Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

Yes, why let a foreign entity who disrupted a US election (as well as MANY in Europe) become the US's closest ally right? We must have the same goals right? *shaking head*


Try this book:

Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State

Anticipating a new dawn of freedom after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russians could hardly have foreseen the reality of their future a decade later: a country impoverished and controlled at every level by organized crime. Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State (9780300105919): David Satter: Books

Russia isn't doing anything the US itself hasn't been doing for many years. No other nation on earth holds a candle to the US as far as meddling in foreign Elections and installing Puppet Regimes. Americans really do need to check themselves. They need to hop off their high horses. This new Cold War is so unnecessary.
there is no russia anything and I mean that bigly!!!!

I think it's funny that most Americans don't see the comedic hypocrisy in them trying to preach to the world about interfering with foreign Elections and overthrowing Governments. No other nation on earth does it more often than the US does. Boy, most Americans really are so duped. :cuckoo:

It does seem unbelievable that most American will not admit how much we've meddled in other country's politics. We basically destroyed democracy in the 'third world' back in the 1950s - 1980s. A whole lot of the problems we have now are a result.

Maybe Conservatives really don't care about democracy or national sovereignty - they just want to force their economic and social order on everyone everywhere no matter what.

Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.
It's going to be hilarious when the day comes--and it will come--when Donald J. Trump declares Russia our enemy. I wonder how many of you will be spouting the "Aww, poor Russia, they didn't do anything ...." schtick then.
Russia isn't doing anything the US itself hasn't been doing for many years. No other nation on earth holds a candle to the US as far as meddling in foreign Elections and installing Puppet Regimes. Americans really do need to check themselves. They need to hop off their high horses. This new Cold War is so unnecessary.
there is no russia anything and I mean that bigly!!!!

I think it's funny that most Americans don't see the comedic hypocrisy in them trying to preach to the world about interfering with foreign Elections and overthrowing Governments. No other nation on earth does it more often than the US does. Boy, most Americans really are so duped. :cuckoo:

It does seem unbelievable that most American will not admit how much we've meddled in other country's politics. We basically destroyed democracy in the 'third world' back in the 1950s - 1980s. A whole lot of the problems we have now are a result.

Maybe Conservatives really don't care about democracy or national sovereignty - they just want to force their economic and social order on everyone everywhere no matter what.

Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.
they meddled in the election? how? you should go tell the FBI. eleven months and they haven't found jack shit. Sounds like a good thing comey was fired eleven month investigation and the guy on the message board has it figured out.
If they are protesting a confederate statue rally they must be liberals or hired guns.
It's not a sin; it's like befriending the Snake. Ask Papa Trump to read that one to you sometime.
This is like asking why is wanting to befriend your mother's rapist is a bad idea.

Or asking why didn't you ask the burglar to stay for dinner.
But who should I call a snake, mother's rapist or burglar? Russia or the USA? ...basing on that statistics the answer is obvious.

USA interventions and participating in wars in last 100 years:
1914-1918 - Mexico.
1914-1934 - Haiti Гаити. 19 years long occupation .
1916-1924 - Dominican 8 years long occupation .
1917-1933 - Cuba. Occupation.
1917-1918 - 1ww.
1918-1922 - intervention to Russia (14 states took part in it).
1918-1920 - Panama.
1919 - Costa Rica.
1919 - the US troops fight against Serbians in Dolmatia together with Italians.
1919 - American forces enter Honduras during the elections.
1920 - Guatemala. 2 weeks lasting intervention.
1921 - American help to rebels/terrorists fighting against president Carlos Herrera in favor the United Fruit Company.
1922 - Turkey.
1922-1927 - China helping in fight against government.
1924-1925 - American forces enter Honduras during the elections again.
1925 - Panama.
1926 - Nicaragua.
1927-1934 - American troops all over China.
1932 - Salvador.
1937 - Nicaragua. Dictator Samosa got power thanks to American army's help.
1939 - China.
1947-1949 - Greece. American army take part in civil war supporting fascists.
1948-1953 - Philippines.
1950 - Puerto Rico
1950-1953 - about million of American troops intervention Korea.
1958 - Lebanon. Occupation and fight against rebels.
1958 - Panama.
1959 - Laos. First fights against Vietnamese.
1959 - Haiti.
1960 - Ecuador. Changing the government as a result of several military actions.
1960 - Guatemala.
1965-1973 - Vietnam. War crimes, genocide, using chemicals and napalm against civilians.
1966 - Guatemala. Mass killings of Indians.
1966 - military help to muppet government of Indonesia and Philippines. More than 60.000 arrested, 88 American specialists in torture worked there.
1971-1973 - bombing of Laos.
1972 - Nicaragua.
1983 - Grenada.
1986 - Lybia. Bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.
1988 - Honduras.
1988 - American warship Vincennes in Gulf of Persia splashed civilians Iranian plane by a missile. 290 dead including 57 children.
1989 - Virginia islands.
1991 - Iraq.
1992-1994 - Somalia. Mass killings of civilians.
1998 - Sudan. Air strike ruins pharmaceutical factory.
1999 - Yugoslavia. 78 days of bombing. A lot of civilians dead including children. Plutonium containing shells were widely used causing mass cancer until today. UN didn't allow to start that war, theUSA ignored.
2001 - Afghanistan.
2003 - bombing of Iraq.
2011 - Ливия.
2013 - Syria.
2014 - active help and financing of revolution in Ukraine causing civil war in the eastern part of the country.

