Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Well, during WWII, they helped save the world from Nazis. So there is that.

You filthy crackhead.

So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish

Correct. Support for such programs could have been very high. Or they could have relatively weak majorities. Or they could have been somewhat unpopular, but with a strongly motivated minority supporting them against a less motivated majority.

I don't know. I've never looked into the support that policy had at that time period, historically.

But regardless, I was asked something good about Southern Whites, and I gave one example, ie they helped a lot, in defeating HItler and the Nazis.

Do you want to address that fact, or are you just here to bog the thread down in mindless partisan race baiting pap?
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautiful little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

I don't know. Possibly. Or it could be that he thought that the "Invisible Empire" would have the power to protect him, even though most people were against the murder of children.

I suspect you don't know either. YOU are just assuming the worst, because of the hate in your heart.
If I was constantly on the wrong side of history all of the time -- I would be trying to revise it too....

But....historical facts kick neo-confederates in the ass so much, they have no choice but to try to rewrite history....

That is why they are called "Neo-Confederates" -- Neo meaning new....revised.....edited....kicked in the ass by history...

We Poles, under Casimir in 1347, freed you slaves without any problem. So the idea that you people have of demonizing an entire section of the country is a load of bull shit IMHO.
Since 40% of the Confederacy was in slavery......


Shouldn’t 40% of Confederate statues depict slaves?

Now count how many of the Confederate Statues, celebrate slavery, and I'll be happy to see you match that number with statues about slaves. God. There are other stories you boring fucker.

The Confederacy was more about maintaining slavery than noble Generals on horseback

In fact, there was nothing noble about ‘confederate’ generals and leaders in any regard – they were traitors, war criminals, and purveyors of slavery.

Lee actually pursued a policy where captured freedmen were returned to slavery; he and the other ‘confederate’ generals were in fact reprehensible and repugnant – in no manner deserving of commemoration.

Funny, that the people they fought against, did not feel so strongly about it.

Who are you, to renege on their judgement on the issue? What is your moral authority, that out weights their sacrifice of life and limb?
So they saved the world from Nazis, but back home they hated their fellow Americans because they had a different skin color. Smfh.

I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish

Correct. Support for such programs could have been very high. Or they could have relatively weak majorities. Or they could have been somewhat unpopular, but with a strongly motivated minority supporting them against a less motivated majority.

I don't know. I've never looked into the support that policy had at that time period, historically.

But regardless, I was asked something good about Southern Whites, and I gave one example, ie they helped a lot, in defeating HItler and the Nazis.

Do you want to address that fact, or are you just here to bog the thread down in mindless partisan race baiting pap?
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautiful little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

How do you know that suspect didn't expect punishment? He was probably a liberal, at the point in time the crime was committed, Alabama was solidly leftist

Libs just say shit. They don't expect their words to be taken seriously.
I have no idea of the racial views of the southern troopers of WWII. I can speak to those of the North, at least the ones I knew personally growing up.

You asked a question and I answered it. Do you have something to say in response, or is this where you admit that you don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, you just spew hate?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish

Correct. Support for such programs could have been very high. Or they could have relatively weak majorities. Or they could have been somewhat unpopular, but with a strongly motivated minority supporting them against a less motivated majority.

I don't know. I've never looked into the support that policy had at that time period, historically.

But regardless, I was asked something good about Southern Whites, and I gave one example, ie they helped a lot, in defeating HItler and the Nazis.

Do you want to address that fact, or are you just here to bog the thread down in mindless partisan race baiting pap?
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautifule little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

How do you know that suspect didn't expect punishment? He was probably a liberal, at the point in time the crime was committed, Alabama was solidly leftist
Troll someone else.....View attachment 291800

He asked a valid point. How do you know that he was not expecting to be punished? Maybe he was prepared to pay the price for his actions? Maybe he thought he would be executed and become a martyr.
So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

ZERO in the post you quoted had anything to do with "cultures", "heritages" or "multiculturalism". Which is ironic since what the post called out was your attempt to deflect. It's not every brainiac that would try to counter a charge of deflection with yet another deflection.

Historical statues and celebrating history and being proud of your groups history, is part of any group's culture and heritage.

As you well know. So, that was just a dodge. and consider your dodge mocked and dismissed.

My questions stand.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I'm sorry to hear that if you don't have a statue in front of you on public property, you forget everything about history.

Nice strawman.

My question about how you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I see you are falling back on namecalling again. And here you were....complaining about others name calling you. Pretty hypocritical.

1. This who thread is nothing but retarded assholes like you, calling everyone who dares stand against you, names. Your desire to be allowed to do that, while being treated with kid gloves, is just you being pussies on top of being fucking assholes. So fuck you.

