Confederate statue removed from historic North Carolina courthouse

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Funny how the Confederacy is villified for having slavery for 4 years.
That is not why they are villified. What an utterly moronic thing to say. They are villified for seceding from the union and fighting to preserve slavery.

Stormfront resurrected...

And when your state Indiana abolished slavery, they immidiately passed anti-black immigration laws to keep free blacks out. I'm sure this is duly noted in your Indiana school books, Right?
You’re endorsing censorship.
False. Not allowing public funds, to pay for a statue, or for the State to sponsor it on State grounds, is not censorship. Not by any stretch of the imagination. You are still free to display all the confederate symbolism you like. Knock yourself out.
What’s wrong with the statue? Your racism?

You can't expect a black man to go to a court house to pay his taxes and have to walk past a statue to someone that fought to keep his ancestors a slave.
The truth is that today we have people who are so insecure and disenfranchised that they have to hate something, so statues it is. But this will never stop. They will go after our nations founding fathers next because some were slave owners. Then they will go after the USA flag, because there was slavery under that flag for 89 years. Where will it stop?
Funny how the Confederacy is villified for having slavery for 4 years. But the USA gets a free pass for having slavery for 89 years. And even after the Civil War was over, and all the Confederate slaves were free, the USA still had slavery.

Only in Delaware and Kentucky, and only for a few months.
The truth is that today we have people who are so insecure and disenfranchised that they have to hate something, so statues it is. But this will never stop. They will go after our nations founding fathers next because some were slave owners. Then they will go after the USA flag, because there was slavery under that flag for 89 years. Where will it stop?

Once AGAIN --- as I put it to another poster who ran away rather than answer ---- what the fuck do "our nation's founding fathers" have to do with the Confederacy or the Lost Cause, neither of which existed in their time?

What’s your problem with honoring brave fighting men?
Just caaaan't quite puzzle that one out, either, eh? You're sharp as a marble. How many Nazi soldier statures do you have? They were so brave.

There are statues of communists. Che Guevara was captured by the Bolivian people, whimpered and begged for his life, reportedly shit himself when he was given justice.

Yet, today, he is honored with statues in liberal lands.
Funny how the Confederacy is villified for having slavery for 4 years. But the USA gets a free pass for having slavery for 89 years. And even after the Civil War was over, and all the Confederate slaves were free, the USA still had slavery.

Only in Delaware and Kentucky, and only for a few months.

Wrong. And thank you for proving Northern ignorance and denial... New Jersey had slavery until the ratification of the 13th Amendment forced them to finally give it up in December 1865.
Why is the fact that the North had slavery for 200 years dating back to the colonial period and not ending until well after the Civil War was over... Covered up?
Funny how the Confederacy is villified for having slavery for 4 years. But the USA gets a free pass for having slavery for 89 years. And even after the Civil War was over, and all the Confederate slaves were free, the USA still had slavery.

Only in Delaware and Kentucky, and only for a few months.

Wrong. And thank you for proving Northern ignorance and denial... New Jersey had slavery until the ratification of the 13th Amendment forced them to finally give it up in December 1865.

I'm in Carolina Dumbass. By "Northern ignorance" you mean we're smarter than South Carolina?

NJ abolished slavery in 1804 btw.
Why is the fact that the North had slavery for 200 years dating back to the colonial period and not ending until well after the Civil War was over... Covered up?

Actually it dates back to 1526 and it's hardly "covered up". There was a whole war fought over it. Maybe you heard of it.
There was also an Electoral College designed around it.
Funny how the Confederacy is villified for having slavery for 4 years. But the USA gets a free pass for having slavery for 89 years. And even after the Civil War was over, and all the Confederate slaves were free, the USA still had slavery.

Only in Delaware and Kentucky, and only for a few months.

Wrong. And thank you for proving Northern ignorance and denial... New Jersey had slavery until the ratification of the 13th Amendment forced them to finally give it up in December 1865.

I'm in Carolina Dumbass. By "Northern ignorance" you mean we're smarter than South Carolina?

NJ abolished slavery in 1804 btw.

NJ still had slaves until the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865. And NJ voted No to the ratification the first vote. When they say they abolished slavery, the slaves still remained slaves. Later they changed the name of their slaves to "apprentices for life". Made everyone feel better.
The Union states of Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, New Jersey, and West Virginia all had slavery during the Civil War. Union General US Grant was a slave owner at one time. Union General Don Carlos Buell was also a former slave owner. The Union army did not free the slaves af a single Union State. It was left up to the States what they did about slavery.
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