Confederate Republicans protesting and chanting "Russia is our friend".

Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

The leftists think Russia is the enemy, but Muslims - who execute gays and don't even let women drive - are friends?

This is very telling, and completely exposes who exactly is a racist.

Your false premise noted Bubs


So, you present us with one of the traitors?

That's great... you can have him. He was a Hillary supporter for all I know.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say -

Thank you for illustrating the point.

Oh sorry didn't know you were a crazy Trumpster

Fri May 12, 2017
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House

The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more than $100 billion, a senior White House official said on Friday, a week ahead of President Donald Trump's planned visit to Riyadh.

Trump leaves for the kingdom on May 19, the first stop on his maiden international trip.
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House official

wow first foreign trip????

Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor

A statement from the Saudis said that the prince considers Trump “a true friend of Muslims” and that the meeting marked a “significant shift in relations” across all fields.

Opinion | Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor


Yes, the art of the deal... he's supposed to kick ISIS' ass. I know, you are terrified. Possibly worse disaster than 9/11 for you guys.


Now, I didn't say that negotiating with Saudi-Arabia shouldn't be done, that's again crazy DNC talk. They would have started war with Russia by now.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

The leftists think Russia is the enemy, but Muslims - who execute gays and don't even let women drive - are friends?

This is very telling, and completely exposes who exactly is a racist.

Your false premise noted Bubs


So, you present us with one of the traitors?

That's great... you can have him. He was a Hillary supporter for all I know.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say -

Thank you for illustrating the point.

Oh sorry didn't know you were a crazy Trumpster

Fri May 12, 2017
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House

The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more than $100 billion, a senior White House official said on Friday, a week ahead of President Donald Trump's planned visit to Riyadh.

Trump leaves for the kingdom on May 19, the first stop on his maiden international trip.
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House official

wow first foreign trip????

Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor

A statement from the Saudis said that the prince considers Trump “a true friend of Muslims” and that the meeting marked a “significant shift in relations” across all fields.

Opinion | Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor


Yes, the art of the deal... he's supposed to kick ISIS' ass. I know, you are terrified. Possibly worse disaster than 9/11 for you guys.


Now, I didn't say that negotiating with Saudi-Arabia shouldn't be done, that's again crazy DNC talk. They would have started war with Russia by now.

Yeah, because that's what Obama did *shaking head*

Yep the low informed "believe" Don the Con is going to fix EVERYTHING, lol



Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

The leftists think Russia is the enemy, but Muslims - who execute gays and don't even let women drive - are friends?

This is very telling, and completely exposes who exactly is a racist.

Your false premise noted Bubs


So, you present us with one of the traitors?

That's great... you can have him. He was a Hillary supporter for all I know.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say -

Thank you for illustrating the point.

Oh sorry didn't know you were a crazy Trumpster

Fri May 12, 2017
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House

The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more than $100 billion, a senior White House official said on Friday, a week ahead of President Donald Trump's planned visit to Riyadh.

Trump leaves for the kingdom on May 19, the first stop on his maiden international trip.
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House official

wow first foreign trip????

Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor

A statement from the Saudis said that the prince considers Trump “a true friend of Muslims” and that the meeting marked a “significant shift in relations” across all fields.

Opinion | Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor


How does a $100 billion deal for buying stuff from the U.S., made necessary for the Saudis because of Obama's outright gift from American taxpayers with no strings to the Iranian Mullahs of $600 billion, a 'talking point' for Democrats? You really are illiterate. Are you wearing a rainbow burkha?
The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?
Gangsters? Who do you call gangsters?
As far as I know it is the USA who is a real gangster for all other countries:
- USA never hesitates in changing government or making revolution in the country which government refuses to obey.
- USA is the only one who ignores UN and can start intervention just because they want it.
- USA invaded about 20-30 countries in 20-21 century.
And you call Russians gangsters?
Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."
Any real evidence? Or just usual fake news which sound so often that everyone began to believe in that bs.
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?