2. My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
You have no idea of the racial views of folks from the south?

Do you think a system of Jim Crow (legal apartheid) just popped up out of nowhere despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

Do you think black men who also fought for this country in that same world war were lynched and their racist murderers not even convicted despite the objections of all of those "southern troopers"??

You folks really twist yourself into pretzels to defend your confederate fetish

Correct. Support for such programs could have been very high. Or they could have relatively weak majorities. Or they could have been somewhat unpopular, but with a strongly motivated minority supporting them against a less motivated majority.

I don't know. I've never looked into the support that policy had at that time period, historically.

But regardless, I was asked something good about Southern Whites, and I gave one example, ie they helped a lot, in defeating HItler and the Nazis.

Do you want to address that fact, or are you just here to bog the thread down in mindless partisan race baiting pap?
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautifule little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

How do you know that suspect didn't expect punishment? He was probably a liberal, at the point in time the crime was committed, Alabama was solidly leftist
Troll someone else.....View attachment 291800

He asked a valid point. How do you know that he was not expecting to be punished? Maybe he was prepared to pay the price for his actions? Maybe he thought he would be executed and become a martyr.

Maybe he thought he'd never be found out as the perpetrator in the bombing as well. A lot of criminals think they aren't going to get caught. He didn't come forward and admit what he did at once. My guess is he thought it wasn't approved of behavior with the people of Alabama.
The Confederacy was more about maintaining slavery than noble Generals on horseback


The focus on the impressive military valor of the Confederate Army, instead of the less noble cause of the war, is the type of thing an healthy society does, when looking at itself.

So, RW, what other cultures, do you attack like this?
Attack a culture dedicated to maintaining slavery?

Are you pretending to be too stupid to understand a simple question, or are you seriously that fucking stupid?
Your question is absurd
Befitting of a poster who supports the institution of slavery and wants to erect monuments to a slave society
Worse – to propagate the revisionist ‘history’ of a nostalgic ante-bellum South where slaves were ‘happy’ and ‘well-cared for.’

What a load of crap.
I live in NJ

Haven’t seen the monuments celebrating slavery
Why am I not shocked to find out you are ignorant of your own state's history of slavery.

Several northern states had very small slave populations...NJ is one of them

We do not celebrate that history

The poster with the geographical challenge is trying to float yet another dishonest argument, suggesting that the conflict might have been about who "had" slaves. It was not, of course --- it was about who could prohibit slavery. That was the whole point of secession --- control of the future power of the legality of slavery.

New Jersey had already abolished, like many states phasing out over time. West Virginia did the same, and even separated itself from the Confederate cause by seceding from the secession. The Confederacy's whole hangup was that they feared they would lose control over slavery and be forced to abandon it. But here's a poster who wants to distract to "where slaves existed" just like the other "leftist Alabama" klown who wants to make it about "George Washington".

I've seen nothing to indicate that that was his intent. Seems like something you pulled out of your ass.
ZERO in the post you quoted had anything to do with "cultures", "heritages" or "multiculturalism". Which is ironic since what the post called out was your attempt to deflect. It's not every brainiac that would try to counter a charge of deflection with yet another deflection.

Historical statues and celebrating history and being proud of your groups history, is part of any group's culture and heritage.

As you well know. So, that was just a dodge. and consider your dodge mocked and dismissed.

My questions stand.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I'm sorry to hear that if you don't have a statue in front of you on public property, you forget everything about history.

Nice strawman.

My question about how you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I see you are falling back on namecalling again. And here you were....complaining about others name calling you. Pretty hypocritical.

1. This who thread is nothing but retarded assholes like you, calling everyone who dares stand against you, names. Your desire to be allowed to do that, while being treated with kid gloves, is just you being pussies on top of being fucking assholes. So fuck you.

2. My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

^^ Poster's impression of Francisco Franco , still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain rheorically dead.

Still trying to sell a massive revisionist propaganda campaign as "culture'. :rofl:
If I was constantly on the wrong side of history all of the time -- I would be trying to revise it too....

But....historical facts kick neo-confederates in the ass so much, they have no choice but to try to rewrite history....

That is why they are called "Neo-Confederates" -- Neo meaning new....revised.....edited....kicked in the ass by history...

Southern Pride has been accepted in America, as harmless, even healthy regional pride and part of the larger American Patriotism and culture and heritage,

for over 5 generations.

You are the one trying to rewrite history, not US.
I live in NJ

Haven’t seen the monuments celebrating slavery
Why am I not shocked to find out you are ignorant of your own state's history of slavery.

Several northern states had very small slave populations...NJ is one of them

We do not celebrate that history

The poster with the geographical challenge is trying to float yet another dishonest argument, suggesting that the conflict might have been about who "had" slaves. It was not, of course --- it was about who could prohibit slavery. That was the whole point of secession --- control of the future power of the legality of slavery.