1914-1917 - 1ww.
1939-1940 - Finland (Ally of Hitler's Germany)
1939 - Poland. Half of the country was taken under control after western part of it was occupied by Hitler's Germany.
1941-1945 - 2ww. Played the main role in victory, entered Berlin and freed occupied Eastern Europe and China.
1951-1953 - Korea. Helped them against American occupation.
1956 - Hungary.
1965-1963 - Vietnam. Helped in fighting against American aggression.
1968 - Chechoslovakia.
1979 - Afghanistan.
1983 - splashed civilian Boeing. 269 dead. Due to pilot's mistake civilian plane entered 500km inside the Soviet territory and didn't answered the requests.
2008 - Georgia. Answer for Georgian president's aggression against civil city Tshinvali.
2014 - Ukraine. Still no proofs of Russian army presence but army consultants and volunteers do present there until now.
2015 - Syria. After they were officially asked to help by Syrian government.
Last edited:
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?
they lost bigly

If you meant the Dems received not only more votes for Prez (nearly 3 million more) but also over 2+ million more votes than the GOP in Congress, you are correct.

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
I get it Bubs, why believe US intel agencies when Trumpov and Russia say it's not true. Nice that you refuted CIA, NSA, FBI and the private cyber security firms too :)


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

however, the coast guard didn't do their own investigation now did they?
nor did the army, navy, dept of energy...

or are you saying each of these agencies, all 17 of them, did their own investigation? to date, this is all i'm asking you to show - or at least say - they did.

instead you just ignore it and keep blithering.

so - you want to win a point in this and get my attention? then just show me the coast guards investigation - or since you'll never find one - tell me they at least DID their own investigation.

or when done looking, simply agree with me in that they went with what the head of the agency said vs doing their own investigation.

which is all i AM saying so stop twisting it to be your own story.

We aren't sure who did the investigations BUT we know AT LEAST the FBI, CIA, NSA and at least 5 private cyber security firms did AND all pointed to Trumpov's pals in Russia right?

ONE GUY HUH??? lol

so we went from 17 to 3 and some private firms who you can't prove either.

now you admit you have zero idea WHO did the investigations but to this point you've had ZERO ISSUE touting 17 agencies said 17 agencies did it and how dare i suggest 1 person spoke in behalf off all 17.

but you're down to 3 at most who may have done it. of which i said 1 did. so it's what, 14 are now admitted by you for NOT speaking out for their own department.

so far you're kinda proving my point.

Sorry you don't understand how the group works Bubs, But they look at INTELLIGENCE collected and from there as a group make the determination which is why SEVENTEEN US INTEL AGENCIES AGREED TRUMPOV'S PALS IN RUSSIA INTERFERED IN THE US ELECTIONS!

Keep burying your head in the sands Bubs, Trumpov loves that!
then why the fk ain't they in charge?

Don't understand gerrymandering and the E/C huh?
It's not a sin; it's like befriending the Snake. Ask Papa Trump to read that one to you sometime.
This is like asking why is wanting to befriend your mother's rapist is a bad idea.

Or asking why didn't you ask the burglar to stay for dinner.
But who should I call a snake, mother's rapist or burglar? Russia or the USA? ...basing on that statistics the answer is obvious.