The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?

Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."

so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?

Remember when Russia had ten thousand tanks sitting in the middle of Europe and liberals wanted to be their friends?
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

Is there some point you are trying to make?
You really want Russia for an enemy?
Something evil about protests? Or white culture (if there is such a thing). Or remembering our "Civil War" patriots?

Remember when Russia had ten thousand tanks sitting in the middle of Europe and liberals wanted to be their friends?

If you remember, there must be links. Provide them.
Protesters Chant ‘Russia Is Our Friend’ During Pro-Confederate Statue Rally (WATCH)

Demonstrators, including self-described supporters of white culture, showed up Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the sale of a statue commemorating a Confederate general. One politician said it evoked KKK rallies meant to intimidate people of color.

At some point, they even started chanting “Russia is our friend.”


Is this really any surprise? Seriously?

The leftists think Russia is the enemy, but Muslims - who execute gays and don't even let women drive - are friends?

This is very telling, and completely exposes who exactly is a racist.

Your false premise noted Bubs


So, you present us with one of the traitors?

That's great... you can have him. He was a Hillary supporter for all I know.
George HW Bush will vote for Hillary Clinton, sources say -

Thank you for illustrating the point.

Oh sorry didn't know you were a crazy Trumpster

Fri May 12, 2017
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House

The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more than $100 billion, a senior White House official said on Friday, a week ahead of President Donald Trump's planned visit to Riyadh.

Trump leaves for the kingdom on May 19, the first stop on his maiden international trip.
U.S. nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia: White House official

wow first foreign trip????

Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor

A statement from the Saudis said that the prince considers Trump “a true friend of Muslims” and that the meeting marked a “significant shift in relations” across all fields.

Opinion | Trump resets U.S.-Saudi relations, in Saudi Arabia’s favor


How does a $100 billion deal for buying stuff from the U.S., made necessary for the Saudis because of Obama's outright gift from American taxpayers with no strings to the Iranian Mullahs of $600 billion, a 'talking point' for Democrats? You really are illiterate. Are you wearing a rainbow burkha?

American taxpayers? Bubs you need to get off your talking points

$600 billion? LMAOROG

"THE FACTS: Trump is wrong about Clinton's involvement. The $400 million payment — plus $1.3 billion in interest to be paid later — is a separate issue from the Iran nuclear deal that Clinton initiated. The process that resulted in the payout started decades before she became secretary of state."


"...All private U.S. claims before the tribunal have been resolved, with Iran paying more than $2.5 billion to American people and businesses. Some claims remain unresolved."
AP FACT CHECK: Trump off base on Clinton and Iran payment

“The United States, with very very few exceptions, has not frozen or held any Iranian assets within U.S. jurisdiction, let alone U.S. government accounts,” said Nephew, who now works at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “The assets in question were held in banks in China, Japan, and Korea, primarily. Some residual assets were in Europe, India, Turkey and a few other jurisdictions.”

In other words, most of the frozen assets involved transactions that never directly involved the U.S. at all. As the Washington Post reported, “Many of the countries received waivers to purchase Iranian oil and gas during the sanctions, but placed the payments in escrow-style accounts that remained off-limits to Iran.”

Trump's Fanciful Iran Negotiation -
The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?
Gangsters? Who do you call gangsters?
As far as I know it is the USA who is a real gangster for all other countries:
- USA never hesitates in changing government or making revolution in the country which government refuses to obey.
- USA is the only one who ignores UN and can start intervention just because they want it.
- USA invaded about 20-30 countries in 20-21 century.
And you call Russians gangsters?
Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."
Any real evidence? Or just usual fake news which sound so often that everyone began to believe in that bs.

A pawn for Russia huh? US invaded? lol

Nah Russia which just had the wall fall about a quarter decade ago is a true shining example of right wing capitalism right? How many guys are billionaires today because they screwed over their people by buying assets cheap with the western Banksters gangsters help?

