Confederate Rag taken down at Fort Sumter

It would be funny IF it wasn't being done by our OWN GOVERNMENT. people better wake to what is being DONE TO YOU

Nothing is being done to us. Political symbols should not be flown at federal facilities. That is logical and appropriate policy. The confederate flag has been politicized so much that it no longer is just a symbol of heritage. Unfortunate for those who view it as such, but it is what it is. When southern states decided to use that symbol as a symbol about segregation/integration they destroyed it's acceptance as a symbol of heritage and reclassified it as a political symbol.

I 100% agree. Just like the Fag Flag shouldnt be on government property.
This is what's coming your way. you better open your eyes

Who Vowed to Silence Anti-Gay Marriage Views
"I think it’s really clear you have contempt for people who disagree and that you don’t want to hear their voices."
Trey Sanchez

On Fox and Friends Weekend, host Tucker Carlson, editor-in-chief for The Daily Caller, confronted opinion editor John Micek of Pennlive/The Patriot-News who announced that he will no longer be accepting, much less printing, opinions or letters that oppose same-sex marriage.

After the Supreme Court ruled to legalize same-sex marriage Friday, the Pennsylvania paper announced that any opinion to the contrary of the decision would be treated as homophobic and bigoted:

PL/PN will no longer accept, nor will it print, op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage.' … This is not hard: We would not print racist, sexist or anti-Semitc [sic] letters. To that, we add homophobic ones. Pretty simple.

Micek wasn't successful in convincing Carlson that the policy had since been revised as the Fox host said the original intent was "crystal clear." Micek disagreed:

What we were trying to do, and perhaps we missed a little bit in the execution, was to try to create a space for civil discussion in the pages of Pennlive, while allowing reasoned and intelligent debate on the issue. You know, I fully recognize that people of good will and deeply held conviction are going to differ with the high court on this decision, but our intent, I think, and we might have missed this initially, was really just to create a space for civil discussion.

"Civil discussion, really?" Carlson shot back. “What’s civil about describing people who disagree with you as bigots, comparing them to anti-Semites and racists? That’s the opposite of civil.”

ALL of it here:

Tucker Carlson Shuts Down Editor Who Vowed to Silence Anti-Gay Marriage Views Truth Revolt
Why should you Fascist stop there?

just have them blow it up like Isis WOULD. I mean stepping on other people in the country by this Administration of tyrant/fascist is the in thing today

did you realize this was what you were VOTING FOR ?

hell of job and you should be hanging your head in shame. What you all should be is PISSED having this Government WALK ALL OVER YOU because they DECIDED for you what should and shouldn't be
Poor Stephanie....poor poor Stephanie.
This is what's coming your way. you better open your eyes

Who Vowed to Silence Anti-Gay Marriage Views
"I think it’s really clear you have contempt for people who disagree and that you don’t want to hear their voices."
Trey Sanchez

On Fox and Friends Weekend, host Tucker Carlson, editor-in-chief for The Daily Caller, confronted opinion editor John Micek of Pennlive/The Patriot-News who announced that he will no longer be accepting, much less printing, opinions or letters that oppose same-sex marriage.

After the Supreme Court ruled to legalize same-sex marriage Friday, the Pennsylvania paper announced that any opinion to the contrary of the decision would be treated as homophobic and bigoted:

PL/PN will no longer accept, nor will it print, op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage.' … This is not hard: We would not print racist, sexist or anti-Semitc [sic] letters. To that, we add homophobic ones. Pretty simple.

Micek wasn't successful in convincing Carlson that the policy had since been revised as the Fox host said the original intent was "crystal clear." Micek disagreed:

What we were trying to do, and perhaps we missed a little bit in the execution, was to try to create a space for civil discussion in the pages of Pennlive, while allowing reasoned and intelligent debate on the issue. You know, I fully recognize that people of good will and deeply held conviction are going to differ with the high court on this decision, but our intent, I think, and we might have missed this initially, was really just to create a space for civil discussion.