New Jersey had already abolished, like many states phasing out over time. West Virginia did the same, and even separated itself from the Confederate cause by seceding from the secession. The Confederacy's whole hangup was that they feared they would lose control over slavery and be forced to abandon it. But here's a poster who wants to distract to "where slaves existed" just like the other "leftist Alabama" klown who wants to make it about "George Washington".

I've seen nothing to indicate that that was his intent. Seems like something you pulled out of your ass.

Whelp --- read the post he started with and tell us what else he could have meant.
Correct. Support for such programs could have been very high. Or they could have relatively weak majorities. Or they could have been somewhat unpopular, but with a strongly motivated minority supporting them against a less motivated majority.

I don't know. I've never looked into the support that policy had at that time period, historically.

But regardless, I was asked something good about Southern Whites, and I gave one example, ie they helped a lot, in defeating HItler and the Nazis.

Do you want to address that fact, or are you just here to bog the thread down in mindless partisan race baiting pap?
Still playing dumb huh??

Ok....let's say there was a policy in the south that made it legal for black folks to go around and lynch and murder white women -- for no other reason than them being white women....they even nick name the policy Jane Crow...and on the rare occasion that someone is arrested for it -- the legal system insures that person gets off...

Obviously, it won't take a genius to deduce that most of the south would be against that.....

However, that is EXACTLY what the policy was in the south in regards to black men women and children-- that you some how claim you don't know much about....

Do you think this man would blow up a church killing four beautifule little girls and not expect legal punishment because he thought the white supremacist policy of Jim Crow wasn't popular??
View attachment 291796

How do you know that suspect didn't expect punishment? He was probably a liberal, at the point in time the crime was committed, Alabama was solidly leftist
Troll someone else.....View attachment 291800

He asked a valid point. How do you know that he was not expecting to be punished? Maybe he was prepared to pay the price for his actions? Maybe he thought he would be executed and become a martyr.

Maybe he thought he'd never be found out as the perpetrator in the bombing as well. A lot of criminals think they aren't going to get caught. He didn't come forward and admit what he did at once. My guess is he thought it wasn't approved of behavior with the people of Alabama.

That does seem pretty reasonable.
If I was constantly on the wrong side of history all of the time -- I would be trying to revise it too....

But....historical facts kick neo-confederates in the ass so much, they have no choice but to try to rewrite history....

That is why they are called "Neo-Confederates" -- Neo meaning new....revised.....edited....kicked in the ass by history...

Southern Pride has been accepted in America, as harmless, even healthy regional pride and part of the larger American Patriotism and culture and heritage,
for over 5 generations.
You are the one trying to rewrite history, not US.

Once AGAIN the dishonesty. The post you quoted doesn't even have the word "Southern" in it.
What it DOES have is the word "Confederate".

If you can't figure out the distinction between "Southern" and "Confederate", no wonder you're pissing in the wind.
Historical statues and celebrating history and being proud of your groups history, is part of any group's culture and heritage.

As you well know. So, that was just a dodge. and consider your dodge mocked and dismissed.

My questions stand.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I'm sorry to hear that if you don't have a statue in front of you on public property, you forget everything about history.

Nice strawman.

My question about how you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I see you are falling back on namecalling again. And here you were....complaining about others name calling you. Pretty hypocritical.

1. This who thread is nothing but retarded assholes like you, calling everyone who dares stand against you, names. Your desire to be allowed to do that, while being treated with kid gloves, is just you being pussies on top of being fucking assholes. So fuck you.

2. My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

^^ Poster's impression of Francisco Franco , still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain rheorically dead.

Still trying to sell a massive revisionist propaganda campaign as "culture'. :rofl:

My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I'm sorry to hear that if you don't have a statue in front of you on public property, you forget everything about history.

Nice strawman.

My question about how you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I see you are falling back on namecalling again. And here you were....complaining about others name calling you. Pretty hypocritical.

1. This who thread is nothing but retarded assholes like you, calling everyone who dares stand against you, names. Your desire to be allowed to do that, while being treated with kid gloves, is just you being pussies on top of being fucking assholes. So fuck you.

2. My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

^^ Poster's impression of Francisco Franco , still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain rheorically dead.

Still trying to sell a massive revisionist propaganda campaign as "culture'. :rofl:

My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Your "question" is and always was, complete bullshit. Because none of this has anything to do with "culture", and you were already schooled on that. Matter of fact the post you just plopped above is a carbon copy of the last time you plopped it when I personally schooled you. And yet here you are expecting different results.
I live in NJ

Haven’t seen the monuments celebrating slavery
Why am I not shocked to find out you are ignorant of your own state's history of slavery.

