Confirmed: McCain Assoc. David Kramer Gave Trump-Russia Pee-Pee Dossier to Comey & Buzfeed

He, McCain, was a shitbag for helping out the Deep State cabal, and for voting against his constituent's best interests just to spitefully stick a finger in Trump's eye.
McCain was a traitor, collaborator and got Navy airmen killed with the information he freely gave when he was captured, within an hour of capture.

He should have been strung up, but instead was treated like a hero because his daddy was a well connected admiral in DC.
SAdly nothing will ever happen to these people. Leftist Media will ignore it and our politicians in D.C. will never do anything. Really, we do desperately need NOW a Second American Revolution....unfortunately many of our children will have to be victims!...Franklin was right ..."If we can keep it!"

David Kramer, an associate of Senator John McCain, invoked his Fifth Amendment right to not testify to Congress in connection to his role in distribution of the fake Russia dossier to the FBI.

Kramer was briefed by the Russian dossier author Christopher Steele in London in 2016.

The Russian dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The junk dossier was used as evidence in a FISA court hearing as evidence to spy on Trump volunteer Carter Page — in October 2016.

Kramer then returned back to the US and delivered the phony dossier to John McCain. McCain handed the document over to the FBI.

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How dare anyone tell the truth about Donald the sociopath. Lol
He, McCain, was a shitbag for helping out the Deep State cabal, and for voting against his constituent's best interests just to spitefully stick a finger in Trump's eye.
McCain was a traitor, collaborator and got Navy airmen killed with the information he freely gave when he was captured, within an hour of capture.

He should have been strung up, but instead was treated like a hero because his daddy was a well connected admiral in DC.
No. Donald is a traitor, loon
No secret that the late ingrate John McCain had a manic hatred of Donald Trump and did whatever he could
(including enabling the failed Steele Dossier and screwing over his constituents by going back on his promise to vote down Obama Care) to put a knife in his back. He was a real hateful prick!

I'm glad he's dead, he was a malignant piece of shit just like that parasite Ted Kennedy.
How dare anyone tell the truth about Donald the sociopath. Lol

Weapons Grade Stupidity on full display right there folks, if there was ever an abortion that should have taken place Jilly is it. The constant theft of oxygen by this fucking imbecile is an abomination to the trees.

He, McCain, was a shitbag for helping out the Deep State cabal, and for voting against his constituent's best interests just to spitefully stick a finger in Trump's eye.
McCain was a traitor, collaborator and got Navy airmen killed with the information he freely gave when he was captured, within an hour of capture.

He should have been strung up, but instead was treated like a hero because his daddy was a well connected admiral in DC.
Jilian, you a are a fucking idiot if you think McCains Admiral Dad getting him off scot free for all his boys shenanigans is funny.

No, wait, you are an idiot, I know that already, but do you have to wear it like a badge of honor?

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