USA interventions and participating in wars in last 100 years:
1914-1918 - Mexico.
1914-1934 - Haiti Гаити. 19 years long occupation .
1916-1924 - Dominican 8 years long occupation .
1917-1933 - Cuba. Occupation.
1917-1918 - 1ww.
1918-1922 - intervention to Russia (14 states took part in it).
1918-1920 - Panama.
1919 - Costa Rica.
1919 - the US troops fight against Serbians in Dolmatia together with Italians.
1919 - American forces enter Honduras during the elections.
1920 - Guatemala. 2 weeks lasting intervention.
1921 - American help to rebels/terrorists fighting against president Carlos Herrera in favor the United Fruit Company.
1922 - Turkey.
1922-1927 - China helping in fight against government.
1924-1925 - American forces enter Honduras during the elections again.
1925 - Panama.
1926 - Nicaragua.
1927-1934 - American troops all over China.
1932 - Salvador.
1937 - Nicaragua. Dictator Samosa got power thanks to American army's help.
1939 - China.
1947-1949 - Greece. American army take part in civil war supporting fascists.
1948-1953 - Philippines.
1950 - Puerto Rico
1950-1953 - about million of American troops intervention Korea.
1958 - Lebanon. Occupation and fight against rebels.
1958 - Panama.
1959 - Laos. First fights against Vietnamese.
1959 - Haiti.
1960 - Ecuador. Changing the government as a result of several military actions.
1960 - Guatemala.
1965-1973 - Vietnam. War crimes, genocide, using chemicals and napalm against civilians.
1966 - Guatemala. Mass killings of Indians.
1966 - military help to muppet government of Indonesia and Philippines. More than 60.000 arrested, 88 American specialists in torture worked there.
1971-1973 - bombing of Laos.
1972 - Nicaragua.
1983 - Grenada.
1986 - Lybia. Bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.
1988 - Honduras.
1988 - American warship Vincennes in Gulf of Persia splashed civilians Iranian plane by a missile. 290 dead including 57 children.
1989 - Virginia islands.
1991 - Iraq.
1992-1994 - Somalia. Mass killings of civilians.
1998 - Sudan. Air strike ruins pharmaceutical factory.
1999 - Yugoslavia. 78 days of bombing. A lot of civilians dead including children. Plutonium containing shells were widely used causing mass cancer until today. UN didn't allow to start that war, theUSA ignored.
2001 - Afghanistan.
2003 - bombing of Iraq.
2011 - Ливия.
2013 - Syria.
2014 - active help and financing of revolution in Ukraine causing civil war in the eastern part of the country.

1914-1917 - 1ww.
1939-1940 - Finland (Ally of Hitler's Germany)
1939 - Poland. Half of the country was taken under control after western part of it was occupied by Hitler's Germany.
1941-1945 - 2ww. Played the main role in victory, entered Berlin and freed occupied Eastern Europe and China.
1951-1953 - Korea. Helped them against American occupation.
1956 - Hungary.
1965-1963 - Vietnam. Helped in fighting against American aggression.
1968 - Chechoslovakia.
1979 - Afghanistan.
1983 - splashed civilian Boeing. 269 dead. Due to pilot's mistake civilian plane entered 500km inside the Soviet territory and didn't answered the requests.
2008 - Georgia. Answer for Georgian president's aggression against civil city Tshinvali.
2014 - Ukraine. Still no proofs of Russian army presence but army consultants and volunteers do present there until now.
2015 - Syria. After they were officially asked to help by Syrian government.
We get it. You love Russia. Why don't you f*cking move there?
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?
they lost bigly

If you meant the Dems received not only more votes for Prez (nearly 3 million more) but also over 2+ million more votes than the GOP in Congress, you are correct.

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
I get it Bubs, why believe US intel agencies when Trumpov and Russia say it's not true. Nice that you refuted CIA, NSA, FBI and the private cyber security firms too :)


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

however, the coast guard didn't do their own investigation now did they?
nor did the army, navy, dept of energy...

or are you saying each of these agencies, all 17 of them, did their own investigation? to date, this is all i'm asking you to show - or at least say - they did.

instead you just ignore it and keep blithering.

so - you want to win a point in this and get my attention? then just show me the coast guards investigation - or since you'll never find one - tell me they at least DID their own investigation.

or when done looking, simply agree with me in that they went with what the head of the agency said vs doing their own investigation.

which is all i AM saying so stop twisting it to be your own story.

