas, there it remains and the lamestream media doesn't report on it....and it never will and so shall it remain and for reasons I doubt that you could even fathom.
The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier
Lost Cause fanatics—including a handful of African Americans—insist that thousands of blacks fought for the Confederacy. Nothing in the historical record supports that claim.

What few people appear to be aware of is that the black Confederate narrative is a fairly recent phenomenon. The proliferation of these stories and the zeal for the black Confederate soldier expressed by many would be alien to their Confederate ancestors, who lived under a constitution strongly devoted to protecting if not extending slavery. It was not until March 1865—after a contentious debate that took place throughout the Confederacy—that the Confederate Congress passed legislation authorizing the enlistment of slaves who were first freed by their masters. Even those who finally came to support the legislation as the only alternative to defeat would have agreed with Howell Cobb: “If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong.” Other than a small number that briefly trained in Richmond, Virginia, no black men served openly and there is no evidence that the Richmond recruits saw the battlefield in the final weeks of the war.

The Myth of the Black Confederate Soldier

Bullshit. They served and served honorably.

This myth that blacks didn't serve is up there with the fairy tale that all the Dixiecrats became Republicans and that all Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrat overnight sometime in the 60's.

There's a great deal of historical data available. No spin. Just truth. Pfffffffffft that no black men served openly. What a crock. Meet the first black Chaplain.


Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain of the Civil War

When the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment requested a chaplain, there were not enough clergymen to assign to every military unit in the Confederate States Army. Fortunately, there was a man called of God in their midst. Louis Napoleon Nelson was well versed in Scripture and traveled to war as the bodyguard of two Oldham brothers.
Answering the call, Louis Napoleon Nelson conducted a spiritual service for the soldiers. They so thoroughly enjoyed the sermons until the field officers appointed him as the honorary chaplain of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

How could this be? How could Confederate field officers assign an African-American as their regimental chaplain? This was indeed possible because President Jefferson Davis delegated the appointment of chaplains to Confederate States Army field commanders.

Also, Confederate States Army chaplains did not have a formal title. As an example, some chaplains were called Brother, Father or Reverend. During this period in American history either South or North , African-American men were not addressed as “Mr./Mister”. Therefore, the common title for African-American men who were held in high regard was “uncle.” Therefore, the troopers of the 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment affectionately called Louis Napoleon Nelson, “Uncle Louis.”

After several revival services, word spread throughout the camp. On September 10, 1863, a correspondent for the Religious Herald wrote, “Uncle Louis is heard with respectful attention, and for earnestness, zeal and sincerity, can be surpassed by none.”

Also in September of 1863, Henry McNeal Turner, pastor of Israel AME Church (Washington D.C) became the first Union African-American chaplain of the 1st United States Colored Troops (USTC).

Thus Confederate Chaplain Louis Napoleon Nelson is noted in history as the first black military chaplain with white parishioners during the American Civil War.

Louis Napoleon Nelson: The First Black Chaplain Of The Civil War

Blah. Not bullshit. You believe fiction.
Symbols of the confederacy need be take down. Period.

Why hasn't the left protested the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, DC? He was a Confederate general, a founder of the KKK using Scottish Rite freemasonry as it's power structure. Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton? Could it be because they are high degree'd freemasons that belong to the Boule'? Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of Scottish Rite freemasonry.......hmmmmmmm????

I think the opposition to he confederacy is well documented.

But alas, the statute of Albert Pike remains prominently displayed in the corporate head quarters of USA.INC which is the city/state of the District of Columbia with nary a peep from civil right activists........why is that?????

Remove the Albert Pike Statue Rally in Washington D.C. (August 18, 2017)

Red Paint Thrown on DC Statue of Confederate General

Someone has thrown red paint on a statue that honors a Confederate general in Washington, D.C.

Protesters gathered about 5 p.m. at the statue for Albert Pike, which stands near D.C. police headquarters at 3rd and D streets NW. Toward the end of the protest, someone threw red paint on the statue.

U.S. Park Police are investigating the vandalism.

The statue was erected by Scottish Rite Free Masons to mark Pike's 32 years of leadership of its southern jurisdiction. One panel at the base of the statue mentions Pike's role as brigadier general of the Confederate Army during the Civil War, WTOP reports.

Demonstrators and some D.C. leaders have said Pike was a racist and supported slavery.

Friday morning, a banner was draped against the statue with the message "#ModernConfederates John Kelly. Gary Cohn. Rex Tillerson."

D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton said she plans to meet with the National Park Service to discuss removing the statue.

Red Paint Thrown on DC Statue of Confederate General

Scottish Rite NMJ to Fund Removal of Albert Pike Memorial

Lexington, MA—A spokesman from the Education Committee of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction announced today their commitment to a progressive society, one without the oppression and constant reminders of the Civil War. In a statement from Mike Blaterhorn, “The NMJ has for years strived to rid the Scottish Rite of the stigma and hard to understand rhetoric of Albert Pike. His old antiquated ideas and exaggerated, brainy commentary on degrees are boring and with the current situation in the country, the time has come to strike.”

Scottish Rite NMJ to Fund Removal of Albert Pike Memorial ~ The Past Bastard

I think the opposition to the confederacy is well documented.

But alas, there it remains and the lamestream media doesn't report on it....and it never will and so shall it remain and for reasons I doubt that you could even fathom.

But alas your ass is talking shit. Shit that has been shown not to be so.

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