Confederate Statue Removers Are Soldier Haters

I'm not a soldier hater, I just choose to pay attention to the side of history that won. Not only am I not a soldier hater, but I personally chose to serve the U.S. Military for over 20 years for this country, through no less than 4 war zones. If you want to celebrate a part of this country that lost the civil war, go right ahead and do it on private property, go ahead, just don't do it on public lands that are for everyone. Bottom line, I don't celebrate portions of this country where we lost our way. I remember it so that I don't repeat it, but I don't celebrate it.
I'm not celebrating any "side". I'm honoring SOLDIERS, who fought courageously to defend their state, county, towns, and homes from attackers, and you should too. They had nothing to do with anyone losing their way (whatever that means). Policies came from politicians, not soldiers.

You remove a soldier's statue? >>> You're a soldier hater.

Benedict Arnold was a soldier, as well as a traitor like Lee. Should we celebrate him as well?
It is my contention that those who want to remove the statues of Confederate soldiers, are soldier haters. That's my charge, and I'm sticking with it. In this thread, you know who you are, and we all know),

So go ahead and defend yourselves. You've been charged. What do you have to say in your own defense?

Or do you just accept the charge, and agree with it ?

Actually it was understood from the start that that was the premise, and it was shot down then. It had its legs cut off by Reality. Post number THREE and developed in much detail thereafter.

Pretending that never happened and babbling on like Monty Python's black knight with no limbs doesn't change that.

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LOL- not my job to make sense out of your word puzzle.

It's not a puzzle by any means. Any sensible person would know. You assuredly knew, too. You just like to be dense. You may be Pogo 's brother.

Again- you seem to be bothered that I read your actual words.

Not the words you haven't written.

So, you think I really thought the confederacy was founded in 1776 and then reestablished in 1789?

I really don't know the extent of your ignorance.

Answer the question, coward.

LOL- I answered it- I don't know the extent of your ignorance- but as I see more and more of your posts, I am leaning towards you actually not knowing when the Confederacy was formed- or what happened in 1789.
It is my contention that those who want to remove the statues of Confederate soldiers, are soldier haters.

It is my contention that those who defend the statues of Confederate soldiers are African American haters.

Prove me wrong.
Next thing you know these morons will want us erecting statues to Nidal Hasan, Robert Hanssen, John Walker Jr, and Julius Rosenberg.
It's not a puzzle by any means. Any sensible person would know. You assuredly knew, too. You just like to be dense. You may be Pogo 's brother.

Again- you seem to be bothered that I read your actual words.

Not the words you haven't written.

So, you think I really thought the confederacy was founded in 1776 and then reestablished in 1789?

I really don't know the extent of your ignorance.

Answer the question, coward.

LOL- I answered it- I don't know the extent of your ignorance- but as I see more and more of your posts, I am leaning towards you actually not knowing when the Confederacy was formed- or what happened in 1789.

Well, your answer demonstrates your propensity to be a deuche; and I can see why you didn't want to answer it. If you said I knew, that'd indicate you were just being a deuche for the sake of it. If you said no, then you'd have to admit that your response was based on presuming I don't know what virtually every fifth grader knows, simple historical dates which I had precisely cited in the scope of an argument. And that of course, is a pube thing to do.
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Again- you seem to be bothered that I read your actual words.

Not the words you haven't written.

So, you think I really thought the confederacy was founded in 1776 and then reestablished in 1789?

I really don't know the extent of your ignorance.

Answer the question, coward.

LOL- I answered it- I don't know the extent of your ignorance- but as I see more and more of your posts, I am leaning towards you actually not knowing when the Confederacy was formed- or what happened in 1789.

Well, your answer demonstrates your propensity to be a deuche;.

Well, your answer demonstrates your propensity to be an asshole- rather than have substantive discussions.
Again- you seem to be bothered that I read your actual words.

Not the words you haven't written.

So, you think I really thought the confederacy was founded in 1776 and then reestablished in 1789?