You meant Dubya and GOP ignored UN and started a war on false premises right?
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?

The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?

Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."

so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.

Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?

The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?

Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."

so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.

Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(

since when is the coast guard an intel agency?

and no. 17 agencies did not say this. the 1 person heading up most of the 17 agencies did.
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?

The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?

Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."

so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.

Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(

since when is the coast guard an intel agency?

and no. 17 agencies did not say this. the 1 person heading up most of the 17 agencies did.

BZZ, No one person leads the 17 US intel agencies

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
Can someone explain me why being a friend of Russia is a sin?

The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?

Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."

so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.

Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(

since when is the coast guard an intel agency?

and no. 17 agencies did not say this. the 1 person heading up most of the 17 agencies did.

BZZ, No one person leads the 17 US intel agencies

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

can you name the 17 agencies?

United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia

now the IC is run by 1 person - the director of national intelligence. this man spoke for all agencies.

or are you to tell me each agency conducted their own investigation into the matter and all 16 "independent" agencies did their "own independent" investigation?

or did they simply agree with the Director's findings? if so, show me the head of 17 agencies saying they did this or give it up.

your call.
The guys who are nothing but gangsters and corrupt? That place with the "press freedom" and deaths of journalists?

Friend of Russia? Oh you mean you think it's ok to except money that's been hidden like Trump's buds in his inner circle?

"Six federal agencies have also been investigating possible links and financial ties between the Kremlin and Trump's associates, including his son in law Jared Kushner and advisers Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone."

so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.

Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(

since when is the coast guard an intel agency?

and no. 17 agencies did not say this. the 1 person heading up most of the 17 agencies did.

BZZ, No one person leads the 17 US intel agencies

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

can you name the 17 agencies?

United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia

now the IC is run by 1 person - the director of national intelligence. this man spoke for all agencies.

or are you to tell me each agency conducted their own investigation into the matter and all 16 "independent" agencies did their "own independent" investigation?

or did they simply agree with the Director's findings? if so, show me the head of 17 agencies saying they did this or give it up.

your call.

You mean NSA, CIA, FBI, etc DIDN'T find Russia was trying to influence US elections? SERIOUSLY?

THE Office of the Director of National Intelligence finally released a declassified report on Russia’s role in influencing the US election. And though it offers the most detailed official analysis yet of Russia’s operations, critics in the cybersecurity community say it lacks the still-secret evidence needed to persuade skeptics that analysis is true.

The ODNI’s 25-page report (embedded below) from US intelligence agencies lays out a vast Russian intelligence operation that extends from hacking both Democratic and Republican targets to propaganda campaigns to troll-fueled social media disinformation. It re-
The intel agencies’ full report on Russia’s hack of the 2016 election won’t silence the diehard deniers.


so investigations are tantamount to guilty? is this the standard you're trying to set? just keep in mind that once you set a standard i tend to apply it to others you don't seem capable of doing.


to a liberal, it's time to hang 'em.

Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(

since when is the coast guard an intel agency?

and no. 17 agencies did not say this. the 1 person heading up most of the 17 agencies did.

BZZ, No one person leads the 17 US intel agencies

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

can you name the 17 agencies?

United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia

now the IC is run by 1 person - the director of national intelligence. this man spoke for all agencies.

or are you to tell me each agency conducted their own investigation into the matter and all 16 "independent" agencies did their "own independent" investigation?

or did they simply agree with the Director's findings? if so, show me the head of 17 agencies saying they did this or give it up.

your call.

You mean NSA, CIA, FBI, etc DIDN'T find Russia was trying to influence US elections? SERIOUSLY?

THE Office of the Director of National Intelligence finally released a declassified report on Russia’s role in influencing the US election. And though it offers the most detailed official analysis yet of Russia’s operations, critics in the cybersecurity community say it lacks the still-secret evidence needed to persuade skeptics that analysis is true.