"Civil discussion, really?" Carlson shot back. “What’s civil about describing people who disagree with you as bigots, comparing them to anti-Semites and racists? That’s the opposite of civil.”

ALL of it here:

Tucker Carlson Shuts Down Editor Who Vowed to Silence Anti-Gay Marriage Views Truth Revolt
It's called freedom of speech. Privately owned publications are allowed to do that. Most of them do the same thing to one degree or another.
Why should you Fascist stop there?

just have them blow it up like Isis WOULD. I mean stepping on other people in the country by this Administration of tyrant/fascist is the in thing today

did you realize this was what you were VOTING FOR ?

hell of job and you should be hanging your head in shame. What you all should be is PISSED having this Government WALK ALL OVER YOU because they DECIDED for you what should and shouldn't be

I'm expecting the memorial at Stone Mtn to be destroyed any day now.
Of course you do.
Why should you Fascist stop there?

just have them blow it up like Isis WOULD. I mean stepping on other people in the country by this Administration of tyrant/fascist is the in thing today

did you realize this was what you were VOTING FOR ?

hell of job and you should be hanging your head in shame. What you all should be is PISSED having this Government WALK ALL OVER YOU because they DECIDED for you what should and shouldn't be

I'm expecting the memorial at Stone Mtn to be destroyed any day now.
Of course you do.

Of course I do.

from the comments on here glorifying the Confederate flag being removed from it's place above a memorial, and people wanting the memorial bulldozed as well,

why would I not believe they will eventually get around to destroying the Stone Mtn Memorial?

Acting more and more like ISIS daily.
Why should you Fascist stop there?

just have them blow it up like Isis WOULD. I mean stepping on other people in the country by this Administration of tyrant/fascist is the in thing today

did you realize this was what you were VOTING FOR ?

hell of job and you should be hanging your head in shame. What you all should be is PISSED having this Government WALK ALL OVER YOU because they DECIDED for you what should and shouldn't be

I'm expecting the memorial at Stone Mtn to be destroyed any day now.
Of course you do.

Of course I do.

from the comments on here glorifying the Confederate flag being removed from it's place above a memorial, and people wanting the memorial bulldozed as well,

why would I not believe they will eventually get around to destroying the Stone Mtn Memorial?

Acting more and more like ISIS daily.

Isn't the Stone Mountain Memorial a feature of the privately owned and operated Stone Mountain Park, an amusement park? When did it become government property?
"In 1958 the state of Georgia purchased the mountain and the surrounding land. The Georgia General Assembly created the Stone Mountain Memorial Association.'
"In 1958 the state of Georgia purchased the mountain and the surrounding land. The Georgia General Assembly created the Stone Mountain Memorial Association.'
Thanks, I did not know about it's interesting history with the KKK or that it had been purchased by the state. I always thought it was just another amusement park.
"In 1958 the state of Georgia purchased the mountain and the surrounding land. The Georgia General Assembly created the Stone Mountain Memorial Association.'
Thanks, I did not know about it's interesting history with the KKK or that it had been purchased by the state. I always thought it was just another amusement park.

History with the kkk?

One of those figures had a history with the kkk?

Or do you think every one in the south at that time was part of the kkk?
Why should you Fascist stop there?

just have them blow it up like Isis WOULD. I mean stepping on other people in the country by this Administration of tyrant/fascist is the in thing today

did you realize this was what you were VOTING FOR ?

hell of job and you should be hanging your head in shame. What you all should be is PISSED having this Government WALK ALL OVER YOU because they DECIDED for you what should and shouldn't be
Why should you Fascist stop there?

just have them blow it up like Isis WOULD. I mean stepping on other people in the country by this Administration of tyrant/fascist is the in thing today

did you realize this was what you were VOTING FOR ?

hell of job and you should be hanging your head in shame. What you all should be is PISSED having this Government WALK ALL OVER YOU because they DECIDED for you what should and shouldn't be
This is your brain on drugs.

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