Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Honest Abe stated the Civil War had nothing to do with the fact some farmers had Afro Americans working the fields during the day and getting free food and housing and all the fucking they wanted to do each night. These "plantations" never really made much profit which makes the concept of "reparations" even more absurd. It is so sad that so many folks of European descent in the mid-1800's got suckered into that concocted Civil War. It was literally a crime against humanity if there ever was one. Such tremendous military geniuses on both sides though. If they had only united and disposed of their common enemy, the Deep State (local, state and federal), the world would probably be at relative peace right now.

"Military genius" is an oxymoron. An actual genius would find a way to avoid war.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

That's a good commie fascist......
Yes, I know this all bothers you wannabe klan members. Remember when you pussies had the guts to wear your hoods? Oh wait, you pussies were hiding then, too. Nevermind.

The Klan were democrats moron

Cripes learn something

The Klan has never had a political affiliation.
Wow. Those Democrats sure are ashamed of the fact they they're the ones who gave us slavery and the Civil War.

And all this time, I thought it was only cats that like to cover up their shit.
Trying to erase history...

History is not kept in statues. It's kept in books.

Amazing how partisan hacks pretend not to know this.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.
They were pardoned.

In the aftermath of the Civil War, President Andrew Johnson on this day in 1868 issued pardons to all Confederate soldiers who fought in that conflict. The president extended “unconditionally, and without reservation ... a full pardon and amnesty for the offence [sic] of treason against the United States, or of adhering to their enemies during the late Civil War, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the Constitution and the laws.”

In his Christmas Day Proclamation, Johnson said his action would “renew and fully restore confidence and fraternal feeling among the whole, and their respect for and attachment to the national [e.g., federal] government, designed by its patriotic founders for the general good.”

All Confederate soldiers gain presidential pardons, Dec. 25, 1868

So why are morons like you trying to destroy fraternal feelings among the whole? Because you HATE America??


So does that mean the Confederates loved America.

They loved THEIR PART OF AMERICA. They were NOT too keen on the North but it wasn't they who attacked the Northern States. Once the North went South then it was no longer an ideological war; for most it was defending their homes.

The tragedy should never have happened imo.

But from 1868 on there was no Confederate America; just the USA.

Those statues you want removed are of 100% Americans. By removing them you are spitting on the generosity and Legacy of the Winners of the conflict.


Once again the wanker wants to tell us our own history.

First off, 1865, not 1868.

Second, what those statues are is a mass history-scrub campaign called the Cult of the Lost Cause. 1907 is a typical date. That's when the UDC (look that up, I'm not going to bother spelling it out) went on a massive campaign of statue and monument erections, as well as rewriting school books, all for the purpose of distorting the real meaning of the Civil War. And they did so typically in public squares, around government buildings, high traffic areas etc. In New Orleans they had an obelisk at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest spot in town, celebrating how the White League (another white supremacist group like the Klan, there were dozens of them) staged a coup against the democratically elected biracial city government and "gave us our state". That one was the first to go.

That's what this is about, that's what this has ALWAYS been about.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

That's a good commie fascist......
Yes, I know this all bothers you wannabe klan members. Remember when you pussies had the guts to wear your hoods? Oh wait, you pussies were hiding then, too. Nevermind.

The Klan were democrats moron

Cripes learn something

The Klan has never had a political affiliation.

Remind me, again, who was behind all the “violent bigotry” of the Civil War? Oh, yeah, it was Democrats. And who was behind all the vestiges of it over the last century? Democrats.

Democrats Decry the KKK While Forgetting Legacy of One of Their Own - Rasmussen Reports®
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

That's a good commie fascist......
Yes, I know this all bothers you wannabe klan members. Remember when you pussies had the guts to wear your hoods? Oh wait, you pussies were hiding then, too. Nevermind.

The Klan were democrats moron

Cripes learn something

The Klan has never had a political affiliation.

Remind me, again, who was behind all the “violent bigotry” of the Civil War? Oh, yeah, it was Democrats. And who was behind all the vestiges of it over the last century? Democrats.

Democrats Decry the KKK While Forgetting Legacy of One of Their Own - Rasmussen Reports®

Nnnnnnnnnnno Sparkles. I've seen that article before and it's bullshit. Nathan Bedford Forrest did not found the Klan, it was founded by, in alpha order, Maj.James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Maj Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed, none of whom had any known political affiliation in a time and place where political parties didn't exist anyway. Forrest did however give his first (and only) order disbanding the KKK and ordering its regalia destroyed, in January of 1869 less than two years after he was drafted to be its figurehead.