The ODNI’s 25-page report (embedded below) from US intelligence agencies lays out a vast Russian intelligence operation that extends from hacking both Democratic and Republican targets to propaganda campaigns to troll-fueled social media disinformation. It re-
The intel agencies’ full report on Russia’s hack of the 2016 election won’t silence the diehard deniers.



i said one guy validated it. i said he speaks for all the agencies.

i then asked you to show me where all other agencies inside this one said ON THEIR OWN that "russia did it" and you failed completely to do that, now didn't you?

so - instead of throwing EVEN MORE names into the hat - simply show me the 16 agencies who on their own did the research to conclude russia did it and their own announcement of it.

fyi - impossible to do but at least i realize that and why it's impossible. you on the other hand have this magic bullet point you won't release so you keep trying to prop it up.

so - 16 people did it. show me hell, 8, or 1/2 of them saying they did it.

FYI - the coast guard is in this mix - do you really think the coast guard is reviewing the matter on their own, if at all?
Yeah, kinda thank I learned that from the rights chanting "lock her up" even though at least 7 GOP House investigations AND the FBI investigation said "no there, there" on the tools to the right :)

BTW, the 17 US intel agencies say Russia DID interfere with US elections :(

since when is the coast guard an intel agency?

and no. 17 agencies did not say this. the 1 person heading up most of the 17 agencies did.

BZZ, No one person leads the 17 US intel agencies

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities."

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

can you name the 17 agencies?

United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia

now the IC is run by 1 person - the director of national intelligence. this man spoke for all agencies.

or are you to tell me each agency conducted their own investigation into the matter and all 16 "independent" agencies did their "own independent" investigation?

or did they simply agree with the Director's findings? if so, show me the head of 17 agencies saying they did this or give it up.

your call.

You mean NSA, CIA, FBI, etc DIDN'T find Russia was trying to influence US elections? SERIOUSLY?

THE Office of the Director of National Intelligence finally released a declassified report on Russia’s role in influencing the US election. And though it offers the most detailed official analysis yet of Russia’s operations, critics in the cybersecurity community say it lacks the still-secret evidence needed to persuade skeptics that analysis is true.

The ODNI’s 25-page report (embedded below) from US intelligence agencies lays out a vast Russian intelligence operation that extends from hacking both Democratic and Republican targets to propaganda campaigns to troll-fueled social media disinformation. It re-
The intel agencies’ full report on Russia’s hack of the 2016 election won’t silence the diehard deniers.



i said one guy validated it. i said he speaks for all the agencies.

i then asked you to show me where all other agencies inside this one said ON THEIR OWN that "russia did it" and you failed completely to do that, now didn't you?

so - instead of throwing EVEN MORE names into the hat - simply show me the 16 agencies who on their own did the research to conclude russia did it and their own announcement of it.

fyi - impossible to do but at least i realize that and why it's impossible. you on the other hand have this magic bullet point you won't release so you keep trying to prop it up.

so - 16 people did it. show me hell, 8, or 1/2 of them saying they did it.

FYI - the coast guard is in this mix - do you really think the coast guard is reviewing the matter on their own, if at all?

I get it Bubs, why believe US intel agencies when Trumpov and Russia say it's not true. Nice that you refuted CIA, NSA, FBI and the private cyber security firms too :)


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution
I get it Bubs, why believe US intel agencies when Trumpov and Russia say it's not true. Nice that you refuted CIA, NSA, FBI and the private cyber security firms too :)


Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

however, the coast guard didn't do their own investigation now did they?
nor did the army, navy, dept of energy...

or are you saying each of these agencies, all 17 of them, did their own investigation? to date, this is all i'm asking you to show - or at least say - they did.

instead you just ignore it and keep blithering.

so - you want to win a point in this and get my attention? then just show me the coast guards investigation - or since you'll never find one - tell me they at least DID their own investigation.

or when done looking, simply agree with me in that they went with what the head of the agency said vs doing their own investigation.

which is all i AM saying so stop twisting it to be your own story.

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