CONFIRMED: Comey Decided Not to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over

The amount of effort Obama, Lynch, Comey, Wasserman-Schultz, the DNC, and Democrats went to in order to keep Hillary from going to jail so she could be their DNC Presidential Nominee is amazing...and still being exposed.

But the best of all easy65 is that this is all coming out because Comey wanted to screw over Trump. I LOVE IT!
would you still play fucked up wordsmith games

I'm not the one claiming Comey's statement on the FBI's recommendation to the DOJ as an exoneration of Sec. Clinton. I simple don't believe his rationale for that decision as explained, exonerates her handling Classified data carelessly. Nor is it important that he was pretty sure of the evidence and what his decision would be a month before it's release.
He prevented the appropriate indictment of the proven criminal, Hillary Clinton, having written the decision to do so before the investigation was over.

Though libs try to, they can not spin this one.

There is too much EVIDENCE.
I told you she wouldn't be charged, ever. The Clintons have too much dirt on too many Washington insiders they are immune to prosecution.
The level of exposed crime and cover-up is monumental, of epic proportions...
Once Obama got caught up in the net, there wasn't a chance in hell anything was going to happen to Hillary.

D.C. Is corrupt as hell.
Independent Counsel
- Hillary Clinton
- James Comey
- Loretta Lynch
- Susan Rice
- John Koskinen
- Brennan
- Clapper
- Obama

Independent Counsel
- Hillary Clinton
- James Comey
- Loretta Lynch
- Susan Rice
- John Koskinen
- Brennan
- Clapper
- Obama


How are the Obama IRS gestapo not in prison?
would you still play fucked up wordsmith games

I'm not the one claiming Comey's statement on the FBI's recommendation to the DOJ as an exoneration of Sec. Clinton. I simple don't believe his rationale for that decision as explained, exonerates her handling Classified data carelessly. Nor is it important that he was pretty sure of the evidence and what his decision would be a month before it's release.
He prevented the appropriate indictment of the proven criminal, Hillary Clinton, having written the decision to do so before the investigation was over.

Though libs try to, they can not spin this one.

There is too much EVIDENCE.
not sure if he's trying to defend hillary or just say "exonerate" really isn't the proper word for it. he did slap her around some but just didn't push forward with charges. exonerate is more they did nothing wrong.
Time to put Comey back on the stand under oath.
Being under oath, if you hadn't noticed, doesn't even slow Libetals down from lying their asses off.

Holder, Koskinen, Clapper - all were busted perpetrating Perjury. Comey at least admitted under oath he illegally leaked classified.
Time to put Comey back on the stand under oath.
Being under oath, if you hadn't noticed, doesn't even slow Libetals down from lying their asses off.

Holder, Koskinen, Clapper - all were busted perpetrating Perjury. Comey at least admitted under oath he illegally leaked classified.
If we had a party with balls he'd go to prison for lying under oath.
I heard today that Congress is indeed considering putting Comey back under oath to testify again...

This 100% proves Hillary was being protected and was never going to be alliwed to be indicted, but snowflakes are still denying it.
What it really proves is that Comey is part of "Deep State" and wants you to think this is what happened on 911...

Independent Counsel
- Hillary Clinton
- James Comey
- Loretta Lynch
- Susan Rice
- John Koskinen
- Brennan
- Clapper
- Obama

What kills me, is that why some people cannot see that Barak Obama is indeed still running The Federal Government.
That is what THE FAKE RUSSIAN NARRATIVE was designed to do, and morphed in to, when it did not accomplish the purpose of swaying The Election for Clinton.

  • Disrupt The Peaceful Transition of Power
  • Tie the hands of lawfully appointed heads of departments, bureaus, agencies
  • Delay and obstruct the replacement of Clinton & Obama cronies running the Government so they can still engage in undermining The Trump Administration, block his Agenda, and maintain control of The Government.

Why is McCabe (Obama Appointee) still running The FBI?
Why is Meuller essentially in control of both The DOJ and FBI?
Why is Rosenstein (Obama Appointee) running the DOJ?
Why is Koskinen (Obama Appointee) running the IRS?
Why are there 800 Obama appointees and holdovers still running our government?
Why do Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Brennen, Clapper, Powers, Comey, Clinton & Obama still have their security clearances?
Why won't anyone subpoena THE DNC SERVER?
Why won't THE FBI let The American people look at Clinton's Emails?
I just watched the video footage of Comey under oath testifying before Congress last time.

He was asked directly:
- "Did you make the decision not to indict Hillary Clinton before or after the investigation was over?"

Comey replied, "AFTER".


The only real question is why Republicans, like Chaffetz don't have the balls to use the word 'Perjury'. After the video showing Comey PERJURED himself, Chaffetz said Comey had been 'less than candid'.

He was right about 1 thing, though - After this Comey is no longer a 'credible witness' for anything.

I also heard Congress is considering calling Comey to testify again. WHY? Comey can't be trusted to be honest, and they already have him 'dead to rights' having committed Perjury.

They need to forget about Subpoenaing him and just go ahead and INDICT him.
This latest revelation should revive the call for / provide the evidence that a 2nd Special Counsel is needed.
nice quote, but maybe you missed it on tv when he said "no intent / no prosecution".

Maybe you don't understand the legal requirement for felony conviction for mishandling classified documents, which does not require intent. Like any other felony offense, you either did it, or you didn't! The fix was in from the get go, Comey is a liar and our legal system is no longer applied equally, because the political class and elites are immune from the law!
nice quote, but maybe you missed it on tv when he said "no intent / no prosecution".

Maybe you don't understand the legal requirement for felony conviction for mishandling classified documents, which does not require intent. Like any other felony offense, you either did it, or you didn't! The fix was in from the get go, Comey is a liar and our legal system is no longer applied equally, because the political class and elites are immune from the law!
maybe you don't understand, i was fucking with the other guy i was talking to.

she should be in jail.

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