Several northern states had very small slave populations...NJ is one of them

We do not celebrate that history

The poster with the geographical challenge is trying to float yet another dishonest argument, suggesting that the conflict might have been about who "had" slaves. It was not, of course --- it was about who could prohibit slavery. That was the whole point of secession --- control of the future power of the legality of slavery.

New Jersey had already abolished, like many states phasing out over time. West Virginia did the same, and even separated itself from the Confederate cause by seceding from the secession. The Confederacy's whole hangup was that they feared they would lose control over slavery and be forced to abandon it. But here's a poster who wants to distract to "where slaves existed" just like the other "leftist Alabama" klown who wants to make it about "George Washington".

I've seen nothing to indicate that that was his intent. Seems like something you pulled out of your ass.

Whelp --- read the post he started with and tell us what else he could have meant.

He entered the thread shortly after RW made the fucking stupid claim that a number of issues, including slavery, was the legacy of the confederacy.

It seems likely that he was pointing out that slavery, was not solely a legacy of the Confederacy.
If I was constantly on the wrong side of history all of the time -- I would be trying to revise it too....

But....historical facts kick neo-confederates in the ass so much, they have no choice but to try to rewrite history....

That is why they are called "Neo-Confederates" -- Neo meaning new....revised.....edited....kicked in the ass by history...

Southern Pride has been accepted in America, as harmless, even healthy regional pride and part of the larger American Patriotism and culture and heritage,
for over 5 generations.
You are the one trying to rewrite history, not US.

Once AGAIN the dishonesty. The post you quoted doesn't even have the word "Southern" in it.
What it DOES have is the word "Confederate".

If you can't figure out the distinction between "Southern" and "Confederate", no wonder you're pissing in the wind.

ONe does not have to be a "neo-confederate" to support a healthy Southern Pride, or historical statues.

Biff was trying to imply that everyone on the other side of this issue, (from him) was a "neo-confederate".

That is simply not true.

I addressed his actual point and ignored his stupid semantics game. Perhaps I should not have let it pass, but regardless, you have brought up the point, and I have now pointed out that what he did was fucking stupid.
Nice strawman.

My question about how you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?
I see you are falling back on namecalling again. And here you were....complaining about others name calling you. Pretty hypocritical.

1. This who thread is nothing but retarded assholes like you, calling everyone who dares stand against you, names. Your desire to be allowed to do that, while being treated with kid gloves, is just you being pussies on top of being fucking assholes. So fuck you.

2. My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

^^ Poster's impression of Francisco Franco , still valiantly holding on in his heroic struggle to remain rheorically dead.

Still trying to sell a massive revisionist propaganda campaign as "culture'. :rofl:

My questions, that you are too much of a pussy to answer, stands.

how do you leftards decide which cultures you will judge and which you consider legitimate enough to get a pass, stands, you hypocritical asshole.

So, what other groups, do you fight with them, over their heritage?
What gives you the right to attack this culture?
Do you realize that your actions, reveal that the concept of multiculturalism has completely failed?

Your "question" is and always was, complete bullshit. Because none of this has anything to do with "culture", and you were already schooled on that. Matter of fact the post you just plopped above is a carbon copy of the last time you plopped it when I personally schooled you. And yet here you are expecting different results.

This is a front in the culture war. Other lefties in this very thread have admitted that they motive is that they will not forgive or accept a culture that did "blah, blah, blah...".

Your pretense that this is not, is just you being a normal, dishonest liberal.
Why am I not shocked to find out you are ignorant of your own state's history of slavery.

Several northern states had very small slave populations...NJ is one of them

We do not celebrate that history

The poster with the geographical challenge is trying to float yet another dishonest argument, suggesting that the conflict might have been about who "had" slaves. It was not, of course --- it was about who could prohibit slavery. That was the whole point of secession --- control of the future power of the legality of slavery.

New Jersey had already abolished, like many states phasing out over time. West Virginia did the same, and even separated itself from the Confederate cause by seceding from the secession. The Confederacy's whole hangup was that they feared they would lose control over slavery and be forced to abandon it. But here's a poster who wants to distract to "where slaves existed" just like the other "leftist Alabama" klown who wants to make it about "George Washington".

I've seen nothing to indicate that that was his intent. Seems like something you pulled out of your ass.

Whelp --- read the post he started with and tell us what else he could have meant.

He entered the thread shortly after RW made the fucking stupid claim that a number of issues, including slavery, was the legacy of the confederacy.

It seems likely that he was pointing out that slavery, was not solely a legacy of the Confederacy.

Doooooooooooon't think so since he specified not a "legacy" but the time period DURING the War.

He listed a series of states calling them "northern" states with slavery. Only one (NJ) was actually "northern", three of them were border states, and among them Missouri, West Virginia and Maryland, as well as DC, had all abolished slavery before the War ended, and that sole northern state of NJ had already done so decades earlier. So it's fairly clear both what his time frame and his purpose were.
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