Oh and speaking of the UDC (who are directly named in the OP article) they put up this plaque memorializing the above names on the building where that founding took place, in 1917, the same period they were running around putting up all these statues and rewriting all those schoolbooks:


That building still exists but the plaque has been turned backward so it's blank. That was done a good thirty years ago and nobody complained but the Klan itself.
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How many left? Let's get rid of them all. They are just artifacts of a time when white people wanted to make sure the negroes understood who was still in charge.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?
Did Jefferson fight on the side of the British?? I don't remember......probably not since I don't see anyone flying British flags to remember their "British" heritage...

Jefferson however did own slaves and was a racist, bigoted homophobe.

Were you aware as governor of Virginia he advocated life sentences in prison for men who took it in the caboose? Were you aware that he was a slave-owner who porked his own (female) slaves? If we, as a nation, are going to remove recognition from the paisan Chris Columbus who discovered this nation and eliminate his holiday, it is appropriate to do the same for Jefferson.

He slept with Sally Henning his dead wife's half sister.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?

What in the fuck does Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? :cuckoo:
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?

What in the fuck does Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? :cuckoo:

Jefferson was a slaveowner.

Do you approve of slavery? I sure the hell don't.
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?

What in the fuck does Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? :cuckoo:

Jefferson was a slaveowner.

Do you approve of slavery? I sure the hell don't.

Jefferson was a slaveowner. As were Washington, Madison and Monroe, four of the first five POTUSes, all from Virginia.

------------------------------------------ And? This has WHAT to do with Lost Cause monuments? Jefferson died 35 years before the War even started. How do you make this giant leap from "Confederate statues" to "Thomas Jefferson"?
Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

"A North Carolina county removed a Confederate statue from a historic courthouse early on Wednesday, joining the handful of places around the state where such monuments have come down in recent years despite a law protecting them.

News outlets reported that a subdued crowd of several dozen people watched as the statue of a soldier was taken down overnight outside the historic Chatham county courthouse, where it had stood since 1907. By dawn, even the base was gone..."

Burning books will be next...
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?

What in the fuck does Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? :cuckoo:

Jefferson was a slaveowner.

Do you approve of slavery? I sure the hell don't.

Jefferson was a slaveowner. As were Washington, Madison and Monroe, four of the first five POTUSes, all from Virginia.

------------------------------------------ And? This has WHAT to do with Lost Cause monuments? Jefferson died 35 years before the War even started. How do you make this giant leap from "Confederate statues" to "Thomas Jefferson"?

Deep BLUE Virginia, the capital of the confederacy itself.

Like I said, I'm against slavery.

If you think its a good idea, we can agree to disagree.
Good! Remove all the traitor statues. Especially from courthouses.

How about Slave Owner, Tom Jefferson? Should his statue be removed from his memorial in Washington DC?

Would you be in favor of putting a statue of Trump in that memorial?

What in the fuck does Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? :cuckoo:

Jefferson was a slaveowner.

Do you approve of slavery? I sure the hell don't.

Jefferson was a slaveowner. As were Washington, Madison and Monroe, four of the first five POTUSes, all from Virginia.

------------------------------------------ And? This has WHAT to do with Lost Cause monuments? Jefferson died 35 years before the War even started. How do you make this giant leap from "Confederate statues" to "Thomas Jefferson"?

Deep BLUE Virginia, the capital of the confederacy itself.

Like I said, I'm against slavery.

If you think its a good idea, we can agree to disagree.

You didn't address the question. Twice.

For the third time now, what in the fuck does Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? OR with the Civil War?
Wow. Those Democrats sure are ashamed of the fact they they're the ones who gave us slavery and the Civil War.

And all this time, I thought it was only cats that like to cover up their shit.


Meanwhile Republicans continue to cheer on the Slave Owning Confederacy.
Wow. Those Democrats sure are ashamed of the fact they they're the ones who gave us slavery and the Civil War.

And all this time, I thought it was only cats that like to cover up their shit.


Meanwhile Republicans continue to cheer on the Slave Owning Confederacy.

Actually there were slaves in the Union too, not just the Confederacy. The GOP was formed to opposed slavery, and has continuously opposed it since the Dittoheads were established in Ripon, Wisconsin
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