Confedrate history about race?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
In the 1870s and 1880s, the decoration of Confederate graves with flowers and flags and celebratory speeches and parades increasingly signaled a commitment to what came to be called the "Lost Cause," a decidedly partisan and self-consciously politicized account of the Civil War.

Confederate history is about race -
It's amazing how most people forget or are simply ignorant about the negroes that had also fought and died for the Southern cause.


Thank you for showing those pictures of Black Americans who also served in the Civil War. I knew about it and I'm sure a lot of other people do too. I just get so tired of Blacks and Whites who don't like each other and what I want to know is why? We are all human beings who live on this earth together and when there is a major disaster then we forget that we are different..but why does it take something like that to bring us together? Fortunately, I live in a neighborhood where the people both Black and White could care less about the color of our skin...we are there for each other no matter what!! God is so good!!:clap2:
It's amazing how most people forget or are simply ignorant about the negroes that had also fought and died for the Southern cause.



So what point are you trying to make?

Slavery was acceptable because the south had black troops?
It's a possibility since they lived in a time when they did not have a voice. They could not speak up for themselves and the family dog was treated better than they were. So if the master told them they had to fight in that war, what would their answer be but, "Yeah, massah".?
Do you think those slaves were ordered to fight for their masters?

or afraid of their masters and felt they had no choice

or indoctrinated and brainwashed

one can also find jews who worked with hitler

to the typical conservative......the only BAD slavery is the IMAGINARY slavery that cons believe they are being subjected to by liberals, democrats and obama

they have no problem with enslaving other people...
It's amazing how most people forget or are simply ignorant about the negroes that had also fought and died for the Southern cause.



Silly comment. Very, very few blacks "fought and died" for master race democracy, whereas more than 33 thousand died for the North.
Thank you for showing those pictures of Black Americans who also served in the Civil War. I knew about it and I'm sure a lot of other people do too. I just get so tired of Blacks and Whites who don't like each other and what I want to know is why? We are all human beings who live on this earth together and when there is a major disaster then we forget that we are different..but why does it take something like that to bring us together? Fortunately, I live in a neighborhood where the people both Black and White could care less about the color of our skin...we are there for each other no matter what!! God is so good!!:clap2:

You're stoned.
I think of JFK's comment about all of us inhabiting a "small planet" when I read lunacy such as WJ's.
The overwhelming numbers of those who defend Southern heritage seemed to be rooted either in outright or closet racism.
And weren't they already being robbed and raped from their southern owners? They couldn't win for losing could they?
And weren't they already being robbed and raped from their southern owners? They couldn't win for losing could they?

Slavery doesn't justify the actions of the northern troops that were, if we take the word of this author of the article in the OP, only trying to liberate the slaves.
Rape and robbery and murder are never justified. But neither does the excess by some northern troops excuse the wholesale barbarism of the Southern master race democracy resting on the backs of captive labor.

I know, KK, that you have trouble believing that the "right" was done by the defeat of the South. Even so, your belief does not excuse your error.
Rape and robbery and murder are never justified. But neither does the excess by some northern troops excuse the wholesale barbarism of the Southern master race democracy resting on the backs of captive labor.

I know, KK, that you have trouble believing that the "right" was done by the defeat of the South. Even so, your belief does not excuse your error.

Of course that's an incorrect view of the southern economy, which was industrializing and becoming far less dependent on slavery. Which means that the massacre of innocent southern civilians, and slaves, was wholly unnecessary to "free" the slaves, not that that was the motivation for massacring said innocent civilians and slaves in the first place, of course.
No, the power of the slave labor agriculture was growing dramatically requiring a minor amount of diversification industrially to serve it. Remember that 90% of every dollar directly or indirectly for capital investment was in cotton. Nice try, still out at first by five steps.
Do you think those slaves were ordered to fight for their masters?

Or perhaps they wanted to defend their homes and families from the northern troops who were robbing, raping, and murdering them.

Yeah they were fighting the people who wanted them to have freedom.

you people are insane

If you define freedom as being raped, robbed, or killed then I'd have to say yes. As for the northern troops wanting the slaves to have freedom, get real. Where do you think the south got the ideas for its Jim Crow laws? The north.

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