We aren't sure who did the investigations BUT we know AT LEAST the FBI, CIA, NSA and at least 5 private cyber security firms did AND all pointed to Trumpov's pals in Russia right?

ONE GUY HUH??? lol

so we went from 17 to 3 and some private firms who you can't prove either.

now you admit you have zero idea WHO did the investigations but to this point you've had ZERO ISSUE touting 17 agencies said 17 agencies did it and how dare i suggest 1 person spoke in behalf off all 17.

but you're down to 3 at most who may have done it. of which i said 1 did. so it's what, 14 are now admitted by you for NOT speaking out for their own department.

so far you're kinda proving my point.

Sorry you don't understand how the group works Bubs, But they look at INTELLIGENCE collected and from there as a group make the determination which is why SEVENTEEN US INTEL AGENCIES AGREED TRUMPOV'S PALS IN RUSSIA INTERFERED IN THE US ELECTIONS!

Keep burying your head in the sands Bubs, Trumpov loves that!

oh my - you're still prancing around in emotional outbursts and still have not shown ANYONE's investigation in the matter, much less who's come out and on record said RUSSIA DID IT.

i'm not going to claim to understand how it all works, no. not what i do for a living and i'm fine with that. you on the other hand are ok with changing your story several times in the last few posts alone to go from 17, to 3 +private agencies and now we're back to 17 and you've still not backed up a thing you're saying - but just keep on lobbing insults and giggles.

bye felicia.

ignore +1

"still have not shown ANYONE's investigation in the matter, much less who's come out and on record said RUSSIA DID IT."


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution


FBI head confirms Russia election probe, says Moscow backed Trump

FBI head confirms Russia election probe, says Moscow backed Trump

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House


Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?
they lost bigly

If you meant the Dems received not only more votes for Prez (nearly 3 million more) but also over 2+ million more votes than the GOP in Congress, you are correct.

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
I get it Bubs, why believe US intel agencies when Trumpov and Russia say it's not true. Nice that you refuted CIA, NSA, FBI and the private cyber security firms too :)


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

however, the coast guard didn't do their own investigation now did they?
nor did the army, navy, dept of energy...

or are you saying each of these agencies, all 17 of them, did their own investigation? to date, this is all i'm asking you to show - or at least say - they did.

instead you just ignore it and keep blithering.

so - you want to win a point in this and get my attention? then just show me the coast guards investigation - or since you'll never find one - tell me they at least DID their own investigation.

or when done looking, simply agree with me in that they went with what the head of the agency said vs doing their own investigation.

which is all i AM saying so stop twisting it to be your own story.

We aren't sure who did the investigations BUT we know AT LEAST the FBI, CIA, NSA and at least 5 private cyber security firms did AND all pointed to Trumpov's pals in Russia right?

ONE GUY HUH??? lol

so we went from 17 to 3 and some private firms who you can't prove either.

now you admit you have zero idea WHO did the investigations but to this point you've had ZERO ISSUE touting 17 agencies said 17 agencies did it and how dare i suggest 1 person spoke in behalf off all 17.

but you're down to 3 at most who may have done it. of which i said 1 did. so it's what, 14 are now admitted by you for NOT speaking out for their own department.

so far you're kinda proving my point.

Sorry you don't understand how the group works Bubs, But they look at INTELLIGENCE collected and from there as a group make the determination which is why SEVENTEEN US INTEL AGENCIES AGREED TRUMPOV'S PALS IN RUSSIA INTERFERED IN THE US ELECTIONS!

Keep burying your head in the sands Bubs, Trumpov loves that!

Damn did you dig a hole and embarrassed yourself in this

there is no russia anything and I mean that bigly!!!!

I think it's funny that most Americans don't see the comedic hypocrisy in them trying to preach to the world about interfering with foreign Elections and overthrowing Governments. No other nation on earth does it more often than the US does. Boy, most Americans really are so duped. :cuckoo:

It does seem unbelievable that most American will not admit how much we've meddled in other country's politics. We basically destroyed democracy in the 'third world' back in the 1950s - 1980s. A whole lot of the problems we have now are a result.

Maybe Conservatives really don't care about democracy or national sovereignty - they just want to force their economic and social order on everyone everywhere no matter what.

Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.
they meddled in the election? how? you should go tell the FBI. eleven months and they haven't found jack shit. Sounds like a good thing comey was fired eleven month investigation and the guy on the message board has it figured out.

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the precise bases for its assessments, as the release of such information would reveal sensitive sources or methods and imperil the ability to collect critical foreign intelligence in the future.

Thus, while the conclusions in the report are all reflected in the classified assessment, the declassified report does not and cannot include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence and sources and methods.

Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?
they lost bigly

If you meant the Dems received not only more votes for Prez (nearly 3 million more) but also over 2+ million more votes than the GOP in Congress, you are correct.

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
I get it Bubs, why believe US intel agencies when Trumpov and Russia say it's not true. Nice that you refuted CIA, NSA, FBI and the private cyber security firms too :)


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

however, the coast guard didn't do their own investigation now did they?
nor did the army, navy, dept of energy...

or are you saying each of these agencies, all 17 of them, did their own investigation? to date, this is all i'm asking you to show - or at least say - they did.

instead you just ignore it and keep blithering.

so - you want to win a point in this and get my attention? then just show me the coast guards investigation - or since you'll never find one - tell me they at least DID their own investigation.

or when done looking, simply agree with me in that they went with what the head of the agency said vs doing their own investigation.

which is all i AM saying so stop twisting it to be your own story.

We aren't sure who did the investigations BUT we know AT LEAST the FBI, CIA, NSA and at least 5 private cyber security firms did AND all pointed to Trumpov's pals in Russia right?

ONE GUY HUH??? lol

so we went from 17 to 3 and some private firms who you can't prove either.

now you admit you have zero idea WHO did the investigations but to this point you've had ZERO ISSUE touting 17 agencies said 17 agencies did it and how dare i suggest 1 person spoke in behalf off all 17.

but you're down to 3 at most who may have done it. of which i said 1 did. so it's what, 14 are now admitted by you for NOT speaking out for their own department.

so far you're kinda proving my point.

Sorry you don't understand how the group works Bubs, But they look at INTELLIGENCE collected and from there as a group make the determination which is why SEVENTEEN US INTEL AGENCIES AGREED TRUMPOV'S PALS IN RUSSIA INTERFERED IN THE US ELECTIONS!

Keep burying your head in the sands Bubs, Trumpov loves that!

Damn did you dig a hole and embarrassed yourself in this


Says the right winger *shaking head*
Russia hasn't done anything harmful. Democrats on the other hand can't make that claim.
What did Democrats do?
they lost bigly

If you meant the Dems received not only more votes for Prez (nearly 3 million more) but also over 2+ million more votes than the GOP in Congress, you are correct.

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
however, the coast guard didn't do their own investigation now did they?
nor did the army, navy, dept of energy...

or are you saying each of these agencies, all 17 of them, did their own investigation? to date, this is all i'm asking you to show - or at least say - they did.

instead you just ignore it and keep blithering.

so - you want to win a point in this and get my attention? then just show me the coast guards investigation - or since you'll never find one - tell me they at least DID their own investigation.

or when done looking, simply agree with me in that they went with what the head of the agency said vs doing their own investigation.

which is all i AM saying so stop twisting it to be your own story.

We aren't sure who did the investigations BUT we know AT LEAST the FBI, CIA, NSA and at least 5 private cyber security firms did AND all pointed to Trumpov's pals in Russia right?

ONE GUY HUH??? lol

so we went from 17 to 3 and some private firms who you can't prove either.

now you admit you have zero idea WHO did the investigations but to this point you've had ZERO ISSUE touting 17 agencies said 17 agencies did it and how dare i suggest 1 person spoke in behalf off all 17.

but you're down to 3 at most who may have done it. of which i said 1 did. so it's what, 14 are now admitted by you for NOT speaking out for their own department.

so far you're kinda proving my point.

Sorry you don't understand how the group works Bubs, But they look at INTELLIGENCE collected and from there as a group make the determination which is why SEVENTEEN US INTEL AGENCIES AGREED TRUMPOV'S PALS IN RUSSIA INTERFERED IN THE US ELECTIONS!

Keep burying your head in the sands Bubs, Trumpov loves that!

Damn did you dig a hole and embarrassed yourself in this


Says the right winger *shaking head*

So where is this investigation by the coast gaurd that you claim?

