Confirmation of more Trump corruption.

I speak fact. Any day, The PM in Canada can join him. The world would be better off.
The Canadians are in charge of who they can and do choose their PM. I don't think their parliament has many truckers in its makeup, but who knows?

And under the United States Constitution, sir you are entitled to speak freely as well you know, and the warriors in my family put their lives on the line to ensure we can all speak our minds, hallelujah. My American grandma refused to allow the girls in the family to curtsy to anyone, saying our line does not bow to monarchs nor anyone else for that matter. But she also didn't mind pointing out that some people say more than they think. Not a one of her children or grandchildren escaped that little improvement! :heehee:
When you get to the point where you wish cancer on a fellow human being perhaps it's time to unplug from right wing media for a while. It's caused you to lose your humanity.

I knew leftists were inhuman long before I ever ever heard of "right-wing media."

I used to be one of those myself.
memo pulls back the curtain on this shameful conduct and shows clearly how the Trump Admin secretly tried to manipulate the census for political gain while lying to the public about their goals

Meh, NPR has had the TDS since Trump walked down those stairs and announced his candidacy.

Besides Trump's plan had huge popular support as most sensible folks do not think non-citizens should be counted at least as far as congressional representation goes..

They can't vote so why should a state be over-represented in congress based on the number of non-citizen bodies in a state.

The dems should have acted like they had some sense and maybe they would have not lost seats to FL and TX at the expense of CA and NY.

They are going to shit come 2030 when the border states take more seats away from them due to the disaster on the border and the continuing exodus from the libtard states.
Meh, NPR has had the TDS since Trump walked down those stairs and announced his candidacy.

Besides Trump's plan had huge popular support as most sensible folks do not think non-citizens should be counted at least as far as congressional representation goes..

They can't vote so why should a state be over-represented in congress based on the number of non-citizen bodies in a state.

The dems should have acted like they had some sense and maybe they would have not lost seats to FL and TX at the expense of CA and NY.

They are going to shit come 2030 when the border states take more seats away from them due to the disaster on the border and the continuing exodus from the libtard states.
You have to amend the Constitution.

Instead they lied to the Supreme Court.
It either passed constitutional muster or not and it didn't so it's all good.....What, did you expect the lawyers involved not to present their case in the best possible light?
I expect lawyers to not lie before judges. Those that don’t should face punishment.
Check out rule 11b of the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure.
Rule 11(c)(2)(B) — “Monetary sanctions may not be awarded . . .” If the court sees a violation in front of it, it must hold a ‘show cause’ hearing. In other words, if the court sees a violation of Rule 11, a sanction is not automatic. Although sanctions may be swift, you cannot lose due process. Rule 11(c)(3) — “Order. When imposing sanctions, the court shall describe the conduct . . .” Simply, the court must outline what you did wrong so that you (and an appellate court) know what violation the court has determined you have committed.

So was there a hearing? No? Then it's a non-issue.....Nice try. ;)
Rule 11(c)(2)(B) — “Monetary sanctions may not be awarded . . .” If the court sees a violation in front of it, it must hold a ‘show cause’ hearing. In other words, if the court sees a violation of Rule 11, a sanction is not automatic. Although sanctions may be swift, you cannot lose due process. Rule 11(c)(3) — “Order. When imposing sanctions, the court shall describe the conduct . . .” Simply, the court must outline what you did wrong so that you (and an appellate court) know what violation the court has determined you have committed.

So was there a hearing? No? Then it's a non-issue.....Nice try. ;)
All I said is that lawyers who lie should be punished and there’s rules under which they could do so.

But I don’t expect the corrupt conservative justices to allow their buddies to face consequences for violating the rules.

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