Confirmed: Barack Obama Is – Worst. Economic. President. Ever.

And yet, the Republicans were so bad, they couldn't beat him.
And yet, the Republicans were so bad, they couldn't beat him.

true..but when you run one of the dirtiest campaigns I have ever seen. talk about someones tax returns or how he is some vulture who pushes grandmas over cliffs in their wheelchair...obama never has to bring up his record with 8% unemployment his whole first term or talk about the economy, etc etc....and still 48% of the people VOTED against him
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God you cons are DIM.
just keep tell each other the same lies does not make them any more true, in the REAL WORLD.

Take this economic "Gloom and Doom" vomit you knuckle draggers like to keep burping up.

IN THE REAL WORLD, where facts are relevant, the economic news looks like this:

"Brookings Institution-FT Index: US Only ‘Bright Spot’ in Global Economy"

The United States is “the sole bright spot” in the global economy, even though it faces the threat of another recession despite coordinated monetary easing by major central banks, according to the latest Brookings Institution-Financial Times Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery (TIGER) tracking index.

The latest report shows momentum in the global economy slackening despite action by the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England to boost the recovery, the Financial Times reported.

“The U.S. economy remains the sole bright spot, with economic activity, employment and financial markets all showing unexpected although still modest strength.”

Economic data and confidence measures have deteriorated this year among the Group of 20 leading developed and emerging economies, with the exception of the United States.

Financial markets, however, have held up, with the financial component of the index at its strongest since June 2011, the Times reported.

Economic momentum has also faltered in formerly strong economies, including the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India and China.)

Economic slow down ALL OVER THE PLANET!
Fox news doesn't tell you this kind of real news

Brookings Institution-FT index: US Only ?Bright Spot? in Global Economy

Brookings Institution-FT index: US Only ?Bright Spot? in Global Economy

and a hundred more sources.
MORE REAL Economic news for the DIM cons.

"U.S. Deficit Shrinking At Fastest Pace Since WWII, Before Fiscal Cliff
Believe it or not, the federal deficit has fallen faster over the past three years than it has in any such stretch since demobilization from World War II.

In fact, outside of that post-WWII era, the only time the deficit has fallen faster was when the economy relapsed in 1937, turning the Great Depression into a decade-long affair.

If U.S. history offers any guide, we are already testing the speed limits of a fiscal consolidation that doesn't risk backfiring

U.S. Deficit Shrinking At Fastest Pace Since WWII, Before Fiscal Cliff -
the worst President all the way around..
a lot of links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 10:35 AM

We already knew:

** Barack Obama is the worst jobs president since the Great Depression.
** Poverty is at its highest rate since 1960′s.
** America is experiencing its worst economic recovery ever.
** There are more Americans on food stamps than entire population of Spain.
** A record number of Americans are seeking jobs.
** Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus failed.
** Under Obama’s leadership we had four straight years of trillion dollar deficits.
** 8.8 million Americans are on disability.

Now we can confirm that Barack Obama is the Worst Economic President in US history.

In fact, if President Obama could go back in time and find a way to double his GDP performance, he’d still hold the record for the worst economic president in the past 60 years.
The Las Vegas Review Journal reported:

all of it here
Confirmed: Barack Obama Is ? Worst. Economic. President. Ever. | The Gateway Pundit

Sorry, the word "confirmed" doesn't go on the same page with the name "Jim Hoft".

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