I think it's funny that most Americans don't see the comedic hypocrisy in them trying to preach to the world about interfering with foreign Elections and overthrowing Governments. No other nation on earth does it more often than the US does. Boy, most Americans really are so duped. :cuckoo:

It does seem unbelievable that most American will not admit how much we've meddled in other country's politics. We basically destroyed democracy in the 'third world' back in the 1950s - 1980s. A whole lot of the problems we have now are a result.

Maybe Conservatives really don't care about democracy or national sovereignty - they just want to force their economic and social order on everyone everywhere no matter what.

Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.
they meddled in the election? how? you should go tell the FBI. eleven months and they haven't found jack shit. Sounds like a good thing comey was fired eleven month investigation and the guy on the message board has it figured out.

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the precise bases for its assessments, as the release of such information would reveal sensitive sources or methods and imperil the ability to collect critical foreign intelligence in the future.

Thus, while the conclusions in the report are all reflected in the classified assessment, the declassified report does not and cannot include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence and sources and methods.



How did Russia interfere with the election, please be specific?

Was it ok for Obama to interfere in the Israel's election and Hillary in the Russians election?

Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?

Used Chemical Weapons (a War Crime)
Invaded a NATO Ally
Backing assad (an other War Criminal)
Interfered in the US Elections
Interfered in the French Election
Assassinated perceived enemies in European Countries using Plutonium
Enable Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking....
Putin is stealing from Russia
Drug Cheats
Killed at least 120 Journalists

There is more after that but thats off the top of my head
It does seem unbelievable that most American will not admit how much we've meddled in other country's politics. We basically destroyed democracy in the 'third world' back in the 1950s - 1980s. A whole lot of the problems we have now are a result.

Maybe Conservatives really don't care about democracy or national sovereignty - they just want to force their economic and social order on everyone everywhere no matter what.

Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.
they meddled in the election? how? you should go tell the FBI. eleven months and they haven't found jack shit. Sounds like a good thing comey was fired eleven month investigation and the guy on the message board has it figured out.

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the precise bases for its assessments, as the release of such information would reveal sensitive sources or methods and imperil the ability to collect critical foreign intelligence in the future.

Thus, while the conclusions in the report are all reflected in the classified assessment, the declassified report does not and cannot include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence and sources and methods.



How did Russia interfere with the election, please be specific?

Was it ok for Obama to interfere in the Israel's election and Hillary in the Russians election?


First it was our election, now evidently the Russians have hacked the Miss USA contest.
Good points. But in fairness, Democrats are the main force pushing this new Cold War with Russia. They've aligned themselves with the Neocons on it. It's mostly about them not getting over the fact they lost an Election. It's so misguided.

I can't agree that the new cold war is about Hillary losing. It was started by Pres. Obama long before the election - and I think it was a huge mistake.

It seems to me that Putin was openly disdainful of Obama for years. So Obama got a bug under his craw. When the neo-cons tried to sell Obama on the idea of supporting the rebellion in the Ukraine, Obama went for it - more as a personal grudge. That was a BIG mistake.

I still resent Russia meddling in the U.S. elections, but even more, I resent all the dumb ass Americans that believed and/or promoted the obvious lies that the Russians posted. I was kinda sick - they knew that all the bullshit posted about Clinton was just that, but they went along with it like a bunch of drunk morons.

The Conservatives have an alternate agenda - one that's so hideous that they wouldn't dare admit it publicly. That's why they operate by promoting pure BULLSHIT.
they meddled in the election? how? you should go tell the FBI. eleven months and they haven't found jack shit. Sounds like a good thing comey was fired eleven month investigation and the guy on the message board has it figured out.

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. are in agreement with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House, officials disclosed Friday, as President Obama issued a public warning to Moscow that it could face retaliation

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the precise bases for its assessments, as the release of such information would reveal sensitive sources or methods and imperil the ability to collect critical foreign intelligence in the future.

Thus, while the conclusions in the report are all reflected in the classified assessment, the declassified report does not and cannot include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence and sources and methods.



How did Russia interfere with the election, please be specific?

Was it ok for Obama to interfere in the Israel's election and Hillary in the Russians election?


First it was our election, now evidently the Russians have hacked the Miss USA contest.

Yeah I hear from WikiLeaks that Mrs New York has fake tits and Mrs. California is really a guy...

( Like we didn't know that already )




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