Confirmed! Rich People Live Off The Work Of Others!

One more time: how do the folks posting in this thread make their money?
Hey, they haven't done it nearly as long as freely given charity has, nor nearly as effectively

Where are you getting the idea that charity has helped more than government when it comes to helping the poor? Aren't you just making stuff up?

Where are you getting the idea that government has helped more than charity when it comes to helping the poor? Aren't you just making stuff up?

Oh, and by the way, charity has existed longer than government.
Because he's fool enough to believe them when they say; "We from da gubmint and we here ta help." :lol:
Hint: It's none of your goddamn business how anyone makes their money, as long as they're not physically harming you, let alone is it any good reason to covet what they have.
What's amazing is that the same people who benefit from corporations, patents, copyrights, courts, contract law, roads, and money itself (all creations of government) suddenly decide government is worthless when it comes time to pay their taxes.

It's like they're constantly sawing at the branch they're sitting on, while claiming they built the tree themselves.
Hint: It's none of your goddamn business how anyone makes their money, let alone is it any good reason to covet what they have.

And to return the favor: Hint: I'm not asking because I envy you. :cuckoo: I'm asking to see if you meet the usual profile of angry internet 'libertarians'.
What's amazing is that the same people who benefit from corporations, patents, copyrights, courts, contract law, roads, and money itself (all creations of government) suddenly decide government is worthless when it comes time to pay their taxes.

It's like they're constantly sawing at the branch they're sitting on, while claiming they built the tree themselves.

I love it. :eusa_clap:

Many of them have convinced themselves that they do it entirely by their own efforts and brilliance.
Fuck off, boy....You're as envious and covetous as they come.

And it's still none of your business how anyone derives their income, no matter how much you want to rationalize stealing it.
According to this, the effective tax rate for this group has declined from almost 30% in the 90s to about 16 or 17% today - Evan as their share of all income has increased.
Tough shit.

Go get a job, you looter.

That's sort of the point. The people who work - the profit creators - have jobs. They work. The rich, on the other hand - the profit takers - don't work. At least, not unless they feel like it.

Like most middle income Americans, I have a job. I work. The richest of the rich, on the other hand, mostly don't. They consume.

Those who own property spend most of their day trying to assure that someone doesn't take it from them.

You should try owning something that has a return to it. It's not a matter of working if you feel like it. It's a matter of working because you'll lose it if you don't.
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One more time: how do the folks posting in this thread make their money?

I wouldn't trust anyone's answer here. Half the people are pretending to be millionaires - most of them are probably lucky to have any kind of job at all.
Fuck off, boy....You're as envious and covetous as they come.

I can't imagine what you have that I'd want.

My family has done well, and I'm personally content, but I have this ethical problem with doing well while others aren't. A side effect of being raised by folks who worked for a living.
What's amazing is that the same people who benefit from corporations, patents, copyrights, courts, contract law, roads, and money itself (all creations of government) suddenly decide government is worthless when it comes time to pay their taxes.

It's like they're constantly sawing at the branch they're sitting on, while claiming they built the tree themselves.
Damn....You actually have to be trying to be this dopey.

All of those functions of lawful government operated just fine before 1913 and the income tax....There were plenty of taxes collected, too.

Next brain dead and entirely devoid of historical understanding red herring, anyone?
Fuck off, boy....You're as envious and covetous as they come.

I can't imagine what you have that I'd want.

My family has done well, and I'm personally content, but I have this ethical problem with doing well while others aren't. A side effect of being raised by folks who worked for a living.
Oh, so it's guilt rather than envy....My mistake....I stand corrected.

Go see a shrink and leave the rest of us alone.
One more time: how do the folks posting in this thread make their money?

I wouldn't trust anyone's answer here. Half the people are pretending to be millionaires - most of them are probably lucky to have any kind of job at all.

Nailed it again. Scrapping by, but some nut on the radio has convinced them that if they let the looters at the top of the income pile have their way, someday they might be rich, too.
What's amazing is that the same people who benefit from corporations, patents, copyrights, courts, contract law, roads, and money itself (all creations of government) suddenly decide government is worthless when it comes time to pay their taxes.

It's like they're constantly sawing at the branch they're sitting on, while claiming they built the tree themselves.

I love it. :eusa_clap:

Many of them have convinced themselves that they do it entirely by their own efforts and brilliance.

Thanks. Maybe they think the tree will fall down, but their branch will say in the air.
Fuck off, boy....You're as envious and covetous as they come.

I can't imagine what you have that I'd want.

My family has done well, and I'm personally content, but I have this ethical problem with doing well while others aren't. A side effect of being raised by folks who worked for a living.
Oh, so it's guilt rather than envy....My mistake....I stand corrected.

Go see a shrink and leave the rest of us alone.

A shrink can't remove a conscience. Besides, it's served me well over the years. I don't want to change course now.
What's amazing is that the same people who benefit from corporations, patents, copyrights, courts, contract law, roads, and money itself (all creations of government) suddenly decide government is worthless when it comes time to pay their taxes.

It's like they're constantly sawing at the branch they're sitting on, while claiming they built the tree themselves.

I love it. :eusa_clap:

Many of them have convinced themselves that they do it entirely by their own efforts and brilliance.

Thanks. Maybe they think the tree will fall down, but their branch will say in the air.

One more time: how do the folks posting in this thread make their money?

I wouldn't trust anyone's answer here. Half the people are pretending to be millionaires - most of them are probably lucky to have any kind of job at all.

Nailed it again. Scrapping by, but some nut on the radio has convinced them that if they let the looters at the top of the income pile have their way, someday they might be rich, too.
Fuck off again, boy....I don't need any goofball on the radio to tell me how to mind my own business and live and let live.

Someone who has more than I have, even if it's A LOT more, does no harm to me....I don't begrudge him his fortune and high living any more than I begrudge you your particular lifestyle.

Maybe when you move out of your parents' basement you'll figure it out.
I can't imagine what you have that I'd want.

My family has done well, and I'm personally content, but I have this ethical problem with doing well while others aren't. A side effect of being raised by folks who worked for a living.
Oh, so it's guilt rather than envy....My mistake....I stand corrected.

Go see a shrink and leave the rest of us alone.

A shrink can't remove a conscience. Besides, it's served me well over the years. I don't want to change course now.
Don't bullshit me, boy...I'm a lot wiser than that.

You're gravely mistaking a conscience for a sense of guilt....A good shrink will be able to help you with such distinctions.
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