I really don't know the extent of your ignorance.

Answer the question, coward.

LOL- I answered it- I don't know the extent of your ignorance- but as I see more and more of your posts, I am leaning towards you actually not knowing when the Confederacy was formed- or what happened in 1789.

Well, your answer demonstrates your propensity to be a deuche; and I can see why you didn't want to answer it. If you said I knew, that'd indicate you were just being a deuche for the sake of it. If you said no, then you'd have to admit that your response was based on presuming I don't know what virtually every fifth grader knows, simple historical dates which I had precisely cited in the scope of an argument. And that of course, is a pube thing to do.

Dafuck is a "deuche"? Is that when you get dealt a two of clubs and take it into the shower? :dunno:

Never gonna happen. The communities around those bases depend HEAVILY on the military economically.

You guys keep calling me a "loony leftist lib", and even I have a problem with the SPLC trying something like this. However, the language in your link is kinda slanted heavily towards the right, so I think I'm gonna do a Google search to see if this is really true.

Never gonna happen. The communities around those bases depend HEAVILY on the military economically.

You guys keep calling me a "loony leftist lib", and even I have a problem with the SPLC trying something like this. However, the language in your link is kinda slanted heavily towards the right, so I think I'm gonna do a Google search to see if this is really true.

It's bullshit. Both the Daily Caller :rolleyes: and shoot-em-in-the-face wacko lady are lying through their teeth.

The DC article says, "The list makes no mention of renaming namesakes of Confederate monuments; taking the monuments down is presented as the only option." and yet the SPLC page it links to clearly says, "Please send a Letter to the Editor to your local newspaper to take down or rename the Confederate symbols in your community"

Clearly the conjunction OR renders "only option" a bald-faced lie.

Moreover Fort Bragg is the largest military installation in the world. Obviously their point is to rename the facility, which was named --- once again in 1918, the peak of Lost Cause revisionism ---- for a CSA officer. That's all there is to it. Yet dishonest blogs like this deliberately distort and then link to the page that debunks them. Hard to believe.

That map is a cool tool though. You can scan around and see the remarkable pattern on the dates they were put there. Remarkably consistent. What a shocker.
So, you think I really thought the confederacy was founded in 1776 and then reestablished in 1789?

I really don't know the extent of your ignorance.

Answer the question, coward.

LOL- I answered it- I don't know the extent of your ignorance- but as I see more and more of your posts, I am leaning towards you actually not knowing when the Confederacy was formed- or what happened in 1789.

Well, your answer demonstrates your propensity to be a deuche;.

Well, your answer demonstrates your propensity to be an asshole- rather than have substantive discussions.

That's not how I'd put it; but yea, I have a propensity to not suffer deuches who allegedly operate on the assumption that I don't know the most basic of American history or otherwise pretend to not know my meaning for the sake of not regarding a point.
“I’m 54 years old. I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask most black people to be honest, they ain’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues. What we as black people need to do: we need to worry about getting our education, we need to stop killing each other, we need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity and things like that. [...] I’m wasting my time and energy screaming at a neo-Nazi or [saying] ‘Man, you’ve got to take this statue down.’”

--Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley's common sense on Confederate statues makes him a hero for our time
“I’m 54 years old. I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask most black people to be honest, they ain’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues. What we as black people need to do: we need to worry about getting our education, we need to stop killing each other, we need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity and things like that. [...] I’m wasting my time and energy screaming at a neo-Nazi or [saying] ‘Man, you’ve got to take this statue down.’”

--Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley's common sense on Confederate statues makes him a hero for our time

I have no doubt Charles Barkley as he's being chauffered from penthouse to hotel to airport, doesn't encounter such statues, as he says. So why is he even opining on them? I've never encountered an anteater, a topic on which I've been strangely silent. :dunno:

But if I did --- how the fuck would that make me a "hero" rather than a wag who likes the sound of his own voice?
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